Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.

namespace IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider;

use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\Service;

 * Class to represent a tool consumer context
 * @author  Stephen P Vickers <>
 * @copyright  IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc
 * @date  2016
 * @version 3.0.2
 * @license Apache License, Version 2.0
> #[\AllowDynamicProperties]
class Context { /** * Context ID as supplied in the last connection request. * * @var string $ltiContextId */ public $ltiContextId = null; /** * Context title. * * @var string $title */ public $title = null; /** * Setting values (LTI parameters, custom parameters and local parameters). * * @var array $settings */ public $settings = null; /** * Context type. * * @var string $type */ public $type = null; /** * Date/time when the object was created. * * @var int $created */ public $created = null; /** * Date/time when the object was last updated. * * @var int $updated */ public $updated = null; /** * Tool Consumer for this context. * * @var ToolConsumer $consumer */ private $consumer = null; /** * Tool Consumer ID for this context. * * @var int $consumerId */ private $consumerId = null; /** * ID for this context. * * @var int $id */ private $id = null; /** * Whether the settings value have changed since last saved. * * @var boolean $settingsChanged */ private $settingsChanged = false; /** * Data connector object or string. * * @var mixed $dataConnector */ private $dataConnector = null; /** * Class constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->initialize(); } /** * Initialise the context. */ public function initialize() { $this->title = ''; $this->settings = array(); $this->created = null; $this->updated = null; } /** * Initialise the context. * * Pseudonym for initialize(). */ public function initialise() { $this->initialize(); } /** * Save the context to the database. * * @return boolean True if the context was successfully saved. */ public function save() { $ok = $this->getDataConnector()->saveContext($this); if ($ok) { $this->settingsChanged = false; } return $ok; } /** * Delete the context from the database. * * @return boolean True if the context was successfully deleted. */ public function delete() { return $this->getDataConnector()->deleteContext($this); } /** * Get tool consumer. * * @return ToolConsumer Tool consumer object for this context. */ public function getConsumer() { if (is_null($this->consumer)) { $this->consumer = ToolConsumer::fromRecordId($this->consumerId, $this->getDataConnector()); } return $this->consumer; } /** * Set tool consumer ID. * * @param int $consumerId Tool Consumer ID for this resource link. */ public function setConsumerId($consumerId) { $this->consumer = null; $this->consumerId = $consumerId; } /** * Get tool consumer key. * * @return string Consumer key value for this context. */ public function getKey() { return $this->getConsumer()->getKey(); } /** * Get context ID. * * @return string ID for this context. */ public function getId() { return $this->ltiContextId; } /** * Get the context record ID. * * @return int Context record ID value */ public function getRecordId() { return $this->id; } /** * Sets the context record ID. * * @return int $id Context record ID value */ public function setRecordId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * Get the data connector. * * @return mixed Data connector object or string */ public function getDataConnector() { return $this->dataConnector; } /** * Get a setting value. * * @param string $name Name of setting * @param string $default Value to return if the setting does not exist (optional, default is an empty string) * * @return string Setting value */ public function getSetting($name, $default = '') { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->settings)) { $value = $this->settings[$name]; } else { $value = $default; } return $value; } /** * Set a setting value. * * @param string $name Name of setting * @param string $value Value to set, use an empty value to delete a setting (optional, default is null) */ public function setSetting($name, $value = null) { $old_value = $this->getSetting($name); if ($value !== $old_value) { if (!empty($value)) { $this->settings[$name] = $value; } else { unset($this->settings[$name]); } $this->settingsChanged = true; } } /** * Get an array of all setting values. * * @return array Associative array of setting values */ public function getSettings() { return $this->settings; } /** * Set an array of all setting values. * * @param array $settings Associative array of setting values */ public function setSettings($settings) { $this->settings = $settings; } /** * Save setting values. * * @return boolean True if the settings were successfully saved */ public function saveSettings() { if ($this->settingsChanged) { $ok = $this->save(); } else { $ok = true; } return $ok; } /** * Check if the Tool Settings service is supported. * * @return boolean True if this context supports the Tool Settings service */ public function hasToolSettingsService() { $url = $this->getSetting('custom_context_setting_url'); return !empty($url); } /** * Get Tool Settings. * * @param int $mode Mode for request (optional, default is current level only) * @param boolean $simple True if all the simple media type is to be used (optional, default is true) * * @return mixed The array of settings if successful, otherwise false */ public function getToolSettings($mode = Service\ToolSettings::MODE_CURRENT_LEVEL, $simple = true) { $url = $this->getSetting('custom_context_setting_url'); $service = new Service\ToolSettings($this, $url, $simple); $response = $service->get($mode); return $response; } /** * Perform a Tool Settings service request. * * @param array $settings An associative array of settings (optional, default is none) * * @return boolean True if action was successful, otherwise false */ public function setToolSettings($settings = array()) { $url = $this->getSetting('custom_context_setting_url'); $service = new Service\ToolSettings($this, $url); $response = $service->set($settings); return $response; } /** * Check if the Membership service is supported. * * @return boolean True if this context supports the Membership service */ public function hasMembershipService() { $url = $this->getSetting('custom_context_memberships_url'); return !empty($url); } /** * Get Memberships. * * @return mixed The array of User objects if successful, otherwise false */ public function getMembership() { $url = $this->getSetting('custom_context_memberships_url'); $service = new Service\Membership($this, $url); $response = $service->get(); return $response; } /** * Load the context from the database. * * @param int $id Record ID of context * @param DataConnector $dataConnector Database connection object * * @return Context Context object */ public static function fromRecordId($id, $dataConnector) { $context = new Context(); $context->dataConnector = $dataConnector; $context->load($id); return $context; } /** * Class constructor from consumer. * * @param ToolConsumer $consumer Consumer instance * @param string $ltiContextId LTI Context ID value * @return Context */ public static function fromConsumer($consumer, $ltiContextId) { $context = new Context(); $context->consumer = $consumer; $context->dataConnector = $consumer->getDataConnector(); $context->ltiContextId = $ltiContextId; if (!empty($ltiContextId)) { $context->load(); } return $context; } ### ### PRIVATE METHODS ### /** * Load the context from the database. * * @param int $id Record ID of context (optional, default is null) * * @return boolean True if context was successfully loaded */ private function load($id = null) { $this->initialize(); $this->id = $id; return $this->getDataConnector()->loadContext($this); } }