Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
   1  <?php
   3  namespace GuzzleHttp\Cookie;
   5  /**
   6   * Set-Cookie object
   7   */
   8  class SetCookie
   9  {
  10      /**
  11       * @var array
  12       */
  13      private static $defaults = [
  14          'Name'     => null,
  15          'Value'    => null,
  16          'Domain'   => null,
  17          'Path'     => '/',
  18          'Max-Age'  => null,
  19          'Expires'  => null,
  20          'Secure'   => false,
  21          'Discard'  => false,
  22          'HttpOnly' => false
  23      ];
  25      /**
  26       * @var array Cookie data
  27       */
  28      private $data;
  30      /**
  31       * Create a new SetCookie object from a string.
  32       *
  33       * @param string $cookie Set-Cookie header string
  34       */
  35      public static function fromString(string $cookie): self
  36      {
  37          // Create the default return array
  38          $data = self::$defaults;
  39          // Explode the cookie string using a series of semicolons
  40          $pieces = \array_filter(\array_map('trim', \explode(';', $cookie)));
  41          // The name of the cookie (first kvp) must exist and include an equal sign.
  42          if (!isset($pieces[0]) || \strpos($pieces[0], '=') === false) {
  43              return new self($data);
  44          }
  46          // Add the cookie pieces into the parsed data array
  47          foreach ($pieces as $part) {
  48              $cookieParts = \explode('=', $part, 2);
  49              $key = \trim($cookieParts[0]);
  50              $value = isset($cookieParts[1])
  51                  ? \trim($cookieParts[1], " \n\r\t\0\x0B")
  52                  : true;
  54              // Only check for non-cookies when cookies have been found
  55              if (!isset($data['Name'])) {
  56                  $data['Name'] = $key;
  57                  $data['Value'] = $value;
  58              } else {
  59                  foreach (\array_keys(self::$defaults) as $search) {
  60                      if (!\strcasecmp($search, $key)) {
  61                          $data[$search] = $value;
  62                          continue 2;
  63                      }
  64                  }
  65                  $data[$key] = $value;
  66              }
  67          }
  69          return new self($data);
  70      }
  72      /**
  73       * @param array $data Array of cookie data provided by a Cookie parser
  74       */
  75      public function __construct(array $data = [])
  76      {
  77          /** @var array|null $replaced will be null in case of replace error */
  78          $replaced = \array_replace(self::$defaults, $data);
  79          if ($replaced === null) {
  80              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to replace the default values for the Cookie.');
  81          }
  83          $this->data = $replaced;
  84          // Extract the Expires value and turn it into a UNIX timestamp if needed
  85          if (!$this->getExpires() && $this->getMaxAge()) {
  86              // Calculate the Expires date
  87              $this->setExpires(\time() + $this->getMaxAge());
  88          } elseif (null !== ($expires = $this->getExpires()) && !\is_numeric($expires)) {
  89              $this->setExpires($expires);
  90          }
  91      }
  93      public function __toString()
  94      {
  95          $str = $this->data['Name'] . '=' . ($this->data['Value'] ?? '') . '; ';
  96          foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) {
  97              if ($k !== 'Name' && $k !== 'Value' && $v !== null && $v !== false) {
  98                  if ($k === 'Expires') {
  99                      $str .= 'Expires=' . \gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $v) . '; ';
 100                  } else {
 101                      $str .= ($v === true ? $k : "{$k}={$v}") . '; ';
 102                  }
 103              }
 104          }
 106          return \rtrim($str, '; ');
 107      }
 109      public function toArray(): array
 110      {
 111          return $this->data;
 112      }
 114      /**
 115       * Get the cookie name.
 116       *
 117       * @return string
 118       */
 119      public function getName()
 120      {
 121          return $this->data['Name'];
 122      }
 124      /**
 125       * Set the cookie name.
 126       *
 127       * @param string $name Cookie name
 128       */
 129      public function setName($name): void
 130      {
 131          if (!is_string($name)) {
 132              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 133          }
 135          $this->data['Name'] = (string) $name;
 136      }
 138      /**
 139       * Get the cookie value.
 140       *
 141       * @return string|null
 142       */
 143      public function getValue()
 144      {
 145          return $this->data['Value'];
 146      }
 148      /**
 149       * Set the cookie value.
 150       *
 151       * @param string $value Cookie value
 152       */
 153      public function setValue($value): void
 154      {
 155          if (!is_string($value)) {
 156              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 157          }
 159          $this->data['Value'] = (string) $value;
 160      }
 162      /**
 163       * Get the domain.
 164       *
 165       * @return string|null
 166       */
 167      public function getDomain()
 168      {
 169          return $this->data['Domain'];
 170      }
 172      /**
 173       * Set the domain of the cookie.
 174       *
 175       * @param string|null $domain
 176       */
 177      public function setDomain($domain): void
 178      {
 179          if (!is_string($domain) && null !== $domain) {
 180              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 181          }
 183          $this->data['Domain'] = null === $domain ? null : (string) $domain;
 184      }
 186      /**
 187       * Get the path.
 188       *
 189       * @return string
 190       */
 191      public function getPath()
 192      {
 193          return $this->data['Path'];
 194      }
 196      /**
 197       * Set the path of the cookie.
 198       *
 199       * @param string $path Path of the cookie
 200       */
 201      public function setPath($path): void
 202      {
 203          if (!is_string($path)) {
 204              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 205          }
 207          $this->data['Path'] = (string) $path;
 208      }
 210      /**
 211       * Maximum lifetime of the cookie in seconds.
 212       *
 213       * @return int|null
 214       */
 215      public function getMaxAge()
 216      {
 217          return null === $this->data['Max-Age'] ? null : (int) $this->data['Max-Age'];
 218      }
 220      /**
 221       * Set the max-age of the cookie.
 222       *
 223       * @param int|null $maxAge Max age of the cookie in seconds
 224       */
 225      public function setMaxAge($maxAge): void
 226      {
 227          if (!is_int($maxAge) && null !== $maxAge) {
 228              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an int or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 229          }
 231          $this->data['Max-Age'] = $maxAge === null ? null : (int) $maxAge;
 232      }
 234      /**
 235       * The UNIX timestamp when the cookie Expires.
 236       *
 237       * @return string|int|null
 238       */
 239      public function getExpires()
 240      {
 241          return $this->data['Expires'];
 242      }
 244      /**
 245       * Set the unix timestamp for which the cookie will expire.
 246       *
 247       * @param int|string|null $timestamp Unix timestamp or any English textual datetime description.
 248       */
 249      public function setExpires($timestamp): void
 250      {
 251          if (!is_int($timestamp) && !is_string($timestamp) && null !== $timestamp) {
 252              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an int, string or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 253          }
 255          $this->data['Expires'] = null === $timestamp ? null : (\is_numeric($timestamp) ? (int) $timestamp : \strtotime((string) $timestamp));
 256      }
 258      /**
 259       * Get whether or not this is a secure cookie.
 260       *
 261       * @return bool
 262       */
 263      public function getSecure()
 264      {
 265          return $this->data['Secure'];
 266      }
 268      /**
 269       * Set whether or not the cookie is secure.
 270       *
 271       * @param bool $secure Set to true or false if secure
 272       */
 273      public function setSecure($secure): void
 274      {
 275          if (!is_bool($secure)) {
 276              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 277          }
 279          $this->data['Secure'] = (bool) $secure;
 280      }
 282      /**
 283       * Get whether or not this is a session cookie.
 284       *
 285       * @return bool|null
 286       */
 287      public function getDiscard()
 288      {
 289          return $this->data['Discard'];
 290      }
 292      /**
 293       * Set whether or not this is a session cookie.
 294       *
 295       * @param bool $discard Set to true or false if this is a session cookie
 296       */
 297      public function setDiscard($discard): void
 298      {
 299          if (!is_bool($discard)) {
 300              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 301          }
 303          $this->data['Discard'] = (bool) $discard;
 304      }
 306      /**
 307       * Get whether or not this is an HTTP only cookie.
 308       *
 309       * @return bool
 310       */
 311      public function getHttpOnly()
 312      {
 313          return $this->data['HttpOnly'];
 314      }
 316      /**
 317       * Set whether or not this is an HTTP only cookie.
 318       *
 319       * @param bool $httpOnly Set to true or false if this is HTTP only
 320       */
 321      public function setHttpOnly($httpOnly): void
 322      {
 323          if (!is_bool($httpOnly)) {
 324              trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
 325          }
 327          $this->data['HttpOnly'] = (bool) $httpOnly;
 328      }
 330      /**
 331       * Check if the cookie matches a path value.
 332       *
 333       * A request-path path-matches a given cookie-path if at least one of
 334       * the following conditions holds:
 335       *
 336       * - The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.
 337       * - The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last
 338       *   character of the cookie-path is %x2F ("/").
 339       * - The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first
 340       *   character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie-
 341       *   path is a %x2F ("/") character.
 342       *
 343       * @param string $requestPath Path to check against
 344       */
 345      public function matchesPath(string $requestPath): bool
 346      {
 347          $cookiePath = $this->getPath();
 349          // Match on exact matches or when path is the default empty "/"
 350          if ($cookiePath === '/' || $cookiePath == $requestPath) {
 351              return true;
 352          }
 354          // Ensure that the cookie-path is a prefix of the request path.
 355          if (0 !== \strpos($requestPath, $cookiePath)) {
 356              return false;
 357          }
 359          // Match if the last character of the cookie-path is "/"
 360          if (\substr($cookiePath, -1, 1) === '/') {
 361              return true;
 362          }
 364          // Match if the first character not included in cookie path is "/"
 365          return \substr($requestPath, \strlen($cookiePath), 1) === '/';
 366      }
 368      /**
 369       * Check if the cookie matches a domain value.
 370       *
 371       * @param string $domain Domain to check against
 372       */
 373      public function matchesDomain(string $domain): bool
 374      {
 375          $cookieDomain = $this->getDomain();
 376          if (null === $cookieDomain) {
 377              return true;
 378          }
 380          // Remove the leading '.' as per spec in RFC 6265.
 381          //
 382          $cookieDomain = \ltrim(\strtolower($cookieDomain), '.');
 384          $domain = \strtolower($domain);
 386          // Domain not set or exact match.
 387          if ('' === $cookieDomain || $domain === $cookieDomain) {
 388              return true;
 389          }
 391          // Matching the subdomain according to RFC 6265.
 392          //
 393          if (\filter_var($domain, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
 394              return false;
 395          }
 397          return (bool) \preg_match('/\.' . \preg_quote($cookieDomain, '/') . '$/', $domain);
 398      }
 400      /**
 401       * Check if the cookie is expired.
 402       */
 403      public function isExpired(): bool
 404      {
 405          return $this->getExpires() !== null && \time() > $this->getExpires();
 406      }
 408      /**
 409       * Check if the cookie is valid according to RFC 6265.
 410       *
 411       * @return bool|string Returns true if valid or an error message if invalid
 412       */
 413      public function validate()
 414      {
 415          $name = $this->getName();
 416          if ($name === '') {
 417              return 'The cookie name must not be empty';
 418          }
 420          // Check if any of the invalid characters are present in the cookie name
 421          if (\preg_match(
 422              '/[\x00-\x20\x22\x28-\x29\x2c\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5c\x7b\x7d\x7f]/',
 423              $name
 424          )) {
 425              return 'Cookie name must not contain invalid characters: ASCII '
 426                  . 'Control characters (0-31;127), space, tab and the '
 427                  . 'following characters: ()<>@,;:\"/?={}';
 428          }
 430          // Value must not be null. 0 and empty string are valid. Empty strings
 431          // are technically against RFC 6265, but known to happen in the wild.
 432          $value = $this->getValue();
 433          if ($value === null) {
 434              return 'The cookie value must not be empty';
 435          }
 437          // Domains must not be empty, but can be 0. "0" is not a valid internet
 438          // domain, but may be used as server name in a private network.
 439          $domain = $this->getDomain();
 440          if ($domain === null || $domain === '') {
 441              return 'The cookie domain must not be empty';
 442          }
 444          return true;
 445      }
 446  }