Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
< * Data-Types for CFPropertyList as defined by Apple. < * {@link Property Lists} < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < * @version $Id$
> * LICENSE > * > * This file is part of CFPropertyList. > * > * The PHP implementation of Apple's PropertyList can handle XML PropertyLists > * as well as binary PropertyLists. It offers functionality to easily convert > * data between worlds, e.g. recalculating timestamps from unix epoch to apple > * epoch and vice versa. A feature to automagically create (guess) the plist > * structure from a normal PHP data structure will help you dump your data to > * plist in no time. > * > * Copyright (c) 2018 Teclib' > * > * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy > * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal > * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights > * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell > * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is > * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: > * > * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all > * copies or substantial portions of the Software. > * > * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR > * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, > * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE > * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER > * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, > * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE > * SOFTWARE. > * > * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > * @author Rodney Rehm <> > * @author Christian Kruse <> > * @copyright Copyright © 2018 Teclib > * @package plist > * @license MIT > * @link > * @link Property Lists > * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace CFPropertyList;
< use \DOMDocument, \Iterator, \ArrayAccess;
> > use \DOMDocument; > use \Iterator; > use \ArrayAccess;
< * Base-Class of all CFTypes used by CFPropertyList < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < * @version $Id$
> *Base-Class of all CFTypes used by CFPropertyList.
* @example example-create-01.php Using the CFPropertyList API * @example example-create-02.php Using CFPropertyList::guess() * @example example-create-03.php Using CFPropertyList::guess() with {@link CFDate} and {@link CFData} */
< abstract class CFType {
> abstract class CFType > {
/** * CFType nodes * @var array */ protected $value = null; /** * Create new CFType. * @param mixed $value Value of CFType */
< public function __construct($value=null) {
> public function __construct($value = null) > {
$this->setValue($value); } /************************************************************************************************ * M A G I C P R O P E R T I E S ************************************************************************************************/ /** * Get the CFType's value * @return mixed CFType's value */
< public function getValue() {
> public function getValue() > {
return $this->value; } /** * Set the CFType's value * @return void */
< public function setValue($value) {
> public function setValue($value) > {
$this->value = $value; } /************************************************************************************************ * S E R I A L I Z I N G ************************************************************************************************/ /** * Get XML-Node. * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in * @param string $nodeName Name of element to create * @return DOMNode Node created based on CType * @uses $value as nodeValue */
< public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc, $nodeName) {
> public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc, $nodeName = "") > {
$node = $doc->createElement($nodeName); $text = $doc->createTextNode($this->value); $node->appendChild($text); return $node; } /** * convert value to binary representation * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object * @return The offset in the object table */
< public abstract function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist);
> abstract public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist);
/** * Get CFType's value. * @return mixed primitive value * @uses $value for retrieving primitive of CFType */
< public function toArray() {
> public function toArray() > {
return $this->getValue(); }
< < } < < /** < * String Type of CFPropertyList < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < */ < class CFString extends CFType { < /** < * Get XML-Node. < * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in < * @param string $nodeName For compatibility reasons; just ignore it < * @return DOMNode &lt;string&gt;-Element < */ < public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < return parent::toXML($doc, 'string'); < } < < /** < * convert value to binary representation < * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object < * @return The offset in the object table < */ < public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->stringToBinary($this->value); < } < } < < class CFUid extends CFType { < public < function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < $obj = new CFDictionary(array('CF$UID' => new CFNumber($this->value))); < return $obj->toXml($doc); < } < < public < function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->uidToBinary($this->value); < } < } < < /** < * Number Type of CFPropertyList < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < */ < class CFNumber extends CFType { < /** < * Get XML-Node. < * Returns &lt;real&gt; if $value is a float, &lt;integer&gt; if $value is an integer. < * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in < * @param string $nodeName For compatibility reasons; just ignore it < * @return DOMNode &lt;real&gt; or &lt;integer&gt;-Element < */ < public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < $ret = 'real'; < if(intval($this->value) == $this->value && !is_float($this->value) && strpos($this->value,'.') === false) { < $this->value = intval($this->value); < $ret = 'integer'; < } < return parent::toXML($doc, $ret); < } < < /** < * convert value to binary representation < * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object < * @return The offset in the object table < */ < public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->numToBinary($this->value); < } < } < < /** < * Date Type of CFPropertyList < * Note: CFDate uses Unix timestamp (epoch) to store dates internally < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < */ < class CFDate extends CFType { < const TIMESTAMP_APPLE = 0; < const TIMESTAMP_UNIX = 1; < const DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX = 978307200; < < /** < * Create new Date CFType. < * @param integer $value timestamp to set < * @param integer $format format the timestamp is specified in, use {@link TIMESTAMP_APPLE} or {@link TIMESTAMP_UNIX}, defaults to {@link TIMESTAMP_APPLE} < * @uses setValue() to convert the timestamp < */ < function __construct($value,$format=CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX) { < $this->setValue($value,$format); < } < < /** < * Set the Date CFType's value. < * @param integer $value timestamp to set < * @param integer $format format the timestamp is specified in, use {@link TIMESTAMP_APPLE} or {@link TIMESTAMP_UNIX}, defaults to {@link TIMESTAMP_UNIX} < * @return void < * @uses TIMESTAMP_APPLE to determine timestamp type < * @uses TIMESTAMP_UNIX to determine timestamp type < * @uses DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX to convert Apple-timestamp to Unix-timestamp < */ < function setValue($value,$format=CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX) { < if($format == CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX) $this->value = $value; < else $this->value = $value + CFDate::DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX; < } < < /** < * Get the Date CFType's value. < * @param integer $format format the timestamp is specified in, use {@link TIMESTAMP_APPLE} or {@link TIMESTAMP_UNIX}, defaults to {@link TIMESTAMP_UNIX} < * @return integer Unix timestamp < * @uses TIMESTAMP_APPLE to determine timestamp type < * @uses TIMESTAMP_UNIX to determine timestamp type < * @uses DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX to convert Unix-timestamp to Apple-timestamp < */ < function getValue($format=CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX) { < if($format == CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX) return $this->value; < else return $this->value - CFDate::DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX; < } < < /** < * Get XML-Node. < * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in < * @param string $nodeName For compatibility reasons; just ignore it < * @return DOMNode &lt;date&gt;-Element < */ < public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < $text = $doc->createTextNode(gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z",$this->getValue())); < $node = $doc->createElement("date"); < $node->appendChild($text); < return $node; < } < < /** < * convert value to binary representation < * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object < * @return The offset in the object table < */ < public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->dateToBinary($this->value); < } < < /** < * Create a UNIX timestamp from a PList date string < * @param string $val The date string (e.g. "2009-05-13T20:23:43Z") < * @return integer The UNIX timestamp < * @throws PListException when encountering an unknown date string format < */ < public static function dateValue($val) { < //2009-05-13T20:23:43Z < if(!preg_match('/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z/',$val,$matches)) throw new PListException("Unknown date format: $val"); < return gmmktime($matches[4],$matches[5],$matches[6],$matches[2],$matches[3],$matches[1]); < } < } < < /** < * Boolean Type of CFPropertyList < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < */ < class CFBoolean extends CFType { < /** < * Get XML-Node. < * Returns &lt;true&gt; if $value is a true, &lt;false&gt; if $value is false. < * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in < * @param string $nodeName For compatibility reasons; just ignore it < * @return DOMNode &lt;true&gt; or &lt;false&gt;-Element < */ < public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < return $doc->createElement($this->value ? 'true' : 'false'); < } < < /** < * convert value to binary representation < * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object < * @return The offset in the object table < */ < public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->boolToBinary($this->value); < } < < } < < /** < * Data Type of CFPropertyList < * Note: Binary data is base64-encoded. < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < */ < class CFData extends CFType { < /** < * Create new Data CFType < * @param string $value data to be contained by new object < * @param boolean $already_coded if true $value will not be base64-encoded, defaults to false < */ < public function __construct($value=null,$already_coded=false) { < if($already_coded) $this->value = $value; < else $this->setValue($value); < } < < /** < * Set the CFType's value and base64-encode it. < * <b>Note:</b> looks like base64_encode has troubles with UTF-8 encoded strings < * @return void < */ < public function setValue($value) { < //if(function_exists('mb_check_encoding') && mb_check_encoding($value, 'UTF-8')) $value = utf8_decode($value); < $this->value = base64_encode($value); < } < < /** < * Get base64 encoded data < * @return string The base64 encoded data value < */ < public function getCodedValue() { < return $this->value; < } < < /** < * Get the base64-decoded CFType's value. < * @return mixed CFType's value < */ < public function getValue() { < return base64_decode($this->value); < } < < /** < * Get XML-Node. < * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in < * @param string $nodeName For compatibility reasons; just ignore it < * @return DOMNode &lt;data&gt;-Element < */ < public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < return parent::toXML($doc, 'data'); < } < < /** < * convert value to binary representation < * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object < * @return The offset in the object table < */ < public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->dataToBinary($this->getValue()); < } < } < < /** < * Array Type of CFPropertyList < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < */ < class CFArray extends CFType implements Iterator, ArrayAccess { < /** < * Position of iterator {@link} < * @var integer < */ < protected $iteratorPosition = 0; < < < /** < * Create new CFType. < * @param array $value Value of CFType < */ < public function __construct($value=array()) { < $this->value = $value; < } < < /** < * Set the CFType's value < * <b>Note:</b> this dummy does nothing < * @return void < */ < public function setValue($value) { < } < < /** < * Add CFType to collection. < * @param CFType $value CFType to add to collection, defaults to null which results in an empty {@link CFString} < * @return void < * @uses $value for adding $value < */ < public function add(CFType $value=null) { < // anything but CFType is null, null is an empty string - sad but true < if( !$value ) < $value = new CFString(); < < $this->value[] = $value; < } < < /** < * Get CFType from collection. < * @param integer $key Key of CFType to retrieve from collection < * @return CFType CFType found at $key, null else < * @uses $value for retrieving CFType of $key < */ < public function get($key) { < if(isset($this->value[$key])) return $this->value[$key]; < return null; < } < < /** < * Remove CFType from collection. < * @param integer $key Key of CFType to removes from collection < * @return CFType removed CFType, null else < * @uses $value for removing CFType of $key < */ < public function del($key) { < if(isset($this->value[$key])) unset($this->value[$key]); < } < < < /************************************************************************************************ < * S E R I A L I Z I N G < ************************************************************************************************/ < < /** < * Get XML-Node. < * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in < * @param string $nodeName For compatibility reasons; just ignore it < * @return DOMNode &lt;array&gt;-Element < */ < public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < $node = $doc->createElement('array'); < < foreach($this->value as $value) $node->appendChild($value->toXML($doc)); < return $node; < } < < /** < * convert value to binary representation < * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object < * @return The offset in the object table < */ < public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->arrayToBinary($this); < } < < /** < * Get CFType's value. < * @return array primitive value < * @uses $value for retrieving primitive of CFType < */ < public function toArray() { < $a = array(); < foreach($this->value as $value) $a[] = $value->toArray(); < return $a; < } < < < /************************************************************************************************ < * I T E R A T O R I N T E R F A C E < ************************************************************************************************/ < < /** < * Rewind {@link $iteratorPosition} to first position (being 0) < * @link < * @return void < * @uses $iteratorPosition set to 0 < */ < public function rewind() { < $this->iteratorPosition = 0; < } < < /** < * Get Iterator's current {@link CFType} identified by {@link $iteratorPosition} < * @link < * @return CFType current Item < * @uses $iteratorPosition identify current key < */ < public function current() { < return $this->value[$this->iteratorPosition]; < } < < /** < * Get Iterator's current key identified by {@link $iteratorPosition} < * @link < * @return string key of the current Item < * @uses $iteratorPosition identify current key < */ < public function key() { < return $this->iteratorPosition; < } < < /** < * Increment {@link $iteratorPosition} to address next {@see CFType} < * @link < * @return void < * @uses $iteratorPosition increment by 1 < */ < public function next() { < $this->iteratorPosition++; < } < < /** < * Test if {@link $iteratorPosition} addresses a valid element of {@link $value} < * @link < * @return boolean true if current position is valid, false else < * @uses $iteratorPosition test if within {@link $iteratorKeys} < * @uses $iteratorPosition test if within {@link $value} < */ < public function valid() { < return isset($this->value[$this->iteratorPosition]); < } < < /************************************************************************************************ < * ArrayAccess I N T E R F A C E < ************************************************************************************************/ < < /** < * Determine if the array's key exists < * @param string $key the key to check < * @return bool true if the offset exists, false if not < * @link < * @uses $value to check if $key exists < * @author Sean Coates <> < */ < public function offsetExists($key) { < return isset($this->value[$key]); < } < < /** < * Fetch a specific key from the CFArray < * @param string $key the key to check < * @return mixed the value associated with the key; null if the key is not found < * @link < * @uses get() to get the key's value < * @author Sean Coates <> < */ < public function offsetGet($key) { < return $this->get($key); < } < < /** < * Set a value in the array < * @param string $key the key to set < * @param string $value the value to set < * @return void < * @link < * @uses setValue() to set the key's new value < * @author Sean Coates <> < */ < public function offsetSet($key, $value) { < return $this->setValue($value); < } < < /** < * Unsets a value in the array < * <b>Note:</b> this dummy does nothing < * @param string $key the key to set < * @return void < * @link < * @author Sean Coates <> < */ < public function offsetUnset($key) { < < } < < < } < < /** < * Array Type of CFPropertyList < * @author Rodney Rehm <> < * @author Christian Kruse <> < * @package plist < * @subpackage plist.types < */ < class CFDictionary extends CFType implements Iterator { < /** < * Position of iterator {@link} < * @var integer < */ < protected $iteratorPosition = 0; < < /** < * List of Keys for numerical iterator access {@link} < * @var array < */ < protected $iteratorKeys = null; < < < /** < * Create new CFType. < * @param array $value Value of CFType < */ < public function __construct($value=array()) { < $this->value = $value; < } < < /** < * Set the CFType's value < * <b>Note:</b> this dummy does nothing < * @return void < */ < public function setValue($value) { < } < < /** < * Add CFType to collection. < * @param string $key Key to add to collection < * @param CFType $value CFType to add to collection, defaults to null which results in an empty {@link CFString} < * @return void < * @uses $value for adding $key $value pair < */ < public function add($key, CFType $value=null) { < // anything but CFType is null, null is an empty string - sad but true < if( !$value ) < $value = new CFString(); < < $this->value[$key] = $value; < } < < /** < * Get CFType from collection. < * @param string $key Key of CFType to retrieve from collection < * @return CFType CFType found at $key, null else < * @uses $value for retrieving CFType of $key < */ < public function get($key) { < if(isset($this->value[$key])) return $this->value[$key]; < return null; < } < < /** < * Generic getter (magic) < * @param integer $key Key of CFType to retrieve from collection < * @return CFType CFType found at $key, null else < * @link < * @uses get() to retrieve the key's value < * @author Sean Coates <> < */ < public function __get($key) { < return $this->get($key); < } < < /** < * Remove CFType from collection. < * @param string $key Key of CFType to removes from collection < * @return CFType removed CFType, null else < * @uses $value for removing CFType of $key < */ < public function del($key) { < if(isset($this->value[$key])) unset($this->value[$key]); < } < < < /************************************************************************************************ < * S E R I A L I Z I N G < ************************************************************************************************/ < < /** < * Get XML-Node. < * @param DOMDocument $doc DOMDocument to create DOMNode in < * @param string $nodeName For compatibility reasons; just ignore it < * @return DOMNode &lt;dict&gt;-Element < */ < public function toXML(DOMDocument $doc,$nodeName="") { < $node = $doc->createElement('dict'); < < foreach($this->value as $key => $value) { < $node->appendChild($doc->createElement('key', $key)); < $node->appendChild($value->toXML($doc)); < } < < return $node; < } < < /** < * convert value to binary representation < * @param CFBinaryPropertyList The binary property list object < * @return The offset in the object table < */ < public function toBinary(CFBinaryPropertyList &$bplist) { < return $bplist->dictToBinary($this); < } < < /** < * Get CFType's value. < * @return array primitive value < * @uses $value for retrieving primitive of CFType < */ < public function toArray() { < $a = array(); < < foreach($this->value as $key => $value) $a[$key] = $value->toArray(); < return $a; < } < < < /************************************************************************************************ < * I T E R A T O R I N T E R F A C E < ************************************************************************************************/ < < /** < * Rewind {@link $iteratorPosition} to first position (being 0) < * @link < * @return void < * @uses $iteratorPosition set to 0 < * @uses $iteratorKeys store keys of {@link $value} < */ < public function rewind() { < $this->iteratorPosition = 0; < $this->iteratorKeys = array_keys($this->value); < } < < /** < * Get Iterator's current {@link CFType} identified by {@link $iteratorPosition} < * @link < * @return CFType current Item < * @uses $iteratorPosition identify current key < * @uses $iteratorKeys identify current value < */ < public function current() { < return $this->value[$this->iteratorKeys[$this->iteratorPosition]]; < } < < /** < * Get Iterator's current key identified by {@link $iteratorPosition} < * @link < * @return string key of the current Item < * @uses $iteratorPosition identify current key < * @uses $iteratorKeys identify current value < */ < public function key() { < return $this->iteratorKeys[$this->iteratorPosition]; < } < < /** < * Increment {@link $iteratorPosition} to address next {@see CFType} < * @link < * @return void < * @uses $iteratorPosition increment by 1 < */ < public function next() { < $this->iteratorPosition++; < } < < /** < * Test if {@link $iteratorPosition} addresses a valid element of {@link $value} < * @link < * @return boolean true if current position is valid, false else < * @uses $iteratorPosition test if within {@link $iteratorKeys} < * @uses $iteratorPosition test if within {@link $value} < */ < public function valid() { < return isset($this->iteratorKeys[$this->iteratorPosition]) && isset($this->value[$this->iteratorKeys[$this->iteratorPosition]]); < } <
} # eof