Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace core_h5p;

use core_h5p\file_storage;
use core_h5p\local\library\autoloader;
use core_h5p\helper;
use file_archive;
use moodle_exception;
use ReflectionMethod;
use stored_file;
use zip_archive;

 * Test class covering the H5PFileStorage interface implementation.
 * @package    core_h5p
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2019 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
class file_storage_test extends \advanced_testcase {

    /** @var \core_h5p\file_storage H5P file storage instance */
    protected $h5p_file_storage;
    /** @var \file_storage Core Moodle file_storage associated to the H5P file_storage */
    protected $h5p_fs_fs;
    /** @var \context Moodle context of the H5P file_storage */
    protected $h5p_fs_context;
    /** @var string Path to temp directory */
    protected $h5p_tempath;
    /** @var \core_h5p_generator  H5P generator instance */
    protected $h5p_generator;
    /** @var array $files an array used in the cache tests. */
    protected $files = ['scripts' => [], 'styles' => []];
    /** @var int $libraryid an id for the library. */
    protected $libraryid = 1;

    protected function setUp(): void {


        // Fetch generator.
        $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator();
        $this->h5p_generator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p');

        // Create file_storage_instance and create H5P temp directory.
        $this->h5p_file_storage = new file_storage();
        $this->h5p_tempath = $this->h5p_file_storage->getTmpPath();

        // Get value of protected properties.
        $h5p_fs_rc = new \ReflectionClass(file_storage::class);
        $h5p_file_storage_context = $h5p_fs_rc->getProperty('context');
        $this->h5p_fs_context = $h5p_file_storage_context->getValue($this->h5p_file_storage);

        $h5p_file_storage_fs = $h5p_fs_rc->getProperty('fs');
        $this->h5p_fs_fs = $h5p_file_storage_fs->getValue($this->h5p_file_storage);

     * Test that given the main directory of a library that all files are saved
     * into the file system.
    public function test_saveLibrary(): void {

        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 1;
        $minorversion = 0;
        [$lib, $files] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($this->h5p_tempath, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,

        // Now run the API call.

        // Check that files are in the Moodle file system.
        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, '1', "/{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}/", 'library.json');
        $filepath = "/{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}/";
        $this->assertEquals($filepath, $file->get_filepath());

        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, '1', "/{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}/scripts/", 'testlib.min.js');
        $jsfilepath = "{$filepath}scripts/";
        $this->assertEquals($jsfilepath, $file->get_filepath());

        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, '1', "/{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}/styles/", 'testlib.min.css');
        $cssfilepath = "{$filepath}styles/";
        $this->assertEquals($cssfilepath, $file->get_filepath());

     * Test that a content file can be saved.
    public function test_saveContent(): void {

        $source = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'content.json';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->saveContent($this->h5p_tempath, ['id' => 5]);

        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, '5', '/', 'content.json');
        $this->assertEquals(file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $file->get_filearea());
        $this->assertEquals('content.json', $file->get_filename());
        $this->assertEquals(5, $file->get_itemid());

     * Test that content files located on the file system can be deleted.
    public function test_deleteContent(): void {

        $source = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'content.json';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->saveContent($this->h5p_tempath, ['id' => 5]);

        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, '5', '/', 'content.json');
        $this->assertEquals('content.json', $file->get_filename());

        // Now to delete the record.
        $this->h5p_file_storage->deleteContent(['id' => 5]);
        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, '5', '/', 'content.json');

     * Test that returning a temp path returns what is expected by the h5p library.
    public function test_getTmpPath(): void {

        $temparray = explode('/', $this->h5p_tempath);
        $h5pdirectory = array_pop($temparray);
        $this->assertTrue(stripos($h5pdirectory, 'h5p-') === 0);

     * Test that the content files can be exported to a specified location.
    public function test_exportContent(): void {

        // Create a file to store.
        $source = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'content.json';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->saveContent($this->h5p_tempath, ['id' => 5]);

        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, '5', '/', 'content.json');
        $this->assertEquals('content.json', $file->get_filename());

        // Now export it.
        $destinationdirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'testdir';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->exportContent(5, $destinationdirectory);
        // Check that there is a file now in that directory.
        $contents = scandir($destinationdirectory);
        $value = array_search('content.json', $contents);
        $this->assertEquals('content.json', $contents[$value]);

     * Test that libraries on the file system can be exported to a specified location.
    public function test_exportLibrary(): void {

        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 1;
        $minorversion = 0;
        [$lib, $files] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($this->h5p_tempath, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,

        // Now run the API call.

        $destinationdirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'testdir';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->exportLibrary($lib, $destinationdirectory);

        $filepath = "/{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}/";
        // There should be at least three items here (but could be more with . and ..).
        $this->assertFileExists($destinationdirectory . $filepath . 'library.json');
        $this->assertFileExists($destinationdirectory . $filepath . 'scripts/' . 'testlib.min.js');
        $this->assertFileExists($destinationdirectory . $filepath . 'styles/' . 'testlib.min.css');

     * Test that an export file can be saved into the file system.
    public function test_saveExport(): void {

        $filename = 'someexportedfile.h5p';
        $source = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . $filename;

        $this->h5p_file_storage->saveExport($source, $filename);

        // Check out if the file is there.
        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::EXPORT_FILEAREA, '0', '/', $filename);
        $this->assertEquals(file_storage::EXPORT_FILEAREA, $file->get_filearea());

     * Test that an exort file can be deleted from the file system.
     * @return [type] [description]
    public function test_deleteExport(): void {

        $filename = 'someexportedfile.h5p';
        $source = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . $filename;

        $this->h5p_file_storage->saveExport($source, $filename);

        // Check out if the file is there.
        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::EXPORT_FILEAREA, '0', '/', $filename);
        $this->assertEquals(file_storage::EXPORT_FILEAREA, $file->get_filearea());

        // Time to delete.

        // Check out if the file is there.
        $file =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file ($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
            file_storage::EXPORT_FILEAREA, '0', '/', $filename);

     * Test to check if an export file already exists on the file system.
    public function test_hasExport(): void {

        $filename = 'someexportedfile.h5p';
        $source = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . $filename;

        // Check that it doesn't exist in the file system.

        $this->h5p_file_storage->saveExport($source, $filename);
        // Now it should be present.

     * Test that all the library files for an H5P activity can be concatenated into "cache" files. One for js and another for css.
    public function test_cacheAssets(): void {

        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'test-1.0';

        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 1;
        $minorversion = 0;
        [$lib, $libfiles] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,
        array_push($this->files['scripts'], ...$libfiles['scripts']);
        array_push($this->files['styles'], ...$libfiles['styles']);

        // Now run the API call.

        // Second library.
        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'supertest-2.4';

        $machinename = 'SuperTest';
        $majorversion = 2;
        $minorversion = 4;
        [$lib, $libfiles] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,
        array_push($this->files['scripts'], ...$libfiles['scripts']);
        array_push($this->files['styles'], ...$libfiles['styles']);


        $this->assertCount(2, $this->files['scripts']);
        $this->assertCount(2, $this->files['styles']);

        $key = 'testhashkey';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->cacheAssets($this->files, $key);
        $this->assertCount(1, $this->files['scripts']);
        $this->assertCount(1, $this->files['styles']);

        $expectedfile = '/' . file_storage::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA . '/' . $key . '.js';
        $this->assertEquals($expectedfile, $this->files['scripts'][0]->path);
        $expectedfile = '/' . file_storage::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA . '/' . $key . '.css';
        $this->assertEquals($expectedfile, $this->files['styles'][0]->path);

     * Test that cached files can be retrieved via a key.
    public function test_getCachedAssets() {

        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'test-1.0';

        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 1;
        $minorversion = 0;
        [$lib, $libfiles] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,
        array_push($this->files['scripts'], ...$libfiles['scripts']);
        array_push($this->files['styles'], ...$libfiles['styles']);

        // Now run the API call.

        // Second library.
        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'supertest-2.4';

        $machinename = 'SuperTest';
        $majorversion = 2;
        $minorversion = 4;
        [$lib, $libfiles] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,
        array_push($this->files['scripts'], ...$libfiles['scripts']);
        array_push($this->files['styles'], ...$libfiles['styles']);


        $this->assertCount(2, $this->files['scripts']);
        $this->assertCount(2, $this->files['styles']);

        $key = 'testhashkey';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->cacheAssets($this->files, $key);

        $testarray = $this->h5p_file_storage->getCachedAssets($key);
        $this->assertCount(1, $testarray['scripts']);
        $this->assertCount(1, $testarray['styles']);
        $expectedfile = '/' . file_storage::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA . '/' . $key . '.js';
        $this->assertEquals($expectedfile, $testarray['scripts'][0]->path);
        $expectedfile = '/' . file_storage::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA . '/' . $key . '.css';
        $this->assertEquals($expectedfile, $testarray['styles'][0]->path);

     * Test that cache files in the files system can be removed.
    public function test_deleteCachedAssets(): void {
        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'test-1.0';

        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 1;
        $minorversion = 0;
        [$lib, $libfiles] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,
        array_push($this->files['scripts'], ...$libfiles['scripts']);
        array_push($this->files['styles'], ...$libfiles['styles']);

        // Now run the API call.

        // Second library.
        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'supertest-2.4';

        $machinename = 'SuperTest';
        $majorversion = 2;
        $minorversion = 4;
        [$lib, $libfiles] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,
        array_push($this->files['scripts'], ...$libfiles['scripts']);
        array_push($this->files['styles'], ...$libfiles['styles']);


        $this->assertCount(2, $this->files['scripts']);
        $this->assertCount(2, $this->files['styles']);

        $key = 'testhashkey';

        $this->h5p_file_storage->cacheAssets($this->files, $key);

        $testarray = $this->h5p_file_storage->getCachedAssets($key);
        $this->assertCount(1, $testarray['scripts']);
        $this->assertCount(1, $testarray['styles']);

        // Time to delete.
        $testarray = $this->h5p_file_storage->getCachedAssets($key);

     * Retrieve content from a file given a specific path.
    public function test_getContent() {
        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'test-1.0';

        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 1;
        $minorversion = 0;
        [$lib, $libfiles] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,
        array_push($this->files['scripts'], ...$libfiles['scripts']);
        array_push($this->files['styles'], ...$libfiles['styles']);

        // Now run the API call.

        $content = $this->h5p_file_storage->getContent($this->files['scripts'][0]->path);
        // The file content is created based on the file system path (\core_h5p_generator::create_file).
        $expectedcontent = hash("md5", $basedirectory. '/' . 'scripts' . '/' . 'testlib.min.js');

        $this->assertEquals($expectedcontent, $content);

     * Test that an upgrade script can be found on the file system.
    public function test_getUpgradeScript() {
        // Upload an upgrade file.
        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 3;
        $minorversion = 1;
        $filepath = '/' . "{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}" . '/';
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $filerecord = [
            'contextid' => \context_system::instance()->id,
            'component' => file_storage::COMPONENT,
            'filearea' => file_storage::LIBRARY_FILEAREA,
            'itemid' => 15,
            'filepath' => $filepath,
            'filename' => 'upgrade.js'
        $filestorage = new file_storage();
        $fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, 'test string info');
        $expectedfilepath = '/' . file_storage::LIBRARY_FILEAREA . $filepath . 'upgrade.js';
        $this->assertEquals($expectedfilepath, $filestorage->getUpgradeScript($machinename, $majorversion, $minorversion));
        $this->assertNull($filestorage->getUpgradeScript($machinename, $majorversion, 7));

     * Test that information from a source can be saved to the specified path.
     * The zip file has the following contents
     * - h5ptest
     * |- content
     * |     |- content.json
     * |- testFont
     * |     |- testfont.min.css
     * |- testJavaScript
     * |     |- testscript.min.js
     * |- h5p.json
    public function test_saveFileFromZip() {

        $ziparchive = new zip_archive();
        $path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/';
        $result = $ziparchive->open($path, file_archive::OPEN);

        $files = $ziparchive->list_files();
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (!$file->is_directory) {
                $stream = $ziparchive->get_stream($file->index);
                $items = explode('/', $file->pathname);
                $path = implode('/', $items);
                $this->h5p_file_storage->saveFileFromZip($this->h5p_tempath, $path, $stream);
                $filestocheck[] = $path;

        foreach ($filestocheck as $filetocheck) {
            $pathtocheck = $this->h5p_tempath .'/'. $filetocheck;

     * Test that a library is fully deleted from the file system
    public function test_delete_library() {

        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'test-1.0';

        $machinename = 'TestLib';
        $majorversion = 1;
        $minorversion = 0;
        [$lib, $files] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,

        // Now run the API call.

        // Save a second library to ensure we aren't deleting all libraries, but just the one specified.
        $basedirectory = $this->h5p_tempath . '/' . 'awesomelib-2.1';

        $machinename = 'AwesomeLib';
        $majorversion = 2;
        $minorversion = 1;
        [$lib2, $files2] = $this->h5p_generator->create_library($basedirectory, $this->libraryid, $machinename, $majorversion,

        // Now run the API call.

        $files =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_area_files($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
        $this->assertCount(14, $files);


        // Let's look at the records.
        $files =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_area_files($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
        $this->assertCount(7, $files);

        // Check that the db count is still the same after setting the libraryId to false.
        $lib['libraryId'] = false;

        $files =  $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_area_files($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT,
        $this->assertCount(7, $files);

     * Test get_icon_url() function behaviour.
     * @dataProvider get_icon_url_provider
     * @param  string  $filename  The name of the H5P file to load.
     * @param  bool    $expected  Whether the icon should exist or not.
    public function test_get_icon_url(string $filename, bool $expected): void {
        global $DB;

        $factory = new \core_h5p\factory();

        $admin = get_admin();

        // Prepare a valid .H5P file.
        $path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/'.$filename;

        // Libraries can be updated when the file has been created by admin, even when the current user is not the admin.
        $file = helper::create_fake_stored_file_from_path($path, (int)$admin->id);
        $config = (object)[
            'frame' => 1,
            'export' => 1,
            'embed' => 0,
            'copyright' => 0,

        $h5pid = helper::save_h5p($factory, $file, $config);
        $h5p = $DB->get_record('h5p', ['id' => $h5pid]);
        $h5plib = $DB->get_record('h5p_libraries', ['id' => $h5p->mainlibraryid]);
        $iconurl = $this->h5p_file_storage->get_icon_url(
        if ($expected) {
            $this->assertStringContainsString(file_storage::ICON_FILENAME, $iconurl);
        } else {

     * Data provider for test_get_icon_url().
     * @return array
    public function get_icon_url_provider(): array {
        return [
            'Icon included' => [
            'Icon not included' => [
< 'greeting-card-887.h5p',
> 'greeting-card.h5p',
false, ], ]; } /** * Test the private method get_file, a wrapper for getting an H5P content file. */ public function test_get_file(): void { $this->setAdminUser(); $file = 'img/fake.png'; $h5pcontentid = 3; // Add a file to a H5P content. $this->h5p_generator->create_content_file($file, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $h5pcontentid); // Set get_file method accessibility. $method = new ReflectionMethod(file_storage::class, 'get_file'); $method->setAccessible(true); $contentfile = $method->invoke(new file_storage(), file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $h5pcontentid, $file); // Check that it returns an instance of store_file. $this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $contentfile); // Add a file to editor. $this->h5p_generator->create_content_file($file, 'draft', $h5pcontentid); $editorfile = $method->invoke(new file_storage(), 'draft', $h5pcontentid, $file); // Check that it returns an instance of store_file. $this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $editorfile); } /** * Test that a single file is added to Moodle files. */ public function test_move_file(): void { // Create temp folder. $tempfolder = make_request_directory(false); // Create H5P content folder. $filepath = '/img/'; $filename = 'fake.png'; $h5pcontentfolder = $tempfolder . '/fakeH5Pcontent/content' . $filepath; if (!check_dir_exists($h5pcontentfolder, true, true)) { throw new moodle_exception('error_creating_temp_dir', 'error', $h5pcontentfolder); } $file = $h5pcontentfolder . $filename; touch($file); $h5pcontentid = 3; // Check the file doesn't exist in Moodle files. $this->assertFalse($this->h5p_fs_fs->file_exists($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $h5pcontentid, $filepath, $filename)); // Set get_file method accessibility. $method = new ReflectionMethod(file_storage::class, 'move_file'); $method->setAccessible(true); $method->invoke(new file_storage(), $file, $h5pcontentid); // Check the file exist in Moodle files. $this->assertTrue($this->h5p_fs_fs->file_exists($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $h5pcontentid, $filepath, $filename)); } /** * Test that a file is copied from another H5P content or the H5P editor. * * @return void */ public function test_cloneContentFile(): void { $admin = get_admin(); $usercontext = \context_user::instance($admin->id); $this->setUser($admin); // Upload a file to the editor. $file = 'images/fake.jpg'; $filepath = '/'.dirname($file).'/'; $filename = basename($file); $content = 'abcd'; $filerecord = array( 'contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'component' => 'user', 'filearea' => 'draft', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $filename, ); $this->h5p_fs_fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $content); // Target H5P content, where the file will be cloned. $targetcontent = new \stdClass(); $targetcontent->id = 999; // Check the file doesn't exists before cloning. $this->assertFalse($this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $targetcontent->id, $filepath, $filename)); // Copy file from the editor. $this->h5p_file_storage->cloneContentFile($file, 'editor', $targetcontent); // Check the file exists after cloning. $this->assertInstanceOf(\stored_file::class, $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $targetcontent->id, $filepath, $filename)); // Simulate that an H5P content, with id $sourcecontentid, has a file. $file = 'images/fake2.jpg'; $filepath = '/'.dirname($file).'/'; $filename = basename($file); $sourcecontentid = 111; $filerecord['contextid'] = $this->h5p_fs_context->id; $filerecord['component'] = file_storage::COMPONENT; $filerecord['filearea'] = file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA; $filerecord['itemid'] = $sourcecontentid; $filerecord['filepath'] = $filepath; $filerecord['filename'] = $filename; $this->h5p_fs_fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $content); // Check the file doesn't exists before cloning. $this->assertFalse($this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $targetcontent->id, $filepath, $filename)); // Copy file from another H5P content. $this->h5p_file_storage->cloneContentFile($file, $sourcecontentid, $targetcontent); // Check the file exists after cloning. $this->assertInstanceOf(\stored_file::class, $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_file($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $targetcontent->id, $filepath, $filename)); } /** * Test that a given file exists in an H5P content. * * @return void */ public function test_getContentFile(): void { $file = 'img/fake.png'; $contentid = 3; // Add a file to a H5P content. $this->h5p_generator->create_content_file($file, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $contentid); // Get an existing file id. $fileid = $this->h5p_file_storage->getContentFile($file, $contentid); $this->assertNotNull($fileid); // Try to get a nonexistent file. $fileid = $this->h5p_file_storage->getContentFile($file, 5); $this->assertNull($fileid); } /** * Tests that the content folder of an H5P content is imported in the Moodle filesystem. */ public function test_moveContentDiretory(): void { // Create temp folder. $tempfolder = make_request_directory(false); // Create H5P content folder. $h5pcontentfolder = $tempfolder . '/fakeH5Pcontent'; $contentfolder = $h5pcontentfolder . '/content'; if (!check_dir_exists($contentfolder, true, true)) { throw new moodle_exception('error_creating_temp_dir', 'error', $contentfolder); } // Add content.json file. touch($contentfolder . 'content.json'); // Create several folders and files inside content folder. $filesexpected = array(); $numfolders = random_int(2, 5); for ($numfolder = 1; $numfolder < $numfolders; $numfolder++) { $foldername = '/folder' . $numfolder; $newfolder = $contentfolder . $foldername; if (!check_dir_exists($newfolder, true, true)) { throw new moodle_exception('error_creating_temp_dir', 'error', $newfolder); } $numfiles = random_int(2, 5); for ($numfile = 1; $numfile < $numfiles; $numfile++) { $filename = '/file' . $numfile . '.ext'; touch($newfolder . $filename); $filesexpected[] = $foldername . $filename; } } $targeth5pcontentid = 111; $this->h5p_file_storage->moveContentDirectory($h5pcontentfolder, $targeth5pcontentid); // Get database records. $files = $this->h5p_fs_fs->get_area_files( $this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $targeth5pcontentid, 'filepath, filename', false ); $filepaths = array_map(static function(stored_file $file): string { return $file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename(); }, $files); // Check that created files match with database records. $this->assertEquals($filesexpected, array_values($filepaths)); } /** * Test that an H5P content file is removed. */ public function test_removeContentFile(): void { $file = 'img/fake.png'; $filepath = '/' . dirname($file) . '/'; $filename = basename($file); $h5pcontentid = 3; // Add a file to a H5P content. $this->h5p_generator->create_content_file($file, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $h5pcontentid); // Check the file exists. $this->assertTrue($this->h5p_fs_fs->file_exists($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $h5pcontentid, $filepath, $filename)); $this->h5p_file_storage->removeContentFile($file, $h5pcontentid); // Check the file doesn't exists. $this->assertFalse($this->h5p_fs_fs->file_exists($this->h5p_fs_context->id, file_storage::COMPONENT, file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $h5pcontentid, $filepath, $filename)); } }