Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * Session manager class.
 * @package    core
 * @copyright  2013 Petr Skoda {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core\session;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

use html_writer;

 * Session manager, this is the public Moodle API for sessions.
 * Following PHP functions MUST NOT be used directly:
 * - session_start() - not necessary, lib/setup.php starts session automatically,
 *   use define('NO_MOODLE_COOKIE', true) if session not necessary.
 * - session_write_close() - use \core\session\manager::write_close() instead.
 * - session_destroy() - use require_logout() instead.
 * @package    core
 * @copyright  2013 Petr Skoda {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class manager {
    /** @var int A hard cutoff of maximum stored history */

    /** @var int The recent session locks array is reset if there is a time gap more than this value in seconds */

    /** @var handler $handler active session handler instance */
    protected static $handler;

    /** @var bool $sessionactive Is the session active? */
    protected static $sessionactive = null;

    /** @var string $logintokenkey Key used to get and store request protection for login form. */
    protected static $logintokenkey = 'core_auth_login';

    /** @var array Stores the the SESSION before a request is performed, used to check incorrect read-only modes */
    private static $priorsession = [];

> /** @var array Stores the the SESSION after write_close is called, used to check if it was mutated after the session is closed */ /** > private static $sessionatclose = []; * @var bool Used to trigger the SESSION mutation warning without actually preventing SESSION mutation. >
* This variable is used to "copy" what the $requireslock parameter does in start_session(). * Once requireslock is set in start_session it's later accessible via $handler->requires_write_lock, * When using $CFG->enable_read_only_sessions_debug mode, this variable serves the same purpose without * actually setting the handler as requiring a write lock. */ private static $requireslockdebug; /** * If the current session is not writeable, abort it, and re-open it * requesting (and blocking) until a write lock is acquired. * If current session was already opened with an intentional write lock, * this call will not do anything. * NOTE: Even when using a session handler that does not support non-locking sessions, * if the original session was not opened with the explicit intention of being locked, * this will still restart your session so that code behaviour matches as closely * as practical across environments. * * @param bool $readonlysession Used by debugging logic to determine if whatever * triggered the restart (e.g., a webservice) declared * itself as read only. */ public static function restart_with_write_lock(bool $readonlysession) { global $CFG; self::$requireslockdebug = !$readonlysession; if (self::$sessionactive && !self::$handler->requires_write_lock()) { @self::$handler->abort(); self::$sessionactive = false; self::start_session(true); } } /** * Start user session. * * Note: This is intended to be called only from lib/setup.php! */ public static function start() { global $CFG, $DB, $PERF; if (isset(self::$sessionactive)) { debugging('Session was already started!', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return; } // Grab the time before session lock starts. $PERF->sessionlock['start'] = microtime(true); self::load_handler(); // Init the session handler only if everything initialised properly in lib/setup.php file // and the session is actually required. if (empty($DB) or empty($CFG->version) or !defined('NO_MOODLE_COOKIES') or NO_MOODLE_COOKIES or CLI_SCRIPT) { self::$sessionactive = false; self::init_empty_session(); return; } if (defined('READ_ONLY_SESSION') && !empty($CFG->enable_read_only_sessions)) { $requireslock = !READ_ONLY_SESSION; } else { $requireslock = true; // For backwards compatibility, we default to assuming that a lock is needed. } // By default make the two variables the same. This means that when they are // checked below in start_session and write_close there is no possibility for // the debug version to "accidentally" execute the debug mode. self::$requireslockdebug = $requireslock; if (defined('READ_ONLY_SESSION') && !empty($CFG->enable_read_only_sessions_debug)) { // Only change the debug variable if READ_ONLY_SESSION is declared, // as would happen with the real requireslock variable. self::$requireslockdebug = !READ_ONLY_SESSION; } self::start_session($requireslock); } /** * Handles starting a session. * * @param bool $requireslock If this is false then no write lock will be acquired, * and the session will be read-only. */ private static function start_session(bool $requireslock) { global $PERF, $CFG; try { self::$handler->init(); self::$handler->set_requires_write_lock($requireslock); self::prepare_cookies(); $isnewsession = empty($_COOKIE[session_name()]); if (!self::$handler->start()) { // Could not successfully start/recover session. throw new \core\session\exception(get_string('servererror')); } if ($requireslock) { // Grab the time when session lock starts. $PERF->sessionlock['gained'] = microtime(true); $PERF->sessionlock['wait'] = $PERF->sessionlock['gained'] - $PERF->sessionlock['start']; } self::initialise_user_session($isnewsession); self::$sessionactive = true; // Set here, so the session can be cleared if the security check fails. self::check_security(); if (!$requireslock || !self::$requireslockdebug) { self::$priorsession = (array) $_SESSION['SESSION']; } if (!empty($CFG->enable_read_only_sessions) && isset($_SESSION['SESSION']->cachestore_session)) { $caches = join(', ', array_keys($_SESSION['SESSION']->cachestore_session)); $caches = str_replace('default_session-', '', $caches); throw new \moodle_exception("The session caches can not be in the session store when " . "enable_read_only_sessions is enabled. Please map all session mode caches to be outside of the " . "default session store before enabling this features. Found these definitions in the session: $caches"); } // Link global $USER and $SESSION, // this is tricky because PHP does not allow references to references // and global keyword uses internally once reference to the $GLOBALS array. // The solution is to use the $GLOBALS['USER'] and $GLOBALS['$SESSION'] // as the main storage of data and put references to $_SESSION. $GLOBALS['USER'] = $_SESSION['USER']; $_SESSION['USER'] =& $GLOBALS['USER']; $GLOBALS['SESSION'] = $_SESSION['SESSION']; $_SESSION['SESSION'] =& $GLOBALS['SESSION']; } catch (\Exception $ex) { self::init_empty_session(); self::$sessionactive = false; throw $ex; } } /** * Returns current page performance info. * * @return array perf info */ public static function get_performance_info() { global $CFG, $PERF; if (!session_id()) { return array(); } self::load_handler(); $size = display_size(strlen(session_encode())); $handler = get_class(self::$handler); $info = array(); $info['size'] = $size; $info['html'] = html_writer::div("Session ($handler): $size", "sessionsize"); $info['txt'] = "Session ($handler): $size "; if (!empty($CFG->debugsessionlock)) { $sessionlock = self::get_session_lock_info(); if (!empty($sessionlock['held'])) { // The page displays the footer and the session has been closed. $sessionlocktext = "Session lock held: ".number_format($sessionlock['held'], 3)." secs"; } else { // The session hasn't yet been closed and so we assume now with microtime. $sessionlockheld = microtime(true) - $PERF->sessionlock['gained']; $sessionlocktext = "Session lock open: ".number_format($sessionlockheld, 3)." secs"; } $info['txt'] .= $sessionlocktext; $info['html'] .= html_writer::div($sessionlocktext, "sessionlockstart"); $sessionlockwaittext = "Session lock wait: ".number_format($sessionlock['wait'], 3)." secs"; $info['txt'] .= $sessionlockwaittext; $info['html'] .= html_writer::div($sessionlockwaittext, "sessionlockwait"); } return $info; } /** * Get fully qualified name of session handler class. * * @return string The name of the handler class */ public static function get_handler_class() { global $CFG, $DB; if (PHPUNIT_TEST) { return '\core\session\file'; } else if (!empty($CFG->session_handler_class)) { return $CFG->session_handler_class; } else if (!empty($CFG->dbsessions) and $DB->session_lock_supported()) { return '\core\session\database'; } return '\core\session\file'; } /** * Create handler instance. */ protected static function load_handler() { if (self::$handler) { return; } // Find out which handler to use. $class = self::get_handler_class(); self::$handler = new $class(); } /** * Empty current session, fill it with not-logged-in user info. * * This is intended for installation scripts, unit tests and other * special areas. Do NOT use for logout and session termination * in normal requests! * * @param mixed $newsid only used after initialising a user session, is this a new user session? */ public static function init_empty_session(?bool $newsid = null) { global $CFG; if (isset($GLOBALS['SESSION']->notifications)) { // Backup notifications. These should be preserved across session changes until the user fetches and clears them. $notifications = $GLOBALS['SESSION']->notifications; } $GLOBALS['SESSION'] = new \stdClass(); if (isset($newsid)) { $GLOBALS['SESSION']->isnewsessioncookie = $newsid; } $GLOBALS['USER'] = new \stdClass(); $GLOBALS['USER']->id = 0; if (!empty($notifications)) { // Restore notifications. $GLOBALS['SESSION']->notifications = $notifications; } if (isset($CFG->mnet_localhost_id)) { $GLOBALS['USER']->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } else { // Not installed yet, the future host id will be most probably 1. $GLOBALS['USER']->mnethostid = 1; } // Link global $USER and $SESSION. $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['USER'] =& $GLOBALS['USER']; $_SESSION['SESSION'] =& $GLOBALS['SESSION']; } /** * Make sure all cookie and session related stuff is configured properly before session start. */ protected static function prepare_cookies() { global $CFG; $cookiesecure = is_moodle_cookie_secure(); if (!isset($CFG->cookiehttponly)) { $CFG->cookiehttponly = 0; } // Set sessioncookie variable if it isn't already. if (!isset($CFG->sessioncookie)) { $CFG->sessioncookie = ''; } $sessionname = 'MoodleSession'.$CFG->sessioncookie; // Make sure cookie domain makes sense for this wwwroot. if (!isset($CFG->sessioncookiedomain)) { $CFG->sessioncookiedomain = ''; } else if ($CFG->sessioncookiedomain !== '') { $host = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot, PHP_URL_HOST); if ($CFG->sessioncookiedomain !== $host) { if (substr($CFG->sessioncookiedomain, 0, 1) === '.') { if (!preg_match('|^.*'.preg_quote($CFG->sessioncookiedomain, '|').'$|', $host)) { // Invalid domain - it must be end part of host. $CFG->sessioncookiedomain = ''; } } else { if (!preg_match('|^.*\.'.preg_quote($CFG->sessioncookiedomain, '|').'$|', $host)) { // Invalid domain - it must be end part of host. $CFG->sessioncookiedomain = ''; } } } } // Make sure the cookiepath is valid for this wwwroot or autodetect if not specified. if (!isset($CFG->sessioncookiepath)) { $CFG->sessioncookiepath = ''; } if ($CFG->sessioncookiepath !== '/') { $path = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot, PHP_URL_PATH).'/'; if ($CFG->sessioncookiepath === '') { $CFG->sessioncookiepath = $path; } else { if (strpos($path, $CFG->sessioncookiepath) !== 0 or substr($CFG->sessioncookiepath, -1) !== '/') { $CFG->sessioncookiepath = $path; } } } // Discard session ID from POST, GET and globals to tighten security, // this is session fixation prevention. unset($GLOBALS[$sessionname]); unset($_GET[$sessionname]); unset($_POST[$sessionname]); unset($_REQUEST[$sessionname]); // Compatibility hack for non-browser access to our web interface. if (!empty($_COOKIE[$sessionname]) && $_COOKIE[$sessionname] == "deleted") { unset($_COOKIE[$sessionname]); } // Set configuration. session_name($sessionname); $sessionoptions = [ 'lifetime' => 0, 'path' => $CFG->sessioncookiepath, 'domain' => $CFG->sessioncookiedomain, 'secure' => $cookiesecure, 'httponly' => $CFG->cookiehttponly, ]; if (self::should_use_samesite_none()) { // If $samesite is empty, we don't want there to be any SameSite attribute. $sessionoptions['samesite'] = 'None'; } session_set_cookie_params($sessionoptions); ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0'); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', '1'); ini_set('session.use_strict_mode', '0'); // We have custom protection in session init. ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php'); // We can move to 'php_serialize' after we require PHP 5.5.4 form Moodle. // Moodle does normal session timeouts, this is for leftovers only. ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 1000); ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 60*60*24*4); } /** * Initialise $_SESSION, handles google access * and sets up not-logged-in user properly. * * WARNING: $USER and $SESSION are set up later, do not use them yet! * * @param bool $newsid is this a new session in first http request? */ protected static function initialise_user_session($newsid) { global $CFG, $DB; $sid = session_id(); if (!$sid) { // No session, very weird. error_log('Missing session ID, session not started!'); self::init_empty_session($newsid); return; } if (!$record = $DB->get_record('sessions', array('sid'=>$sid), 'id, sid, state, userid, lastip, timecreated, timemodified')) { if (!$newsid) { if (!empty($_SESSION['USER']->id)) { // This should not happen, just log it, we MUST not produce any output here! error_log("Cannot find session record $sid for user ".$_SESSION['USER']->id.", creating new session."); } // Prevent session fixation attacks. session_regenerate_id(true); } $_SESSION = array(); } unset($sid); if (isset($_SESSION['USER']->id)) { if (!empty($_SESSION['USER']->realuser)) { $userid = $_SESSION['USER']->realuser; } else { $userid = $_SESSION['USER']->id; } // Verify timeout first. $maxlifetime = $CFG->sessiontimeout; $timeout = false; if (isguestuser($userid) or empty($userid)) { // Ignore guest and not-logged in timeouts, there is very little risk here. $timeout = false; } else if ($record->timemodified < time() - $maxlifetime) { $timeout = true; $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(); // Auths, in sequence. foreach ($authsequence as $authname) { $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($authname); if ($authplugin->ignore_timeout_hook($_SESSION['USER'], $record->sid, $record->timecreated, $record->timemodified)) { $timeout = false; break; } } } if ($timeout) { if (defined('NO_SESSION_UPDATE') && NO_SESSION_UPDATE) { return; } session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION = array(); $DB->delete_records('sessions', array('id'=>$record->id)); } else { // Update session tracking record. $update = new \stdClass(); $updated = false; if ($record->userid != $userid) { $update->userid = $record->userid = $userid; $updated = true; } $ip = getremoteaddr(); if ($record->lastip != $ip) { $update->lastip = $record->lastip = $ip; $updated = true; } $updatefreq = empty($CFG->session_update_timemodified_frequency) ? 20 : $CFG->session_update_timemodified_frequency; if ($record->timemodified == $record->timecreated) { // Always do first update of existing record. $update->timemodified = $record->timemodified = time(); $updated = true; } else if ($record->timemodified < time() - $updatefreq) { // Update the session modified flag only once every 20 seconds. $update->timemodified = $record->timemodified = time(); $updated = true; } if ($updated && (!defined('NO_SESSION_UPDATE') || !NO_SESSION_UPDATE)) { $update->id = $record->id; $DB->update_record('sessions', $update); } return; } } else { if ($record) { // This happens when people switch session handlers... session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION = array(); $DB->delete_records('sessions', array('id'=>$record->id)); } } unset($record); $timedout = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION'])) { $_SESSION['SESSION'] = new \stdClass(); if (!$newsid) { $timedout = true; } } $user = null; if (!empty($CFG->opentowebcrawlers)) { if (\core_useragent::is_web_crawler()) { $user = guest_user(); } $referer = get_local_referer(false); if (!empty($CFG->guestloginbutton) and !$user and !empty($referer)) { // Automatically log in users coming from search engine results. if (strpos($referer, 'google') !== false ) { $user = guest_user(); } else if (strpos($referer, 'altavista') !== false ) { $user = guest_user(); } } } // Setup $USER and insert the session tracking record. if ($user) { self::set_user($user); self::add_session_record($user->id); } else { self::init_empty_session($newsid); self::add_session_record(0); } if ($timedout) { $_SESSION['SESSION']->has_timed_out = true; } } /** * Insert new empty session record. * @param int $userid * @return \stdClass the new record */ protected static function add_session_record($userid) { global $DB; $record = new \stdClass(); $record->state = 0; $record->sid = session_id(); $record->sessdata = null; $record->userid = $userid; $record->timecreated = $record->timemodified = time(); $record->firstip = $record->lastip = getremoteaddr(); $record->id = $DB->insert_record('sessions', $record); return $record; } /** * Do various session security checks. * * WARNING: $USER and $SESSION are set up later, do not use them yet! * @throws \core\session\exception */ protected static function check_security() { global $CFG; if (!empty($_SESSION['USER']->id) and !empty($CFG->tracksessionip)) { // Make sure current IP matches the one for this session. $remoteaddr = getremoteaddr(); if (empty($_SESSION['USER']->sessionip)) { $_SESSION['USER']->sessionip = $remoteaddr; } if ($_SESSION['USER']->sessionip != $remoteaddr) { // This is a security feature - terminate the session in case of any doubt. self::terminate_current(); throw new exception('sessionipnomatch2', 'error'); } } } /** * Login user, to be called from complete_user_login() only. * @param \stdClass $user */ public static function login_user(\stdClass $user) { global $DB; // Regenerate session id and delete old session, // this helps prevent session fixation attacks from the same domain. $sid = session_id(); session_regenerate_id(true); $DB->delete_records('sessions', array('sid'=>$sid)); self::add_session_record($user->id); // Let enrol plugins deal with new enrolments if necessary. enrol_check_plugins($user); // Setup $USER object. self::set_user($user); } /** * Returns a valid setting for the SameSite cookie attribute. * * @return string The desired setting for the SameSite attribute on the cookie. Empty string indicates the SameSite attribute * should not be set at all. */ private static function should_use_samesite_none(): bool { // We only want None or no attribute at this point. When we have cookie handling compatible with Lax, // we can look at checking a setting. // Browser support for none is not consistent yet. There are known issues with Safari, and IE11. // Things are stablising, however as they're not stable yet we will deal specifically with the version of chrome // that introduces a default of lax, setting it to none for the current version of chrome (2 releases before the change). // We also check you are using secure cookies and HTTPS because if you are not running over HTTPS // then setting SameSite=None will cause your session cookie to be rejected. if (\core_useragent::is_chrome() && \core_useragent::check_chrome_version('78') && is_moodle_cookie_secure()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Terminate current user session. * @return void */ public static function terminate_current() { global $DB; if (!self::$sessionactive) { self::init_empty_session(); self::$sessionactive = false; return; } try { $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('sid'=>session_id(), 'tokentype'=>EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED)); } catch (\Exception $ignored) { // Probably install/upgrade - ignore this problem. } // Initialize variable to pass-by-reference to headers_sent(&$file, &$line). $file = null; $line = null; if (headers_sent($file, $line)) { error_log('Cannot terminate session properly - headers were already sent in file: '.$file.' on line '.$line); } // Write new empty session and make sure the old one is deleted. $sid = session_id(); session_regenerate_id(true); $DB->delete_records('sessions', array('sid'=>$sid)); self::init_empty_session(); self::add_session_record($_SESSION['USER']->id); // Do not use $USER here because it may not be set up yet. self::write_close(); } /** * No more changes in session expected. * Unblocks the sessions, other scripts may start executing in parallel. */ public static function write_close() { global $PERF, $ME, $CFG; if (self::$sessionactive) { $requireslock = self::$handler->requires_write_lock(); if ($requireslock) { // Grab the time when session lock is released. $PERF->sessionlock['released'] = microtime(true); if (!empty($PERF->sessionlock['gained'])) { $PERF->sessionlock['held'] = $PERF->sessionlock['released'] - $PERF->sessionlock['gained']; } $PERF->sessionlock['url'] = me(); self::update_recent_session_locks($PERF->sessionlock); self::sessionlock_debugging(); }
> if (!$requireslock || !self::$requireslockdebug) { > // If debugging, take a snapshot of session at close and compare on shutdown to detect any accidental mutations. // Compare the array of the earlier session data with the array now, if > if (debugging()) { // there is a difference then a lock is required. > self::$sessionatclose = (array) $_SESSION['SESSION']; $arraydiff = self::array_session_diff( > \core_shutdown_manager::register_function('\core\session\manager::check_mutated_closed_session'); self::$priorsession, > } (array) $_SESSION['SESSION'] >
); if ($arraydiff) { $error = "Script $ME defined READ_ONLY_SESSION but the following SESSION attributes were changed:"; foreach ($arraydiff as $key => $value) { $error .= ' $SESSION->' . $key; } // This will emit an error if debugging is on, even if $CFG->enable_read_only_sessions // is not true as we need to surface this class of errors. error_log($error); // phpcs:ignore } } } // More control over whether session data // is persisted or not. if (self::$sessionactive && session_id()) { // Write session and release lock only if // indication session start was clean. self::$handler->write_close(); } else { // Otherwise, if possible lock exists want // to clear it, but do not write session. // If the $handler has not been set then // there is no session to abort. if (isset(self::$handler)) { @self::$handler->abort(); } } self::$sessionactive = false; } /**
> * Checks if the session has been mutated since it was closed. * Does the PHP session with given id exist? > * In write_close the session is saved to the variable $sessionatclose * > * If there is a difference between $sessionatclose and the current session, * The session must exist both in session table and actual > * it means a script has erroneously closed the session too early. * session backend and the session must not be timed out. > * Script is usually called in shutdown_manager * > */ * Timeout evaluation is simplified, the auth hooks are not executed. > public static function check_mutated_closed_session() { * > global $ME; * @param string $sid > * @return bool > // Session is still open, mutations are allowed. */ > if (self::$sessionactive) { public static function session_exists($sid) { > return; global $DB, $CFG; > } > if (empty($CFG->version)) { > // Detect if session was cleared. // Not installed yet, do not try to access database. > if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION']) && isset(self::$sessionatclose)) { return false; > debugging("Script $ME cleared the session after it was closed."); } > return; > } else if (!isset($_SESSION['SESSION'])) { // Note: add sessions->state checking here if it gets implemented. > // Else session is empty, nothing to check. if (!$record = $DB->get_record('sessions', array('sid' => $sid), 'id, userid, timemodified')) { > return; return false; > } } > > // Session is closed - compare the current session to the session when write_close was called. if (empty($record->userid) or isguestuser($record->userid)) { > $arraydiff = self::array_session_diff( // Ignore guest and not-logged-in timeouts, there is very little risk here. > self::$sessionatclose, } else if ($record->timemodified < time() - $CFG->sessiontimeout) { > (array) $_SESSION['SESSION'] return false; > ); } > > if ($arraydiff) { // There is no need the existence of handler storage in public API. > $error = "Script $ME mutated the session after it was closed:"; self::load_handler(); > foreach ($arraydiff as $key => $value) { return self::$handler->session_exists($sid); > $error .= ' $SESSION->' . $key; } > > // Extra debugging for cachestore session changes. /** > if (strpos($key, 'cachestore_') === 0 && is_array($value)) { * Return the number of seconds remaining in the current session. > $error .= ': ' . implode(',', array_keys($value)); * @param string $sid > } */ > } public static function time_remaining($sid) { > debugging($error); global $DB, $CFG; > } > } if (empty($CFG->version)) { > // Not installed yet, do not try to access database. > /**
return ['userid' => 0, 'timeremaining' => $CFG->sessiontimeout]; } // Note: add sessions->state checking here if it gets implemented. if (!$record = $DB->get_record('sessions', array('sid' => $sid), 'id, userid, timemodified')) { return ['userid' => 0, 'timeremaining' => $CFG->sessiontimeout]; } if (empty($record->userid) or isguestuser($record->userid)) { // Ignore guest and not-logged-in timeouts, there is very little risk here. return ['userid' => 0, 'timeremaining' => $CFG->sessiontimeout]; } else { return ['userid' => $record->userid, 'timeremaining' => $CFG->sessiontimeout - (time() - $record->timemodified)]; } } /** * Fake last access for given session, this prevents session timeout. * @param string $sid */ public static function touch_session($sid) { global $DB; // Timeouts depend on core sessions table only, no need to update anything in external stores. $sql = "UPDATE {sessions} SET timemodified = :now WHERE sid = :sid"; $DB->execute($sql, array('now'=>time(), 'sid'=>$sid)); } /** * Terminate all sessions unconditionally. */ public static function kill_all_sessions() { global $DB; self::terminate_current(); self::load_handler(); self::$handler->kill_all_sessions(); try { $DB->delete_records('sessions'); } catch (\dml_exception $ignored) { // Do not show any warnings - might be during upgrade/installation. } } /** * Terminate give session unconditionally. * @param string $sid */ public static function kill_session($sid) { global $DB; self::load_handler(); if ($sid === session_id()) { self::write_close(); } self::$handler->kill_session($sid); $DB->delete_records('sessions', array('sid'=>$sid)); } /** * Terminate all sessions of given user unconditionally. * @param int $userid * @param string $keepsid keep this sid if present */ public static function kill_user_sessions($userid, $keepsid = null) { global $DB; $sessions = $DB->get_records('sessions', array('userid'=>$userid), 'id DESC', 'id, sid'); foreach ($sessions as $session) { if ($keepsid and $keepsid === $session->sid) { continue; } self::kill_session($session->sid); } } /** * Terminate other sessions of current user depending * on $CFG->limitconcurrentlogins restriction. * * This is expected to be called right after complete_user_login(). * * NOTE: * * Do not use from SSO auth plugins, this would not work. * * Do not use from web services because they do not have sessions. * * @param int $userid * @param string $sid session id to be always keep, usually the current one * @return void */ public static function apply_concurrent_login_limit($userid, $sid = null) { global $CFG, $DB; // NOTE: the $sid parameter is here mainly to allow testing, // in most cases it should be current session id. if (isguestuser($userid) or empty($userid)) { // This applies to real users only! return; } if (empty($CFG->limitconcurrentlogins) or $CFG->limitconcurrentlogins < 0) { return; } $count = $DB->count_records('sessions', array('userid' => $userid)); if ($count <= $CFG->limitconcurrentlogins) { return; } $i = 0; $select = "userid = :userid"; $params = array('userid' => $userid); if ($sid) { if ($DB->record_exists('sessions', array('sid' => $sid, 'userid' => $userid))) { $select .= " AND sid <> :sid"; $params['sid'] = $sid; $i = 1; } } $sessions = $DB->get_records_select('sessions', $select, $params, 'timecreated DESC', 'id, sid'); foreach ($sessions as $session) { $i++; if ($i <= $CFG->limitconcurrentlogins) { continue; } self::kill_session($session->sid); } } /** * Set current user. * * @param \stdClass $user record */ public static function set_user(\stdClass $user) { global $ADMIN; $GLOBALS['USER'] = $user; unset($GLOBALS['USER']->description); // Conserve memory. unset($GLOBALS['USER']->password); // Improve security. if (isset($GLOBALS['USER']->lang)) { // Make sure it is a valid lang pack name. $GLOBALS['USER']->lang = clean_param($GLOBALS['USER']->lang, PARAM_LANG); } // Relink session with global $USER just in case it got unlinked somehow. $_SESSION['USER'] =& $GLOBALS['USER']; // Nullify the $ADMIN tree global. If we're changing users, then this is now stale and must be generated again if needed. $ADMIN = null; // Init session key. sesskey(); // Make sure the user is correct in web server access logs. set_access_log_user(); } /** * Periodic timed-out session cleanup. */ public static function gc() { global $CFG, $DB; // This may take a long time... \core_php_time_limit::raise(); $maxlifetime = $CFG->sessiontimeout; try { // Kill all sessions of deleted and suspended users without any hesitation. $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', "userid IN (SELECT id FROM {user} WHERE deleted <> 0 OR suspended <> 0)", array(), 'id DESC', 'id, sid'); foreach ($rs as $session) { self::kill_session($session->sid); } $rs->close(); // Kill sessions of users with disabled plugins. $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(); $authsequence = array_flip($authsequence); unset($authsequence['nologin']); // No login means user cannot login. $authsequence = array_flip($authsequence); list($notplugins, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($authsequence, SQL_PARAMS_QM, '', false); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', "userid IN (SELECT id FROM {user} WHERE auth $notplugins)", $params, 'id DESC', 'id, sid'); foreach ($rs as $session) { self::kill_session($session->sid); } $rs->close(); // Now get a list of time-out candidates - real users only. $sql = "SELECT u.*, s.sid, s.timecreated AS s_timecreated, s.timemodified AS s_timemodified FROM {user} u JOIN {sessions} s ON s.userid = WHERE s.timemodified < :purgebefore AND <> :guestid"; $params = array('purgebefore' => (time() - $maxlifetime), 'guestid'=>$CFG->siteguest); $authplugins = array(); foreach ($authsequence as $authname) { $authplugins[$authname] = get_auth_plugin($authname); } $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($rs as $user) { foreach ($authplugins as $authplugin) { /** @var \auth_plugin_base $authplugin*/ if ($authplugin->ignore_timeout_hook($user, $user->sid, $user->s_timecreated, $user->s_timemodified)) { continue 2; } } self::kill_session($user->sid); } $rs->close(); // Delete expired sessions for guest user account, give them larger timeout, there is no security risk here. $params = array('purgebefore' => (time() - ($maxlifetime * 5)), 'guestid'=>$CFG->siteguest); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', 'userid = :guestid AND timemodified < :purgebefore', $params, 'id DESC', 'id, sid'); foreach ($rs as $session) { self::kill_session($session->sid); } $rs->close(); // Delete expired sessions for userid = 0 (not logged in), better kill them asap to release memory. $params = array('purgebefore' => (time() - $maxlifetime)); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', 'userid = 0 AND timemodified < :purgebefore', $params, 'id DESC', 'id, sid'); foreach ($rs as $session) { self::kill_session($session->sid); } $rs->close(); // Cleanup letfovers from the first browser access because it may set multiple cookies and then use only one. $params = array('purgebefore' => (time() - 60*3)); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('sessions', 'userid = 0 AND timemodified = timecreated AND timemodified < :purgebefore', $params, 'id ASC', 'id, sid'); foreach ($rs as $session) { self::kill_session($session->sid); } $rs->close(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { debugging('Error gc-ing sessions: '.$ex->getMessage(), DEBUG_NORMAL, $ex->getTrace()); } } /** * Is current $USER logged-in-as somebody else? * @return bool */ public static function is_loggedinas() { return !empty($GLOBALS['USER']->realuser); } /** * Returns the $USER object ignoring current login-as session * @return \stdClass user object */ public static function get_realuser() { if (self::is_loggedinas()) { return $_SESSION['REALUSER']; } else { return $GLOBALS['USER']; } } /** * Login as another user - no security checks here. * @param int $userid * @param \context $context * @param bool $generateevent Set to false to prevent the loginas event to be generated * @return void */ public static function loginas($userid, \context $context, $generateevent = true) { global $USER; if (self::is_loggedinas()) { return; } // Switch to fresh new $_SESSION. $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['REALSESSION'] = clone($GLOBALS['SESSION']); $GLOBALS['SESSION'] = new \stdClass(); $_SESSION['SESSION'] =& $GLOBALS['SESSION']; // Create the new $USER object with all details and reload needed capabilities. $_SESSION['REALUSER'] = clone($GLOBALS['USER']); $user = get_complete_user_data('id', $userid); $user->realuser = $_SESSION['REALUSER']->id; $user->loginascontext = $context; // Let enrol plugins deal with new enrolments if necessary. enrol_check_plugins($user); if ($generateevent) { // Create event before $USER is updated. $event = \core\event\user_loggedinas::create( array( 'objectid' => $USER->id, 'context' => $context, 'relateduserid' => $userid, 'other' => array( 'originalusername' => fullname($USER, true), 'loggedinasusername' => fullname($user, true) ) ) ); } // Set up global $USER. \core\session\manager::set_user($user); if ($generateevent) { $event->trigger(); } // Queue migrating the messaging data, if we need to. if (!get_user_preferences('core_message_migrate_data', false, $userid)) { // Check if there are any legacy messages to migrate. if (\core_message\helper::legacy_messages_exist($userid)) { \core_message\task\migrate_message_data::queue_task($userid); } else { set_user_preference('core_message_migrate_data', true, $userid); } } } /** * Add a JS session keepalive to the page. * * A JS session keepalive script will be called to update the session modification time every $frequency seconds. * * Upon failure, the specified error message will be shown to the user. * * @param string $identifier The string identifier for the message to show on failure. * @param string $component The string component for the message to show on failure. * @param int $frequency The update frequency in seconds. * @param int $timeout The timeout of each request in seconds.
< * @throws coding_exception IF the frequency is longer than the session lifetime.
> * @throws \coding_exception IF the frequency is longer than the session lifetime.
*/ public static function keepalive($identifier = 'sessionerroruser', $component = 'error', $frequency = null, $timeout = 0) { global $CFG, $PAGE; if ($frequency) { if ($frequency > $CFG->sessiontimeout) { // Sanity check the frequency. throw new \coding_exception('Keepalive frequency is longer than the session lifespan.'); } } else { // A frequency of sessiontimeout / 10 matches the timeouts in core/network amd module. $frequency = $CFG->sessiontimeout / 10; } $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('core/network', 'keepalive', array( $frequency, $timeout, $identifier, $component )); } /** * Generate a new login token and store it in the session. * * @return array The current login state. */ private static function create_login_token() { global $SESSION; $state = [ 'token' => random_string(32), 'created' => time() // Server time - not user time. ]; if (!isset($SESSION->logintoken)) { $SESSION->logintoken = []; } // Overwrite any previous values. $SESSION->logintoken[self::$logintokenkey] = $state; return $state; } /** * Get the current login token or generate a new one. * * All login forms generated from Moodle must include a login token * named "logintoken" with the value being the result of this function. * Logins will be rejected if they do not include this token as well as * the username and password fields. * * @return string The current login token. */ public static function get_login_token() { global $CFG, $SESSION; $state = false; if (!isset($SESSION->logintoken)) { $SESSION->logintoken = []; } if (array_key_exists(self::$logintokenkey, $SESSION->logintoken)) { $state = $SESSION->logintoken[self::$logintokenkey]; } if (empty($state)) { $state = self::create_login_token(); } // Check token lifespan. if ($state['created'] < (time() - $CFG->sessiontimeout)) { $state = self::create_login_token(); } // Return the current session login token. if (array_key_exists('token', $state)) { return $state['token']; } else { return false; } } /** * Check the submitted value against the stored login token. * * @param mixed $token The value submitted in the login form that we are validating. * If false is passed for the token, this function will always return true. * @return boolean If the submitted token is valid. */ public static function validate_login_token($token = false) { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->alternateloginurl) || !empty($CFG->disablelogintoken)) { // An external login page cannot generate the login token we need to protect CSRF on // login requests. // Other custom login workflows may skip this check by setting disablelogintoken in config. return true; } if ($token === false) { // authenticate_user_login is a core function was extended to validate tokens. // For existing uses other than the login form it does not // validate that a token was generated. // Some uses that do not validate the token are login/token.php, // or an auth plugin like auth/ldap/auth.php. return true; } $currenttoken = self::get_login_token(); // We need to clean the login token so the old one is not valid again. self::create_login_token(); if ($currenttoken !== $token) { // Fail the login. return false; } return true; } /** * Get the recent session locks array. * * @return array Recent session locks array. */ public static function get_recent_session_locks() { global $SESSION; if (!isset($SESSION->recentsessionlocks)) { // This will hold the pages that blocks other page. $SESSION->recentsessionlocks = array(); } return $SESSION->recentsessionlocks; } /** * Updates the recent session locks. * * This function will store session lock info of all the pages visited. * * @param array $sessionlock Session lock array. */ public static function update_recent_session_locks($sessionlock) { global $CFG, $SESSION; if (empty($CFG->debugsessionlock)) { return; } $readonlysession = defined('READ_ONLY_SESSION') && READ_ONLY_SESSION; $readonlydebugging = !empty($CFG->enable_read_only_sessions) || !empty($CFG->enable_read_only_sessions_debug); if ($readonlysession && $readonlydebugging) { return; } $SESSION->recentsessionlocks = self::get_recent_session_locks(); array_push($SESSION->recentsessionlocks, $sessionlock); self::cleanup_recent_session_locks(); } /** * Reset recent session locks array if there is a time gap more than SESSION_RESET_GAP_THRESHOLD. */ public static function cleanup_recent_session_locks() { global $SESSION; $locks = self::get_recent_session_locks(); if (count($locks) > self::MAXIMUM_STORED_SESSION_HISTORY) { // Keep the last MAXIMUM_STORED_SESSION_HISTORY locks and ignore the rest. $locks = array_slice($locks, -1 * self::MAXIMUM_STORED_SESSION_HISTORY); } if (count($locks) > 2) { for ($i = count($locks) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) { // Calculate the gap between session locks. $gap = $locks[$i]['released'] - $locks[$i - 1]['start']; if ($gap >= self::SESSION_RESET_GAP_THRESHOLD) { // Remove previous locks if the gap is 1 second or more. $SESSION->recentsessionlocks = array_slice($locks, $i); break; } } } } /** * Get the page that blocks other pages at a specific timestamp. * * Look for a page whose lock was gained before that timestamp, and released after that timestamp. * * @param float $time Time before session lock starts. * @return array|null */ public static function get_locked_page_at($time) { $recentsessionlocks = self::get_recent_session_locks(); foreach ($recentsessionlocks as $recentsessionlock) { if ($time >= $recentsessionlock['gained'] && $time <= $recentsessionlock['released']) { return $recentsessionlock; } } } /** * Display the page which blocks other pages. * * @return string */ public static function display_blocking_page() { global $PERF; $page = self::get_locked_page_at($PERF->sessionlock['start']); $output = "Script ".me()." was blocked for "; $output .= number_format($PERF->sessionlock['wait'], 3); if ($page != null) { $output .= " second(s) by script: "; $output .= $page['url']; } else { $output .= " second(s) by an unknown script."; } return $output; } /** * Get session lock info of the current page. * * @return array */ public static function get_session_lock_info() { global $PERF; if (!isset($PERF->sessionlock)) { return null; } return $PERF->sessionlock; } /** * Display debugging info about slow and blocked script. */ public static function sessionlock_debugging() { global $CFG, $PERF; if (!empty($CFG->debugsessionlock)) { if (isset($PERF->sessionlock['held']) && $PERF->sessionlock['held'] > $CFG->debugsessionlock) { debugging("Script ".me()." locked the session for ".number_format($PERF->sessionlock['held'], 3) ." seconds, it should close the session using \core\session\manager::write_close().", DEBUG_NORMAL); } if (isset($PERF->sessionlock['wait']) && $PERF->sessionlock['wait'] > $CFG->debugsessionlock) { $output = self::display_blocking_page(); debugging($output, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } } /**
< * Compares two arrays outputs the difference.
> * Compares two arrays and outputs the difference.
< * Note this does not use array_diff_assoc due to < * the use of stdClasses in Moodle sessions.
> * Note - checking between objects and array type is only done at the top level. > * Any changes in types below the top level will not be detected. > * However, if their values are the same, they will be treated as equal.
< * @param array $array1 < * @param array $array2
> * Any changes, such as removals, edits or additions will be detected. > * > * @param array $previous > * @param array $current
* @return array */
< private static function array_session_diff(array $array1, array $array2) : array { < $difference = []; < foreach ($array1 as $key => $value) { < if (!isset($array2[$key])) { < $difference[$key] = $value; < } else if ($array2[$key] !== $value) { < $difference[$key] = $value; < } < } < < return $difference;
> private static function array_session_diff(array $previous, array $current) : array { > // To use array_udiff_uassoc, the first array must have the most keys; this ensures every key is checked. > // To do this, we first need to sort them by the length of their keys. > $arrays = [$current, $previous]; > > // Sort them by the length of their keys. > usort($arrays, function ($a, $b) { > return count(array_keys($b)) - count(array_keys($a)); > }); > > // The largest is the first value in the $arrays, after sorting. > // The smallest is then the last one. > // If they are the same size, it does not matter which is which. > $largest = $arrays[0]; > $smallest = $arrays[1]; > > // Defines a function that casts the values to arrays. > // This is so the properties are compared, instead any object's identities. > $casttoarray = function ($value) { > return json_decode(json_encode($value), true); > }; > > // Defines a function that compares all keys by their string value. > $keycompare = function ($a, $b) { > return strcmp($a, $b); > }; > > // Defines a function that compares all values by first their type, and then their values. > // If the value contains any objects, they are cast to arrays before comparison. > $valcompare = function ($a, $b) use ($casttoarray) { > // First compare type. > // If they are not the same type, they are definitely not the same. > // Note we do not check types recursively. > if (gettype($a) !== gettype($b)) { > return 1; > } > > // Next compare value. Cast any objects to arrays to compare their properties, > // instead of the identitiy of the object itself. > $v1 = $casttoarray($a); > $v2 = $casttoarray($b); > > if ($v1 !== $v2) { > return 1; > } > > return 0; > }; > > // Apply the comparison functions to the two given session arrays, > // making sure to use the largest array first, so that all keys are considered. > return array_udiff_uassoc($largest, $smallest, $valcompare, $keycompare);
} }