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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Quiz module external functions tests.
 * @package    mod_quiz
 * @category   external
 * @copyright  2016 Juan Leyva <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @since      Moodle 3.1

namespace mod_quiz\external;

> use core_external\external_api; use externallib_advanced_testcase; > use core_question\local\bank\question_version_status;
use mod_quiz_external;
> use mod_quiz\question\display_options; use mod_quiz_display_options; > use mod_quiz\quiz_attempt; use question_usage_by_activity; > use mod_quiz\quiz_settings; use quiz; > use mod_quiz\structure;
< use mod_quiz_display_options; < use question_usage_by_activity; < use quiz; < use quiz_attempt;
> use moodle_exception;
global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/webservice/tests/helpers.php'); /** * Silly class to access mod_quiz_external internal methods. * * @package mod_quiz * @copyright 2016 Juan Leyva <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 3.1 */ class testable_mod_quiz_external extends mod_quiz_external { /** * Public accessor. * * @param array $params Array of parameters including the attemptid and preflight data * @param bool $checkaccessrules whether to check the quiz access rules or not * @param bool $failifoverdue whether to return error if the attempt is overdue * @return array containing the attempt object and access messages */ public static function validate_attempt($params, $checkaccessrules = true, $failifoverdue = true) { return parent::validate_attempt($params, $checkaccessrules, $failifoverdue); } /** * Public accessor. * * @param array $params Array of parameters including the attemptid * @return array containing the attempt object and display options */ public static function validate_attempt_review($params) { return parent::validate_attempt_review($params); } } /** * Quiz module external functions tests * * @package mod_quiz * @category external * @copyright 2016 Juan Leyva <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 3.1 */ class external_test extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
> /** @var \stdClass course record. */ /** > protected $course; * Set up for every test > */ > /** @var \stdClass activity record. */ public function setUp(): void { > protected $quiz; global $DB; > $this->resetAfterTest(); > /** @var \context_module context instance. */ $this->setAdminUser(); > protected $context; > // Setup test data. > /** @var \stdClass */ $this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); > protected $cm; $this->quiz = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('quiz', array('course' => $this->course->id)); > $this->context = \context_module::instance($this->quiz->cmid); > /** @var \stdClass user record. */ $this->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $this->quiz->id); > protected $student; > // Create users. > /** @var \stdClass user record. */ $this->student = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); > protected $teacher; $this->teacher = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); > > /** @var \stdClass user role record. */ // Users enrolments. > protected $studentrole; $this->studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student')); > $this->teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher')); > /** @var \stdClass user role record. */ // Allow student to receive messages. > protected $teacherrole; $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($this->course->id); >
< $this->quiz = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('quiz', array('course' => $this->course->id));
> $this->quiz = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('quiz', ['course' => $this->course->id]);
< $this->studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student')); < $this->teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
> $this->studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => 'student']); > $this->teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => 'editingteacher']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->teacher->id, $this->course->id, $this->teacherrole->id, 'manual'); } /**
> * Create a quiz with questions including a started or finished attempt optionally * Test that a sequential navigation quiz is not allowing to see questions in advance except if reviewing > * */ > * @param boolean $startattempt whether to start a new attempt public function test_sequential_navigation_view_attempt() { > * @param boolean $finishattempt whether to finish the new attempt // Test user with full capabilities. > * @param string $behaviour the quiz preferredbehaviour, defaults to 'deferredfeedback'. $quiz = $this->prepare_sequential_quiz(); > * @param boolean $includeqattachments whether to include a question that supports attachments, defaults to false. $attemptobj = $this->create_quiz_attempt_object($quiz); > * @param array $extraoptions extra options for Quiz. $this->setUser($this->student); > * @return array array containing the quiz, context and the attempt // Check out of sequence access for view. > */ $this->assertNotEmpty(mod_quiz_external::view_attempt($attemptobj->get_attemptid(), 0, [])); > private function create_quiz_with_questions($startattempt = false, $finishattempt = false, $behaviour = 'deferredfeedback', try { > $includeqattachments = false, $extraoptions = []) { mod_quiz_external::view_attempt($attemptobj->get_attemptid(), 3, []); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to out of sequence access.'); > // Create a new quiz with attempts. } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { > $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); $this->assertStringContainsString('quiz/Out of sequence access', $e->getMessage()); > $data = ['course' => $this->course->id, } > 'sumgrades' => 2, } > 'preferredbehaviour' => $behaviour]; > $data = array_merge($data, $extraoptions); /** > $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($data); * Test that a sequential navigation quiz is not allowing to see questions in advance for a student > $context = \context_module::instance($quiz->cmid); */ > public function test_sequential_navigation_attempt_summary() { > // Create a couple of questions. // Test user with full capabilities. > $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); $quiz = $this->prepare_sequential_quiz(); > $attemptobj = $this->create_quiz_attempt_object($quiz); > $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); $this->setUser($this->student); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); // Check that we do not return other questions than the one currently viewed. > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attemptobj->get_attemptid()); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions']); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); $this->assertStringContainsString('Question (1)', $result['questions'][0]['html']); > } > if ($includeqattachments) { > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('essay', null, ['category' => $cat->id, 'attachments' => 1, /** > 'attachmentsrequired' => 1]); * Test that a sequential navigation quiz is not allowing to see questions in advance for student > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); */ > } public function test_sequential_navigation_get_attempt_data() { > // Test user with full capabilities. > $quizobj = quiz_settings::create($quiz->id, $this->student->id); $quiz = $this->prepare_sequential_quiz(); > $attemptobj = $this->create_quiz_attempt_object($quiz); > // Set grade to pass. $this->setUser($this->student); > $item = \grade_item::fetch(['courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', // Test invalid instance id. > 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $quiz->id, 'outcomeid' => null]); try { > $item->gradepass = 80; mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attemptobj->get_attemptid(), 2); > $item->update(); $this->fail('Exception expected due to out of sequence access.'); > } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { > if ($startattempt or $finishattempt) { $this->assertStringContainsString('quiz/Out of sequence access', $e->getMessage()); > // Now, do one attempt. } > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); // Now we moved to page 1, we should see page 2 and 1 but not 0 or 3. > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); $attemptobj->set_currentpage(1); > // Test invalid instance id. > $timenow = time(); try { > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 1, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attemptobj->get_attemptid(), 0); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $timenow); $this->fail('Exception expected due to out of sequence access.'); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); $this->assertStringContainsString('quiz/Out of sequence access', $e->getMessage()); > } > if ($finishattempt) { > // Process some responses from the student. try { > $tosubmit = [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']]; mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attemptobj->get_attemptid(), 3); > $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions(time(), false, $tosubmit); $this->fail('Exception expected due to out of sequence access.'); > } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { > // Finish the attempt. $this->assertStringContainsString('quiz/Out of sequence access', $e->getMessage()); > $attemptobj->process_finish(time(), false); } > } > return [$quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj, $quba]; // Now we can see page 1. > } else { $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attemptobj->get_attemptid(), 1); > return [$quiz, $context, $quizobj]; $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions']); > } $this->assertStringContainsString('Question (2)', $result['questions'][0]['html']); > } > } > /** > /* * Prepare quiz for sequential navigation tests > * Test get quizzes by courses * > */ * @return quiz > public function test_mod_quiz_get_quizzes_by_courses() { */ > global $DB; private function prepare_sequential_quiz() { > // Create a new quiz with 5 questions and one attempt started. > // Create additional course. // Create a new quiz with attempts. > $course2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); > $data = [ > // Second quiz. 'course' => $this->course->id, > $record = new \stdClass(); 'sumgrades' => 2, > $record->course = $course2->id; 'preferredbehaviour' => 'deferredfeedback', > $record->intro = '<button>Test with HTML allowed.</button>'; 'navmethod' => QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_SEQ > $quiz2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_module('quiz', $record); ]; > $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($data); > // Execute real Moodle enrolment as we'll call unenrol() method on the instance later. > $enrol = enrol_get_plugin('manual'); // Now generate the questions. > $enrolinstances = enrol_get_instances($course2->id, true); $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); > foreach ($enrolinstances as $courseenrolinstance) { $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); > if ($courseenrolinstance->enrol == "manual") { for ($pageindex = 1; $pageindex <= 5; $pageindex++) { > $instance2 = $courseenrolinstance; $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('truefalse', null, [ > break; 'category' => $cat->id, > } 'questiontext' => ['text' => "Question ($pageindex)"] > } ]); > $enrol->enrol_user($instance2, $this->student->id, $this->studentrole->id); quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz, $pageindex); > } > self::setUser($this->student); > $quizobj = quiz::create($quiz->id, $this->student->id); > $returndescription = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses_returns(); // Set grade to pass. > $item = \grade_item::fetch(array('courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', > // Create what we expect to be returned when querying the two courses. 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $quiz->id, 'outcomeid' => null)); > // First for the student user. $item->gradepass = 80; > $allusersfields = ['id', 'coursemodule', 'course', 'name', 'intro', 'introformat', 'introfiles', 'lang', $item->update(); > 'timeopen', 'timeclose', 'grademethod', 'section', 'visible', 'groupmode', 'groupingid', return $quizobj; > 'attempts', 'timelimit', 'grademethod', 'decimalpoints', 'questiondecimalpoints', 'sumgrades', } > 'grade', 'preferredbehaviour', 'hasfeedback']; > $userswithaccessfields = ['attemptonlast', 'reviewattempt', 'reviewcorrectness', 'reviewmarks', /** > 'reviewspecificfeedback', 'reviewgeneralfeedback', 'reviewrightanswer', * Create question attempt > 'reviewoverallfeedback', 'questionsperpage', 'navmethod', * > 'browsersecurity', 'delay1', 'delay2', 'showuserpicture', 'showblocks', * @param quiz $quizobj > 'completionattemptsexhausted', 'completionpass', 'autosaveperiod', 'hasquestions', * @param int|null $userid > 'overduehandling', 'graceperiod', 'canredoquestions', 'allowofflineattempts']; * @param bool|null $ispreview > $managerfields = ['shuffleanswers', 'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'password', 'subnet']; * @return quiz_attempt > * @throws \moodle_exception > // Add expected coursemodule and other data. */ > $quiz1 = $this->quiz; private function create_quiz_attempt_object($quizobj, $userid = null, $ispreview = false) { > $quiz1->coursemodule = $quiz1->cmid; global $USER; > $quiz1->introformat = 1; $timenow = time(); > $quiz1->section = 0; // Now, do one attempt. > $quiz1->visible = true; $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quiz1->groupmode = 0; $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > $quiz1->groupingid = 0; $attemptnumber = 1; > $quiz1->hasquestions = 0; if (!empty($USER->id)) { > $quiz1->hasfeedback = 0; $attemptnumber = count(quiz_get_user_attempts($quizobj->get_quizid(), $USER->id)) + 1; > $quiz1->completionpass = 0; } > $quiz1->autosaveperiod = get_config('quiz', 'autosaveperiod'); $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, $attemptnumber, false, $timenow, $ispreview, $userid ?? $this->student->id); > $quiz1->introfiles = []; quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, $attemptnumber, $timenow); > $quiz1->lang = ''; quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $quiz2->coursemodule = $quiz2->cmid; return $attemptobj; > $quiz2->introformat = 1; } > $quiz2->section = 0; } > $quiz2->visible = true; > $quiz2->groupmode = 0; > $quiz2->groupingid = 0; > $quiz2->hasquestions = 0; > $quiz2->hasfeedback = 0; > $quiz2->completionpass = 0; > $quiz2->autosaveperiod = get_config('quiz', 'autosaveperiod'); > $quiz2->introfiles = []; > $quiz2->lang = ''; > > foreach (array_merge($allusersfields, $userswithaccessfields) as $field) { > $expected1[$field] = $quiz1->{$field}; > $expected2[$field] = $quiz2->{$field}; > } > > $expectedquizzes = [$expected2, $expected1]; > > // Call the external function passing course ids. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses([$course2->id, $this->course->id]); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); > > $this->assertEquals($expectedquizzes, $result['quizzes']); > $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); > > // Call the external function without passing course id. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses(); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); > $this->assertEquals($expectedquizzes, $result['quizzes']); > $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); > > // Unenrol user from second course and alter expected quizzes. > $enrol->unenrol_user($instance2, $this->student->id); > array_shift($expectedquizzes); > > // Call the external function without passing course id. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses(); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); > $this->assertEquals($expectedquizzes, $result['quizzes']); > > // Call for the second course we unenrolled the user from, expected warning. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses([$course2->id]); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['warnings']); > $this->assertEquals('1', $result['warnings'][0]['warningcode']); > $this->assertEquals($course2->id, $result['warnings'][0]['itemid']); > > // Now, try as a teacher for getting all the additional fields. > self::setUser($this->teacher); > > foreach ($managerfields as $field) { > $expectedquizzes[0][$field] = $quiz1->{$field}; > } > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses(); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); > $this->assertEquals($expectedquizzes, $result['quizzes']); > > // Admin also should get all the information. > self::setAdminUser(); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses([$this->course->id]); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); > $this->assertEquals($expectedquizzes, $result['quizzes']); > > // Now, prevent access. > $enrol->enrol_user($instance2, $this->student->id); > > self::setUser($this->student); > > $quiz2->timeclose = time() - DAYSECS; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz2); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quizzes_by_courses(); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); > $this->assertCount(2, $result['quizzes']); > // We only see a limited set of fields. > $this->assertCount(5, $result['quizzes'][0]); > $this->assertEquals($quiz2->id, $result['quizzes'][0]['id']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz2->cmid, $result['quizzes'][0]['coursemodule']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz2->course, $result['quizzes'][0]['course']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz2->name, $result['quizzes'][0]['name']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz2->course, $result['quizzes'][0]['course']); > > $this->assertFalse(isset($result['quizzes'][0]['timelimit'])); > > } > > /** > * Test test_view_quiz > */ > public function test_view_quiz() { > global $DB; > > // Test invalid instance id. > try { > mod_quiz_external::view_quiz(0); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to invalid mod_quiz instance id.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('invalidrecord', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Test not-enrolled user. > $usernotenrolled = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); > $this->setUser($usernotenrolled); > try { > mod_quiz_external::view_quiz($this->quiz->id); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to not enrolled user.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('requireloginerror', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Test user with full capabilities. > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Trigger and capture the event. > $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::view_quiz($this->quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::view_quiz_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > $events = $sink->get_events(); > $this->assertCount(1, $events); > $event = array_shift($events); > > // Checking that the event contains the expected values. > $this->assertInstanceOf('\mod_quiz\event\course_module_viewed', $event); > $this->assertEquals($this->context, $event->get_context()); > $moodlequiz = new \moodle_url('/mod/quiz/view.php', ['id' => $this->cm->id]); > $this->assertEquals($moodlequiz, $event->get_url()); > $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); > $this->assertNotEmpty($event->get_name()); > > // Test user with no capabilities. > // We need a explicit prohibit since this capability is only defined in authenticated user and guest roles. > assign_capability('mod/quiz:view', CAP_PROHIBIT, $this->studentrole->id, $this->context->id); > // Empty all the caches that may be affected by this change. > accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); > \course_modinfo::clear_instance_cache(); > > try { > mod_quiz_external::view_quiz($this->quiz->id); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('requireloginerror', $e->errorcode); > } > > } > > /** > * Test get_user_attempts > */ > public function test_get_user_attempts() { > > // Create a quiz with one attempt finished. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true, true); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['attempts']); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result['attempts'][0]['id']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz->id, $result['attempts'][0]['quiz']); > $this->assertEquals($this->student->id, $result['attempts'][0]['userid']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempts'][0]['attempt']); > $this->assertArrayHasKey('sumgrades', $result['attempts'][0]); > $this->assertEquals(1.0, $result['attempts'][0]['sumgrades']); > > // Test filters. Only finished. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, 0, 'finished', false); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['attempts']); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result['attempts'][0]['id']); > > // Test filters. All attempts. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, 0, 'all', false); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['attempts']); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result['attempts'][0]['id']); > > // Test filters. Unfinished. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, 0, 'unfinished', false); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(0, $result['attempts']); > > // Start a new attempt, but not finish it. > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 2, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > // Test filters. All attempts. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, 0, 'all', false); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(2, $result['attempts']); > > // Test filters. Unfinished. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, 0, 'unfinished', false); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['attempts']); > > // Test manager can see user attempts. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $this->student->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['attempts']); > $this->assertEquals($this->student->id, $result['attempts'][0]['userid']); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $this->student->id, 'all'); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(2, $result['attempts']); > $this->assertEquals($this->student->id, $result['attempts'][0]['userid']); > > // Invalid parameters. > try { > mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $this->student->id, 'INVALID_PARAMETER'); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); > } catch (\invalid_parameter_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('invalidparameter', $e->errorcode); > } > } > > /** > * Test get_user_attempts with marks hidden > */ > public function test_get_user_attempts_with_marks_hidden() { > // Create quiz with one attempt finished and hide the mark. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions( > true, true, 'deferredfeedback', false, > ['marksduring' => 0, 'marksimmediately' => 0, 'marksopen' => 0, 'marksclosed' => 0]); > > // Student cannot see the grades. > $this->setUser($this->student); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['attempts']); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result['attempts'][0]['id']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz->id, $result['attempts'][0]['quiz']); > $this->assertEquals($this->student->id, $result['attempts'][0]['userid']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempts'][0]['attempt']); > $this->assertArrayHasKey('sumgrades', $result['attempts'][0]); > $this->assertEquals(null, $result['attempts'][0]['sumgrades']); > > // Test manager can see user grades. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $this->student->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_attempts_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['attempts']); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result['attempts'][0]['id']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz->id, $result['attempts'][0]['quiz']); > $this->assertEquals($this->student->id, $result['attempts'][0]['userid']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempts'][0]['attempt']); > $this->assertArrayHasKey('sumgrades', $result['attempts'][0]); > $this->assertEquals(1.0, $result['attempts'][0]['sumgrades']); > } > > /** > * Test get_user_best_grade > */ > public function test_get_user_best_grade() { > $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); > $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); > $questioncat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); > > // Create a new quiz. > $quizapi1 = $quizgenerator->create_instance([ > 'name' => 'Test Quiz API 1', > 'course' => $this->course->id, > 'sumgrades' => 1 > ]); > $quizapi2 = $quizgenerator->create_instance([ > 'name' => 'Test Quiz API 2', > 'course' => $this->course->id, > 'sumgrades' => 1, > 'marksduring' => 0, > 'marksimmediately' => 0, > 'marksopen' => 0, > 'marksclosed' => 0 > ]); > > // Create a question. > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, ['category' => $questioncat->id]); > > // Add question to the quizzes. > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quizapi1); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quizapi2); > > // Create quiz object. > $quizapiobj1 = quiz_settings::create($quizapi1->id, $this->student->id); > $quizapiobj2 = quiz_settings::create($quizapi2->id, $this->student->id); > > // Set grade to pass. > $item = \grade_item::fetch([ > 'courseid' => $this->course->id, > 'itemtype' => 'mod', > 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', > 'iteminstance' => $quizapi1->id, > 'outcomeid' => null > ]); > $item->gradepass = 80; > $item->update(); > > $item = \grade_item::fetch([ > 'courseid' => $this->course->id, > 'itemtype' => 'mod', > 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', > 'iteminstance' => $quizapi2->id, > 'outcomeid' => null > ]); > $item->gradepass = 80; > $item->update(); > > // Start the passing attempt. > $quba1 = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizapiobj1->get_context()); > $quba1->set_preferred_behaviour($quizapiobj1->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > > $quba2 = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizapiobj2->get_context()); > $quba2->set_preferred_behaviour($quizapiobj2->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > > // Start the testing for quizapi1 that allow the student to view the grade. > > $this->setUser($this->student); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($quizapi1->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade_returns(), $result); > > // No grades yet. > $this->assertFalse($result['hasgrade']); > $this->assertTrue(!isset($result['grade'])); > > // Start the attempt. > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizapiobj1, 1, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizapiobj1, $quba1, $attempt, 1, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizapiobj1, $quba1, $attempt); > > // Process some responses from the student. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($timenow, false, [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']]); > > // Finish the attempt. > $attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, false); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($quizapi1->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade_returns(), $result); > > // Now I have grades. > $this->assertTrue($result['hasgrade']); > $this->assertEquals(100.0, $result['grade']); > $this->assertEquals(80, $result['gradetopass']); > > // We should not see other users grades. > $anotherstudent = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); > $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($anotherstudent->id, $this->course->id, $this->studentrole->id, 'manual'); > > try { > mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($quizapi1->id, $anotherstudent->id); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); > } catch (\required_capability_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('nopermissions', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Teacher must be able to see student grades. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($quizapi1->id, $this->student->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertTrue($result['hasgrade']); > $this->assertEquals(100.0, $result['grade']); > $this->assertEquals(80, $result['gradetopass']); > > // Invalid user. > try { > mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($this->quiz->id, -1); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); > } catch (\dml_missing_record_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('invaliduser', $e->errorcode); > } > > // End the testing for quizapi1 that allow the student to view the grade. > > // Start the testing for quizapi2 that do not allow the student to view the grade. > > $this->setUser($this->student); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($quizapi2->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade_returns(), $result); > > // No grades yet. > $this->assertFalse($result['hasgrade']); > $this->assertTrue(!isset($result['grade'])); > > // Start the attempt. > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizapiobj2, 1, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizapiobj2, $quba2, $attempt, 1, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizapiobj2, $quba2, $attempt); > > // Process some responses from the student. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($timenow, false, [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']]); > > // Finish the attempt. > $attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, false); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($quizapi2->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade_returns(), $result); > > // Now I have grades but I will not be allowed to see it. > $this->assertFalse($result['hasgrade']); > $this->assertTrue(!isset($result['grade'])); > > // Teacher must be able to see student grades. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade($quizapi2->id, $this->student->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertTrue($result['hasgrade']); > $this->assertEquals(100.0, $result['grade']); > > // End the testing for quizapi2 that do not allow the student to view the grade. > > } > /** > * Test get_combined_review_options. > * This is a basic test, this is already tested in display_options_testcase. > */ > public function test_get_combined_review_options() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with attempts. > $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); > $data = ['course' => $this->course->id, > 'sumgrades' => 1]; > $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($data); > > // Create a couple of questions. > $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); > > $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > $quizobj = quiz_settings::create($quiz->id, $this->student->id); > > // Set grade to pass. > $item = \grade_item::fetch(['courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', > 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $quiz->id, 'outcomeid' => null]); > $item->gradepass = 80; > $item->update(); > > // Start the passing attempt. > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 1, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options_returns(), $result); > > // Expected values. > $expected = [ > "someoptions" => [ > ["name" => "feedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "generalfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "rightanswer", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "overallfeedback", "value" => 0], > ["name" => "marks", "value" => 2], > ], > "alloptions" => [ > ["name" => "feedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "generalfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "rightanswer", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "overallfeedback", "value" => 0], > ["name" => "marks", "value" => 2], > ], > "warnings" => [], > ]; > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > // Now, finish the attempt. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, false); > > $expected = [ > "someoptions" => [ > ["name" => "feedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "generalfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "rightanswer", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "overallfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "marks", "value" => 2], > ], > "alloptions" => [ > ["name" => "feedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "generalfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "rightanswer", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "overallfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "marks", "value" => 2], > ], > "warnings" => [], > ]; > > // We should see now the overall feedback. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > // Start a new attempt, but not finish it. > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 2, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > $expected = [ > "someoptions" => [ > ["name" => "feedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "generalfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "rightanswer", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "overallfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "marks", "value" => 2], > ], > "alloptions" => [ > ["name" => "feedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "generalfeedback", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "rightanswer", "value" => 1], > ["name" => "overallfeedback", "value" => 0], > ["name" => "marks", "value" => 2], > ], > "warnings" => [], > ]; > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > // Teacher, for see student options. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options($quiz->id, $this->student->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > // Invalid user. > try { > mod_quiz_external::get_combined_review_options($quiz->id, -1); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); > } catch (\dml_missing_record_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('invaliduser', $e->errorcode); > } > } > > /** > * Test start_attempt > */ > public function test_start_attempt() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with questions. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Try to open attempt in closed quiz. > $quiz->timeopen = time() - WEEKSECS; > $quiz->timeclose = time() - DAYSECS; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > $result = mod_quiz_external::start_attempt($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::start_attempt_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals([], $result['attempt']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['warnings']); > > // Now with a password. > $quiz->timeopen = 0; > $quiz->timeclose = 0; > $quiz->password = 'abc'; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > try { > mod_quiz_external::start_attempt($quiz->id, [["name" => "quizpassword", "value" => 'bad']]); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to invalid passwod.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals(get_string('passworderror', 'quizaccess_password'), $e->errorcode); > } > > // Now, try everything correct. > $result = mod_quiz_external::start_attempt($quiz->id, [["name" => "quizpassword", "value" => 'abc']]); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::start_attempt_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempt']['attempt']); > $this->assertEquals($this->student->id, $result['attempt']['userid']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz->id, $result['attempt']['quiz']); > $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); > $attemptid = $result['attempt']['id']; > > // We are good, try to start a new attempt now. > > try { > mod_quiz_external::start_attempt($quiz->id, [["name" => "quizpassword", "value" => 'abc']]); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to attempt not finished.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('attemptstillinprogress', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Finish the started attempt. > > // Process some responses from the student. > $timenow = time(); > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptid); > $tosubmit = [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']]; > $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($timenow, false, $tosubmit); > > // Finish the attempt. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptid); > $this->assertTrue($attemptobj->has_response_to_at_least_one_graded_question()); > $attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, false); > > // We should be able to start a new attempt. > $result = mod_quiz_external::start_attempt($quiz->id, [["name" => "quizpassword", "value" => 'abc']]); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::start_attempt_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['attempt']['attempt']); > $this->assertEquals($this->student->id, $result['attempt']['userid']); > $this->assertEquals($quiz->id, $result['attempt']['quiz']); > $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); > > // Test user with no capabilities. > // We need a explicit prohibit since this capability is only defined in authenticated user and guest roles. > assign_capability('mod/quiz:attempt', CAP_PROHIBIT, $this->studentrole->id, $context->id); > // Empty all the caches that may be affected by this change. > accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); > \course_modinfo::clear_instance_cache(); > > try { > mod_quiz_external::start_attempt($quiz->id); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); > } catch (\required_capability_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('nopermissions', $e->errorcode); > } > > } > > /** > * Test validate_attempt > */ > public function test_validate_attempt() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with one attempt started. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Invalid attempt. > try { > $params = ['attemptid' => -1, 'page' => 0]; > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to invalid attempt id.'); > } catch (\dml_missing_record_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('invalidrecord', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Test OK case. > $params = ['attemptid' => $attempt->id, 'page' => 0]; > $result = testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result[0]->get_attempt()->id); > $this->assertEquals([], $result[1]); > > // Test with preflight data. > $quiz->password = 'abc'; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > try { > $params = ['attemptid' => $attempt->id, 'page' => 0, > 'preflightdata' => [["name" => "quizpassword", "value" => 'bad']]]; > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to invalid passwod.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals(get_string('passworderror', 'quizaccess_password'), $e->errorcode); > } > > // Now, try everything correct. > $params['preflightdata'][0]['value'] = 'abc'; > $result = testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result[0]->get_attempt()->id); > $this->assertEquals([], $result[1]); > > // Page out of range. > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > $params['page'] = 4; > try { > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to page out of range.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('Invalid page number', $e->errorcode); > } > > $params['page'] = 0; > // Try to open attempt in closed quiz. > $quiz->timeopen = time() - WEEKSECS; > $quiz->timeclose = time() - DAYSECS; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > // This should work, ommit access rules. > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params, false); > > // Get a generic error because prior to checking the dates the attempt is closed. > try { > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to passed dates.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('attempterror', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Finish the attempt. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $attemptobj->process_finish(time(), false); > > try { > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params, false); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to attempt finished.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('attemptalreadyclosed', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Test user with no capabilities. > // We need a explicit prohibit since this capability is only defined in authenticated user and guest roles. > assign_capability('mod/quiz:attempt', CAP_PROHIBIT, $this->studentrole->id, $context->id); > // Empty all the caches that may be affected by this change. > accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); > \course_modinfo::clear_instance_cache(); > > try { > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing permissions.'); > } catch (\required_capability_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('nopermissions', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Now try with a different user. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > > $params['page'] = 0; > try { > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to not your attempt.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('notyourattempt', $e->errorcode); > } > } > > /** > * Test get_attempt_data > */ > public function test_get_attempt_data() { > global $DB; > > $timenow = time(); > // Create a new quiz with one attempt started. > [$quiz, , $quizobj, $attempt] = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true); > /** @var structure $structure */ > $structure = $quizobj->get_structure(); > $structure->update_slot_display_number($structure->get_slot_id_for_slot(1), '1.a'); > > // Set correctness mask so questions state can be fetched only after finishing the attempt. > $DB->set_field('quiz', 'reviewcorrectness', display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER, ['id' => $quiz->id]); > > // Having changed some settings, recreate the objects. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $quizobj = $attemptobj->get_quizobj(); > $quizobj->preload_questions(); > $quizobj->load_questions(); > $questions = $quizobj->get_questions(); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // We receive one question per page. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attempt->id, 0); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals($attempt, (object) $result['attempt']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['nextpage']); > $this->assertCount(0, $result['messages']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['slot']); > $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('number', $result['questions'][0]); > $this->assertEquals('1.a', $result['questions'][0]['questionnumber']); > $this->assertEquals('numerical', $result['questions'][0]['type']); > $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('state', $result['questions'][0]); // We don't receive the state yet. > $this->assertEquals(get_string('notyetanswered', 'question'), $result['questions'][0]['status']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertEquals(0, $result['questions'][0]['page']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][0]['mark']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['maxmark']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][0]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][0]['hasautosavedstep']); > > // Now try the last page. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attempt->id, 1); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals($attempt, (object) $result['attempt']); > $this->assertEquals(-1, $result['nextpage']); > $this->assertCount(0, $result['messages']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['slot']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['questionnumber']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['number']); > $this->assertEquals('numerical', $result['questions'][0]['type']); > $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('state', $result['questions'][0]); // We don't receive the state yet. > $this->assertEquals(get_string('notyetanswered', 'question'), $result['questions'][0]['status']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['page']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][0]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][0]['hasautosavedstep']); > > // Finish previous attempt. > $attemptobj->process_finish(time(), false); > > // Now we should receive the question state. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review($attempt->id, 1); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals('gaveup', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > > // Change setting and expect two pages. > $quiz->questionsperpage = 4; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > quiz_repaginate_questions($quiz->id, $quiz->questionsperpage); > > // Start with new attempt with the new layout. > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 2, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > // We receive two questions per page. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attempt->id, 0); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data_returns(), $result); > $this->assertCount(2, $result['questions']); > $this->assertEquals(-1, $result['nextpage']); > > // Check questions looks good. > $found = 0; > foreach ($questions as $question) { > foreach ($result['questions'] as $rquestion) { > if ($rquestion['slot'] == $question->slot) { > $this->assertTrue(strpos($rquestion['html'], "qid=$question->id") !== false); > $found++; > } > } > } > $this->assertEquals(2, $found); > > } > > /** > * Test get_attempt_data with blocked questions. > * @since 3.2 > */ > public function test_get_attempt_data_with_blocked_questions() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with one attempt started and using immediatefeedback. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions( > true, false, 'immediatefeedback'); > > $quizobj = $attemptobj->get_quizobj(); > > // Make second question blocked by the first one. > $structure = $quizobj->get_structure(); > $slots = $structure->get_slots(); > $structure->update_question_dependency(end($slots)->id, true); > > $quizobj->preload_questions(); > $quizobj->load_questions(); > $questions = $quizobj->get_questions(); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // We receive one question per page. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attempt->id, 0); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals($attempt, (object) $result['attempt']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['slot']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['number']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][0]['blockedbyprevious']); > > // Now try the last page. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attempt->id, 1); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals($attempt, (object) $result['attempt']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['slot']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['number']); > $this->assertEquals(true, $result['questions'][0]['blockedbyprevious']); > } > > /** > * Test get_attempt_summary > */ > public function test_get_attempt_summary() { > > $timenow = time(); > // Create a new quiz with one attempt started. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > > // Check the state, flagged and mark data is correct. > $this->assertEquals('todo', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals('todo', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['number']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][1]['number']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][1]['flagged']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][0]['mark']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][1]['mark']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][1]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][0]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][1]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][0]['hasautosavedstep']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][1]['hasautosavedstep']); > > // Check question options. > $this->assertNotEmpty(5, $result['questions'][0]['settings']); > // Check at least some settings returned. > $this->assertCount(4, (array) json_decode($result['questions'][0]['settings'])); > > // Submit a response for the first question. > $tosubmit = [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']]; > $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions(time(), false, $tosubmit); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > > // Check it's marked as completed only the first one. > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals('todo', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['number']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][1]['number']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][1]['flagged']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][0]['mark']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][1]['mark']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][1]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][0]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][1]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][0]['hasautosavedstep']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][1]['hasautosavedstep']); > > } > > /** > * Test save_attempt > */ > public function test_save_attempt() { > > $timenow = time(); > // Create a new quiz with one attempt started. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj, $quba) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true); > > // Response for slot 1. > $prefix = $quba->get_field_prefix(1); > $data = [ > ['name' => 'slots', 'value' => 1], > ['name' => $prefix . ':sequencecheck', > 'value' => $attemptobj->get_question_attempt(1)->get_sequence_check_count()], > ['name' => $prefix . 'answer', 'value' => 1], > ]; > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::save_attempt($attempt->id, $data); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::save_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > // Now, get the summary. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > > // Check it's marked as completed only the first one. > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals('todo', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['number']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][1]['number']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][1]['flagged']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][0]['mark']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][1]['mark']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][1]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][0]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][1]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertEquals(true, $result['questions'][0]['hasautosavedstep']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][1]['hasautosavedstep']); > > // Now, second slot. > $prefix = $quba->get_field_prefix(2); > $data = [ > ['name' => 'slots', 'value' => 2], > ['name' => $prefix . ':sequencecheck', > 'value' => $attemptobj->get_question_attempt(1)->get_sequence_check_count()], > ['name' => $prefix . 'answer', 'value' => 1], > ]; > > $result = mod_quiz_external::save_attempt($attempt->id, $data); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::save_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > // Now, get the summary. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > > // Check it's marked as completed only the first one. > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][1]['sequencecheck']); > > } > > /** > * Test process_attempt > */ > public function test_process_attempt() { > global $DB; > > $timenow = time(); > // Create a new quiz with three questions and one attempt started. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj, $quba) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true, false, > 'deferredfeedback', true); > > // Response for slot 1. > $prefix = $quba->get_field_prefix(1); > $data = [ > ['name' => 'slots', 'value' => 1], > ['name' => $prefix . ':sequencecheck', > 'value' => $attemptobj->get_question_attempt(1)->get_sequence_check_count()], > ['name' => $prefix . 'answer', 'value' => 1], > ]; > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::process_attempt($attempt->id, $data); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::process_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals(quiz_attempt::IN_PROGRESS, $result['state']); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data($attempt->id, 2); > > // Now, get the summary. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > > // Check it's marked as completed only the first one. > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals('todo', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['number']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][1]['number']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][1]['flagged']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][0]['mark']); > $this->assertEmpty($result['questions'][1]['mark']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][0]['sequencecheck']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][0]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($timenow, $result['questions'][0]['lastactiontime']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][0]['hasautosavedstep']); > $this->assertEquals(false, $result['questions'][0]['hasautosavedstep']); > > // Now, second slot. > $prefix = $quba->get_field_prefix(2); > $data = [ > ['name' => 'slots', 'value' => 2], > ['name' => $prefix . ':sequencecheck', > 'value' => $attemptobj->get_question_attempt(1)->get_sequence_check_count()], > ['name' => $prefix . 'answer', 'value' => 1], > ['name' => $prefix . ':flagged', 'value' => 1], > ]; > > $result = mod_quiz_external::process_attempt($attempt->id, $data); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::process_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals(quiz_attempt::IN_PROGRESS, $result['state']); > > // Now, get the summary. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > > // Check it's marked as completed the two first questions. > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertTrue($result['questions'][1]['flagged']); > > // Add files in the attachment response. > $draftitemid = file_get_unused_draft_itemid(); > $filerecordinline = [ > 'contextid' => \context_user::instance($this->student->id)->id, > 'component' => 'user', > 'filearea' => 'draft', > 'itemid' => $draftitemid, > 'filepath' => '/', > 'filename' => 'faketxt.txt', > ]; > $fs = get_file_storage(); > $fs->create_file_from_string($filerecordinline, 'fake txt contents 1.'); > > // Last slot. > $prefix = $quba->get_field_prefix(3); > $data = [ > ['name' => 'slots', 'value' => 3], > ['name' => $prefix . ':sequencecheck', > 'value' => $attemptobj->get_question_attempt(1)->get_sequence_check_count()], > ['name' => $prefix . 'answer', 'value' => 'Some test'], > ['name' => $prefix . 'answerformat', 'value' => FORMAT_HTML], > ['name' => $prefix . 'attachments', 'value' => $draftitemid], > ]; > > $result = mod_quiz_external::process_attempt($attempt->id, $data); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::process_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals(quiz_attempt::IN_PROGRESS, $result['state']); > > // Now, get the summary. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertEquals('complete', $result['questions'][2]['state']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][0]['flagged']); > $this->assertTrue($result['questions'][1]['flagged']); > $this->assertFalse($result['questions'][2]['flagged']); > > // Check submitted files are there. > $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions'][2]['responsefileareas']); > $this->assertEquals('attachments', $result['questions'][2]['responsefileareas'][0]['area']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions'][2]['responsefileareas'][0]['files']); > $this->assertEquals($filerecordinline['filename'], $result['questions'][2]['responsefileareas'][0]['files'][0]['filename']); > > // Finish the attempt. > $sink = $this->redirectMessages(); > $result = mod_quiz_external::process_attempt($attempt->id, [], true); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::process_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals(quiz_attempt::FINISHED, $result['state']); > $messages = $sink->get_messages(); > $message = reset($messages); > $sink->close(); > // Test customdata. > if (!empty($message->customdata)) { > $customdata = json_decode($message->customdata); > $this->assertEquals($quizobj->get_quizid(), $customdata->instance); > $this->assertEquals($quizobj->get_cmid(), $customdata->cmid); > $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $customdata->attemptid); > $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('notificationiconurl', $customdata); > } > > // Start new attempt. > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 2, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 2, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > // Force grace period, attempt going to overdue. > $quiz->timeclose = $timenow - 10; > $quiz->graceperiod = 60; > $quiz->overduehandling = 'graceperiod'; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::process_attempt($attempt->id, []); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::process_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals(quiz_attempt::OVERDUE, $result['state']); > > // Force grace period for time limit. > $quiz->timeclose = 0; > $quiz->timelimit = 1; > $quiz->graceperiod = 60; > $quiz->overduehandling = 'graceperiod'; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > $timenow = time(); > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 3, 2, $timenow - 10, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 2, $timenow - 10); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::process_attempt($attempt->id, []); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::process_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals(quiz_attempt::OVERDUE, $result['state']); > > // New attempt. > $timenow = time(); > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 4, 3, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 3, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > // Force abandon. > $quiz->timeclose = $timenow - HOURSECS; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::process_attempt($attempt->id, []); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::process_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals(quiz_attempt::ABANDONED, $result['state']); > > } > > /** > * Test validate_attempt_review > */ > public function test_validate_attempt_review() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with one attempt started. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Invalid attempt, invalid id. > try { > $params = ['attemptid' => -1]; > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt_review($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due invalid id.'); > } catch (\dml_missing_record_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('invalidrecord', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Invalid attempt, not closed. > try { > $params = ['attemptid' => $attempt->id]; > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt_review($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due not closed attempt.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('attemptclosed', $e->errorcode); > } > > // Test ok case (finished attempt). > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true, true); > > $params = ['attemptid' => $attempt->id]; > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt_review($params); > > // Teacher should be able to view the review of one student's attempt. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt_review($params); > > // We should not see other students attempts. > $anotherstudent = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); > $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($anotherstudent->id, $this->course->id, $this->studentrole->id, 'manual'); > > $this->setUser($anotherstudent); > try { > $params = ['attemptid' => $attempt->id]; > testable_mod_quiz_external::validate_attempt_review($params); > $this->fail('Exception expected due missing permissions.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('noreviewattempt', $e->errorcode); > } > } > > > /** > * Test get_attempt_review > */ > public function test_get_attempt_review() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with two questions and one attempt finished. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj, $quba) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true, true); > > // Add feedback to the quiz. > $feedback = new \stdClass(); > $feedback->quizid = $quiz->id; > $feedback->feedbacktext = 'Feedback text 1'; > $feedback->feedbacktextformat = 1; > $feedback->mingrade = 49; > $feedback->maxgrade = 100; > $feedback->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz_feedback', $feedback); > > $feedback->feedbacktext = 'Feedback text 2'; > $feedback->feedbacktextformat = 1; > $feedback->mingrade = 30; > $feedback->maxgrade = 48; > $feedback->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz_feedback', $feedback); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review_returns(), $result); > > // Two questions, one completed and correct, the other gave up. > $this->assertEquals(50, $result['grade']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempt']['attempt']); > $this->assertEquals('finished', $result['attempt']['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempt']['sumgrades']); > $this->assertCount(2, $result['questions']); > $this->assertEquals('gradedright', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['slot']); > $this->assertEquals('gaveup', $result['questions'][1]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(2, $result['questions'][1]['slot']); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['additionaldata']); > $this->assertEquals('feedback', $result['additionaldata'][0]['id']); > $this->assertEquals('Feedback', $result['additionaldata'][0]['title']); > $this->assertEquals('Feedback text 1', $result['additionaldata'][0]['content']); > > // Only first page. > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review($attempt->id, 0); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review_returns(), $result); > > $this->assertEquals(50, $result['grade']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempt']['attempt']); > $this->assertEquals('finished', $result['attempt']['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['attempt']['sumgrades']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['questions']); > $this->assertEquals('gradedright', $result['questions'][0]['state']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $result['questions'][0]['slot']); > > $this->assertCount(1, $result['additionaldata']); > $this->assertEquals('feedback', $result['additionaldata'][0]['id']); > $this->assertEquals('Feedback', $result['additionaldata'][0]['title']); > $this->assertEquals('Feedback text 1', $result['additionaldata'][0]['content']); > > } > > /** > * Test test_view_attempt > */ > public function test_view_attempt() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with two questions and one attempt started. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj, $quba) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true, false); > > // Test user with full capabilities. > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Trigger and capture the event. > $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::view_attempt($attempt->id, 0); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > $events = $sink->get_events(); > $this->assertCount(1, $events); > $event = array_shift($events); > > // Checking that the event contains the expected values. > $this->assertInstanceOf('\mod_quiz\event\attempt_viewed', $event); > $this->assertEquals($context, $event->get_context()); > $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); > $this->assertNotEmpty($event->get_name()); > > // Now, force the quiz with QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_SEQ (sequential) navigation method. > $DB->set_field('quiz', 'navmethod', QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_SEQ, ['id' => $quiz->id]); > // Quiz requiring preflightdata. > $DB->set_field('quiz', 'password', 'abcdef', ['id' => $quiz->id]); > $preflightdata = [["name" => "quizpassword", "value" => 'abcdef']]; > > // See next page. > $result = mod_quiz_external::view_attempt($attempt->id, 1, $preflightdata); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > $events = $sink->get_events(); > $this->assertCount(2, $events); > > // Try to go to previous page. > try { > mod_quiz_external::view_attempt($attempt->id, 0); > $this->fail('Exception expected due to try to see a previous page.'); > } catch (moodle_exception $e) { > $this->assertEquals('Out of sequence access', $e->errorcode); > } > > } > > /** > * Test test_view_attempt_summary > */ > public function test_view_attempt_summary() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with two questions and one attempt started. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj, $quba) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true, false); > > // Test user with full capabilities. > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Trigger and capture the event. > $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_summary($attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > $events = $sink->get_events(); > $this->assertCount(1, $events); > $event = array_shift($events); > > // Checking that the event contains the expected values. > $this->assertInstanceOf('\mod_quiz\event\attempt_summary_viewed', $event); > $this->assertEquals($context, $event->get_context()); > $moodlequiz = new \moodle_url('/mod/quiz/summary.php', ['attempt' => $attempt->id]); > $this->assertEquals($moodlequiz, $event->get_url()); > $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); > $this->assertNotEmpty($event->get_name()); > > // Quiz requiring preflightdata. > $DB->set_field('quiz', 'password', 'abcdef', ['id' => $quiz->id]); > $preflightdata = [["name" => "quizpassword", "value" => 'abcdef']]; > > $result = mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_summary($attempt->id, $preflightdata); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_summary_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > } > > /** > * Test test_view_attempt_summary > */ > public function test_view_attempt_review() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz with two questions and one attempt finished. > list($quiz, $context, $quizobj, $attempt, $attemptobj, $quba) = $this->create_quiz_with_questions(true, true); > > // Test user with full capabilities. > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Trigger and capture the event. > $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_review($attempt->id, 0); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::view_attempt_review_returns(), $result); > $this->assertTrue($result['status']); > > $events = $sink->get_events(); > $this->assertCount(1, $events); > $event = array_shift($events); > > // Checking that the event contains the expected values. > $this->assertInstanceOf('\mod_quiz\event\attempt_reviewed', $event); > $this->assertEquals($context, $event->get_context()); > $moodlequiz = new \moodle_url('/mod/quiz/review.php', ['attempt' => $attempt->id]); > $this->assertEquals($moodlequiz, $event->get_url()); > $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); > $this->assertNotEmpty($event->get_name()); > > } > > /** > * Test get_quiz_feedback_for_grade > */ > public function test_get_quiz_feedback_for_grade() { > global $DB; > > // Add feedback to the quiz. > $feedback = new \stdClass(); > $feedback->quizid = $this->quiz->id; > $feedback->feedbacktext = 'Feedback text 1'; > $feedback->feedbacktextformat = 1; > $feedback->mingrade = 49; > $feedback->maxgrade = 100; > $feedback->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz_feedback', $feedback); > // Add a fake inline image to the feedback text. > $filename = 'shouldbeanimage.jpg'; > $filerecordinline = [ > 'contextid' => $this->context->id, > 'component' => 'mod_quiz', > 'filearea' => 'feedback', > 'itemid' => $feedback->id, > 'filepath' => '/', > 'filename' => $filename, > ]; > $fs = get_file_storage(); > $fs->create_file_from_string($filerecordinline, 'image contents (not really)'); > > $feedback->feedbacktext = 'Feedback text 2'; > $feedback->feedbacktextformat = 1; > $feedback->mingrade = 30; > $feedback->maxgrade = 49; > $feedback->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz_feedback', $feedback); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_feedback_for_grade($this->quiz->id, 50); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_feedback_for_grade_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals('Feedback text 1', $result['feedbacktext']); > $this->assertEquals($filename, $result['feedbackinlinefiles'][0]['filename']); > $this->assertEquals(FORMAT_HTML, $result['feedbacktextformat']); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_feedback_for_grade($this->quiz->id, 30); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_feedback_for_grade_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals('Feedback text 2', $result['feedbacktext']); > $this->assertEquals(FORMAT_HTML, $result['feedbacktextformat']); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_feedback_for_grade($this->quiz->id, 10); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_feedback_for_grade_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals('', $result['feedbacktext']); > $this->assertEquals(FORMAT_MOODLE, $result['feedbacktextformat']); > } > > /** > * Test get_quiz_access_information > */ > public function test_get_quiz_access_information() { > global $DB; > > // Create a new quiz. > $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); > $data = ['course' => $this->course->id]; > $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($data); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Default restrictions (none). > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_access_information($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_access_information_returns(), $result); > > $expected = [ > 'canattempt' => true, > 'canmanage' => false, > 'canpreview' => false, > 'canreviewmyattempts' => true, > 'canviewreports' => false, > 'accessrules' => [], > // This rule is always used, even if the quiz has no open or close date. > 'activerulenames' => ['quizaccess_openclosedate'], > 'preventaccessreasons' => [], > 'warnings' => [] > ]; > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > // Now teacher, different privileges. > $this->setUser($this->teacher); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_access_information($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_access_information_returns(), $result); > > $expected['canmanage'] = true; > $expected['canpreview'] = true; > $expected['canviewreports'] = true; > $expected['canattempt'] = false; > $expected['canreviewmyattempts'] = false; > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > // Now add some restrictions. > $quiz->timeopen = time() + DAYSECS; > $quiz->timeclose = time() + WEEKSECS; > $quiz->password = '123456'; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_access_information($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_access_information_returns(), $result); > > // Access is limited by time and password, but only the password limit has a description. > $this->assertCount(1, $result['accessrules']); > // Two rule names, password and open/close date. > $this->assertCount(2, $result['activerulenames']); > $this->assertCount(1, $result['preventaccessreasons']); > > } > > /** > * Test get_attempt_access_information > */ > public function test_get_attempt_access_information() { > global $DB; > > $this->setAdminUser(); > > // Create a new quiz with attempts. > $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); > $data = ['course' => $this->course->id, > 'sumgrades' => 2]; > $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($data); > > // Create some questions. > $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); > > $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > // Add new question types in the category (for the random one). > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('truefalse', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('essay', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > > quiz_add_random_questions($quiz, 0, $cat->id, 1, false); > > $quizobj = quiz_settings::create($quiz->id, $this->student->id); > > // Set grade to pass. > $item = \grade_item::fetch(['courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', > 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $quiz->id, 'outcomeid' => null]); > $item->gradepass = 80; > $item->update(); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > // Default restrictions (none). > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_access_information($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_access_information_returns(), $result); > > $expected = [ > 'isfinished' => false, > 'preventnewattemptreasons' => [], > 'warnings' => [] > ]; > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > // Limited attempts. > $quiz->attempts = 1; > $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); > > // Now, do one attempt. > $quba = \question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context()); > $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($quizobj->get_quiz()->preferredbehaviour); > > $timenow = time(); > $attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, 1, false, $timenow, false, $this->student->id); > quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, 1, $timenow); > quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt); > > // Process some responses from the student. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $tosubmit = [1 => ['answer' => '3.14']]; > $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($timenow, false, $tosubmit); > > // Finish the attempt. > $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id); > $this->assertTrue($attemptobj->has_response_to_at_least_one_graded_question()); > $attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, false); > > // Can we start a new attempt? We shall not! > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_access_information($quiz->id, $attempt->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_access_information_returns(), $result); > > // Now new attemps allowed. > $this->assertCount(1, $result['preventnewattemptreasons']); > $this->assertFalse($result['ispreflightcheckrequired']); > $this->assertEquals(get_string('nomoreattempts', 'quiz'), $result['preventnewattemptreasons'][0]); > > } > > /** > * Test get_quiz_required_qtypes > */ > public function test_get_quiz_required_qtypes() { > $this->setAdminUser(); > > // Create a new quiz. > $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); > $data = ['course' => $this->course->id]; > $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($data); > > // Create some questions. > $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); > > $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('truefalse', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('essay', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('multichoice', null, > ['category' => $cat->id, 'status' => question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_DRAFT]); > quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_required_qtypes($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_required_qtypes_returns(), $result); > > $expected = [ > 'questiontypes' => ['essay', 'numerical', 'shortanswer', 'truefalse'], > 'warnings' => [] > ]; > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); > > } > > /** > * Test get_quiz_required_qtypes for quiz with random questions > */ > public function test_get_quiz_required_qtypes_random() { > $this->setAdminUser(); > > // Create a new quiz. > $quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz'); > $quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance(['course' => $this->course->id]); > > // Create some questions. > $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); > > $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); > $anothercat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); > > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('shortanswer', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('truefalse', null, ['category' => $cat->id]); > // Question in a different category. > $question = $questiongenerator->create_question('essay', null, ['category' => $anothercat->id]); > > // Add a couple of random questions from the same category. > quiz_add_random_questions($quiz, 0, $cat->id, 1, false); > quiz_add_random_questions($quiz, 0, $cat->id, 1, false); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_required_qtypes($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_required_qtypes_returns(), $result); > > $expected = ['numerical', 'shortanswer', 'truefalse']; > ksort($result['questiontypes']); > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result['questiontypes']); > > // Add more questions to the quiz, this time from the other category. > $this->setAdminUser(); > quiz_add_random_questions($quiz, 0, $anothercat->id, 1, false); > > $this->setUser($this->student); > $result = mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_required_qtypes($quiz->id); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_quiz_external::get_quiz_required_qtypes_returns(), $result); > > // The new question from the new category is returned as a potential random question for the quiz. > $expected = ['essay', 'numerical', 'shortanswer', 'truefalse']; > ksort($result['questiontypes']); > > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result['questiontypes']); > } > > /**
< } catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
> } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
< } catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
> } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
< } catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
> } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
< } catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
> } catch (moodle_exception $e) {
< * @return quiz
> * @return quiz_settings
< private function prepare_sequential_quiz() {
> private function prepare_sequential_quiz(): quiz_settings {
< $quizobj = quiz::create($quiz->id, $this->student->id);
> $quizobj = quiz_settings::create($quiz->id, $this->student->id);
< $item = \grade_item::fetch(array('courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', < 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $quiz->id, 'outcomeid' => null));
> $item = \grade_item::fetch(['courseid' => $this->course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', > 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $quiz->id, 'outcomeid' => null]);
< * @param quiz $quizobj
> * @param quiz_settings $quizobj
< * @throws \moodle_exception
> * @throws moodle_exception
< private function create_quiz_attempt_object($quizobj, $userid = null, $ispreview = false) {
> private function create_quiz_attempt_object( > quiz_settings $quizobj, > ?int $userid = null, > ?bool $ispreview = false > ): quiz_attempt {