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* Test helpers for the simple calculated question type.
* @package qtype
* @subpackage calculatedsimple
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/calculated/tests/helper.php');
* Test helper class for the simple calculated question type.
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_calculatedsimple_test_helper extends question_test_helper {
public function get_test_questions() {
return array('sum', 'sumwithvariants');
* Makes a simple calculated question about summing two numbers.
* @return qtype_calculatedsimple_question
public function make_calculatedsimple_question_sum() {
$q = new qtype_calculatedsimple_question();
$q->name = 'Simple sum';
$q->questiontext = 'What is {a} + {b}?';
$q->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: {={a} + {b}} is the right answer.';
$q->answers = array(
< 13 => new qtype_numerical_answer(13, '{a} + {b}', 1.0, 'Very good.', FORMAT_HTML, 0),
< 14 => new qtype_numerical_answer(14, '{a} - {b}', 0.0, 'Add. not subtract!.',
> 13 => new \qtype_calculated\qtype_calculated_answer(13, '{a} + {b}', 1.0, 'Very good.', FORMAT_HTML, 0),
> 14 => new \qtype_calculated\qtype_calculated_answer(14, '{a} - {b}', 0.0, 'Add. not subtract!.',
< 17 => new qtype_numerical_answer(17, '*', 0.0, 'Completely wrong.', FORMAT_HTML, 0),
> 17 => new \qtype_calculated\qtype_calculated_answer(17, '*', 0.0, 'Completely wrong.', FORMAT_HTML, 0),
foreach ($q->answers as $answer) {
$answer->correctanswerlength = 2;
$answer->correctanswerformat = 1;
$q->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('calculated');
$q->unitdisplay = qtype_numerical::UNITNONE;
$q->unitgradingtype = 0;
$q->unitpenalty = 0;
$q->ap = new qtype_numerical_answer_processor(array());
$q->datasetloader = new qtype_calculated_test_dataset_loader(0, array(
array('a' => 1, 'b' => 5),
array('a' => 3, 'b' => 4),
return $q;
public function get_calculatedsimple_question_form_data_sumwithvariants() {
$form = new stdClass();
$form->name = 'Calculated simple';
$form->qtype = 'calculatedsimple';
$form->questiontext = array();
$form->questiontext['text'] = '<p>This is a simple sum of two variables.</p>';
$form->questiontext['format'] = '1';
$form->defaultmark = 1;
$form->generalfeedback = array();
$form->generalfeedback['text'] = '<p>The answer is {a} + {b}</p>';
$form->generalfeedback['format'] = '1';
$form->synchronize = 0;
$form->initialcategory = 1;
$form->reload = 1;
$form->mform_isexpanded_id_answerhdr = 1;
$form->noanswers = 1;
$form->answer = array('{a} + {b}');
$form->fraction = array('1.0');
$form->tolerance = array(0.01);
$form->tolerancetype = array('1');
$form->correctanswerlength = array('2');
$form->correctanswerformat = array('1');
$form->feedback = array();
$form->feedback[0] = array();
$form->feedback[0]['text'] = '';
$form->feedback[0]['format'] = '1';
$form->unitrole = '3';
$form->unitpenalty = 0.1;
$form->unitgradingtypes = '1';
$form->unitsleft = '0';
$form->nounits = 1;
$form->multiplier = array('1.0');
$form->penalty = '0.3333333';
$form->numhints = 2;
$form->hint = array();
$form->hint[0] = array();
$form->hint[0]['text'] = '';
$form->hint[0]['format'] = '1';
$form->hint[1] = array();
$form->hint[1]['text'] = '';
$form->hint[1]['format'] = '1';
$form->calcmin = array();
$form->calcmin[1] = 1;
$form->calcmin[2] = 1;
$form->calcmax = array();
$form->calcmax[1] = 10;
$form->calcmax[2] = 10;
$form->calclength = array();
$form->calclength[1] = '1';
$form->calclength[2] = '1';
$form->calcdistribution = array();
$form->calcdistribution[1] = 0;
$form->calcdistribution[2] = 0;
$form->datasetdef = array();
$form->datasetdef[1] = '1-0-a';
$form->datasetdef[2] = '1-0-b';
$form->defoptions = array();
$form->defoptions[1] = '';
$form->defoptions[2] = '';
$form->selectadd = '10';
$form->selectshow = '10';
$form->number = array();
$form->number[1] = '2.3';
$form->number[2] = '7.6';
$form->number[3] = '2.1';
$form->number[4] = '6.4';
$form->number[5] = '1.4';
$form->number[6] = '1.9';
$form->number[7] = '9.9';
$form->number[8] = '9.5';
$form->number[9] = '9.0';
$form->number[10] = '5.2';
$form->number[11] = '2.1';
$form->number[12] = '7.3';
$form->number[13] = '7.9';
$form->number[14] = '1.2';
$form->number[15] = '2.3';
$form->number[16] = '3.4';
$form->number[17] = '1.9';
$form->number[18] = '5.2';
$form->number[19] = '3.4';
$form->number[20] = '3.4';
$form->itemid = array_fill(1, 20, 0);
$form->definition = array();
$form->definition[1] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[2] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[3] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[4] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[5] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[6] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[7] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[8] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[9] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[10] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[11] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[12] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[13] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[14] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[15] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[16] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[17] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[18] = '1-0-a';
$form->definition[19] = '1-0-b';
$form->definition[20] = '1-0-a';
$form->status = \core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY;
return $form;
public function get_calculatedsimple_question_data_sumwithvariants() {
global $USER;
$q = new stdClass();
$q->name = 'Calculated simple';
$q->createdby = $USER->id;
$q->questiontext = '<p>This is a simple sum of two variables.</p>';
$q->questiontextformat = '1';
$q->generalfeedback = '<p>The answer is {a} + {b}</p>';
$q->generalfeedbackformat = '1';
$q->defaultmark = 1;
$q->penalty = 0.3333333;
$q->qtype = 'calculatedsimple';
$q->length = '1';
$q->status = \core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY;
$q->version = 1;
$q->options = new stdClass();
$q->options->synchronize = 0;
$q->options->single = 0;
$q->options->answernumbering = 'abc';
$q->options->shuffleanswers = 0;
$q->options->correctfeedback = '';
$q->options->partiallycorrectfeedback = '';
$q->options->incorrectfeedback = '';
$q->options->correctfeedbackformat = 0;
$q->options->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = 0;
$q->options->incorrectfeedbackformat = 0;
$q->options->answers = array();
$q->options->answers[0] = new stdClass();
$q->options->answers[0]->id = '6977';
$q->options->answers[0]->question = '3379';
$q->options->answers[0]->answer = '{a} + {b}';
$q->options->answers[0]->answerformat = '0';
$q->options->answers[0]->fraction = 1.0;
$q->options->answers[0]->feedback = '';
$q->options->answers[0]->feedbackformat = '1';
$q->options->answers[0]->tolerance = '0.01';
$q->options->answers[0]->tolerancetype = '1';
$q->options->answers[0]->correctanswerlength = '2';
$q->options->answers[0]->correctanswerformat = '1';
$q->options->units = array();
$q->options->unitgradingtype = '0';
$q->options->unitpenalty = 0.1;
$q->options->showunits = '3';
$q->options->unitsleft = '0';
$q->hints = array();
return $q;