Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
< /* < @version v5.21.0 2021-02-27 < @copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved. < @copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community < Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. < Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, < the BSD license will take precedence. See License.txt. < Set tabs to 4 for best viewing. < < Latest version is available at < < Library for basic performance monitoring and tuning <
> /** > * Library for basic performance monitoring and tuning > * > * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP. > * > * @package ADOdb > * @link Project's web site and documentation > * @link Source code and issue tracker > * > * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause > * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option, > * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products. > * See the file distributed with this source code for details. > * @license BSD-3-Clause > * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later > * > * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim > * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
*/ // security - hide paths if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die(); class perf_oci8 extends ADODB_perf{ var $noShowIxora = 15; // if the sql for suspicious sql is taking too long, then disable ixora var $tablesSQL = "select segment_name as \"tablename\", sum(bytes)/1024 as \"size_in_k\",tablespace_name as \"tablespace\",count(*) \"extents\" from sys.user_extents group by segment_name,tablespace_name"; var $version; var $createTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE adodb_logsql ( created date NOT NULL, sql0 varchar(250) NOT NULL, sql1 varchar(4000) NOT NULL, params varchar(4000), tracer varchar(4000), timer decimal(16,6) NOT NULL )"; var $settings = array( 'Ratios', 'data cache hit ratio' => array('RATIOH', "select round((1-(phy.value / (cur.value + con.value)))*100,2) from v\$sysstat cur, v\$sysstat con, v\$sysstat phy where = 'db block gets' and = 'consistent gets' and = 'physical reads'", '=WarnCacheRatio'), 'sql cache hit ratio' => array( 'RATIOH', 'select round(100*(sum(pins)-sum(reloads))/sum(pins),2) from v$librarycache', 'increase <i>shared_pool_size</i> if too ratio low'), 'datadict cache hit ratio' => array('RATIOH', "select round((1 - (sum(getmisses) / (sum(gets) + sum(getmisses))))*100,2) from v\$rowcache", 'increase <i>shared_pool_size</i> if too ratio low'), 'memory sort ratio' => array('RATIOH', "SELECT ROUND((100 * b.VALUE) /DECODE ((a.VALUE + b.VALUE), 0,1,(a.VALUE + b.VALUE)),2) FROM v\$sysstat a, v\$sysstat b WHERE = 'sorts (disk)' AND = 'sorts (memory)'", "% of memory sorts compared to disk sorts - should be over 95%"), 'IO', 'data reads' => array('IO', "select value from v\$sysstat where name='physical reads'"), 'data writes' => array('IO', "select value from v\$sysstat where name='physical writes'"), 'Data Cache', 'data cache buffers' => array( 'DATAC', "select a.value/b.value from v\$parameter a, v\$parameter b where = 'db_cache_size' and 'db_block_size'", 'Number of cache buffers. Tune <i>db_cache_size</i> if the <i>data cache hit ratio</i> is too low.'), 'data cache blocksize' => array('DATAC', "select value from v\$parameter where name='db_block_size'", '' ), 'Memory Pools', 'Mem Max Target (11g+)' => array( 'DATAC', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'memory_max_target'", 'The memory_max_size is the maximum value to which memory_target can be set.' ), 'Memory target (11g+)' => array( 'DATAC', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'memory_target'", 'If memory_target is defined then SGA and PGA targets are consolidated into one memory_target.' ), 'SGA Max Size' => array( 'DATAC', "select nvl(value,0)/1024.0/1024 || 'M' from v\$parameter where name = 'sga_max_size'", 'The sga_max_size is the maximum value to which sga_target can be set.' ), 'SGA target' => array( 'DATAC', "select nvl(value,0)/1024.0/1024 || 'M' from v\$parameter where name = 'sga_target'", 'If sga_target is defined then data cache, shared, java and large pool size can be 0. This is because all these pools are consolidated into one sga_target.' ), 'PGA aggr target' => array( 'DATAC', "select nvl(value,0)/1024.0/1024 || 'M' from v\$parameter where name = 'pga_aggregate_target'", 'If pga_aggregate_target is defined then this is the maximum memory that can be allocated for cursor operations such as sorts, group by, joins, merges. When in doubt, set it to 20% of sga_target.' ), 'data cache size' => array('DATAC', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'db_cache_size'", 'db_cache_size' ), 'shared pool size' => array('DATAC', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size'", 'shared_pool_size, which holds shared sql, stored procedures, dict cache and similar shared structs' ), 'java pool size' => array('DATAJ', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'java_pool_size'", 'java_pool_size' ), 'large pool buffer size' => array('CACHE', "select value from v\$parameter where name='large_pool_size'", 'this pool is for large mem allocations (not because it is larger than shared pool), for MTS sessions, parallel queries, io buffers (large_pool_size) ' ), 'dynamic memory usage' => array('CACHE', "select '-' from dual", '=DynMemoryUsage'), 'Connections', 'current connections' => array('SESS', 'select count(*) from sys.v_$session where username is not null', ''), 'max connections' => array( 'SESS', "select value from v\$parameter where name='sessions'", ''), 'Memory Utilization', 'data cache utilization ratio' => array('RATIOU', "select round((1-bytes/sgasize)*100, 2) from (select sum(bytes) sgasize from sys.v_\$sgastat) s, sys.v_\$sgastat f where name = 'free memory' and pool = 'shared pool'", 'Percentage of data cache actually in use - should be over 85%'), 'shared pool utilization ratio' => array('RATIOU', 'select round((sga.bytes/case when p.value=0 then sga.bytes else to_number(p.value) end)*100,2) from v$sgastat sga, v$parameter p where = \'free memory\' and sga.pool = \'shared pool\' and = \'shared_pool_size\'', 'Percentage of shared pool actually used - too low is bad, too high is worse'), 'large pool utilization ratio' => array('RATIOU', "select round((1-bytes/sgasize)*100, 2) from (select sum(bytes) sgasize from sys.v_\$sgastat) s, sys.v_\$sgastat f where name = 'free memory' and pool = 'large pool'", 'Percentage of large_pool actually in use - too low is bad, too high is worse'), 'sort buffer size' => array('CACHE', "select value from v\$parameter where name='sort_area_size'", 'max in-mem sort_area_size (per query), uses memory in pga' ), /*'pga usage at peak' => array('RATIOU', '=PGA','Mb utilization at peak transactions (requires Oracle 9i+)'),*/ 'Transactions', 'rollback segments' => array('ROLLBACK', "select count(*) from sys.v_\$rollstat", ''), 'peak transactions' => array('ROLLBACK', "select max_utilization tx_hwm from sys.v_\$resource_limit where resource_name = 'transactions'", 'Taken from high-water-mark'), 'max transactions' => array('ROLLBACK', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'transactions'", 'max transactions / rollback segments < 3.5 (or transactions_per_rollback_segment)'), 'Parameters', 'cursor sharing' => array('CURSOR', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'cursor_sharing'", 'Cursor reuse strategy. Recommended is FORCE (8i+) or SIMILAR (9i+). See <a href=>cursor_sharing</a>.'), /* 'cursor reuse' => array('CURSOR', "select count(*) from (select sql_text_wo_constants, count(*) from t1 group by sql_text_wo_constants having count(*) > 100)",'These are sql statements that should be using bind variables'),*/ 'index cache cost' => array('COST', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'optimizer_index_caching'", '=WarnIndexCost'), 'random page cost' => array('COST', "select value from v\$parameter where name = 'optimizer_index_cost_adj'", '=WarnPageCost'), 'Waits', 'Recent wait events' => array('WAITS','select \'Top 5 events\' from dual','=TopRecentWaits'), // 'Historical wait SQL' => array('WAITS','select \'Last 2 days\' from dual','=TopHistoricalWaits'), -- requires AWR license 'Backup', 'Achivelog Mode' => array('BACKUP', 'select log_mode from v$database', '=LogMode'), 'DBID' => array('BACKUP','select dbid from v$database','Primary key of database, used for recovery with an RMAN Recovery Catalog'), 'Archive Log Dest' => array('BACKUP', "SELECT NVL(v1.value,v2.value) FROM v\$parameter v1, v\$parameter v2 WHERE'log_archive_dest' AND'log_archive_dest_10'", ''), 'Flashback Area' => array('BACKUP', "select nvl(value,'Flashback Area not used') from v\$parameter where name=lower('DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST')", 'Flashback area is a folder where all backup data and logs can be stored and managed by Oracle. If Error: message displayed, then it is not in use.'), 'Flashback Usage' => array('BACKUP', "select nvl('-','Flashback Area not used') from v\$parameter where name=lower('DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST')", '=FlashUsage', 'Flashback area usage.'), 'Control File Keep Time' => array('BACKUP', "select value from v\$parameter where name='control_file_record_keep_time'",'No of days to keep RMAN info in control file. Recommended set to x2 or x3 times the frequency of your full backup.'), 'Recent RMAN Jobs' => array('BACKUP', "select '-' from dual", "=RMAN"), // 'Control File Keep Time' => array('BACKUP', "select value from v\$parameter where name='control_file_record_keep_time'",'No of days to keep RMAN info in control file. I recommend it be set to x2 or x3 times the frequency of your full backup.'), 'Storage', 'Tablespaces' => array('TABLESPACE', "select '-' from dual", "=TableSpace"), false ); function __construct(&$conn) { global $gSQLBlockRows; $gSQLBlockRows = 1000; $savelog = $conn->LogSQL(false); $this->version = $conn->ServerInfo(); $conn->LogSQL($savelog); $this->conn = $conn; } function LogMode() { $mode = $this->conn->GetOne("select log_mode from v\$database"); if ($mode == 'ARCHIVELOG') return 'To turn off archivelog:<br> <pre><font size=-2> SQLPLUS> connect sys as sysdba; SQLPLUS> shutdown immediate; SQLPLUS> startup mount exclusive; SQLPLUS> alter database noarchivelog; SQLPLUS> alter database open; </font></pre>'; return 'To turn on archivelog:<br> <pre><font size=-2> SQLPLUS> connect sys as sysdba; SQLPLUS> shutdown immediate; SQLPLUS> startup mount exclusive; SQLPLUS> alter database archivelog; SQLPLUS> archive log start; SQLPLUS> alter database open; </font></pre>'; } function TopRecentWaits() { $rs = $this->conn->Execute("select * from ( select event, round(100*time_waited/(select sum(time_waited) from v\$system_event where wait_class <> 'Idle'),1) \"% Wait\", total_waits,time_waited, average_wait,wait_class from v\$system_event where wait_class <> 'Idle' order by 2 desc ) where rownum <=5"); $ret = rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); return "&nbsp;<p>".$ret."&nbsp;</p>"; } function TopHistoricalWaits() { $days = 2; $rs = $this->conn->Execute("select * from ( SELECT b.wait_class,B.NAME, round(sum(wait_time+TIME_WAITED)/1000000) waitsecs, parsing_schema_name, C.SQL_TEXT, a.sql_id FROM V\$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY A join V\$EVENT_NAME B on A.EVENT# = B.EVENT# join V\$SQLAREA C on A.SQL_ID = C.SQL_ID WHERE A.SAMPLE_TIME BETWEEN sysdate-$days and sysdate and parsing_schema_name not in ('SYS','SYSMAN','DBSNMP','SYSTEM') GROUP BY b.wait_class,parsing_schema_name,C.SQL_TEXT, B.NAME,A.sql_id order by 3 desc) where rownum <=10"); $ret = rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); return "&nbsp;<p>".$ret."&nbsp;</p>"; } function TableSpace() { $rs = $this->conn->Execute( "select tablespace_name,round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) as Used_MB,round(sum(maxbytes)/1024/1024) as Max_MB, round(sum(bytes)/sum(maxbytes),4) * 100 as PCT from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name order by 2 desc"); $ret = "<p><b>Tablespace</b>".rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); $rs = $this->conn->Execute("select * from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name, 1"); $ret .= "<p><b>Datafile</b>".rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); return "&nbsp;<p>".$ret."&nbsp;</p>"; } function RMAN() { $rs = $this->conn->Execute("select * from (select start_time, end_time, operation, status, mbytes_processed, output_device_type from V\$RMAN_STATUS order by start_time desc) where rownum <=10"); $ret = rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); return "&nbsp;<p>".$ret."&nbsp;</p>"; } function DynMemoryUsage() { if (@$this->version['version'] >= 11) { $rs = $this->conn->Execute("select component, current_size/1024./1024 as \"CurrSize (M)\" from V\$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS"); } else $rs = $this->conn->Execute("select name, round(bytes/1024./1024,2) as \"CurrSize (M)\" from V\$sgainfo"); $ret = rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); return "&nbsp;<p>".$ret."&nbsp;</p>"; } function FlashUsage() { $rs = $this->conn->Execute("select * from V\$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE"); $ret = rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); return "&nbsp;<p>".$ret."&nbsp;</p>"; } function WarnPageCost($val) { if ($val == 100 && $this->version['version'] < 10) $s = '<font color=red><b>Too High</b>. </font>'; else $s = ''; return $s.'Recommended is 20-50 for TP, and 50 for data warehouses. Default is 100. See <a href=>optimizer_index_cost_adj</a>. '; } function WarnIndexCost($val) { if ($val == 0 && $this->version['version'] < 10) $s = '<font color=red><b>Too Low</b>. </font>'; else $s = ''; return $s.'Percentage of indexed data blocks expected in the cache. Recommended is 20 (fast disk array) to 30 (slower hard disks). Default is 0. See <a href=>optimizer_index_caching</a>.'; } function PGA() { //if ($this->version['version'] < 9) return 'Oracle 9i or later required'; } function PGA_Advice() { $t = "<h3>PGA Advice Estimate</h3>"; if ($this->version['version'] < 9) return $t.'Oracle 9i or later required'; $rs = $this->conn->Execute('select a.MB, case when a.targ = 1 then \'<<= Current \' when a.targ < 1 or a.pct <= b.pct then null else \'- BETTER than Current by \'||round(a.pct/b.pct*100-100,2)||\'%\' end as "Percent Improved", a.targ as "PGA Size Factor",a.pct "% Perf" from (select round(pga_target_for_estimate/1024.0/1024.0,0) MB, pga_target_factor targ,estd_pga_cache_hit_percentage pct,rownum as r from v$pga_target_advice) a left join (select round(pga_target_for_estimate/1024.0/1024.0,0) MB, pga_target_factor targ,estd_pga_cache_hit_percentage pct,rownum as r from v$pga_target_advice) b on a.r = b.r+1 where b.pct < 100'); if (!$rs) return $t."Only in 9i or later"; // $rs->Close(); if ($rs->EOF) return $t."PGA could be too big"; return $t.rs2html($rs,false,false,true,false); } function Explain($sql,$partial=false) { $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); $rs = $this->conn->SelectLimit("select ID FROM PLAN_TABLE"); if (!$rs) { echo "<p><b>Missing PLAN_TABLE</b></p> <pre> CREATE TABLE PLAN_TABLE ( STATEMENT_ID VARCHAR2(30), TIMESTAMP DATE, REMARKS VARCHAR2(80), OPERATION VARCHAR2(30), OPTIONS VARCHAR2(30), OBJECT_NODE VARCHAR2(128), OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR2(30), OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30), OBJECT_INSTANCE NUMBER(38), OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(30), OPTIMIZER VARCHAR2(255), SEARCH_COLUMNS NUMBER, ID NUMBER(38), PARENT_ID NUMBER(38), POSITION NUMBER(38), COST NUMBER(38), CARDINALITY NUMBER(38), BYTES NUMBER(38), OTHER_TAG VARCHAR2(255), PARTITION_START VARCHAR2(255), PARTITION_STOP VARCHAR2(255), PARTITION_ID NUMBER(38), OTHER LONG, DISTRIBUTION VARCHAR2(30) ); </pre>"; return false; } $rs->Close(); // $this->conn->debug=1; if ($partial) { $sqlq = $this->conn->qstr($sql.'%'); $arr = $this->conn->GetArray("select distinct sql1 from adodb_logsql where sql1 like $sqlq"); if ($arr) { foreach($arr as $row) { $sql = reset($row); if (crc32($sql) == $partial) break; } } } $s = "<p><b>Explain</b>: ".htmlspecialchars($sql)."</p>"; $this->conn->BeginTrans(); $id = "ADODB ".microtime(); $rs = $this->conn->Execute("EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID='$id' FOR $sql"); $m = $this->conn->ErrorMsg(); if ($m) { $this->conn->RollbackTrans(); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); $s .= "<p>$m</p>"; return $s; } $rs = $this->conn->Execute(" select '<pre>'||lpad('--', (level-1)*2,'-') || trim(operation) || ' ' || trim(options)||'</pre>' as Operation, object_name,COST,CARDINALITY,bytes FROM plan_table START WITH id = 0 and STATEMENT_ID='$id' CONNECT BY prior id=parent_id and statement_id='$id'"); $s .= rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); $this->conn->RollbackTrans(); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); $s .= $this->Tracer($sql,$partial); return $s; } function CheckMemory() { if ($this->version['version'] < 9) return 'Oracle 9i or later required'; $rs = $this->conn->Execute(" select Buffer_Pool, b.size_for_estimate as cache_mb_estimate, case when b.size_factor=1 then '&lt;&lt;= Current' when a.estd_physical_read_factor-b.estd_physical_read_factor > 0.001 and b.estd_physical_read_factor<1 then '- BETTER than current by ' || round((1-b.estd_physical_read_factor)/b.estd_physical_read_factor*100,2) || '%' else ' ' end as RATING, b.estd_physical_read_factor \"Phys. Reads Factor\", round((a.estd_physical_read_factor-b.estd_physical_read_factor)/b.estd_physical_read_factor*100,2) as \"% Improve\" from (select size_for_estimate,size_factor,estd_physical_read_factor,rownum r,name from v\$db_cache_advice order by name,1) a , (select size_for_estimate,size_factor,estd_physical_read_factor,rownum r,name from v\$db_cache_advice order by name,1) b where a.r = b.r-1 and = "); if (!$rs) return false; /* The v$db_cache_advice utility show the marginal changes in physical data block reads for different sizes of db_cache_size */ $s = "<h3>Data Cache Advice Estimate</h3>"; if ($rs->EOF) { $s .= "<p>Cache that is 50% of current size is still too big</p>"; } else { $s .= "Ideal size of Data Cache is when %BETTER gets close to zero."; $s .= rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false); } return $s.$this->PGA_Advice(); } /* Generate html for suspicious/expensive sql */ function tohtml(&$rs,$type) { $o1 = $rs->FetchField(0); $o2 = $rs->FetchField(1); $o3 = $rs->FetchField(2); if ($rs->EOF) return '<p>None found</p>'; $check = ''; $sql = ''; $s = "\n\n<table border=1 bgcolor=white><tr><td><b>".$o1->name.'</b></td><td><b>'.$o2->name.'</b></td><td><b>'.$o3->name.'</b></td></tr>'; while (!$rs->EOF) { if ($check != $rs->fields[0].'::'.$rs->fields[1]) { if ($check) { $carr = explode('::',$check); $prefix = "<a href=\"?$type=1&sql=".rawurlencode($sql).'&x#explain">'; $suffix = '</a>'; if (strlen($prefix)>2000) { $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; } $s .= "\n<tr><td align=right>".$carr[0].'</td><td align=right>'.$carr[1].'</td><td>'.$prefix.$sql.$suffix.'</td></tr>'; } $sql = $rs->fields[2]; $check = $rs->fields[0].'::'.$rs->fields[1]; } else $sql .= $rs->fields[2]; if (substr($sql,strlen($sql)-1) == "\0") $sql = substr($sql,0,strlen($sql)-1); $rs->MoveNext(); } $rs->Close(); $carr = explode('::',$check); $prefix = "<a target=".rand()." href=\"?&hidem=1&$type=1&sql=".rawurlencode($sql).'&x#explain">'; $suffix = '</a>'; if (strlen($prefix)>2000) { $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; } $s .= "\n<tr><td align=right>".$carr[0].'</td><td align=right>'.$carr[1].'</td><td>'.$prefix.$sql.$suffix.'</td></tr>'; return $s."</table>\n\n"; } // code thanks to Ixora. // // requires oracle 8.1.7 or later function SuspiciousSQL($numsql=10) { $sql = " select substr(to_char(s.pct, '99.00'), 2) || '%' load, s.executions executes, p.sql_text from ( select address, buffer_gets, executions, pct, rank() over (order by buffer_gets desc) ranking from ( select address, buffer_gets, executions, 100 * ratio_to_report(buffer_gets) over () pct from sys.v_\$sql where command_type != 47 and module != 'T.O.A.D.' ) where buffer_gets > 50 * executions ) s, sys.v_\$sqltext p where s.ranking <= $numsql and p.address = s.address order by 1 desc, s.address, p.piece"; global $ADODB_CACHE_MODE; if (isset($_GET['expsixora']) && isset($_GET['sql'])) { $partial = empty($_GET['part']); echo "<a name=explain></a>".$this->Explain($_GET['sql'],$partial)."\n"; } if (isset($_GET['sql'])) return $this->_SuspiciousSQL($numsql); $s = ''; $timer = time(); $s .= $this->_SuspiciousSQL($numsql); $timer = time() - $timer; if ($timer > $this->noShowIxora) return $s; $s .= '<p>'; $save = $ADODB_CACHE_MODE; $ADODB_CACHE_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->conn->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->conn->SetFetchMode(false); $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); $rs = $this->conn->SelectLimit($sql); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); if (isset($savem)) $this->conn->SetFetchMode($savem); $ADODB_CACHE_MODE = $save; if ($rs) { $s .= "\n<h3>Ixora Suspicious SQL</h3>"; $s .= $this->tohtml($rs,'expsixora'); } return $s; } // code thanks to Ixora. // // requires oracle 8.1.7 or later function ExpensiveSQL($numsql = 10) { $sql = " select substr(to_char(s.pct, '99.00'), 2) || '%' load, s.executions executes, p.sql_text from ( select address, disk_reads, executions, pct, rank() over (order by disk_reads desc) ranking from ( select address, disk_reads, executions, 100 * ratio_to_report(disk_reads) over () pct from sys.v_\$sql where command_type != 47 and module != 'T.O.A.D.' ) where disk_reads > 50 * executions ) s, sys.v_\$sqltext p where s.ranking <= $numsql and p.address = s.address order by 1 desc, s.address, p.piece "; global $ADODB_CACHE_MODE; if (isset($_GET['expeixora']) && isset($_GET['sql'])) { $partial = empty($_GET['part']); echo "<a name=explain></a>".$this->Explain($_GET['sql'],$partial)."\n"; } if (isset($_GET['sql'])) { $var = $this->_ExpensiveSQL($numsql); return $var; } $s = ''; $timer = time(); $s .= $this->_ExpensiveSQL($numsql); $timer = time() - $timer; if ($timer > $this->noShowIxora) return $s; $s .= '<p>'; $save = $ADODB_CACHE_MODE; $ADODB_CACHE_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->conn->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->conn->SetFetchMode(false); $savelog = $this->conn->LogSQL(false); $rs = $this->conn->Execute($sql); $this->conn->LogSQL($savelog); if (isset($savem)) $this->conn->SetFetchMode($savem); $ADODB_CACHE_MODE = $save; if ($rs) { $s .= "\n<h3>Ixora Expensive SQL</h3>"; $s .= $this->tohtml($rs,'expeixora'); } return $s; } function clearsql() { $perf_table = adodb_perf::table(); // using the naive "delete from $perf_table where created<".$this->conn->sysTimeStamp will cause the table to lock, possibly // for a long time $sql = "DECLARE cnt pls_integer; BEGIN cnt := 0; FOR rec IN (SELECT ROWID AS rr FROM $perf_table WHERE created<SYSDATE) LOOP cnt := cnt + 1; DELETE FROM $perf_table WHERE ROWID=rec.rr; IF cnt = 1000 THEN COMMIT; cnt := 0; END IF; END LOOP; commit; END;"; $ok = $this->conn->Execute($sql); } }