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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * The post exporter tests.
 * @package    mod_forum
 * @copyright  2019 Ryan Wyllie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

< defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
> namespace mod_forum; > > use mod_forum\local\entities\discussion as discussion_entity; > use mod_forum\local\entities\post as post_entity; > use mod_forum\local\exporters\post as post_exporter; > use mod_forum\local\managers\capability as capability_manager; > use mod_forum_tests_generator_trait;
< use \mod_forum\local\entities\discussion as discussion_entity; < use \mod_forum\local\entities\post as post_entity; < use \mod_forum\local\exporters\post as post_exporter; < use \mod_forum\local\managers\capability as capability_manager;
> defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG; require_once(__DIR__ . '/generator_trait.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/rating/lib.php'); /** * The post exporter tests. * * @package mod_forum * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
< class mod_forum_exporters_post_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class exporters_post_test extends \advanced_testcase {
// Make use of the test generator trait. use mod_forum_tests_generator_trait; /** * Test the export function returns expected values. * * @dataProvider export_post_provider * @param bool $istimed True if this is a timed post * @param int $addtime Seconds to be added to the current time */ public function test_export_post($istimed = false, $addtime = 0) { global $CFG, $PAGE; $this->resetAfterTest(); $CFG->enableportfolios = true; $filestorage = get_file_storage(); $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $datagenerator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $forumgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_forum'); $user = $datagenerator->create_user(); $course = $datagenerator->create_course(); $forum = $datagenerator->create_module('forum', ['course' => $course->id]); $coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id);
< $context = context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
> $context = \context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
$now = time(); $forumgenparams = [ 'course' => $forum->course, 'userid' => $user->id, 'forum' => $forum->id, ]; if ($istimed) { $forumgenparams['timestart'] = $now + $addtime; } $discussion = $forumgenerator->create_discussion((object) $forumgenparams); $post = $forumgenerator->create_post((object) [ 'discussion' => $discussion->id, 'parent' => 0, 'userid' => $user->id, 'created' => $now, 'modified' => $now, 'subject' => 'This is the subject', 'message' => 'This is the message', 'messagetrust' => 1, 'attachment' => 0, 'totalscore' => 0, 'mailnow' => 1, 'deleted' => 0 ]); \core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('mod_forum', 'forum_posts', $post->id, $context, ['foo', 'bar']); $tags = \core_tag_tag::get_item_tags('mod_forum', 'forum_posts', $post->id); $attachment = $filestorage->create_file_from_string( [ 'contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'mod_forum', 'filearea' => 'attachment', 'itemid' => $post->id, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => 'example1.jpg', ], 'image contents' ); $canview = true; $canedit = true; $candelete = true; $cansplit = true; $canreply = true; $canexport = true; $cancontrolreadstatus = true; $canreplyprivately = true; $canenrol = true; $capabilitymanager = new test_capability_manager( $canview, $canedit, $candelete, $cansplit, $canreply, $canexport, $cancontrolreadstatus, $canreplyprivately, $canenrol ); $managerfactory = \mod_forum\local\container::get_manager_factory(); $entityfactory = \mod_forum\local\container::get_entity_factory();
< $forum = $entityfactory->get_forum_from_stdclass($forum, $context, $coursemodule, $course); < $discussion = $entityfactory->get_discussion_from_stdclass($discussion); < $post = $entityfactory->get_post_from_stdclass($post); < $author = $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdclass($user); < $authorcontext = context_user::instance($author->get_id());
> $forum = $entityfactory->get_forum_from_stdClass($forum, $context, $coursemodule, $course); > $discussion = $entityfactory->get_discussion_from_stdClass($discussion); > $post = $entityfactory->get_post_from_stdClass($post); > $author = $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdClass($user); > $authorcontext = \context_user::instance($author->get_id());
$exporter = new post_exporter($post, [ 'legacydatamapperfactory' => \mod_forum\local\container::get_legacy_data_mapper_factory(), 'capabilitymanager' => $capabilitymanager, 'readreceiptcollection' => null, 'urlfactory' => \mod_forum\local\container::get_url_factory(), 'forum' => $forum, 'discussion' => $discussion, 'author' => $author, 'authorcontextid' => $authorcontext->id, 'user' => $user, 'context' => $context, 'authorgroups' => [], 'attachments' => [$attachment], 'tags' => $tags, 'rating' => null, 'includehtml' => true ]); $exportedpost = $exporter->export($renderer); $this->assertEquals('This is the subject', $exportedpost->subject); $this->assertEquals('This is the message', $exportedpost->message); $this->assertEquals($user->id, $exportedpost->author->id); $this->assertEquals($discussion->get_id(), $exportedpost->discussionid); $this->assertEquals(false, $exportedpost->hasparent); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->parentid); if ($istimed && ($addtime > 0)) { $this->assertEquals($now + $addtime, $exportedpost->timecreated); } else { $this->assertEquals($now, $exportedpost->timecreated); } $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->unread); $this->assertEquals(false, $exportedpost->isdeleted); $this->assertEquals($canview, $exportedpost->capabilities['view']); $this->assertEquals($canedit, $exportedpost->capabilities['edit']); $this->assertEquals($candelete, $exportedpost->capabilities['delete']); $this->assertEquals($cansplit, $exportedpost->capabilities['split']); $this->assertEquals($canreply, $exportedpost->capabilities['reply']); $this->assertEquals($canexport, $exportedpost->capabilities['export']); $this->assertEquals($canenrol, $exportedpost->capabilities['selfenrol']); $this->assertEquals($cancontrolreadstatus, $exportedpost->capabilities['controlreadstatus']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['view']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['viewisolated']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['edit']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['delete']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['split']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['reply']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['markasread']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->urls['markasunread']); $this->assertCount(1, $exportedpost->attachments); $this->assertEquals('example1.jpg', $exportedpost->attachments[0]->filename); $this->assertCount(2, $exportedpost->tags); $this->assertEquals('foo', $exportedpost->tags[0]['displayname']); $this->assertEquals('bar', $exportedpost->tags[1]['displayname']); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['rating']); $this->assertNotEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['taglist']); $this->assertNotEmpty($exportedpost->html['authorsubheading']); } /** * Data provider for test_export_post(). * * @return array */ public function export_post_provider(): array { return [ 'Simple export' => [ ], 'Test timed post future' => [ true, 1000 ], 'Test timed post past' => [ true, -1000 ], ]; } /** * Test exporting of a deleted post. */ public function test_export_deleted_post() { global $CFG, $PAGE; $this->resetAfterTest(); $CFG->enableportfolios = true; $filestorage = get_file_storage(); $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $datagenerator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $forumgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_forum'); $user = $datagenerator->create_user(); $course = $datagenerator->create_course(); $forum = $datagenerator->create_module('forum', ['course' => $course->id]); $coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id);
< $context = context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
> $context = \context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
$discussion = $forumgenerator->create_discussion((object) [ 'course' => $forum->course, 'userid' => $user->id, 'forum' => $forum->id ]); $now = time(); $post = $forumgenerator->create_post((object) [ 'discussion' => $discussion->id, 'parent' => 0, 'userid' => $user->id, 'created' => $now, 'modified' => $now, 'subject' => 'This is the subject', 'message' => 'This is the message', 'messagetrust' => 1, 'attachment' => 0, 'totalscore' => 0, 'mailnow' => 1, 'deleted' => 1 ]); \core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('mod_forum', 'forum_posts', $post->id, $context, ['foo', 'bar']); $tags = \core_tag_tag::get_item_tags('mod_forum', 'forum_posts', $post->id); $attachment = $filestorage->create_file_from_string( [ 'contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'mod_forum', 'filearea' => 'attachment', 'itemid' => $post->id, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => 'example1.jpg', ], 'image contents' ); $canview = true; $canedit = true; $candelete = true; $cansplit = true; $canreply = true; $canexport = true; $cancontrolreadstatus = true; $capabilitymanager = new test_capability_manager( $canview, $canedit, $candelete, $cansplit, $canreply, $canexport, $cancontrolreadstatus ); $managerfactory = \mod_forum\local\container::get_manager_factory(); $entityfactory = \mod_forum\local\container::get_entity_factory();
< $forum = $entityfactory->get_forum_from_stdclass($forum, $context, $coursemodule, $course); < $discussion = $entityfactory->get_discussion_from_stdclass($discussion); < $post = $entityfactory->get_post_from_stdclass($post); < $author = $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdclass($user); < $authorcontext = context_user::instance($author->get_id());
> $forum = $entityfactory->get_forum_from_stdClass($forum, $context, $coursemodule, $course); > $discussion = $entityfactory->get_discussion_from_stdClass($discussion); > $post = $entityfactory->get_post_from_stdClass($post); > $author = $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdClass($user); > $authorcontext = \context_user::instance($author->get_id());
$exporter = new post_exporter($post, [ 'legacydatamapperfactory' => \mod_forum\local\container::get_legacy_data_mapper_factory(), 'capabilitymanager' => $capabilitymanager, 'readreceiptcollection' => null, 'urlfactory' => \mod_forum\local\container::get_url_factory(), 'forum' => $forum, 'discussion' => $discussion, 'author' => $author, 'authorcontextid' => $authorcontext->id, 'user' => $user, 'context' => $context, 'authorgroups' => [], 'attachments' => [$attachment], 'tags' => $tags, 'rating' => null, 'includehtml' => true ]); $exportedpost = $exporter->export($renderer); $this->assertNotEquals('This is the subject', $exportedpost->subject); $this->assertNotEquals('This is the message', $exportedpost->message); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->timecreated); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->unread); $this->assertEquals(true, $exportedpost->isdeleted); $this->assertEquals([], $exportedpost->attachments); $this->assertEquals([], $exportedpost->tags); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['rating']); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['taglist']); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['authorsubheading']); } /** * Test exporting of a post the user can't view. */ public function test_export_post_no_view_capability() { global $CFG, $PAGE; $this->resetAfterTest(); $CFG->enableportfolios = true; $filestorage = get_file_storage(); $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $datagenerator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $forumgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_forum'); $user = $datagenerator->create_user(); $course = $datagenerator->create_course(); $forum = $datagenerator->create_module('forum', ['course' => $course->id]); $coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id);
< $context = context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
> $context = \context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
$discussion = $forumgenerator->create_discussion((object) [ 'course' => $forum->course, 'userid' => $user->id, 'forum' => $forum->id ]); $now = time(); $post = $forumgenerator->create_post((object) [ 'discussion' => $discussion->id, 'parent' => 0, 'userid' => $user->id, 'created' => $now, 'modified' => $now, 'subject' => 'This is the subject', 'message' => 'This is the message', 'messagetrust' => 1, 'attachment' => 0, 'totalscore' => 0, 'mailnow' => 1, 'deleted' => 0 ]); \core_tag_tag::set_item_tags('mod_forum', 'forum_posts', $post->id, $context, ['foo', 'bar']); $tags = \core_tag_tag::get_item_tags('mod_forum', 'forum_posts', $post->id); $attachment = $filestorage->create_file_from_string( [ 'contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'mod_forum', 'filearea' => 'attachment', 'itemid' => $post->id, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => 'example1.jpg', ], 'image contents' ); $canview = false; $canedit = true; $candelete = true; $cansplit = true; $canreply = true; $canexport = true; $cancontrolreadstatus = true; $capabilitymanager = new test_capability_manager( $canview, $canedit, $candelete, $cansplit, $canreply, $canexport, $cancontrolreadstatus ); $managerfactory = \mod_forum\local\container::get_manager_factory(); $entityfactory = \mod_forum\local\container::get_entity_factory();
< $forum = $entityfactory->get_forum_from_stdclass($forum, $context, $coursemodule, $course); < $discussion = $entityfactory->get_discussion_from_stdclass($discussion); < $post = $entityfactory->get_post_from_stdclass($post); < $author = $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdclass($user); < $authorcontext = context_user::instance($author->get_id());
> $forum = $entityfactory->get_forum_from_stdClass($forum, $context, $coursemodule, $course); > $discussion = $entityfactory->get_discussion_from_stdClass($discussion); > $post = $entityfactory->get_post_from_stdClass($post); > $author = $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdClass($user); > $authorcontext = \context_user::instance($author->get_id());
$exporter = new post_exporter($post, [ 'legacydatamapperfactory' => \mod_forum\local\container::get_legacy_data_mapper_factory(), 'capabilitymanager' => $capabilitymanager, 'readreceiptcollection' => null, 'urlfactory' => \mod_forum\local\container::get_url_factory(), 'forum' => $forum, 'discussion' => $discussion, 'author' => $author, 'authorcontextid' => $authorcontext->id, 'user' => $user, 'context' => $context, 'authorgroups' => [], 'attachments' => [$attachment], 'tags' => $tags, 'rating' => null, 'includehtml' => true ]); $exportedpost = $exporter->export($renderer); $this->assertNotEquals('This is the subject', $exportedpost->subject); $this->assertNotEquals('This is the message', $exportedpost->message); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->timecreated); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->unread); $this->assertEquals(false, $exportedpost->isdeleted); $this->assertEquals([], $exportedpost->attachments); $this->assertEquals([], $exportedpost->tags); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['rating']); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['taglist']); $this->assertEquals(null, $exportedpost->html['authorsubheading']); } } /** * Test implementation of the capability manager. * * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class test_capability_manager extends capability_manager { /** @var bool $view Value for can_view_post */ private $view; /** @var bool $edit Value for can_edit_post */ private $edit; /** @var bool $delete Value for can_delete_post */ private $delete; /** @var bool $split Value for can_split_post */ private $split; /** @var bool $reply Value for can_reply_to_post */ private $reply; /** @var bool $export Value for can_export_post */ private $export; /** @var bool $controlreadstatus Value for can_manually_control_post_read_status */ private $controlreadstatus; /** @var bool $controlreadstatus Value for can_reply_privately_to_post */ private $canreplyprivatelytopost; /** @var bool $canenrol Value for can_self_enrol */ private $canenrol; /** * Constructor. * * @param bool $view Value for can_view_post * @param bool $edit Value for can_edit_post * @param bool $delete Value for can_delete_post * @param bool $split Value for can_split_post * @param bool $reply Value for can_reply_to_post * @param bool $export Value for can_export_post * @param bool $controlreadstatus Value for can_manually_control_post_read_status */ public function __construct( bool $view = true, bool $edit = true, bool $delete = true, bool $split = true, bool $reply = true, bool $export = true, bool $controlreadstatus = true, bool $canreplyprivatelytopost = true, bool $canenrol = true ) { $this->view = $view; $this->edit = $edit; $this->delete = $delete; $this->split = $split; $this->reply = $reply; $this->export = $export; $this->controlreadstatus = $controlreadstatus; $this->canreplyprivatelytopost = $canreplyprivatelytopost; $this->canenrol = $canenrol; } /** * Override can_view_post *
< * @param stdClass $user The user
> * @param \stdClass $user The user
* @param discussion_entity $discussion The discussion * @param post_entity $post The post * @return bool */
< public function can_view_post(stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
> public function can_view_post(\stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
return $this->view; } /** * Override can_edit_post *
< * @param stdClass $user The user
> * @param \stdClass $user The user
* @param discussion_entity $discussion The discussion * @param post_entity $post The post * @return bool */
< public function can_edit_post(stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
> public function can_edit_post(\stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
return $this->edit; } /** * Override can_delete_post *
< * @param stdClass $user The user
> * @param \stdClass $user The user
* @param discussion_entity $discussion The discussion * @param post_entity $post The post * @param bool $hasreplies * @return bool */
< public function can_delete_post(stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post,
> public function can_delete_post(\stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post,
bool $hasreplies = false) : bool { return $this->delete; } /** * Override can_split_post *
< * @param stdClass $user The user
> * @param \stdClass $user The user
* @param discussion_entity $discussion The discussion * @param post_entity $post The post * @return bool */
< public function can_split_post(stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
> public function can_split_post(\stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
return $this->split; } /** * Override can_reply_to_post *
< * @param stdClass $user The user
> * @param \stdClass $user The user
* @param discussion_entity $discussion The discussion * @param post_entity $post The post * @return bool */
< public function can_reply_to_post(stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
> public function can_reply_to_post(\stdClass $user, discussion_entity $discussion, post_entity $post) : bool {
return $this->reply; } /** * Override can_export_post *
< * @param stdClass $user The user
> * @param \stdClass $user The user
* @param post_entity $post The post * @return bool */
< public function can_export_post(stdClass $user, post_entity $post) : bool {
> public function can_export_post(\stdClass $user, post_entity $post) : bool {
return $this->export; } /** * Override can_manually_control_post_read_status *
< * @param stdClass $user The user
> * @param \stdClass $user The user
* @return bool */
< public function can_manually_control_post_read_status(stdClass $user) : bool {
> public function can_manually_control_post_read_status(\stdClass $user) : bool {
return $this->controlreadstatus; } /** * Override can_reply_privately_to_post
< * @param stdClass $user
> * @param \stdClass $user
* @param post_entity $post * @return bool */
< public function can_reply_privately_to_post(stdClass $user, post_entity $post) : bool {
> public function can_reply_privately_to_post(\stdClass $user, post_entity $post) : bool {
return $this->canreplyprivatelytopost; } /** * Override can_self_enrol
< * @param stdClass $user
> * @param \stdClass $user
* @return bool */
< public function can_self_enrol(stdClass $user) : bool {
> public function can_self_enrol(\stdClass $user) : bool {
return $this->canenrol; } }