Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  namespace core\local\guzzle;
  19  /**
  20   * Class to handle and generates CacheItemPoolInterface objects.
  21   *
  22   * This class will handle save, delete, cleanup etc. for the cache item.
  23   * For individual cache objects, this class will rely on {@cache_item} class.
  24   *
  25   * @package    core
  26   * @copyright  2022 Safat Shahin <>
  27   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  28   */
  29  class cache_handler {
  31      /**
  32       * This array will have the kay and value for that key.
  33       * Mainly individual data will be handled by {@cache_item} class for each array element.
  34       *
  35       * @var array $items cached items or the items currently in use by the cache pool.
  36       */
  37      private array $items;
  39      /**
  40       * This array will have the cache items which might need to persisted later.
  41       * It will not save the items in the cache pool using cache_item class until the commit is done for these elements.
  42       *
  43       * @var array $deferreditems cache items to be persisted later.
  44       */
  45      private array $deferreditems;
  47      /** @var string module name. */
  48      private string $module;
  50      /** @var string the directory for cache. */
  51      private string $dir;
  53      /**
  54       * Constructor for class cache_handler.
  55       * This class will accept the module which will determine the location of cached files.
  56       *
  57       * @param string $module module string for cache directory.
  58       */
  59      public function __construct(string $module = 'repository') {
  60          global $CFG;
  61          $this->module = $module;
  63          // Set the directory for cache.
  64          $this->dir = $CFG->cachedir . '/' . $module . '/';
  65          if (!file_exists($this->dir) && !mkdir($concurrentdirectory = $this->dir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true) &&
  66              !is_dir($concurrentdirectory)) {
  67              throw new \moodle_exception(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $concurrentdirectory));
  68          }
  70      }
  72      /**
  73       * Returns a Cache Item representing the specified key.
  74       *
  75       * This method must always return a CacheItemInterface object, even in case of
  76       * a cache miss. It MUST NOT return null.
  77       *
  78       * @param string $key The key for which to return the corresponding Cache Item..
  79       * @param int|null $ttl Number of seconds for the cache item to live.
  80       * @return cache_item The corresponding Cache Item.
  81       */
  82      public function get_item(string$key, ?int $ttl = null): cache_item {
  83          return new cache_item($key, $this->module, $ttl);
  84      }
  86      /**
  87       * Returns a traversable set of cache items.
  88       *
  89       * @param string[] $keys An indexed array of keys of items to retrieve.
  90       * @return iterable
  91       *   An iterable collection of Cache Items keyed by the cache keys of
  92       *   each item. A Cache item will be returned for each key, even if that
  93       *   key is not found. However, if no keys are specified then an empty
  94       *   traversable MUST be returned instead.
  95       */
  96      public function get_items(array $keys = []): iterable {
  97          $items = [];
  99          foreach ($keys as $key) {
 100              $items[$key] = $this->has_item($key) ? clone $this->items[$key] : $this->get_item($key);
 101          }
 103          return $items;
 104      }
 106      /**
 107       * Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.
 108       *
 109       * Note: This method MAY avoid retrieving the cached value for performance reasons.
 110       * This could result in a race condition with CacheItemInterface::get(). To avoid
 111       * such situation use CacheItemInterface::isHit() instead.
 112       *
 113       * @param string $key The key for which to check existence.
 114       * @return bool True if item exists in the cache, false otherwise.
 115       */
 116      public function has_item($key): bool {
 117          $this->assert_key_is_valid($key);
 119          return isset($this->items[$key]) && $this->items[$key]->isHit();
 120      }
 122      /**
 123       * Deletes all items in the pool.
 124       *
 125       * @return bool True if the pool was successfully cleared. False if there was an error.
 126       */
 127      public function clear(): bool {
 128          global $USER;
 130          if (isset($this->items)) {
 131              foreach ($this->items as $key => $item) {
 132                  // Delete cache file.
 133                  if ($dir = opendir($this->dir)) {
 134                      $filename = 'u' . $USER->id . '_' . md5(serialize($key));
 135                      $filename = $dir . $filename;
 136                      if (file_exists($filename) && $this->items[$key]->isHit()) {
 137                          @unlink($filename);
 138                      }
 139                      closedir($dir);
 140                  }
 141              }
 142          }
 144          $this->items = [];
 145          $this->deferreditems = [];
 147          return true;
 148      }
 150      /**
 151       * Refreshes all items in the pool.
 152       *
 153       * @param int $ttl Seconds to live.
 154       * @return void
 155       */
 156      public function refresh(int $ttl): void {
 157          if ($dir = opendir($this->dir)) {
 158              while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
 159                  if (!is_dir($file) && $file !== '.' && $file !== '..') {
 160                      $lasttime = @filemtime($this->dir . $file);
 161                      if (time() - $lasttime > $ttl) {
 162                          mtrace($this->dir . $file);
 163                          @unlink($this->dir . $file);
 164                      }
 165                  }
 166              }
 167              closedir($dir);
 168          }
 169      }
 171      /**
 172       * Removes the item from the pool.
 173       *
 174       * @param string $key The key to delete.
 175       * @return bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error.
 176       */
 177      public function delete_item(string $key): bool {
 178          return $this->delete_items([$key]);
 179      }
 181      /**
 182       * Removes multiple items from the pool.
 183       *
 184       * @param string[] $keys An array of keys that should be removed from the pool.
 185       * @return bool  True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error.
 186       */
 187      public function delete_items(array $keys): bool {
 188          global $USER;
 189          array_walk($keys, [$this, 'assert_key_is_valid']);
 191          foreach ($keys as $key) {
 192              // Delete cache file.
 193              if ($dir = opendir($this->dir)) {
 194                  $filename = 'u' . $USER->id . '_' . md5(serialize($key));
 195                  $filename = $dir . $filename;
 196                  if (file_exists($filename)) {
 197                      @unlink($filename);
 198                  }
 199              }
 201              unset($this->items[$key]);
 202          }
 204          return true;
 205      }
 207      /**
 208       * Persists a cache item immediately.
 209       *
 210       * @param cache_item $item The cache item to save.
 211       * @return bool True if the item was successfully persisted. False if there was an error.
 212       */
 213      public function save(cache_item $item): bool {
 214          global $CFG, $USER;
 215          $key = $item->get_key();
 217          // File and directory setup.
 218          $filename = 'u' . $USER->id . '_' . md5(serialize($key));
 219          $fp = fopen($this->dir . $filename, 'wb');
 221          // Store the item.
 222          fwrite($fp, serialize($item->get()));
 223          fclose($fp);
 224          @chmod($this->dir . $filename, $CFG->filepermissions);
 226          $this->items[$key] = $item;
 228          return true;
 229      }
 231      /**
 232       * Sets a cache item to be persisted later.
 233       *
 234       * @param cache_item $item The cache item to save.
 235       * @return bool False if the item could not be queued or if a commit was attempted and failed. True otherwise.
 236       */
 237      public function save_deferred(cache_item $item): bool {
 238          $this->deferreditems[$item->get_key()] = $item;
 240          return true;
 241      }
 243      /**
 244       * Persists any deferred cache items.
 245       *
 246       * @return bool True if all not-yet-saved items were successfully saved or there were none. False otherwise.
 247       */
 248      public function commit(): bool {
 249          foreach ($this->deferreditems as $item) {
 250              $this->save($item);
 251          }
 253          $this->deferreditems = [];
 255          return true;
 256      }
 258      /**
 259       * Asserts that the given key is valid.
 260       * Some simple validation to make sure the passed key is a valid one.
 261       *
 262       * @param string $key The key to validate.
 263       */
 264      private function assert_key_is_valid(string $key): void {
 265          $invalidcharacters = '{}()/\\\\@:';
 267          if (!is_string($key) || preg_match("#[$invalidcharacters]#", $key)) {
 268              throw new \moodle_exception('Invalid cache key');
 269          }
 270      }
 272  }