Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.

Class: template  - X-Ref

Class template for database activity

__construct(manager $manager, string $templatecontent, array $options = [], array $fields = null)   X-Ref
Class contructor.

See the add_options method for the available display options.

param: manager $manager the current instance manager
param: string $templatecontent the template string to use
param: array $options an array of extra diplay options
param: array $fields alternative array of fields (for preview presets)

create_default_template(manager $manager,string $templatename,bool $form = false)   X-Ref
Create a template class with the default template content.

param: manager $manager the current instance manager.
param: string $templatename the template name.
param: bool $form whether the fields should be displayed as form instead of data.
return: self The template with the default content (to be displayed when no template is defined).

get_default_display_options(string $templatename)   X-Ref
Get default options for templates.

For instance, the list template supports the show more button.

param: string $templatename the template name.
return: array an array of extra diplay options.

get_template_content()   X-Ref
Return the raw template content.

return: string the template content before parsing

add_options(array $options = [])   X-Ref
Add extra display options.

The extra options are:
- page: the current pagination page
- search: the current search text
- baseurl: an alternative entry url (moodle_url)
- comments: if comments must be added if not present
- ratings: if ratings must be added

param: array $options the array of options.

load_template_tags(string $templatecontent)   X-Ref
Scan the template tags.

This method detects which tags are used in this template and store them
in the $this->tags attribute. This attribute will be used to determine
which replacements needs to be calculated.

param: string $templatecontent the current template

has_tag(string $tagname)   X-Ref
Check if a tag is present in the template.

param: bool $tagname the tag to check (without ##)
return: bool if the tag is present

get_template_name()   X-Ref
Return the current template name.

return: string the template name

get_icons()   X-Ref
Generate the list of action icons.

return: pix_icon[] icon name => pix_icon

parse_entries(array $entries)   X-Ref
Return the parsed entry using a template.

This method apply a template replacing all necessary tags.

param: array $entries of entres to parse
return: string the entries outputs using the template

parse_entry(stdClass $entry)   X-Ref
Parse a single entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry to parse
return: string the parsed entry

get_fields_replacements(stdClass $entry)   X-Ref
Get all field replacements.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
return: array of pattern => replacement

get_tags_replacements(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Get all standard tags replacements.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: array of pattern => replacement

post_parse(string $result, stdClass $entry)   X-Ref
Add any extra information to the parsed entry.

param: string $result the parsed template with the entry data
param: stdClass $entry the entry object
return: string the final parsed template

get_tag_edit_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##edit## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_delete_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##delete## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_more_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##more## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_moreurl_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##moreurl## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_delcheck_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##delcheck## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_user_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##user## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_userpicture_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##userpicture## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_export_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##export## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_timeadded_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##timeadded## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_timemodified_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##timemodified## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_approve_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##approve## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_disapprove_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##disapprove## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_approvalstatus_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##approvalstatus## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_approvalstatusclass_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##approvalstatusclass## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_comments_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##comments## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_tags_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##tags## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_id_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##id## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

preprocess_tag_otherfields(string $templatecontent)   X-Ref
Prepare otherfield tag scanning the present template fields.

param: string $templatecontent the template content

get_tag_otherfields_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##otherfields## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

get_tag_actionsmenu_replacement(stdClass $entry, bool $canmanageentry)   X-Ref
Returns the ##actionsmenu## tag replacement for an entry.

param: stdClass $entry the entry object
param: bool $canmanageentry if the current user can manage this entry
return: string the tag replacement

parse_add_entry(?stdClass $processeddata = null,?int $entryid = null,?stdClass $entrydata = null)   X-Ref
Parse the template as if it was for add entry.

This method is similar to the parse_entry but it uses the display_add_field method
instead of the display_browse_field.

param: stdClass|null $processeddata the previous process data information.
param: int|null $entryid the possible entry id
param: stdClass|null $entrydata the entry data from a previous form or from a real entry
return: string the add entry HTML content

get_field_input(stdClass $processeddata,data_field_base $field,?int $entryid = null,?stdClass $entrydata = null)   X-Ref
Return the input form html from a specific field.

param: stdClass $processeddata the previous process data information.
param: data_field_base $field the field object
param: int|null $entryid the possible entry id
param: stdClass|null $entrydata the entry data from a previous form or from a real entry
return: string the add entry HTML content