Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Matching
 * @package mod_lesson
 * @copyright  2009 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

/** Matching question type */
define("LESSON_PAGE_MATCHING",      "5");

class lesson_page_type_matching extends lesson_page {

    protected $type = lesson_page::TYPE_QUESTION;
    protected $typeid = LESSON_PAGE_MATCHING;
    protected $typeidstring = 'matching';
    protected $string = null;

    public function get_typeid() {
        return $this->typeid;
    public function get_typestring() {
        if ($this->string===null) {
            $this->string = get_string($this->typeidstring, 'lesson');
        return $this->string;
    public function get_idstring() {
        return $this->typeidstring;
    public function display($renderer, $attempt) {
        global $USER, $CFG, $PAGE;
        $mform = $this->make_answer_form($attempt);
        $data = new stdClass;
        $data->id = $PAGE->cm->id;
        $data->pageid = $this->properties->id;

        // Trigger an event question viewed.
        $eventparams = array(
            'context' => context_module::instance($PAGE->cm->id),
            'objectid' => $this->properties->id,
            'other' => array(
                    'pagetype' => $this->get_typestring()

        $event = \mod_lesson\event\question_viewed::create($eventparams);
        return $mform->display();

    protected function make_answer_form($attempt=null) {
        global $USER, $CFG;
        // don't shuffle answers (could be an option??)
        $getanswers = array_slice($this->get_answers(), 2);

        $answers = array();
        foreach ($getanswers as $getanswer) {
            $answers[$getanswer->id] = $getanswer;

        $responses = array();
        foreach ($answers as $answer) {
            // get all the response
            if ($answer->response != null) {
< $responses[] = trim($answer->response);
> $responses[] = format_text(trim($answer->response));
} } $responseoptions = array(''=>get_string('choosedots')); if (!empty($responses)) { shuffle($responses); foreach ($responses as $response) {
< $responseoptions[htmlspecialchars($response)] = $response;
> $responseoptions[htmlspecialchars($response, ENT_COMPAT)] = $response;
} } if (isset($USER->modattempts[$this->lesson->id]) && !empty($attempt->useranswer)) { $useranswers = explode(',', $attempt->useranswer); $t = 0; } else { $useranswers = array(); } $action = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/lesson/continue.php'; $params = array('answers'=>$answers, 'useranswers'=>$useranswers, 'responseoptions'=>$responseoptions, 'lessonid'=>$this->lesson->id, 'contents'=>$this->get_contents()); $mform = new lesson_display_answer_form_matching($action, $params); return $mform; } public function create_answers($properties) { global $DB, $PAGE; // now add the answers $newanswer = new stdClass; $newanswer->lessonid = $this->lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $this->properties->id; $newanswer->timecreated = $this->properties->timecreated; $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('lesson', $this->lesson->id, $this->lesson->course); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); // Check for duplicate response format. $duplicateresponse = array(); if (is_array($properties->response_editor) && // If there are response_editors to iterate. is_array(reset($properties->response_editor))) { // And they come split into text & format array. foreach ($properties->response_editor as $response) { // Iterate over all them. $duplicateresponse[] = $response['text']; // Picking the text only. This pagetype is that way. } $properties->response_editor = $duplicateresponse; } $answers = array(); // need to add two to offset correct response and wrong response $this->lesson->maxanswers = $this->lesson->maxanswers + 2; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { $answer = clone($newanswer); if (!empty($properties->answer_editor[$i]) && is_array($properties->answer_editor[$i])) { $answer->answer = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['text']; $answer->answerformat = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['format']; } if (!empty($properties->response_editor[$i])) { $answer->response = $properties->response_editor[$i]; $answer->responseformat = 0; } if (isset($properties->jumpto[$i])) { $answer->jumpto = $properties->jumpto[$i]; } if ($this->lesson->custom && isset($properties->score[$i])) { $answer->score = $properties->score[$i]; } if (isset($answer->answer) && $answer->answer != '') { $answer->id = $DB->insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer); $this->save_answers_files($context, $PAGE->course->maxbytes, $answer, $properties->answer_editor[$i]); $answers[$answer->id] = new lesson_page_answer($answer); } else if ($i < 2) { $answer->id = $DB->insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer); $answers[$answer->id] = new lesson_page_answer($answer); } else { break; } } $this->answers = $answers; return $answers; } public function check_answer() { global $CFG, $PAGE; $formattextdefoptions = new stdClass(); $formattextdefoptions->noclean = true; $formattextdefoptions->para = false; $result = parent::check_answer(); $mform = $this->make_answer_form(); $data = $mform->get_data(); require_sesskey(); if (!$data) { $result->inmediatejump = true; $result->newpageid = $this->properties->id; return $result; } $response = $data->response; $getanswers = $this->get_answers(); foreach ($getanswers as $key => $answer) { $getanswers[$key] = parent::rewrite_answers_urls($answer); } $correct = array_shift($getanswers); $wrong = array_shift($getanswers); $answers = array(); foreach ($getanswers as $key => $answer) { if ($answer->answer !== '' or $answer->response !== '') { $answers[$answer->id] = $answer; } } // get the user's exact responses for record keeping $hits = 0; $userresponse = array(); $result->studentanswerformat = FORMAT_HTML; foreach ($response as $id => $value) { if ($value == '') { $result->noanswer = true; return $result; }
< $value = htmlspecialchars_decode($value);
> $value = htmlspecialchars_decode($value, ENT_COMPAT);
$userresponse[] = $value; // Make sure the user's answer exists in question's answer if (array_key_exists($id, $answers)) { $answer = $answers[$id]; $result->studentanswer .= '<br />'.format_text($answer->answer, $answer->answerformat, $formattextdefoptions).' = '.$value; if (trim($answer->response) == trim($value)) { $hits++; } } } $result->userresponse = implode(",", $userresponse); if ($hits == count($answers)) { $result->correctanswer = true; $result->response = format_text($correct->answer, $correct->answerformat, $formattextdefoptions); $result->answerid = $correct->id; $result->newpageid = $correct->jumpto; } else { $result->correctanswer = false; $result->response = format_text($wrong->answer, $wrong->answerformat, $formattextdefoptions); $result->answerid = $wrong->id; $result->newpageid = $wrong->jumpto; } return $result; } public function option_description_string() { return get_string("firstanswershould", "lesson"); } public function display_answers(html_table $table) { $answers = $this->get_answers(); $options = new stdClass; $options->noclean = true; $options->para = false; $i = 1; $n = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer) { $answer = parent::rewrite_answers_urls($answer); if ($n < 2) { if ($answer->answer != null) { $cells = array(); if ($n == 0) { $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('correctresponse', 'lesson') . '</label>'; } else { $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('wrongresponse', 'lesson') . '</label>'; } $cells[] = format_text($answer->answer, $answer->answerformat, $options); $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); } if ($n == 0) { $cells = array(); $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('correctanswerscore', 'lesson') . '</label>: '; $cells[] = $answer->score; $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); $cells = array(); $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('correctanswerjump', 'lesson') . '</label>: '; $cells[] = $this->get_jump_name($answer->jumpto); $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); } elseif ($n == 1) { $cells = array(); $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('wronganswerscore', 'lesson') . '</label>: '; $cells[] = $answer->score; $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); $cells = array(); $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('wronganswerjump', 'lesson') . '</label>: '; $cells[] = $this->get_jump_name($answer->jumpto); $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); } if ($n === 0){ $table->data[count($table->data)-1]->cells[0]->style = 'width:20%;'; } $n++; $i--; } else { $cells = array(); if ($this->lesson->custom && $answer->score > 0) { // if the score is > 0, then it is correct $cells[] = '<label class="correct">' . get_string('answer', 'lesson') . " {$i}</label>: \n"; } else if ($this->lesson->custom) { $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('answer', 'lesson') . " {$i}</label>: \n"; } else if ($this->lesson->jumpto_is_correct($this->properties->id, $answer->jumpto)) { $cells[] = '<label class="correct">' . get_string('answer', 'lesson') . " {$i}</label>: \n"; } else { $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('answer', 'lesson') . " {$i}</label>: \n"; } $cells[] = format_text($answer->answer, $answer->answerformat, $options); $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); $cells = array(); $cells[] = '<label>' . get_string('matchesanswer', 'lesson') . " {$i}</label>: \n"; $cells[] = format_text($answer->response, $answer->responseformat, $options); $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); } $i++; } return $table; } /** * Updates the page and its answers * * @global moodle_database $DB * @global moodle_page $PAGE * @param stdClass $properties * @return bool */ public function update($properties, $context = null, $maxbytes = null) { global $DB, $PAGE; $answers = $this->get_answers(); $properties->id = $this->properties->id; $properties->lessonid = $this->lesson->id; $properties->timemodified = time(); $properties = file_postupdate_standard_editor($properties, 'contents', array('noclean'=>true, 'maxfiles'=>EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'maxbytes'=>$PAGE->course->maxbytes), context_module::instance($PAGE->cm->id), 'mod_lesson', 'page_contents', $properties->id); $DB->update_record("lesson_pages", $properties); // Trigger an event: page updated. \mod_lesson\event\page_updated::create_from_lesson_page($this, $context)->trigger(); // need to add two to offset correct response and wrong response $this->lesson->maxanswers += 2; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { if (!array_key_exists($i, $this->answers)) { $this->answers[$i] = new stdClass; $this->answers[$i]->lessonid = $this->lesson->id; $this->answers[$i]->pageid = $this->id; $this->answers[$i]->timecreated = $this->timecreated; } if (!empty($properties->answer_editor[$i]) && is_array($properties->answer_editor[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->answer = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['text']; $this->answers[$i]->answerformat = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['format']; } if (!empty($properties->response_editor[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->response = $properties->response_editor[$i]; $this->answers[$i]->responseformat = 0; } if (isset($properties->jumpto[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->jumpto = $properties->jumpto[$i]; } if ($this->lesson->custom && isset($properties->score[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->score = $properties->score[$i]; } // we don't need to check for isset here because properties called it's own isset method. if ($this->answers[$i]->answer != '') { if (!isset($this->answers[$i]->id)) { $this->answers[$i]->id = $DB->insert_record("lesson_answers", $this->answers[$i]); } else { $DB->update_record("lesson_answers", $this->answers[$i]->properties()); } // Save files in answers (no response_editor for matching questions). $this->save_answers_files($context, $maxbytes, $this->answers[$i], $properties->answer_editor[$i]); } else if ($i < 2) { if (!isset($this->answers[$i]->id)) { $this->answers[$i]->id = $DB->insert_record("lesson_answers", $this->answers[$i]); } else { $DB->update_record("lesson_answers", $this->answers[$i]->properties()); } // Save files in answers (no response_editor for matching questions). $this->save_answers_files($context, $maxbytes, $this->answers[$i], $properties->answer_editor[$i]); } else if (isset($this->answers[$i]->id)) { $DB->delete_records('lesson_answers', array('id'=>$this->answers[$i]->id)); unset($this->answers[$i]); } } return true; } public function stats(array &$pagestats, $tries) { $temp = $this->lesson->get_last_attempt($tries); if ($temp->correct) { if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid]["correct"])) { $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["correct"]++; } else { $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["correct"] = 1; } } if (isset($pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"])) { $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"]++; } else { $pagestats[$temp->pageid]["total"] = 1; } return true; } public function report_answers($answerpage, $answerdata, $useranswer, $pagestats, &$i, &$n) { $answers = array(); foreach ($this->get_answers() as $answer) { $answers[$answer->id] = $answer; } $formattextdefoptions = new stdClass; $formattextdefoptions->para = false; //I'll use it widely in this page foreach ($answers as $answer) { if ($n == 0 && $useranswer != null && $useranswer->correct) { if ($answer->response == null && $useranswer != null) { $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); } else { $answerdata->response = $answer->response; } if ($this->lesson->custom) { $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$answer->score; } else { $answerdata->score = get_string("receivedcredit", "lesson"); } } elseif ($n == 1 && $useranswer != null && !$useranswer->correct) { if ($answer->response == null && $useranswer != null) { $answerdata->response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); } else { $answerdata->response = $answer->response; } if ($this->lesson->custom) { $answerdata->score = get_string("pointsearned", "lesson").": ".$answer->score; } else { $answerdata->score = get_string("didnotreceivecredit", "lesson"); } } elseif ($n > 1) { $data = '<label class="accesshide" for="answer_' . $n . '">' . get_string('answer', 'lesson') . '</label>'; $data .= strip_tags(format_string($answer->answer)) . ' '; if ($useranswer != null) { $userresponse = explode(",", $useranswer->useranswer); $data .= '<label class="accesshide" for="stu_answer_response_' . $n . '">' . get_string('matchesanswer', 'lesson') . '</label>'; $data .= "<select class=\"custom-select\" id=\"stu_answer_response_" . $n . "\" " . "disabled=\"disabled\"><option selected=\"selected\">"; if (array_key_exists($i, $userresponse)) { $data .= $userresponse[$i]; } $data .= "</option></select>"; } else { $data .= '<label class="accesshide" for="answer_response_' . $n . '">' . get_string('matchesanswer', 'lesson') . '</label>'; $data .= "<select class=\"custom-select\" id=\"answer_response_" . $n . "\" " . "disabled=\"disabled\"><option selected=\"selected\">".strip_tags(format_string($answer->response))."</option></select>"; } if ($n == 2) { if (isset($pagestats[$this->properties->id])) { if (!array_key_exists('correct', $pagestats[$this->properties->id])) { $pagestats[$this->properties->id]["correct"] = 0; } $percent = $pagestats[$this->properties->id]["correct"] / $pagestats[$this->properties->id]["total"] * 100; $percent = round($percent, 2); $percent .= "% ".get_string("answeredcorrectly", "lesson"); } else { $percent = get_string("nooneansweredthisquestion", "lesson"); } } else { $percent = ''; } $answerdata->answers[] = array($data, $percent); $i++; } $n++; $answerpage->answerdata = $answerdata; } return $answerpage; } public function get_jumps() { global $DB; // The jumps for matching question type are stored in the 1st and 2nd answer record. $jumps = array(); if ($answers = $DB->get_records("lesson_answers", array("lessonid" => $this->lesson->id, "pageid" => $this->properties->id), 'id', '*', 0, 2)) { foreach ($answers as $answer) { $jumps[] = $this->get_jump_name($answer->jumpto); } } else { $jumps[] = $this->get_jump_name($this->properties->nextpageid); } return $jumps; } } class lesson_add_page_form_matching extends lesson_add_page_form_base { public $qtype = 'matching'; public $qtypestring = 'matching'; protected $answerformat = LESSON_ANSWER_HTML; protected $responseformat = ''; public function custom_definition() { $this->_form->addElement('header', 'correctresponse', get_string('correctresponse', 'lesson')); $this->_form->addElement('editor', 'answer_editor[0]', get_string('correctresponse', 'lesson'), array('rows' => '4', 'columns' => '80'), array('noclean' => true, 'maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'maxbytes' => $this->_customdata['maxbytes'])); $this->_form->setType('answer_editor[0]', PARAM_RAW); $this->_form->setDefault('answer_editor[0]', array('text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML)); $this->add_jumpto(0, get_string('correctanswerjump','lesson'), LESSON_NEXTPAGE); $this->add_score(0, get_string("correctanswerscore", "lesson"), 1); $this->_form->addElement('header', 'wrongresponse', get_string('wrongresponse', 'lesson')); $this->_form->addElement('editor', 'answer_editor[1]', get_string('wrongresponse', 'lesson'), array('rows' => '4', 'columns' => '80'), array('noclean' => true, 'maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'maxbytes' => $this->_customdata['maxbytes'])); $this->_form->setType('answer_editor[1]', PARAM_RAW); $this->_form->setDefault('answer_editor[1]', array('text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML)); $this->add_jumpto(1, get_string('wronganswerjump','lesson'), LESSON_THISPAGE); $this->add_score(1, get_string("wronganswerscore", "lesson"), 0); for ($i = 2; $i < $this->_customdata['lesson']->maxanswers+2; $i++) { $this->_form->addElement('header', 'matchingpair'.($i-1), get_string('matchingpair', 'lesson', $i-1)); $this->add_answer($i, null, ($i < 4), LESSON_ANSWER_HTML); $required = ($i < 4); $label = get_string('matchesanswer','lesson'); $count = $i; $this->_form->addElement('text', 'response_editor['.$count.']', $label, array('size'=>'50')); $this->_form->setType('response_editor['.$count.']', PARAM_NOTAGS); $this->_form->setDefault('response_editor['.$count.']', ''); if ($required) { $this->_form->addRule('response_editor['.$count.']', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client'); } } } } class lesson_display_answer_form_matching extends moodleform { public function definition() { global $USER, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; $mform = $this->_form; $answers = $this->_customdata['answers']; $useranswers = $this->_customdata['useranswers']; $responseoptions = $this->_customdata['responseoptions']; $lessonid = $this->_customdata['lessonid']; $contents = $this->_customdata['contents']; // Disable shortforms. $mform->setDisableShortforms(); $mform->addElement('header', 'pageheader'); $mform->addElement('html', $OUTPUT->container($contents, 'contents')); $hasattempt = false; $disabled = ''; if (isset($useranswers) && !empty($useranswers)) { $hasattempt = true; $disabled = array('disabled' => 'disabled'); } $options = new stdClass; $options->para = false; $options->noclean = true; $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id'); $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'pageid'); $mform->setType('pageid', PARAM_INT); $i = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer) { $mform->addElement('html', '<div class="answeroption">'); if ($answer->response != null) { $responseid = 'response['.$answer->id.']'; if ($hasattempt) { $responseid = 'response_'.$answer->id;
< $mform->addElement('hidden', 'response['.$answer->id.']', htmlspecialchars($useranswers[$i]));
> $mform->addElement('hidden', 'response['.$answer->id.']', htmlspecialchars($useranswers[$i], ENT_COMPAT));
// Temporary fixed until MDL-38885 gets integrated $mform->setType('response', PARAM_TEXT); } $answer = lesson_page_type_matching::rewrite_answers_urls($answer); $mform->addElement('select', $responseid, format_text($answer->answer,$answer->answerformat,$options), $responseoptions, $disabled); $mform->setType($responseid, PARAM_TEXT); if ($hasattempt) {
< $mform->setDefault($responseid, htmlspecialchars(trim($useranswers[$i])));
> $mform->setDefault($responseid, htmlspecialchars(trim($useranswers[$i]), ENT_COMPAT));
} else { $mform->setDefault($responseid, 'answeroption'); } } $mform->addElement('html', '</div>'); $i++; } if ($hasattempt) { $this->add_action_buttons(null, get_string("nextpage", "lesson")); } else { $this->add_action_buttons(null, get_string("submit", "lesson")); } } }