Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * Python predictions processor
 * @package   mlbackend_python
 * @copyright 2016 David Monllao {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace mlbackend_python;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Python predictions processor.
 * @package   mlbackend_python
 * @copyright 2016 David Monllao {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class processor implements  \core_analytics\classifier, \core_analytics\regressor, \core_analytics\packable {

     * The required version of the python package that performs all calculations.
/** * The python package is installed in a server. * @var bool */ protected $useserver; /** * The path to the Python bin. * * @var string */ protected $pathtopython; /** * Remote server host * @var string */ protected $host; /** * Remote server port * @var int */ protected $port; /** * Whether to use http or https. * @var bool */ protected $secure; /** * Server username. * @var string */ protected $username; /** * Server password for $this->username. * @var string */ protected $password; /** * The constructor. * */ public function __construct() { global $CFG; $config = get_config('mlbackend_python'); $this->useserver = !empty($config->useserver); if (!$this->useserver) { // Set the python location if there is a value. if (!empty($CFG->pathtopython)) { $this->pathtopython = $CFG->pathtopython; } } else { $this->host = $config->host ?? ''; $this->port = $config->port ?? ''; $this->secure = $config->secure ?? false; $this->username = $config->username ?? ''; $this->password = $config->password ?? ''; } } /** * Is the plugin ready to be used?. * * @return bool|string Returns true on success, a string detailing the error otherwise */ public function is_ready() { if (!$this->useserver) { return $this->is_webserver_ready(); } else { return $this->is_python_server_ready(); } } /** * Checks if the python package is available in the web server executing this script. * * @return bool|string Returns true on success, a string detailing the error otherwise */ protected function is_webserver_ready() { if (empty($this->pathtopython)) { $settingurl = new \moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'systempaths')); return get_string('pythonpathnotdefined', 'mlbackend_python', $settingurl->out()); } // Check the installed pip package version. $cmd = "{$this->pathtopython} -m moodlemlbackend.version"; $output = null; $exitcode = null; // Execute it sending the standard error to $output. $result = exec($cmd . ' 2>&1', $output, $exitcode); if ($exitcode != 0) { return get_string('pythonpackagenotinstalled', 'mlbackend_python', $cmd); } $vercheck = self::check_pip_package_version($result); return $this->version_check_return($result, $vercheck); } /** * Checks if the server can be accessed. * * @return bool|string True or an error string. */ protected function is_python_server_ready() { if (empty($this->host) || empty($this->port) || empty($this->username) || empty($this->password)) { return get_string('errornoconfigdata', 'mlbackend_python'); } // Connection is allowed to use 'localhost' and other potentially blocked hosts/ports. $curl = new \curl(['ignoresecurity' => true]); $responsebody = $curl->get($this->get_server_url('version')->out(false)); if ($curl->info['http_code'] !== 200) { return get_string('errorserver', 'mlbackend_python', $this->server_error_str($curl->info['http_code'], $responsebody)); } $vercheck = self::check_pip_package_version($responsebody); return $this->version_check_return($responsebody, $vercheck); } /** * Delete the model version output directory. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @param string $uniqueid * @param string $modelversionoutputdir * @return null */ public function clear_model($uniqueid, $modelversionoutputdir) { if (!$this->useserver) { remove_dir($modelversionoutputdir); } else { // Use the server. $url = $this->get_server_url('deletemodel'); list($responsebody, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'post', ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid]); } } /** * Delete the model output directory. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @param string $modeloutputdir * @param string $uniqueid * @return null */ public function delete_output_dir($modeloutputdir, $uniqueid) { if (!$this->useserver) { remove_dir($modeloutputdir); } else { $url = $this->get_server_url('deletemodel'); list($responsebody, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'post', ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid]); } } /** * Trains a machine learning algorithm with the provided dataset. * * @param string $uniqueid * @param \stored_file $dataset * @param string $outputdir * @return \stdClass */ public function train_classification($uniqueid, \stored_file $dataset, $outputdir) { if (!$this->useserver) { // Use the local file system. list($result, $exitcode) = $this->exec_command('training', [$uniqueid, $outputdir, $this->get_file_path($dataset)], 'errornopredictresults'); } else { // Use the server. $requestparams = ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid, 'dirhash' => $this->hash_dir($outputdir), 'dataset' => $dataset]; $url = $this->get_server_url('training'); list($result, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'post', $requestparams); } if (!$resultobj = json_decode($result)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorpredictwrongformat', 'analytics', '', json_last_error_msg()); } if ($resultobj->status != 0) { $resultobj = $this->format_error_info($resultobj); } return $resultobj; } /** * Classifies the provided dataset samples. * * @param string $uniqueid * @param \stored_file $dataset * @param string $outputdir * @return \stdClass */ public function classify($uniqueid, \stored_file $dataset, $outputdir) { if (!$this->useserver) { // Use the local file system. list($result, $exitcode) = $this->exec_command('prediction', [$uniqueid, $outputdir, $this->get_file_path($dataset)], 'errornopredictresults'); } else { // Use the server. $requestparams = ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid, 'dirhash' => $this->hash_dir($outputdir), 'dataset' => $dataset]; $url = $this->get_server_url('prediction'); list($result, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'post', $requestparams); } if (!$resultobj = json_decode($result)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorpredictwrongformat', 'analytics', '', json_last_error_msg()); }
if ($resultobj->status != 0) { $resultobj = $this->format_error_info($resultobj); } return $resultobj; } /** * Evaluates this processor classification model using the provided supervised learning dataset. * * @param string $uniqueid * @param float $maxdeviation * @param int $niterations * @param \stored_file $dataset * @param string $outputdir * @param string $trainedmodeldir * @return \stdClass */ public function evaluate_classification($uniqueid, $maxdeviation, $niterations, \stored_file $dataset, $outputdir, $trainedmodeldir) { global $CFG; if (!$this->useserver) { // Use the local file system. $datasetpath = $this->get_file_path($dataset); $params = [$uniqueid, $outputdir, $datasetpath, \core_analytics\model::MIN_SCORE, $maxdeviation, $niterations]; if ($trainedmodeldir) { $params[] = $trainedmodeldir; } list($result, $exitcode) = $this->exec_command('evaluation', $params, 'errornopredictresults'); if (!$resultobj = json_decode($result)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorpredictwrongformat', 'analytics', '', json_last_error_msg()); } } else { // Use the server. $requestparams = ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid, 'minscore' => \core_analytics\model::MIN_SCORE, 'maxdeviation' => $maxdeviation, 'niterations' => $niterations, 'dirhash' => $this->hash_dir($outputdir), 'dataset' => $dataset]; if ($trainedmodeldir) { $requestparams['trainedmodeldirhash'] = $this->hash_dir($trainedmodeldir); } $url = $this->get_server_url('evaluation'); list($result, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'post', $requestparams); if (!$resultobj = json_decode($result)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorpredictwrongformat', 'analytics', '', json_last_error_msg()); } // We need an extra request to get the resources generated during the evaluation process. // Directory to temporarly store the evaluation log zip returned by the server.
< $evaluationtmpdir = make_request_directory('mlbackend_python_evaluationlog');
> $evaluationtmpdir = make_request_directory();
$evaluationzippath = $evaluationtmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; $requestparams = ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid, 'dirhash' => $this->hash_dir($outputdir), 'runid' => $resultobj->runid]; $url = $this->get_server_url('evaluationlog'); list($result, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'download_one', $requestparams, ['filepath' => $evaluationzippath]); $rundir = $outputdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $resultobj->runid; if (!mkdir($rundir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorexportmodelresult', 'analytics'); } $zip = new \zip_packer(); $success = $zip->extract_to_pathname($evaluationzippath, $rundir, null, null, true); if (!$success) { $a = 'The evaluation files can not be exported to ' . $rundir; throw new \moodle_exception('errorpredictionsprocessor', 'analytics', '', $a); } $resultobj->dir = $rundir; } $resultobj = $this->add_extra_result_info($resultobj); return $resultobj; } /** * Exports the machine learning model. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @param string $uniqueid The model unique id * @param string $modeldir The directory that contains the trained model. * @return string The path to the directory that contains the exported model. */ public function export(string $uniqueid, string $modeldir) : string {
< $exporttmpdir = make_request_directory('mlbackend_python_export');
> $exporttmpdir = make_request_directory();
if (!$this->useserver) { // Use the local file system. // We include an exporttmpdir as we want to be sure that the file is not deleted after the // python process finishes. list($exportdir, $exitcode) = $this->exec_command('export', [$uniqueid, $modeldir, $exporttmpdir], 'errorexportmodelresult'); if ($exitcode != 0) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorexportmodelresult', 'analytics'); } } else { // Use the server. $requestparams = ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid, 'dirhash' => $this->hash_dir($modeldir)]; $exportzippath = $exporttmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; $url = $this->get_server_url('export'); list($result, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'download_one', $requestparams, ['filepath' => $exportzippath]); $exportdir = make_request_directory(); $zip = new \zip_packer(); $success = $zip->extract_to_pathname($exportzippath, $exportdir, null, null, true); if (!$success) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorexportmodelresult', 'analytics'); } } return $exportdir; } /** * Imports the provided machine learning model. * * @param string $uniqueid The model unique id * @param string $modeldir The directory that will contain the trained model. * @param string $importdir The directory that contains the files to import. * @return bool Success */ public function import(string $uniqueid, string $modeldir, string $importdir) : bool { if (!$this->useserver) { // Use the local file system. list($result, $exitcode) = $this->exec_command('import', [$uniqueid, $modeldir, $importdir], 'errorimportmodelresult'); if ($exitcode != 0) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorimportmodelresult', 'analytics'); } } else { // Use the server. // Zip the $importdir to send a single file. $importzipfile = $this->zip_dir($importdir); if (!$importzipfile) { // There was an error zipping the directory. throw new \moodle_exception('errorimportmodelresult', 'analytics'); } $requestparams = ['uniqueid' => $uniqueid, 'dirhash' => $this->hash_dir($modeldir), 'importzip' => curl_file_create($importzipfile, null, '')]; $url = $this->get_server_url('import'); list($result, $httpcode) = $this->server_request($url, 'post', $requestparams); } return (bool)$result; } /** * Train this processor regression model using the provided supervised learning dataset. * * @throws new \coding_exception * @param string $uniqueid * @param \stored_file $dataset * @param string $outputdir * @return \stdClass */ public function train_regression($uniqueid, \stored_file $dataset, $outputdir) { throw new \coding_exception('This predictor does not support regression yet.'); } /** * Estimates linear values for the provided dataset samples. * * @throws new \coding_exception * @param string $uniqueid * @param \stored_file $dataset * @param mixed $outputdir * @return void */ public function estimate($uniqueid, \stored_file $dataset, $outputdir) { throw new \coding_exception('This predictor does not support regression yet.'); } /** * Evaluates this processor regression model using the provided supervised learning dataset. * * @throws new \coding_exception * @param string $uniqueid * @param float $maxdeviation * @param int $niterations * @param \stored_file $dataset * @param string $outputdir * @param string $trainedmodeldir * @return \stdClass */ public function evaluate_regression($uniqueid, $maxdeviation, $niterations, \stored_file $dataset, $outputdir, $trainedmodeldir) { throw new \coding_exception('This predictor does not support regression yet.'); } /** * Returns the path to the dataset file. * * @param \stored_file $file * @return string */ protected function get_file_path(\stored_file $file) { // From moodle filesystem to the local file system. // This is not ideal, but there is no read access to moodle filesystem files. return $file->copy_content_to_temp('core_analytics'); } /** * Check that the given package version can be used and return the error status. * * When evaluating the version, we assume the sematic versioning scheme as described at * * * @param string $actual The actual Python package version * @param string $required The required version of the package * @return int -1 = actual version is too low, 1 = actual version too high, 0 = actual version is ok */ public static function check_pip_package_version($actual, $required = self::REQUIRED_PIP_PACKAGE_VERSION) { if (empty($actual)) { return -1; } if (version_compare($actual, $required, '<')) { return -1; } $parts = explode('.', $required); $requiredapiver = reset($parts); $parts = explode('.', $actual); $actualapiver = reset($parts); if ($requiredapiver > 0 || $actualapiver > 1) { if (version_compare($actual, $requiredapiver + 1, '>=')) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Executes the specified module. * * @param string $modulename * @param array $params * @param string $errorlangstr * @return array [0] is the result body and [1] the exit code. */ protected function exec_command(string $modulename, array $params, string $errorlangstr) { $cmd = $this->pathtopython . ' -m moodlemlbackend.' . $modulename . ' '; foreach ($params as $param) { $cmd .= escapeshellarg($param) . ' '; } if (!PHPUNIT_TEST && CLI_SCRIPT) { debugging($cmd, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $output = null; $exitcode = null; $result = exec($cmd, $output, $exitcode); if (!$result) { throw new \moodle_exception($errorlangstr, 'analytics'); } return [$result, $exitcode]; } /** * Formats the errors and info in a single info string. * * @param \stdClass $resultobj * @return \stdClass */ private function format_error_info(\stdClass $resultobj) { if (!empty($resultobj->errors)) { $errors = $resultobj->errors; if (is_array($errors)) { $errors = implode(', ', $errors); } } else if (!empty($resultobj->info)) { // Show info if no errors are returned. $errors = $resultobj->info; if (is_array($errors)) { $errors = implode(', ', $errors); } } $resultobj->info = array(get_string('errorpredictionsprocessor', 'analytics', $errors)); return $resultobj; } /** * Returns the url to the python ML server. * * @param string|null $path * @return \moodle_url */ private function get_server_url(?string $path = null) { $protocol = !empty($this->secure) ? 'https' : 'http'; $url = $protocol . '://' . rtrim($this->host, '/'); if (!empty($this->port)) { $url .= ':' . $this->port; } if ($path) { $url .= '/' . $path; } return new \moodle_url($url); } /** * Sends a request to the python ML server. * * @param \moodle_url $url The requested url in the python ML server * @param string $method The curl method to use * @param array $requestparams Curl request params * @param array|null $options Curl request options * @return array [0] for the response body and [1] for the http code */ protected function server_request($url, string $method, array $requestparams, ?array $options = null) { if ($method !== 'post' && $method !== 'get' && $method !== 'download_one') { throw new \coding_exception('Incorrect request method provided. Only "get", "post" and "download_one" actions are available.'); } // Connection is allowed to use 'localhost' and other potentially blocked hosts/ports. $curl = new \curl(['ignoresecurity' => true]); $authorization = $this->username . ':' . $this->password; $curl->setHeader('Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($authorization)); $responsebody = $curl->{$method}($url, $requestparams, $options); if ($curl->info['http_code'] !== 200) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorserver', 'mlbackend_python', '', $this->server_error_str($curl->info['http_code'], $responsebody)); } return [$responsebody, $curl->info['http_code']]; } /** * Adds extra information to results info. * * @param \stdClass $resultobj * @return \stdClass */ protected function add_extra_result_info(\stdClass $resultobj): \stdClass { if (!empty($resultobj->dir)) { $dir = $resultobj->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tensor'; $resultobj->info[] = get_string('tensorboardinfo', 'mlbackend_python', $dir); } return $resultobj; } /** * Returns the proper return value for the version checking. * * @param string $actual Actual moodlemlbackend version * @param int $vercheck Version checking result * @return true|string Returns true on success, a string detailing the error otherwise */ private function version_check_return($actual, $vercheck) { if ($vercheck === 0) { return true; } if ($actual) { $a = [ 'installed' => $actual, 'required' => self::REQUIRED_PIP_PACKAGE_VERSION, ]; if ($vercheck < 0) { return get_string('packageinstalledshouldbe', 'mlbackend_python', $a); } else if ($vercheck > 0) { return get_string('packageinstalledtoohigh', 'mlbackend_python', $a); } } if (!$this->useserver) { $cmd = "{$this->pathtopython} -m moodlemlbackend.version"; } else { // We can't not know which is the python bin in the python ML server, the most likely // value is 'python'. $cmd = "python -m moodlemlbackend.version"; } return get_string('pythonpackagenotinstalled', 'mlbackend_python', $cmd); } /** * Hashes the provided dir as a string. * * @param string $dir Directory path * @return string Hash */ private function hash_dir(string $dir) { return md5($dir); } /** * Zips the provided directory. * * @param string $dir Directory path * @return string The zip filename */ private function zip_dir(string $dir) {
< $ziptmpdir = make_request_directory('mlbackend_python');
> $ziptmpdir = make_request_directory();
$ziptmpfile = $ziptmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; $files = get_directory_list($dir); $zipfiles = []; foreach ($files as $file) { $fullpath = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; // Use the relative path to the file as the path in the zip. $zipfiles[$file] = $fullpath; } $zip = new \zip_packer(); if (!$zip->archive_to_pathname($zipfiles, $ziptmpfile)) { return false; } return $ziptmpfile; } /** * Error string for httpcode !== 200 * * @param int $httpstatuscode The HTTP status code * @param string $responsebody The body of the response */ private function server_error_str(int $httpstatuscode, string $responsebody): string { return 'HTTP status code ' . $httpstatuscode . ': ' . $responsebody; } }