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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Testing the Moodle local class for managing the H5P Editor.
 * @package    core_h5p
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2020 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core_h5p;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

use advanced_testcase;
use core_h5p\local\library\autoloader;
use MoodleQuickForm;
use page_requirements_manager;
> use Moodle\H5PCore;
/** * * Test class covering the editor class. * * @package core_h5p * @copyright 2020 Victor Deniz <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later * * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses */
< class editor_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class editor_test extends advanced_testcase {
/** * Form object to be used in test case. */ protected function get_test_form() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/formslib.php'); return new class extends \moodleform { /** * Form definition. */ public function definition(): void { // No definition required. } /** * Returns form reference. * * @return MoodleQuickForm */ public function getform() { $mform = $this->_form; return $mform; } }; } /** * Test that existing content is properly set. */ public function test_set_content() { $this->resetAfterTest(); autoloader::register(); // Add H5P content. // This is a valid .H5P file. $filename = 'find-the-words.h5p'; $path = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $filename; $syscontext = \context_system::instance(); $filerecord = [ 'contextid' => $syscontext->id, 'component' => \core_h5p\file_storage::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => 'unittest', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename, ]; // Load the h5p file into DB. $fs = get_file_storage(); $file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($filerecord, $path); // Make the URL to pass to the WS. $url = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url( $syscontext->id, \core_h5p\file_storage::COMPONENT, 'unittest', 0, '/', $filename ); $config = new \stdClass(); $h5pplayer = new player($url->out(), $config); // Call the method. We need the id of the new H5P content. $rc = new \ReflectionClass(player::class); $rcp = $rc->getProperty('h5pid'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $h5pid = $rcp->getValue($h5pplayer); $editor = new editor(); $editor->set_content($h5pid); // Check we get the H5P content. $rc = new \ReflectionClass(editor::class); $rcp = $rc->getProperty('oldcontent'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $oldcontent = $rcp->getValue($editor); $core = (new factory)->get_core(); $this->assertSame($core->loadContent($h5pid), $oldcontent); // Check we get the file of the H5P content. $rcp = $rc->getProperty('oldfile'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $oldfile = $rcp->getValue($editor); $this->assertSame($file->get_contenthash(), $oldfile->get_contenthash()); } /** * Tests that library and file area are properly set. */ public function test_set_library() { global $USER; $library = 'H5P.Accordion 1.5'; $contextid = 1; $filearea = 'unittest'; $filename = 'export.h5p'; // Call method. $editor = new editor(); $editor->set_library($library, $contextid, file_storage::COMPONENT, $filearea, 0, '/', $filename); // Check that the library has the right value. $rc = new \ReflectionClass(editor::class); $rcp = $rc->getProperty('library'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $actual = $rcp->getValue($editor); $this->assertSame($library, $actual); // Check that the file area has the right value. $expected = [ 'contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => file_storage::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename, 'userid' => $USER->id ]; $rcp = $rc->getProperty('filearea'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $actual = $rcp->getValue($editor); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } /** * Test that required assets (js and css) and form will be loaded in page. */ public function test_add_editor_to_form() { global $PAGE, $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $this->setAdminUser(); // Get form data. $form = $this->get_test_form(); $mform = $form->getform(); // Call method. $editor = new editor(); $editor->add_editor_to_form($mform); // Check $PAGE has the expected css and js scripts. $rc = new \ReflectionClass(page_requirements_manager::class); $rcp = $rc->getProperty('cssurls'); $rcp2 = $rc->getProperty('jsincludes'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $rcp2->setAccessible(true); $actualcss = array_keys($rcp->getValue($PAGE->requires)); $actualjs = array_keys($rcp2->getValue($PAGE->requires)['head']); $cachebuster = helper::get_cache_buster(); $h5pcorepath = autoloader::get_h5p_core_library_url()->out();
< $expectedcss = \H5PCore::$styles; < $expectedjs = \H5PCore::$scripts;
> $expectedcss = H5PCore::$styles; > $expectedjs = H5PCore::$scripts;
array_walk($expectedcss, function(&$item, $key) use ($h5pcorepath, $cachebuster) { $item = $h5pcorepath . $item. $cachebuster; }); array_walk($expectedjs, function(&$item, $key) use ($h5pcorepath, $cachebuster) { $item = $h5pcorepath . $item . $cachebuster; }); $expectedjs[] = (new \moodle_url('/h5p/js/h5p_overrides.js' . $cachebuster))->out(); $expectedjs[] = autoloader::get_h5p_editor_library_url('scripts/h5peditor-editor.js' . $cachebuster)->out(); $expectedjs[] = autoloader::get_h5p_editor_library_url('scripts/h5peditor-init.js' . $cachebuster)->out(); // Sort arrays before comparison. sort($actualcss); sort($actualjs); sort($expectedcss); sort($expectedjs); $this->assertSame($expectedcss, $actualcss); $this->assertSame($expectedjs, $actualjs); // H5P Editor expected form fields. $this->assertTrue($mform->elementExists('h5pparams')); $this->assertTrue($mform->elementExists('h5plibrary')); $this->assertTrue($mform->elementExists('h5paction')); } /** * Test new content creation. */ public function test_save_content() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); // Fake form data sent during creation. $data = new \stdClass(); $data->h5plibrary = "H5P.ArithmeticQuiz 1.1"; $data->h5pparams = '{"params":{"quizType":"arithmetic","arithmeticType":"addition","UI":{"score":"Score:","time":"Time: @time"}, "intro":"This is a content for testing"},"metadata":{"defaultLanguage":"en","title":"Testing content"}}'; $title = 'libtest'; $library = 'H5P.ArithmeticQuiz 1.1'; $machinename = 'H5P.ArithmeticQuiz'; $contextid = 1; $filearea = 'unittest'; $filename = 'export.h5p'; // Fake installed library for the H5P content. $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p'); $semantics = json_encode([['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'text', 'label' => 'Plain text', 'description' => 'Some text']]); $generator->create_library_record($machinename, $title, 1, 1, 2, $semantics); $editor = new editor(); $editor->set_library($library, $contextid, file_storage::COMPONENT, $filearea, 0, '/', $filename); $newcontentid = $editor->save_content($data); // Check the H5P content file was created where expected. $fs = get_file_storage(); $out = $fs->get_file($contextid, file_storage::COMPONENT, $filearea, 0, '/', $filename); $this->assertNotEmpty($out); } }