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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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 * Behat steps definitions for drag and drop markers.
 * @package   qtype_ddmarker
 * @category  test
 * @copyright 2015 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php');

 * Steps definitions related with the drag and drop markers question type.
 * @copyright 2015 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_qtype_ddmarker extends behat_base {

     * Get the xpath for a given drag item.
     * @param string $marker the text of the item to drag.
     * @param bool $iskeyboard is using keyboard or not.
     * @return string the xpath expression.
    protected function marker_xpath($marker, $iskeyboard = false) {
        if ($iskeyboard) {
            return '//span[contains(@class, "marker") and not(contains(@class, "dragplaceholder")) ' .
                    'and span[@class = "markertext" and contains(normalize-space(.), "' .
                    $this->escape($marker) . '")]]';
        return '//span[contains(@class, "marker") and contains(@class, "unneeded") ' .
                'and not(contains(@class, "dragplaceholder")) and span[@class = "markertext" and contains(normalize-space(.), "' .
                $this->escape($marker) . '")]]';

     * Drag the drag item with the given text to the given space.
     * @param string $marker the marker to drag. The label, optionally followed by ,<instance number> (int) if relevant.
     * @param string $coordinates the position to drag the marker to, 'x,y'.
     * @Given /^I drag "(?P<marker>[^"]*)" to "(?P<coordinates>\d+,\d+)" in the drag and drop markers question$/
    public function i_drag_to_in_the_drag_and_drop_markers_question($marker, $coordinates) {
        list($x, $y) = explode(',', $coordinates);

        // This is a bit nasty, but Behat (indeed Selenium) will only drag on
        // DOM node so that its centre is over the centre of anothe DOM node.
        // Therefore to make it drag to the specified place, we have to add
        // a target div.
> $markerxpath = $this->marker_xpath($marker);
$this->execute_script(" (function() { if (document.getElementById('target-{$x}-{$y}')) { return; } var image = document.querySelector('.dropbackground'); var target = document.createElement('div'); target.setAttribute('id', 'target-{$x}-{$y}'); var container = document.querySelector('.droparea'); container.insertBefore(target, image);
< var xadjusted = {$x} + (container.offsetWidth - image.offsetWidth) / 2; < var yadjusted = {$y} + (container.offsetHeight - image.offsetHeight) / 2;
> var widthRatio = image.offsetWidth / image.naturalWidth; > var heightRatio = image.offsetHeight / image.naturalHeight; > var marker = document.evaluate('{$markerxpath}', document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); > var xadjusted = {$x} * widthRatio > + (container.offsetWidth - image.offsetWidth) / 2 > + marker.offsetWidth / 2; > var yadjusted = {$y} * heightRatio > + (container.offsetHeight - image.offsetHeight) / 2 > + marker.offsetHeight / 2;'position', 'absolute');'left', xadjusted + 'px');'top', yadjusted + 'px');'width', '1px');'height', '1px'); }())" ); $generalcontext = behat_context_helper::get('behat_general');
< $generalcontext->i_drag_and_i_drop_it_in($this->marker_xpath($marker),
> $generalcontext->i_drag_and_i_drop_it_in($markerxpath,
'xpath_element', "#target-{$x}-{$y}", 'css_element'); } /** * Type some characters while focussed on a given drop box. * * @param string $direction the direction key to press. * @param int $ * @param string $marker the marker to drag. The label, optionally followed by ,<instance number> (int) if relevant. * * @Given /^I type "(?P<direction>up|down|left|right)" "(?P<repeats>\d+)" times on marker "(?P<marker>[^"]*)" in the drag and drop markers question$/ */ public function i_type_on_marker_in_the_drag_and_drop_markers_question($direction, $repeats, $marker) { $node = $this->get_selected_node('xpath_element', $this->marker_xpath($marker, true)); $this->ensure_node_is_visible($node); $node->focus(); for ($i = 0; $i < $repeats; $i++) { $this->execute('behat_general::i_press_named_key', ['', $direction]); } } }