namespace GeoIp2\WebService;
use GeoIp2\Exception\AddressNotFoundException;
use GeoIp2\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use GeoIp2\Exception\GeoIp2Exception;
use GeoIp2\Exception\HttpException;
use GeoIp2\Exception\InvalidRequestException;
use GeoIp2\Exception\OutOfQueriesException;
> use GeoIp2\Model\City;
use GeoIp2\ProviderInterface;
> use GeoIp2\Model\Country;
use MaxMind\WebService\Client as WsClient;
> use GeoIp2\Model\Insights;
< * This class provides a client API for all the GeoIP2 Precision web services.
< * The services are Country, City, and Insights. Each service returns a
< * different set of data about an IP address, with Country returning the
> * This class provides a client API for all the GeoIP2 web services.
> * The services are Country, City Plus, and Insights. Each service returns
> * a different set of data about an IP address, with Country returning the
* least data and Insights the most.
* Each web service is represented by a different model class, and these model
* classes in turn contain multiple record classes. The record classes have
* attributes which contain data about the IP address.
* If the web service does not return a particular piece of data for an IP
* address, the associated attribute is not populated.
* The web service may not return any information for an entire record, in
* which case all of the attributes for that record class will be empty.
* ## Usage ##
* The basic API for this class is the same for all of the web service end
* points. First you create a web service object with your MaxMind `$accountId`
* and `$licenseKey`, then you call the method corresponding to a specific end
* point, passing it the IP address you want to look up.
* If the request succeeds, the method call will return a model class for
* the service you called. This model in turn contains multiple record
* classes, each of which represents part of the data returned by the web
* service.
* If the request fails, the client class throws an exception.
class Client implements ProviderInterface
> /**
private $locales;
> * @var array<string>
private $client;
> */
private static $basePath = '/geoip/v2.1';
> /**
const VERSION = 'v2.11.0';
> * @var WsClient
> */
* Constructor.
> /**
> * @var string
* @param int $accountId your MaxMind account ID
> */
< const VERSION = 'v2.11.0';
> public const VERSION = 'v2.13.0';
* @param array $locales list of locale codes to use in name property
* from most preferred to least preferred
* @param array $options array of options. Valid options include:
< * * `host` - The host to use when querying the web service.
> * * `host` - The host to use when querying the web
> * service. To query the GeoLite2 web service
> * instead of the GeoIP2 web service, set the
> * host to `geolite.info`.
* * `timeout` - Timeout in seconds.
* * `connectTimeout` - Initial connection timeout in seconds.
* * `proxy` - The HTTP proxy to use. May include a schema, port,
* username, and password, e.g.,
* `http://username:password@`.
public function __construct(
int $accountId,
string $licenseKey,
array $locales = ['en'],
array $options = []
) {
$this->locales = $locales;
// This is for backwards compatibility. Do not remove except for a
// major version bump.
> // @phpstan-ignore-next-line
if (\is_string($options)) {
$options = ['host' => $options];
if (!isset($options['host'])) {
$options['host'] = 'geoip.maxmind.com';
$options['userAgent'] = $this->userAgent();
$this->client = new WsClient($accountId, $licenseKey, $options);
private function userAgent(): string
return 'GeoIP2-API/' . self::VERSION;
< * This method calls the GeoIP2 Precision: City service.
> * This method calls the City Plus service.
* @param string $ipAddress IPv4 or IPv6 address as a string. If no
* address is provided, the address that the web service is called
* from will be used.
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\AddressNotFoundException if the address you
* provided is not in our database (e.g., a private address).
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\AuthenticationException if there is a problem
* with the account ID or license key that you provided
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\OutOfQueriesException if your account is out
* of queries
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\InvalidRequestException} if your request was received by the web service but is
* invalid for some other reason. This may indicate an issue
* with this API. Please report the error to MaxMind.
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\HttpException if an unexpected HTTP error code or message was returned.
* This could indicate a problem with the connection between
* your server and the web service or that the web service
* returned an invalid document or 500 error code
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\GeoIp2Exception This serves as the parent
* class to the above exceptions. It will be thrown directly
* if a 200 status code is returned but the body is invalid.
< public function city(string $ipAddress = 'me'): \GeoIp2\Model\City
> public function city(string $ipAddress = 'me'): City
< return $this->responseFor('city', 'City', $ipAddress);
> // @phpstan-ignore-next-line
> return $this->responseFor('city', City::class, $ipAddress);
< * This method calls the GeoIP2 Precision: Country service.
> * This method calls the Country service.
* @param string $ipAddress IPv4 or IPv6 address as a string. If no
* address is provided, the address that the web service is called
* from will be used.
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\AddressNotFoundException if the address you provided is not in our database (e.g.,
* a private address).
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\AuthenticationException if there is a problem
* with the account ID or license key that you provided
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\OutOfQueriesException if your account is out of queries
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\InvalidRequestException} if your request was received by the web service but is
* invalid for some other reason. This may indicate an
* issue with this API. Please report the error to MaxMind.
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\HttpException if an unexpected HTTP error
* code or message was returned. This could indicate a problem
* with the connection between your server and the web service
* or that the web service returned an invalid document or 500
* error code.
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\GeoIp2Exception This serves as the parent class to the above exceptions. It
* will be thrown directly if a 200 status code is returned but
* the body is invalid.
< public function country(string $ipAddress = 'me'): \GeoIp2\Model\Country
> public function country(string $ipAddress = 'me'): Country
< return $this->responseFor('country', 'Country', $ipAddress);
> return $this->responseFor('country', Country::class, $ipAddress);
< * This method calls the GeoIP2 Precision: Insights service.
> * This method calls the Insights service. Insights is only supported by
> * the GeoIP2 web service. The GeoLite2 web service does not support it.
* @param string $ipAddress IPv4 or IPv6 address as a string. If no
* address is provided, the address that the web service is called
* from will be used.
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\AddressNotFoundException if the address you
* provided is not in our database (e.g., a private address).
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\AuthenticationException if there is a problem
* with the account ID or license key that you provided
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\OutOfQueriesException if your account is out
* of queries
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\InvalidRequestException} if your request was received by the web service but is
* invalid for some other reason. This may indicate an
* issue with this API. Please report the error to MaxMind.
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\HttpException if an unexpected HTTP error code or message was returned.
* This could indicate a problem with the connection between
* your server and the web service or that the web service
* returned an invalid document or 500 error code
* @throws \GeoIp2\Exception\GeoIp2Exception This serves as the parent
* class to the above exceptions. It will be thrown directly
* if a 200 status code is returned but the body is invalid.
< public function insights(string $ipAddress = 'me'): \GeoIp2\Model\Insights
> public function insights(string $ipAddress = 'me'): Insights
< return $this->responseFor('insights', 'Insights', $ipAddress);
> // @phpstan-ignore-next-line
> return $this->responseFor('insights', Insights::class, $ipAddress);
< private function responseFor(string $endpoint, string $class, string $ipAddress)
> private function responseFor(string $endpoint, string $class, string $ipAddress): Country
$path = implode('/', [self::$basePath, $endpoint, $ipAddress]);
try {
< $body = $this->client->get('GeoIP2 ' . $class, $path);
> $service = (new \ReflectionClass($class))->getShortName();
> $body = $this->client->get('GeoIP2 ' . $service, $path);
} catch (\MaxMind\Exception\IpAddressNotFoundException $ex) {
throw new AddressNotFoundException(
} catch (\MaxMind\Exception\AuthenticationException $ex) {
throw new AuthenticationException(
} catch (\MaxMind\Exception\InsufficientFundsException $ex) {
throw new OutOfQueriesException(
} catch (\MaxMind\Exception\InvalidRequestException $ex) {
throw new InvalidRequestException(
} catch (\MaxMind\Exception\HttpException $ex) {
throw new HttpException(
} catch (\MaxMind\Exception\WebServiceException $ex) {
throw new GeoIp2Exception(
< $class = 'GeoIp2\\Model\\' . $class;
return new $class($body, $this->locales);