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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
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 * Unit tests for (some of) /question/engine/statistics.php
 * @package   quiz_statistics
< * @category phpunit
> * @category test
* @copyright 2008 Jamie Pratt * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
> namespace quiz_statistics; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); >
global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/reportlib.php'); class testable_all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition extends \core_question\statistics\questions\all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition { /** * Disabling caching in tests so we are always sure to force the calculation of stats right then and there. * * @param qubaid_condition $qubaids */ public function cache($qubaids) { } } /** * Test helper subclass of question_statistics * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class testable_question_statistics extends \core_question\statistics\questions\calculator { /**
< * @var object[]
> * @var stdClass[]
*/ protected $lateststeps;
< protected $statscollectionclassname = 'testable_all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition';
> protected $statscollectionclassname = '\quiz_statistics\testable_all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition';
public function set_step_data($states) { $this->lateststeps = $states; } protected function get_random_guess_score($questiondata) { return 0; } /** * @param $qubaids qubaid_condition is ignored in this test * @return array with two items * - $lateststeps array of latest step data for the question usages * - $summarks array of total marks for each usage, indexed by usage id */ protected function get_latest_steps($qubaids) {
< $summarks = array();
> $summarks = [];
$fakeusageid = 0; foreach ($this->lateststeps as $step) { // The same 'sumgrades' field is available in step data for every slot, we will ignore all slots but slot 1. // The step for slot 1 is always the first one in the csv file for each usage, we will use that to separate steps from // each usage. if ($step->slot == 1) { $fakeusageid++; $summarks[$fakeusageid] = $step->sumgrades; } unset($step->sumgrades); $step->questionusageid = $fakeusageid; }
< return array($this->lateststeps, $summarks);
> return [$this->lateststeps, $summarks];
} protected function cache_stats($qubaids) { // No caching wanted for tests. } } /** * Unit tests for (some of) question_statistics. * * @copyright 2008 Jamie Pratt * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
< class quiz_statistics_question_stats_testcase extends basic_testcase {
> class statistics_test extends \basic_testcase {
/** @var testable_all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition object created to test class. */ protected $qstats; public function test_qstats() { global $CFG; // Data is taken from randomly generated attempts data generated by // contrib/tools/generators/qagenerator/. $steps = $this->get_records_from_csv(__DIR__.'/fixtures/mdl_question_states.csv'); // Data is taken from questions mostly generated by // contrib/tools/generators/generator.php. $questions = $this->get_records_from_csv(__DIR__.'/fixtures/mdl_question.csv'); $calculator = new testable_question_statistics($questions); $calculator->set_step_data($steps); $this->qstats = $calculator->calculate(null); // Values expected are taken from contrib/tools/quiz_tools/stats.xls.
< $facility = array(0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, 41.19318182, 81.36363636,
> $facility = [0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, 41.19318182, 81.36363636,
71.36363636, 65.45454545, 65.90909091, 36.36363636, 59.09090909, 50,
< 59.09090909, 63.63636364, 45.45454545, 27.27272727, 50);
> 59.09090909, 63.63636364, 45.45454545, 27.27272727, 50];
$this->qstats_q_fields('facility', $facility, 100);
< $sd = array(0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, 1912.733589, 251.2738111,
> $sd = [0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, 1912.733589, 251.2738111,
322.6312277, 333.4199022, 337.5811591, 492.3659639, 503.2362797,
< 511.7663157, 503.2362797, 492.3659639, 509.6471914, 455.8423058, 511.7663157);
> 511.7663157, 503.2362797, 492.3659639, 509.6471914, 455.8423058, 511.7663157];
$this->qstats_q_fields('sd', $sd, 1000);
< $effectiveweight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26.58464457, 3.368456046,
> $effectiveweight = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26.58464457, 3.368456046,
3.253955259, 7.584083694, 3.79658376, 3.183278505, 4.532356904,
< 7.78856243, 10.08351572, 8.381139345, 8.727645713, 7.946277111, 4.769500946);
> 7.78856243, 10.08351572, 8.381139345, 8.727645713, 7.946277111, 4.769500946];
$this->qstats_q_fields('effectiveweight', $effectiveweight);
< $discriminationindex = array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
> $discriminationindex = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
25.88327077, 1.170256965, -4.207816809, 28.16930644, -2.513606859, -12.99017581, -8.900638238, 8.670004606, 29.63337745, 15.18945843,
< 16.21079629, 15.52451404, -8.396734802);
> 16.21079629, 15.52451404, -8.396734802];
$this->qstats_q_fields('discriminationindex', $discriminationindex);
< $discriminativeefficiency = array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
> $discriminativeefficiency = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
27.23492723, 1.382386552, -4.691171307, 31.12404354, -2.877487579, -17.5074184, -10.27568922, 10.86956522, 34.58997279, 17.4790556,
< 20.14359793, 22.06477733, -10);
> 20.14359793, 22.06477733, -10];
$this->qstats_q_fields('discriminativeefficiency', $discriminativeefficiency); } public function qstats_q_fields($fieldname, $values, $multiplier=1) { foreach ($this->qstats->get_all_slots() as $slot) { $value = array_shift($values); if ($value !== null) {
< $this->assertEquals($value, $this->qstats->for_slot($slot)->{$fieldname} * $multiplier, '', 1E-6);
> $this->assertEqualsWithDelta($value, $this->qstats->for_slot($slot)->{$fieldname} * $multiplier, 1E-6);
} else { $this->assertEquals($value, $this->qstats->for_slot($slot)->{$fieldname} * $multiplier); } } } public function get_fields_from_csv($line) { $line = trim($line); $items = preg_split('!,!', $line); $cnt = count($items); for ($key = 0; $key < $cnt; $key++) { if ($items[$key]!='') { if ($start = ($items[$key][0]=='"')) { $items[$key] = substr($items[$key], 1); while (!$end = ($items[$key][strlen($items[$key])-1]=='"')) { $item = $items[$key]; unset($items[$key]); $key++; $items[$key] = $item . ',' . $items[$key]; } $items[$key] = substr($items[$key], 0, strlen($items[$key])-1); } } } return $items; } public function get_records_from_csv($filename) { $filecontents = file($filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
< $records = array();
> $records = [];
// Skip the first line containing field names. $keys = $this->get_fields_from_csv(array_shift($filecontents)); while (null !== ($line = array_shift($filecontents))) { $data = $this->get_fields_from_csv($line); $arraykey = reset($data);
< $object = new stdClass();
> $object = new \stdClass();
foreach ($keys as $key) { $value = array_shift($data); if ($value !== null) { $object->{$key} = $value; } else { $object->{$key} = ''; } } $records[$arraykey] = $object; } return $records; } }