Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Renderers for outputting parts of the question bank.
< * @package moodlecore < * @subpackage questionbank
> * @package core_question
* @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * This renderer outputs parts of the question bank. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_question_bank_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base { /** * Display additional navigation if needed. *
> * @param string $active
* @return string */
< public function extra_horizontal_navigation() {
> public function extra_horizontal_navigation($active = null) {
// Horizontal navigation for question bank. if ($questionnode = $this->page->settingsnav->find("questionbank", \navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER)) { if ($children = $questionnode->children) { $tabs = []; foreach ($children as $key => $node) { $tabs[] = new \tabobject($node->key, $node->action, $node->text); }
> if (empty($active) && $questionnode->find_active_node()) {
$active = $questionnode->find_active_node()->key;
< return \html_writer::div(print_tabs([$tabs], $active, null, null, true), 'questionbank-navigation');
> } > return \html_writer::div(print_tabs([$tabs], $active, null, null, true), > 'questionbank-navigation');
} } return ''; } /** * Output the icon for a question type. * * @param string $qtype the question type. * @return string HTML fragment. */ public function qtype_icon($qtype) { $qtype = question_bank::get_qtype($qtype, false); $namestr = $qtype->local_name(); return $this->image_icon('icon', $namestr, $qtype->plugin_name(), array('title' => $namestr)); } /**
> * Render the column headers. * Render a qbank_chooser. > * * > * @param array $qbankheaderdata * @param renderable $qbankchooser The chooser. > * @return bool|string * @return string > */ */ > public function render_column_header($qbankheaderdata) { public function render_qbank_chooser(renderable $qbankchooser) { > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/column_header', $qbankheaderdata); return $this->render_from_template('core_question/qbank_chooser', $qbankchooser->export_for_template($this)); > } } > > /** /** > * Render the column sort elements. * Build the HTML for the question chooser javascript popup. > * * > * @param array $sortdata * @param array $real A set of real question types > * @return bool|string * @param array $fake A set of fake question types > */ * @param object $course The course that will be displayed > public function render_column_sort($sortdata) { * @param array $hiddenparams Any hidden parameters to add to the form > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/column_sort', $sortdata); * @return string The composed HTML for the questionbank chooser > } */ > public function qbank_chooser($real, $fake, $course, $hiddenparams) { > /**
debugging('Method core_question_bank_renderer::qbank_chooser() is deprecated, ' .
> * @deprecated since Moodle 4.0 'see core_question_bank_renderer::render_qbank_chooser().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); > * @see \qbank_editquestion\output\renderer return ''; > * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438
> debugging('Function render_qbank_chooser is deprecated, > please use qbank_editquestion renderer instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
> * Render category condition. * Build the HTML for a specified set of question types. > * * > * @param array $displaydata * @param array $types A set of question types as used by the qbank_chooser_module function > * @return bool|string * @return string The composed HTML for the module > */ */ > public function render_category_condition($displaydata) { protected function qbank_chooser_types($types) { > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/category_condition', $displaydata); debugging('Method core_question_bank_renderer::qbank_chooser_types() is deprecated, ' . > } 'see core_question_bank_renderer::render_qbank_chooser().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); > return ''; > /** } > * Render category condition advanced. > * /** > * @param array $displaydata * Return the HTML for the specified question type, adding any required classes. > * @return bool|string * > */ * @param object $qtype An object containing the title, and link. An icon, and help text may optionally be specified. > public function render_category_condition_advanced($displaydata) { * If the module contains subtypes in the types option, then these will also be displayed. > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/category_condition_advanced', $displaydata); * @param array $classes Additional classes to add to the encompassing div element > } * @return string The composed HTML for the question type > */ > /** protected function qbank_chooser_qtype($qtype, $classes = array()) { > * Render hidden condition advanced. debugging('Method core_question_bank_renderer::qbank_chooser_qtype() is deprecated, ' . > * 'see core_question_bank_renderer::render_qbank_chooser().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); > * @param array $displaydata return ''; > * @return bool|string } > */ > public function render_hidden_condition_advanced($displaydata) { /** > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/hidden_condition_advanced', $displaydata); * Return the title for the question bank chooser. > } * > * @param string $title The language string identifier > /** * @param string $identifier The component identifier > * Render question pagination. * @return string The composed HTML for the title > * */ > * @param array $displaydata protected function qbank_chooser_title($title, $identifier = null) { > * @return bool|string debugging('Method core_question_bank_renderer::qbank_chooser_title() is deprecated, ' . > */ 'see core_question_bank_renderer::render_qbank_chooser().', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); > public function render_question_pagination($displaydata) { return ''; > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/question_pagination', $displaydata); } > } } > > /** > * Render the showtext option. > * > * It's not a checkbox any more! [Name your API after the purpose, not the implementation!] > * > * @param array $displaydata > * @return string > */ > public function render_showtext_checkbox($displaydata) { > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/showtext_option', > ['selected' . $displaydata['checked'] => true]); > } > > /** > * Render bulk actions ui. > * > * @param array $displaydata > * @return bool|string > */ > public function render_bulk_actions_ui($displaydata) { > return $this->render_from_template('core_question/bulk_actions_ui', $displaydata); > } > > /**
> * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438
> * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438
> * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438
> * @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.4 MDL-72438