Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Tiny text editor integration.
 * @package    editor_tiny
 * @copyright  2021 Andrew Lyons <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

$string['settings'] = 'General settings';
$string['pluginname'] = 'TinyMCE editor';
$string['settings'] = 'General settings';
$string['privacy:reason'] = 'The TinyMCE editor does not store any preferences or user data.';
$string['branding'] = 'TinyMCE branding';
$string['branding_desc'] = 'Support TinyMCE by displaying the logo in the bottom corner of the text editor. The logo links to the TinyMCE website.';
> $string['plugin_enabled'] = '{$a} enabled.'; $string['subplugintype_tiny'] = 'TinyMCE plugin'; > $string['plugin_disabled'] = '{$a} disabled.';
$string['subplugintype_tiny_plural'] = 'TinyMCE plugins'; $string['tiny:hash'] = '#'; $string['tiny:accessibility'] = 'Accessibility'; $string['tiny:action'] = 'Action'; $string['tiny:activity'] = 'Activity'; $string['tiny:address'] = 'Address'; $string['tiny:advanced'] = 'Advanced'; $string['tiny:align'] = 'Align'; $string['tiny:align_center'] = 'Align centre'; $string['tiny:align_left'] = 'Align left'; $string['tiny:align_right'] = 'Align right'; $string['tiny:alignment'] = 'Alignment'; $string['tiny:all'] = 'All'; $string['tiny:alternative_description'] = 'Alternative description'; $string['tiny:alternative_source'] = 'Alternative source'; $string['tiny:alternative_source_url'] = 'Alternative source URL'; $string['tiny:anchor'] = 'Anchor'; $string['tiny:anchor...'] = 'Anchor...'; $string['tiny:anchors'] = 'Anchors'; $string['tiny:animals_and_nature'] = 'Animals and nature'; $string['tiny:arrows'] = 'Arrows'; $string['tiny:b'] = 'B'; $string['tiny:background_color'] = 'Background colour'; $string['tiny:black'] = 'Black'; $string['tiny:block'] = 'Block'; $string['tiny:blockquote'] = 'Blockquote'; $string['tiny:blocks'] = 'Blocks'; $string['tiny:blue'] = 'Blue'; $string['tiny:blue_component'] = 'Blue component'; $string['tiny:body'] = 'Body'; $string['tiny:bold'] = 'Bold'; $string['tiny:border'] = 'Border'; $string['tiny:border_color'] = 'Border colour'; $string['tiny:border_style'] = 'Border style'; $string['tiny:border_width'] = 'Border width'; $string['tiny:bottom'] = 'Bottom'; $string['tiny:browse_for_an_image'] = 'Browse for an image'; $string['tiny:bullet_list'] = 'Bullet list'; $string['tiny:cancel'] = 'Cancel'; $string['tiny:caption'] = 'Caption'; $string['tiny:cell'] = 'Cell'; $string['tiny:cell_padding'] = 'Cell padding'; $string['tiny:cell_properties'] = 'Cell properties'; $string['tiny:cell_spacing'] = 'Cell spacing'; $string['tiny:cell_styles'] = 'Cell styles'; $string['tiny:cell_type'] = 'Cell type'; $string['tiny:center'] = 'Centre'; $string['tiny:characters'] = 'Characters'; $string['tiny:characters_no_spaces'] = 'Characters (no spaces)'; $string['tiny:circle'] = 'Circle'; $string['tiny:class'] = 'Class'; $string['tiny:clear_formatting'] = 'Clear formatting'; $string['tiny:close'] = 'Close'; $string['tiny:code'] = 'Code'; $string['tiny:code_sample...'] = 'Code sample...'; $string['tiny:code_view'] = 'Code view'; $string['tiny:color_picker'] = 'Colour picker'; $string['tiny:color_swatch'] = 'Colour swatch'; $string['tiny:cols'] = 'Cols'; $string['tiny:column'] = 'Column'; $string['tiny:column_clipboard_actions'] = 'Column clipboard actions'; $string['tiny:column_group'] = 'Column group'; $string['tiny:column_header'] = 'Column header'; $string['tiny:constrain_proportions'] = 'Constrain proportions'; $string['tiny:copy'] = 'Copy'; $string['tiny:copy_column'] = 'Copy column'; $string['tiny:copy_row'] = 'Copy row'; $string['tiny:could_not_find_the_specified_string.'] = 'Could not find the specified string.'; $string['tiny:could_not_load_emojis'] = 'Could not load emojis'; $string['tiny:count'] = 'Count'; $string['tiny:currency'] = 'Currency'; $string['tiny:current_window'] = 'Current window'; $string['tiny:custom_color'] = 'Custom colour'; $string['tiny:custom...'] = 'Custom...'; $string['tiny:cut'] = 'Cut'; $string['tiny:cut_column'] = 'Cut column'; $string['tiny:cut_row'] = 'Cut row'; $string['tiny:dark_blue'] = 'Dark blue'; $string['tiny:dark_gray'] = 'Dark grey'; $string['tiny:dark_green'] = 'Dark green'; $string['tiny:dark_orange'] = 'Dark orange'; $string['tiny:dark_purple'] = 'Dark purple'; $string['tiny:dark_red'] = 'Dark red'; $string['tiny:dark_turquoise'] = 'Dark turquoise'; $string['tiny:dark_yellow'] = 'Dark yellow'; $string['tiny:dashed'] = 'Dashed'; $string['tiny:datetime'] = 'Date/time'; $string['tiny:decrease_indent'] = 'Decrease indent'; $string['tiny:default'] = 'Default'; $string['tiny:delete_column'] = 'Delete column'; $string['tiny:delete_row'] = 'Delete row'; $string['tiny:delete_table'] = 'Delete table'; $string['tiny:dimensions'] = 'Dimensions'; $string['tiny:disc'] = 'Disc'; $string['tiny:div'] = 'Div'; $string['tiny:document'] = 'Document'; $string['tiny:dotted'] = 'Dotted'; $string['tiny:double'] = 'Double'; $string['tiny:drop_an_image_here'] = 'Drop an image here'; $string['tiny:dropped_file_type_is_not_supported'] = 'Dropped file type is not supported'; $string['tiny:edit'] = 'Edit'; $string['tiny:embed'] = 'Embed'; $string['tiny:emojis'] = 'Emojis'; $string['tiny:emojis...'] = 'Emojis...'; $string['tiny:error'] = 'Error'; $string['tiny:error_form_submit_field_collision.'] = 'Error: Form submit field collision.'; $string['tiny:error_no_form_element_found.'] = 'Error: No form element found.'; $string['tiny:extended_latin'] = 'Extended Latin'; $string['tiny:failed_to_initialize_plugin_0'] = 'Failed to initialize plugin: {0}'; $string['tiny:failed_to_load_plugin_url_0'] = 'Failed to load plugin url: {0}'; $string['tiny:failed_to_load_plugin_0_from_url_1'] = 'Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}'; $string['tiny:failed_to_upload_image_0'] = 'Failed to upload image: {0}'; $string['tiny:file'] = 'File'; $string['tiny:find'] = 'Find'; $string['tiny:find_if_searchreplace_plugin_activated'] = 'Find (if search and replace plugin activated)'; $string['tiny:find_and_replace'] = 'Find and replace'; $string['tiny:find_and_replace...'] = 'Find and replace...'; $string['tiny:find_in_selection'] = 'Find in selection'; $string['tiny:find_whole_words_only'] = 'Find whole words only'; $string['tiny:flags'] = 'Flags'; $string['tiny:focus_to_contextual_toolbar'] = 'Focus to contextual toolbar'; $string['tiny:focus_to_element_path'] = 'Focus to element path'; $string['tiny:focus_to_menubar'] = 'Focus to menubar'; $string['tiny:focus_to_toolbar'] = 'Focus to toolbar'; $string['tiny:font'] = 'Font'; $string['tiny:font_sizes'] = 'Font sizes'; $string['tiny:fonts'] = 'Fonts'; $string['tiny:food_and_drink'] = 'Food and drink'; $string['tiny:footer'] = 'Footer'; $string['tiny:format'] = 'Format'; $string['tiny:formats'] = 'Formats'; $string['tiny:fullscreen'] = 'Fullscreen'; $string['tiny:g'] = 'G'; $string['tiny:general'] = 'General'; $string['tiny:gray'] = 'Grey'; $string['tiny:green'] = 'Green'; $string['tiny:green_component'] = 'Green component'; $string['tiny:groove'] = 'Groove'; $string['tiny:handy_shortcuts'] = 'Handy shortcuts'; $string['tiny:header'] = 'Header'; $string['tiny:header_cell'] = 'Header cell'; $string['tiny:heading_1'] = 'Heading 1'; $string['tiny:heading_2'] = 'Heading 2'; $string['tiny:heading_3'] = 'Heading 3'; $string['tiny:heading_4'] = 'Heading 4'; $string['tiny:heading_5'] = 'Heading 5'; $string['tiny:heading_6'] = 'Heading 6'; $string['tiny:headings'] = 'Headings'; $string['tiny:height'] = 'Height'; $string['tiny:help'] = 'Help'; $string['tiny:hex_color_code'] = 'Hex colour code'; $string['tiny:hidden'] = 'Hidden'; $string['tiny:horizontal_align'] = 'Horizontal align'; $string['tiny:horizontal_line'] = 'Horizontal line'; $string['tiny:horizontal_space'] = 'Horizontal space'; $string['tiny:id'] = 'ID'; $string['tiny:id_should_start_with_a_letter_followed_only_by_letters_numbers_dashes_dots_colons_or_'] = 'ID should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.'; $string['tiny:image_is_decorative'] = 'Image is decorative'; $string['tiny:image_list'] = 'Image list'; $string['tiny:image_title'] = 'Image title'; $string['tiny:image...'] = 'Image...'; $string['tiny:imageproxy_http_error_could_not_find_image_proxy'] = 'ImageProxy HTTP error: Could not find Image Proxy'; $string['tiny:imageproxy_http_error_incorrect_image_proxy_url'] = 'ImageProxy HTTP error: Incorrect Image Proxy URL'; $string['tiny:imageproxy_http_error_rejected_request'] = 'ImageProxy HTTP error: Rejected request'; $string['tiny:imageproxy_http_error_unknown_imageproxy_error'] = 'ImageProxy HTTP error: Unknown ImageProxy error'; $string['tiny:increase_indent'] = 'Increase indent'; $string['tiny:inline'] = 'Inline'; $string['tiny:insert'] = 'Insert'; $string['tiny:insert_template'] = 'Insert template'; $string['tiny:insert_column_after'] = 'Insert column after'; $string['tiny:insert_column_before'] = 'Insert column before'; $string['tiny:insert_datetime'] = 'Insert date/time'; $string['tiny:insert_image'] = 'Insert image'; $string['tiny:insert_link_if_link_plugin_activated'] = 'Insert link (if link plugin activated)'; $string['tiny:insert_row_after'] = 'Insert row after'; $string['tiny:insert_row_before'] = 'Insert row before'; $string['tiny:insert_table'] = 'Insert table'; $string['tiny:insert_template...'] = 'Insert template...'; $string['tiny:insert_video'] = 'Insert video'; $string['tiny:insertedit_code_sample'] = 'Insert/edit code sample'; $string['tiny:insertedit_image'] = 'Insert/edit image'; $string['tiny:insertedit_link'] = 'Insert/edit link'; $string['tiny:insertedit_media'] = 'Insert/edit media'; $string['tiny:insertedit_video'] = 'Insert/edit video'; $string['tiny:inset'] = 'Inset'; $string['tiny:invalid_hex_color_code_0'] = 'Invalid hex colour code: {0}'; $string['tiny:invalid_input'] = 'Invalid input'; $string['tiny:italic'] = 'Italic'; $string['tiny:justify'] = 'Justify'; $string['tiny:keyboard_navigation'] = 'Keyboard navigation'; $string['tiny:language'] = 'Language'; $string['tiny:learn_more...'] = 'Learn more...'; $string['tiny:left'] = 'Left'; $string['tiny:left_to_right'] = 'Left to right'; $string['tiny:light_blue'] = 'Light blue'; $string['tiny:light_gray'] = 'Light grey'; $string['tiny:light_green'] = 'Light green'; $string['tiny:light_purple'] = 'Light purple'; $string['tiny:light_red'] = 'Light red'; $string['tiny:light_yellow'] = 'Light yellow'; $string['tiny:line_height'] = 'Line height'; $string['tiny:link_list'] = 'Link list'; $string['tiny:link...'] = 'Link...'; $string['tiny:list_properties'] = 'List properties'; $string['tiny:list_properties...'] = 'List properties...'; $string['tiny:loading_emojis...'] = 'Loading emojis...'; $string['tiny:loading...'] = 'Loading...'; $string['tiny:lower_alpha'] = 'Lower Alpha'; $string['tiny:lower_greek'] = 'Lower Greek'; $string['tiny:lower_roman'] = 'Lower Roman'; $string['tiny:match_case'] = 'Match case'; $string['tiny:mathematical'] = 'Mathematical'; $string['tiny:media_poster_image_url'] = 'Media poster (Image URL)'; $string['tiny:media...'] = 'Media...'; $string['tiny:medium_blue'] = 'Medium blue'; $string['tiny:medium_gray'] = 'Medium grey'; $string['tiny:medium_purple'] = 'Medium purple'; $string['tiny:merge_cells'] = 'Merge cells'; $string['tiny:middle'] = 'Middle'; $string['tiny:midnight_blue'] = 'Midnight blue'; $string['tiny:more...'] = 'More...'; $string['tiny:name'] = 'Name'; $string['tiny:navy_blue'] = 'Navy blue'; $string['tiny:new_document'] = 'New document'; $string['tiny:new_window'] = 'New window'; $string['tiny:next'] = 'Next'; $string['tiny:no'] = 'No'; $string['tiny:no_alignment'] = 'No alignment'; $string['tiny:no_color'] = 'No colour'; $string['tiny:nonbreaking_space'] = 'Nonbreaking space'; $string['tiny:none'] = 'None'; $string['tiny:numbered_list'] = 'Numbered list'; $string['tiny:or'] = 'OR'; $string['tiny:objects'] = 'Objects'; $string['tiny:ok'] = 'Ok'; $string['tiny:open_help_dialog'] = 'Open help dialog'; $string['tiny:open_link'] = 'Open link'; $string['tiny:open_link_in...'] = 'Open link in...'; $string['tiny:open_popup_menu_for_split_buttons'] = 'Open popup menu for split buttons'; $string['tiny:orange'] = 'Orange'; $string['tiny:outset'] = 'Outset'; $string['tiny:page_break'] = 'Page break'; $string['tiny:paragraph'] = 'Paragraph'; $string['tiny:paste'] = 'Paste'; $string['tiny:paste_as_text'] = 'Paste as text'; $string['tiny:paste_column_after'] = 'Paste column after'; $string['tiny:paste_column_before'] = 'Paste column before'; $string['tiny:paste_is_now_in_plain_text_mode._contents_will_now_be_pasted_as_plain_text_until_you_'] = 'Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.'; $string['tiny:paste_or_type_a_link'] = 'Paste or type a link'; $string['tiny:paste_row_after'] = 'Paste row after'; $string['tiny:paste_row_before'] = 'Paste row before'; $string['tiny:paste_your_embed_code_below'] = 'Paste your embed code below:'; $string['tiny:people'] = 'People'; $string['tiny:plugins'] = 'Plugins'; $string['tiny:plugins_installed_0'] = 'Plugins installed ({0}):'; $string['tiny:powered_by_0'] = 'Powered by {0}'; $string['tiny:pre'] = 'Pre'; $string['tiny:preferences'] = 'Preferences'; $string['tiny:preformatted'] = 'Preformatted'; $string['tiny:premium_plugins'] = 'Premium plugins:'; $string['tiny:preview'] = 'Preview'; $string['tiny:previous'] = 'Previous'; $string['tiny:print'] = 'Print'; $string['tiny:print...'] = 'Print...'; $string['tiny:purple'] = 'Purple'; $string['tiny:quotations'] = 'Quotations'; $string['tiny:r'] = 'R'; $string['tiny:range_0_to_255'] = 'Range 0 to 255'; $string['tiny:red'] = 'Red'; $string['tiny:red_component'] = 'Red component'; $string['tiny:redo'] = 'Redo'; $string['tiny:remove'] = 'Remove'; $string['tiny:remove_color'] = 'Remove colour'; $string['tiny:remove_link'] = 'Remove link'; $string['tiny:replace'] = 'Replace'; $string['tiny:replace_all'] = 'Replace all'; $string['tiny:replace_with'] = 'Replace with'; $string['tiny:resize'] = 'Resize'; $string['tiny:restore_last_draft'] = 'Restore last draft'; $string['tiny:rich_text_area'] = 'Rich text area'; $string['tiny:rich_text_area._press_alt-0_for_help.'] = 'Rich text area. Press ALT-0 for help.'; $string['tiny:rich_text_area._press_alt-f9_for_menu._press_alt-f10_for_toolbar._press_alt-0_for_hel'] = 'Rich text area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help.'; $string['tiny:ridge'] = 'Ridge'; $string['tiny:right'] = 'Right'; $string['tiny:right_to_left'] = 'Right to left'; $string['tiny:row'] = 'Row'; $string['tiny:row_clipboard_actions'] = 'Row clipboard actions'; $string['tiny:row_group'] = 'Row group'; $string['tiny:row_header'] = 'Row header'; $string['tiny:row_properties'] = 'Row properties'; $string['tiny:row_type'] = 'Row type'; $string['tiny:rows'] = 'Rows'; $string['tiny:save'] = 'Save'; $string['tiny:save_if_save_plugin_activated'] = 'Save (if save plugin activated)'; $string['tiny:scope'] = 'Scope'; $string['tiny:search'] = 'Search'; $string['tiny:select_all'] = 'Select all'; $string['tiny:select...'] = 'Select...'; $string['tiny:selection'] = 'Selection'; $string['tiny:shortcut'] = 'Shortcut'; $string['tiny:show_blocks'] = 'Show blocks'; $string['tiny:show_caption'] = 'Show caption'; $string['tiny:show_invisible_characters'] = 'Show invisible characters'; $string['tiny:size'] = 'Size'; $string['tiny:solid'] = 'Solid'; $string['tiny:source'] = 'Source'; $string['tiny:source_code'] = 'Source code'; $string['tiny:special_character'] = 'Special character'; $string['tiny:special_character...'] = 'Special character...'; $string['tiny:split_cell'] = 'Split cell'; $string['tiny:square'] = 'Square'; $string['tiny:start_list_at_number'] = 'Start list at number'; $string['tiny:strikethrough'] = 'Strikethrough'; $string['tiny:style'] = 'Style'; $string['tiny:subscript'] = 'Subscript'; $string['tiny:superscript'] = 'Superscript'; $string['tiny:switch_to_or_from_fullscreen_mode'] = 'Switch to or from fullscreen mode'; $string['tiny:symbols'] = 'Symbols'; $string['tiny:system_font'] = 'System font'; $string['tiny:table'] = 'Table'; $string['tiny:table_caption'] = 'Table caption'; $string['tiny:table_properties'] = 'Table properties'; $string['tiny:table_styles'] = 'Table styles'; $string['tiny:template'] = 'Template'; $string['tiny:templates'] = 'Templates'; $string['tiny:text'] = 'Text'; $string['tiny:text_color'] = 'Text colour'; $string['tiny:text_to_display'] = 'Text to display'; $string['tiny:the_url_you_entered_seems_to_be_an_email_address._do_you_want_to_add_the_required_mai'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?'; $string['tiny:the_url_you_entered_seems_to_be_an_external_link._do_you_want_to_add_the_required_htt'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?'; $string['tiny:the_url_you_entered_seems_to_be_an_external_link._do_you_want_to_add_the_required_ht1'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required https:// prefix?'; $string['tiny:title'] = 'Title'; $string['tiny:to_open_the_popup_press_shiftenter'] = 'To open the popup, press Shift+Enter'; $string['tiny:tools'] = 'Tools'; $string['tiny:top'] = 'Top'; $string['tiny:travel_and_places'] = 'Travel and places'; $string['tiny:turquoise'] = 'Turquoise'; $string['tiny:underline'] = 'Underline'; $string['tiny:undo'] = 'Undo'; $string['tiny:upload'] = 'Upload'; $string['tiny:uploading_image'] = 'Uploading image'; $string['tiny:upper_alpha'] = 'Upper Alpha'; $string['tiny:upper_roman'] = 'Upper Roman'; $string['tiny:url'] = 'Url'; $string['tiny:user_defined'] = 'User defined'; $string['tiny:valid'] = 'Valid'; $string['tiny:version'] = 'Version'; $string['tiny:vertical_align'] = 'Vertical align'; $string['tiny:vertical_space'] = 'Vertical space'; $string['tiny:view'] = 'View'; $string['tiny:visual_aids'] = 'Visual aids'; $string['tiny:warn'] = 'Warn'; $string['tiny:white'] = 'White'; $string['tiny:width'] = 'Width'; $string['tiny:word_count'] = 'Word count'; $string['tiny:words'] = 'Words'; $string['tiny:words_0'] = 'Words: {0}'; $string['tiny:yellow'] = 'Yellow'; $string['tiny:yes'] = 'Yes'; $string['tiny:you_are_using_0'] = 'You are using {0}'; $string['tiny:you_have_unsaved_changes_are_you_sure_you_want_to_navigate_away'] = 'You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to navigate away?'; $string['tiny:your_browser_doesnt_support_direct_access_to_the_clipboard._please_use_the_ctrlxcv_ke'] = 'Your browser doesn\'t support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead.'; $string['tiny:alignment1'] = 'alignment'; $string['tiny:austral_sign'] = 'austral sign'; $string['tiny:cedi_sign'] = 'cedi sign'; $string['tiny:colon_sign'] = 'colon sign'; $string['tiny:cruzeiro_sign'] = 'cruzeiro sign'; $string['tiny:currency_sign'] = 'currency sign'; $string['tiny:dollar_sign'] = 'dollar sign'; $string['tiny:dong_sign'] = 'dong sign'; $string['tiny:drachma_sign'] = 'drachma sign'; $string['tiny:euro-currency_sign'] = 'euro-currency sign'; $string['tiny:example'] = 'example'; $string['tiny:formatting'] = 'formatting'; $string['tiny:french_franc_sign'] = 'french franc sign'; $string['tiny:german_penny_symbol'] = 'german penny symbol'; $string['tiny:guarani_sign'] = 'guarani sign'; $string['tiny:history'] = 'history'; $string['tiny:hryvnia_sign'] = 'hryvnia sign'; $string['tiny:indentation'] = 'indentation'; $string['tiny:indian_rupee_sign'] = 'indian rupee sign'; $string['tiny:kip_sign'] = 'kip sign'; $string['tiny:lira_sign'] = 'lira sign'; $string['tiny:livre_tournois_sign'] = 'livre tournois sign'; $string['tiny:manat_sign'] = 'manat sign'; $string['tiny:mill_sign'] = 'mill sign'; $string['tiny:naira_sign'] = 'naira sign'; $string['tiny:new_sheqel_sign'] = 'new sheqel sign'; $string['tiny:nordic_mark_sign'] = 'nordic mark sign'; $string['tiny:peseta_sign'] = 'peseta sign'; $string['tiny:peso_sign'] = 'peso sign'; $string['tiny:ruble_sign'] = 'ruble sign'; $string['tiny:rupee_sign'] = 'rupee sign'; $string['tiny:spesmilo_sign'] = 'spesmilo sign'; $string['tiny:styles'] = 'styles'; $string['tiny:tenge_sign'] = 'tenge sign'; $string['tiny:tugrik_sign'] = 'tugrik sign'; $string['tiny:turkish_lira_sign'] = 'turkish lira sign'; $string['tiny:won_sign'] = 'won sign'; $string['tiny:yen_character'] = 'yen character'; $string['tiny:yenyuan_character_variant_one'] = 'yen/yuan character variant one'; $string['tiny:yuan_character'] = 'yuan character'; $string['tiny:yuan_character_in_hong_kong_and_taiwan'] = 'yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan'; $string['tiny:0_characters'] = '{0} characters'; $string['tiny:0_words'] = '{0} words';