Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 401 and 402] [Versions 402 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Strings for component 'reportbuilder', language 'en'
  19   *
  20   * @package    core_reportbuilder
  21   * @copyright  2020 Sara Arjona <>
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  $string['access'] = 'Access';
  26  $string['actions'] = 'Actions';
  27  $string['addaudience'] = 'Add audience \'{$a}\'';
  28  $string['addcolumn'] = 'Add column \'{$a}\'';
  29  $string['addusers'] = 'Add users manually';
  30  $string['aggregatecolumn'] = 'Aggregate column \'{$a}\'';
  31  $string['aggregationavg'] = 'Average';
  32  $string['aggregationcount'] = 'Count';
  33  $string['aggregationcountdistinct'] = 'Count distinct';
  34  $string['aggregationgroupconcat'] = 'Comma separated values';
  35  $string['aggregationgroupconcatdistinct'] = 'Comma separated distinct values';
  36  $string['aggregationmax'] = 'Maximum';
  37  $string['aggregationmin'] = 'Minimum';
  38  $string['aggregationnone'] = 'No aggregation';
  39  $string['aggregationpercent'] = 'Percentage';
  40  $string['aggregationsum'] = 'Sum';
  41  $string['allsiteusers'] = 'All site users';
  42  $string['allusers'] = 'All users';
  43  $string['apply'] = 'Apply';
  44  $string['audience'] = 'Audience';
  45  $string['audienceadded'] = 'Added audience \'{$a}\'';
  46  $string['audiencecreated'] = 'Audience created';
  47  $string['audiencedeleted'] = 'Deleted audience \'{$a}\'';
  48  $string['audiencedeletedevent'] = 'Audience deleted';
  49  $string['audiencelabel'] = '{$a->name}: {$a->description}';
  50  $string['audiencemultiselectpostfix'] = '{$a->elements} plus {$a->morecount} more';
  51  $string['audiencenotsaved'] = 'Audience not saved';
  52  $string['audiencesaved'] = 'Audience saved';
  53  $string['audienceupdated'] = 'Audience updated';
  54  $string['cardview'] = 'Card view';
  55  $string['cardview_help'] = 'Card view allows you to define the layout of your report when viewed on narrow devices. Columns will collapse beyond the limit set here, with a toggle to expand the card to view all report data.';
  56  $string['cardviewfirstcolumntitle'] = 'First column title';
  57  $string['cardviewsettingssaved'] = 'Card view settings saved';
  58  $string['cardviewvisiblecolumns'] = 'Columns visible';
  59  $string['categoryselect'] = 'Select category';
  60  $string['close'] = 'Close';
  61  $string['closeeditor'] = 'Close \'{$a}\' editor';
  62  $string['columnadded'] = 'Added column \'{$a}\'';
  63  $string['columnaggregated'] = 'Aggregated column \'{$a}\'';
  64  $string['columndeleted'] = 'Deleted column \'{$a}\'';
  65  $string['columnmoved'] = 'Moved column \'{$a}\'';
  66  $string['columnsortdirectionasc'] = 'Sort column \'{$a}\' ascending';
  67  $string['columnsortdirectiondesc'] = 'Sort column \'{$a}\' descending';
  68  $string['columnsortdisable'] = 'Disable initial sorting for column {$a}';
  69  $string['columnsortenable'] = 'Enable initial sorting for column {$a}';
  70  $string['columnsortupdated'] = 'Updated sorting for column \'{$a}\'';
  71  $string['conditionadded'] = 'Added condition \'{$a}\'';
  72  $string['conditiondeleted'] = 'Deleted condition \'{$a}\'';
  73  $string['conditionmoved'] = 'Moved condition \'{$a}\'';
  74  $string['conditions'] = 'Conditions';
  75  $string['conditions_help'] = 'Report conditions allow you to limit which data is displayed when the report is viewed. Users viewing the report cannot override these condition values.';
  76  $string['conditionsapplied'] = 'Conditions applied';
  77  $string['conditionsreset'] = 'Conditions reset';
  78  $string['coursefullnamewithlink'] = 'Course full name with link';
  79  $string['courseidnumberewithlink'] = 'Course ID number with link';
  80  $string['courseshortnamewithlink'] = 'Course short name with link';
  81  $string['courseselect'] = 'Select course';
  82  $string['customfieldcolumn'] = '{$a}';
  83  $string['customreports'] = 'Custom reports';
  84  $string['customreportslimit'] = 'Custom reports limit';
  85  $string['customreportslimit_desc'] = 'The number of custom reports may be limited for performance reasons. If set to zero, then there is no limit.';
  86  $string['customreportsliveediting'] = 'Custom reports live editing';
  87  $string['customreportsliveediting_desc'] = 'If enabled, users can view report data while editing the report. This may be disabled for performance reasons.';
  88  $string['customreportsliveeditingdisabled'] = 'Viewing of report data while editing is disabled by the site administrator. Switch to preview mode to view the report.';
  89  $string['customreportssettings'] = 'Custom report settings';
  90  $string['deleteaudience'] = 'Delete audience \'{$a}\'';
  91  $string['deleteaudienceconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the audience \'{$a}\'?';
  92  $string['deletecolumn'] = 'Delete column \'{$a}\'';
  93  $string['deletecolumnconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the column \'{$a}\'?';
  94  $string['deletecondition'] = 'Delete condition \'{$a}\'';
  95  $string['deleteconditionconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the condition \'{$a}\'?';
  96  $string['deletefilter'] = 'Delete filter \'{$a}\'';
  97  $string['deletefilterconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the filter \'{$a}\'?';
  98  $string['deletereport'] = 'Delete report';
  99  $string['deletereportconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the report \'{$a}\' and all associated data?';
 100  $string['deleteschedule'] = 'Delete schedule';
 101  $string['deletescheduleconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the schedule \'{$a}\'?';
 102  $string['disableschedule'] = 'Disable schedule';
 103  $string['editaudience'] = 'Edit audience \'{$a}\'';
 104  $string['editdetails'] = 'Edit details';
 105  $string['editor'] = 'Editor';
 106  $string['editreportcontent'] = 'Edit report content';
 107  $string['editreportdetails'] = 'Edit report details';
 108  $string['editreportname'] = 'Edit report name';
 109  $string['editscheduledetails'] = 'Edit schedule details';
 110  $string['editschedulename'] = 'Edit schedule name';
 111  $string['enablecustomreports'] = 'Enable custom reports';
 112  $string['enablecustomreports_desc'] = 'If enabled, users can create and view Report builder custom reports.';
 113  $string['enableschedule'] = 'Enable schedule';
 114  $string['entitycourse'] = 'Course';
 115  $string['entityuser'] = 'User';
 116  $string['errorreportcreate'] = 'You cannot create a new report';
 117  $string['errorreportedit'] = 'You cannot edit this report';
 118  $string['errorreportview'] = 'You cannot view this report';
 119  $string['errorsourceinvalid'] = 'Could not find valid report source';
 120  $string['errorsourceunavailable'] = 'Report source is not available';
 121  $string['filteradded'] = 'Added filter \'{$a}\'';
 122  $string['filtercontains'] = 'Contains';
 123  $string['filterdatebefore'] = 'Before';
 124  $string['filterdatecurrent'] = 'Current';
 125  $string['filterdatedays'] = 'day(s)';
 126  $string['filterdatefrom'] = 'Date from';
 127  $string['filterdatefuture'] = 'In the future';
 128  $string['filterdatehours'] = 'hour(s)';
 129  $string['filterdatelast'] = 'Last';
 130  $string['filterdateminutes'] = 'minute(s)';
 131  $string['filterdatemonths'] = 'month(s)';
 132  $string['filterdatenext'] = 'Next';
 133  $string['filterdatepast'] = 'In the past';
 134  $string['filterdateseconds'] = 'second(s)';
 135  $string['filterdateto'] = 'Date to';
 136  $string['filterdateweeks'] = 'week(s)';
 137  $string['filterdateyears'] = 'year(s)';
 138  $string['filterdeleted'] = 'Deleted filter \'{$a}\'';
 139  $string['filterdoesnotcontain'] = 'Does not contain';
 140  $string['filterdurationunit'] = '{$a} unit';
 141  $string['filterendswith'] = 'Ends with';
 142  $string['filterequalorgreaterthan'] = 'Greater than or equal';
 143  $string['filterequalorlessthan'] = 'Less than or equal';
 144  $string['filterfieldoperator'] = '{$a} operator';
 145  $string['filterfieldvalue'] = '{$a} value';
 146  $string['filtergreaterthan'] = 'Greater than';
 147  $string['filterinvalid'] = 'Invalid filter';
 148  $string['filterisanyvalue'] = 'Is any value';
 149  $string['filterisempty'] = 'Is empty';
 150  $string['filterisequalto'] = 'Is equal to';
 151  $string['filterisnotempty'] = 'Is not empty';
 152  $string['filterisnotequalto'] = 'Is not equal to';
 153  $string['filterlessthan'] = 'Less than';
 154  $string['filtermoved'] = 'Moved filter \'{$a}\'';
 155  $string['filterrange'] = 'Range';
 156  $string['filtersapplied'] = 'Filters applied';
 157  $string['filtersappliedx'] = 'Filters ({$a})';
 158  $string['filters'] = 'Filters';
 159  $string['filters_help'] = 'Report filters allow users viewing the report to further limit the data being displayed, by selecting their own values for each filter. Filter values are stored on a per-user basis.';
 160  $string['filtersreset'] = 'Filters reset';
 161  $string['filterstartswith'] = 'Starts with';
 162  $string['hassystemrole'] = 'Assigned system role';
 163  $string['includedefaultsetup'] = 'Include default setup';
 164  $string['includedefaultsetup_help'] = 'Populate report with default layout as defined by the selected source. These include pre-defined columns, filters and conditions.';
 165  $string['manuallyaddedusers'] = 'Manually added users';
 166  $string['messagebody'] = 'Body';
 167  $string['messagecontent'] = 'Message content';
 168  $string['messagesubject'] = 'Subject';
 169  $string['movecolumn'] = 'Move column \'{$a}\'';
 170  $string['movecondition'] = 'Move condition \'{$a}\'';
 171  $string['movefilter'] = 'Move filter \'{$a}\'';
 172  $string['movesorting'] = 'Move sorting for column \'{$a}\'';
 173  $string['newreport'] = 'New report';
 174  $string['newschedule'] = 'New schedule';
 175  $string['noaudiences'] = 'There are no audiences for this report';
 176  $string['noconditions'] = 'There are no conditions selected';
 177  $string['nofilters'] = 'There are no filters selected';
 178  $string['nosortablecolumns'] = 'There are no sortable columns';
 179  $string['or'] = 'or';
 180  $string['privacy:metadata:audience'] = 'Report audience definitions';
 181  $string['privacy:metadata:audience:classname'] = 'The class used by the audience';
 182  $string['privacy:metadata:audience:configdata'] = 'Configuration data used by the audience';
 183  $string['privacy:metadata:audience:heading'] = 'The custom heading used by the audience';
 184  $string['privacy:metadata:audience:timecreated'] = 'The time when the audience was created';
 185  $string['privacy:metadata:audience:timemodified'] = 'The time when the audience was last modified';
 186  $string['privacy:metadata:audience:usercreated'] = 'The ID of the user who created the audience';
 187  $string['privacy:metadata:audience:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the user who last modified the audience';
 188  $string['privacy:metadata:column'] = 'Report column definitions';
 189  $string['privacy:metadata:column:uniqueidentifier'] = 'Unique identifier of the column';
 190  $string['privacy:metadata:column:usercreated'] = 'The ID of the user who created the column';
 191  $string['privacy:metadata:column:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the user who last modified the column';
 192  $string['privacy:metadata:filter'] = 'Report filter definitions';
 193  $string['privacy:metadata:filter:uniqueidentifier'] = 'Unique identifier of the filter';
 194  $string['privacy:metadata:filter:usercreated'] = 'The ID of the user who created the filter';
 195  $string['privacy:metadata:filter:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the user who last modified the filter';
 196  $string['privacy:metadata:preference:reportfilter'] = 'Stored report filter values';
 197  $string['privacy:metadata:report'] = 'Report definitions';
 198  $string['privacy:metadata:report:conditiondata'] = 'Configuration data for the report conditions';
 199  $string['privacy:metadata:report:name'] = 'The name of the report';
 200  $string['privacy:metadata:report:settingsdata'] = 'General configuration for the report';
 201  $string['privacy:metadata:report:source'] = 'The source of the report';
 202  $string['privacy:metadata:report:timecreated'] = 'The time when the report was created';
 203  $string['privacy:metadata:report:timemodified'] = 'The time when the report was last modified';
 204  $string['privacy:metadata:report:uniquerows'] = 'Whether duplicate rows are removed';
 205  $string['privacy:metadata:report:usercreated'] = 'The ID of the user who created the report';
 206  $string['privacy:metadata:report:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the user who last modified the report';
 207  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule'] = 'Report schedule definitions';
 208  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:audiences'] = 'The audiences this schedule is for';
 209  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:enabled'] = 'The status of the schedule';
 210  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:format'] = 'The format of the scheduled report';
 211  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:message'] = 'The message of the schedule';
 212  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:name'] = 'The name of the schedule';
 213  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:recurrence'] = 'The recurrence of the schedule';
 214  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:reportempty'] = 'Action to take if scheduled report is empty';
 215  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:subject'] = 'The subject of the schedule';
 216  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:timecreated'] = 'The time when the schedule was created';
 217  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:timemodified'] = 'The time when the schedule was last modified';
 218  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:timescheduled'] = 'The time the schedule will begin';
 219  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:usercreated'] = 'The ID of the user who created the schedule';
 220  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the user who last modified the schedule';
 221  $string['privacy:metadata:schedule:userviewas'] = 'The ID of the user who the schedule will be viewed as';
 222  $string['recurrence'] = 'Recurrence';
 223  $string['recurrenceannually'] = 'Annually';
 224  $string['recurrencedaily'] = 'Daily';
 225  $string['recurrencemonthly'] = 'Monthly';
 226  $string['recurrenceweekdays'] = 'Daily (weekdays only)';
 227  $string['recurrenceweekly'] = 'Weekly';
 228  $string['renameaudience'] = 'Rename audience \'{$a}\'';
 229  $string['renamecolumn'] = 'Rename column \'{$a}\'';
 230  $string['renamefilter'] = 'Rename filter \'{$a}\'';
 231  $string['reportbuilder'] = 'Report builder';
 232  $string['reportcreated'] = 'Report created';
 233  $string['reportdeleted'] = 'Report deleted';
 234  $string['reports'] = 'Reports';
 235  $string['reportsource'] = 'Report source';
 236  $string['reportsource_help'] = 'The report source defines where the data for the report will come from.';
 237  $string['reportupdated'] = 'Report updated';
 238  $string['reportviewed'] = 'Report viewed';
 239  $string['resetall'] = 'Reset all';
 240  $string['resetconditions'] = 'Reset conditions';
 241  $string['resetconditionsconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to reset all conditions for this report?';
 242  $string['schedulecreated'] = 'Schedule created';
 243  $string['scheduledeleted'] = 'Schedule deleted';
 244  $string['scheduleempty'] = 'If the report is empty';
 245  $string['scheduleemptydontsend'] = 'Don\'t send message';
 246  $string['scheduleemptysendwithattachment'] = 'Send message with empty report';
 247  $string['scheduleemptysendwithoutattachment'] = 'Send message without report';
 248  $string['schedules'] = 'Schedules';
 249  $string['schedulesent'] = 'Schedule sent';
 250  $string['scheduleupdated'] = 'Schedule updated';
 251  $string['scheduleviewas'] = 'View report data as';
 252  $string['scheduleviewascreator'] = 'Schedule creator';
 253  $string['scheduleviewasrecipient'] = 'Schedule recipient';
 254  $string['selectacondition'] = 'Select a condition';
 255  $string['selectafilter'] = 'Select a filter';
 256  $string['selectareportsource'] = 'Select a report source';
 257  $string['sendschedule'] = 'Send schedule';
 258  $string['sendscheduleconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to queue the schedule \'{$a}\' for sending immediately?';
 259  $string['showhide'] = 'Show/hide \'{$a}\'';
 260  $string['showhidecard'] = 'Show/hide card';
 261  $string['sorting'] = 'Sorting';
 262  $string['sorting_help'] = 'You can set the initial sort order of columns in the report, which can then be changed by users by clicking on column names.';
 263  $string['switchedit'] = 'Switch to edit mode';
 264  $string['switchpreview'] = 'Switch to preview mode';
 265  $string['tasksendschedule'] = 'Send report schedule';
 266  $string['tasksendschedules'] = 'Send report schedules';
 267  $string['timeadded'] = 'Time added';
 268  $string['timecreated'] = 'Time created';
 269  $string['timelastsent'] = 'Time last sent';
 270  $string['timemodified'] = 'Time modified';
 271  $string['uniquerows'] = 'Remove any duplicate rows';
 272  $string['uniquerows_help'] = 'If the report source contains duplicate rows, should these be removed from this report? This setting has no effect if report columns are aggregated.';
 273  $string['userany'] = 'Any user';
 274  $string['usercurrent'] = 'Current user';
 275  $string['userfullnamewithlink'] = 'Full name with link';
 276  $string['userfullnamewithpicture'] = 'Full name with picture';
 277  $string['userfullnamewithpicturelink'] = 'Full name with picture and link';
 278  $string['usermodified'] = 'Modified by';
 279  $string['userpicture'] = 'User picture';
 280  $string['userselect'] = 'Select user';
 281  $string['viewreport'] = 'View report';