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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Provides the {@see workshopform_numerrors\privacy\provider_test} class.
 * @package     workshopform_numerrors
 * @category    test
 * @copyright   2018 David Mudrák <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace workshopform_numerrors\privacy;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;

use core_privacy\local\request\writer;
use core_privacy\tests\provider_testcase;

 * Unit tests for the privacy API implementation.
 * @copyright 2018 David Mudrák <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class provider_test extends provider_testcase {

> /** @var \testing_data_generator data generator. */ /** > protected $generator; * Test {@link workshopform_numerrors\privacy\provider::export_assessment_form()} implementation. > */ > /** @var \mod_workshop_generator workshop generator. */ public function test_export_assessment_form() { > protected $workshopgenerator; global $DB; > $this->resetAfterTest(); > /** @var \stdClass course data. */ $this->setAdminUser(); > protected $course1; > $this->generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); > /** @var \stdClass student data. */ $this->workshopgenerator = $this->generator->get_plugin_generator('mod_workshop'); > protected $student1; > $this->course1 = $this->generator->create_course(); > /** @var \stdClass student data. */ > protected $student2; $this->workshop11 = $this->generator->create_module('workshop', [ > 'course' => $this->course1, > /** @var \stdClass first workshop in course1 */ 'name' => 'Workshop11', > protected $workshop11; ]); > $DB->set_field('workshop', 'phase', 50, ['id' => $this->workshop11->id]); > /** @var int ID of the submission in workshop11 by student1 */ > protected $submission111; $this->dim1 = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_numerrors', [ > 'workshopid' => $this->workshop11->id, > /** @var int ID of the assessment of submission111 by student2 */ 'sort' => 1, > protected $assessment1112; 'description' => 'Assertion 1 description', > 'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_MARKDOWN, > /** @var bool|int true or new id */ 'descriptiontrust' => 0, > protected $dim1; 'grade0' => 'No', > 'grade1' => 'Yes', > /** @var bool|int true or new id */ 'weight' => 1, > protected $dim2; ]); >
$this->dim2 = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_numerrors', [ 'workshopid' => $this->workshop11->id, 'sort' => 2, 'description' => 'Assertion 2 description', 'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_MARKDOWN, 'descriptiontrust' => 0, 'grade0' => 'Missing', 'grade1' => 'Present', 'weight' => 1, ]); $this->student1 = $this->generator->create_user(); $this->student2 = $this->generator->create_user(); $this->submission111 = $this->workshopgenerator->create_submission($this->workshop11->id, $this->student1->id); $this->assessment1112 = $this->workshopgenerator->create_assessment($this->submission111, $this->student2->id, [ 'grade' => 92, ]); $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', [ 'assessmentid' => $this->assessment1112, 'strategy' => 'numerrors', 'dimensionid' => $this->dim1, 'grade' => 1, 'peercomment' => 'Awesome', 'peercommentformat' => FORMAT_PLAIN, ]); $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', [ 'assessmentid' => $this->assessment1112, 'strategy' => 'numerrors', 'dimensionid' => $this->dim2, 'grade' => 0, 'peercomment' => 'Missing', 'peercommentformat' => FORMAT_PLAIN, ]); $contextlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist($this->student2, 'mod_workshop', [ \context_module::instance($this->workshop11->cmid)->id, ]); \mod_workshop\privacy\provider::export_user_data($contextlist); $writer = writer::with_context(\context_module::instance($this->workshop11->cmid)); $form = $writer->get_data([ get_string('myassessments', 'mod_workshop'), $this->assessment1112, get_string('assessmentform', 'mod_workshop'), get_string('pluginname', 'workshopform_numerrors'), ]); $this->assertEquals('Assertion 1 description', $form->assertions[0]->description); $this->assertEquals(0, $form->assertions[1]->grade); $this->assertEquals('Missing', $form->assertions[1]->peercomment); } }