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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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namespace qtype_gapselect;

use question_answer;
use question_bank;
use question_hint_with_parts;
use question_possible_response;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;

require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/tests/helpers.php');

 * Unit tests for the select missing words question definition class.
 * @package   qtype_gapselect
 * @copyright 2012 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class question_type_test extends \question_testcase {
    /** @var qtype_gapselect instance of the question type class to test. */
    protected $qtype;

    protected function setUp(): void {
        $this->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('gapselect');

    protected function tearDown(): void {
        $this->qtype = null;

     * Asserts that two strings containing XML are the same ignoring the line-endings.
     * @param string $expectedxml
     * @param string $xml
    public function assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml) {
        $this->assertEquals(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $expectedxml),
                str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $xml));

    public function test_save_question() {

        $syscontext = \context_system::instance();
        /** @var core_question_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question');
        $category = $generator->create_question_category(['contextid' => $syscontext->id]);

        $fromform = \test_question_maker::get_question_form_data('gapselect', 'missingchoiceno');
        $fromform->category = $category->id . ',' . $syscontext->id;

        $question = new \stdClass();
        $question->category = $category->id;
        $question->qtype = 'gapselect';
        $question->createdby = 0;

        $this->qtype->save_question($question, $fromform);
        $q = question_bank::load_question($question->id);
        // We just want to verify that this does not cause errors,
        // but also verify some of the outcome.
        $this->assertEquals('The [[1]] sat on the [[2]].', $q->questiontext);
        $this->assertEquals([1 => 1, 2 => 1], $q->places);
        $this->assertEquals([1 => 1, 2 => 2], $q->rightchoices);

     * Get some test question data.
     * @return object the data to construct a question like
     * {@see \test_question_maker::make_question('gapselect')}.
    protected function get_test_question_data() {
        return \test_question_maker::get_question_data('gapselect');

    public function test_name() {
        $this->assertEquals($this->qtype->name(), 'gapselect');

    public function test_can_analyse_responses() {

    public function test_initialise_question_instance() {
        $qdata = $this->get_test_question_data();

        $expected = \test_question_maker::make_question('gapselect');
        $expected->stamp = $qdata->stamp;
< $expected->version = $qdata->version;
$q = $this->qtype->make_question($qdata); $this->assertEquals($expected, $q); } public function test_get_random_guess_score() { $q = $this->get_test_question_data(); $this->assertEqualsWithDelta(0.5, $this->qtype->get_random_guess_score($q), 0.0000001); } public function test_get_possible_responses() { $q = $this->get_test_question_data(); $this->assertEquals(array( 1 => array( 1 => new question_possible_response('quick', 1 / 3), 2 => new question_possible_response('slow', 0), null => question_possible_response::no_response()), 2 => array( 1 => new question_possible_response('fox', 1 / 3), 2 => new question_possible_response('dog', 0), null => question_possible_response::no_response()), 3 => array( 1 => new question_possible_response('lazy', 1 / 3), 2 => new question_possible_response('assiduous', 0), null => question_possible_response::no_response()), ), $this->qtype->get_possible_responses($q)); } public function test_xml_import() { $xml = ' <question type="gapselect"> <name> <text>A select missing words question</text> </name> <questiontext format="moodle_auto_format"> <text>Put these in order: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]].</text> </questiontext> <generalfeedback> <text>The answer is Alpha, Beta, Gamma.</text> </generalfeedback> <defaultgrade>3</defaultgrade> <penalty>0.3333333</penalty> <hidden>0</hidden> <shuffleanswers>1</shuffleanswers> <correctfeedback> <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is correct.</p>]]></text> </correctfeedback> <partiallycorrectfeedback> <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is partially correct.</p>]]></text> </partiallycorrectfeedback> <incorrectfeedback> <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is incorrect.</p>]]></text> </incorrectfeedback> <shownumcorrect/> <selectoption> <text>Alpha</text> <group>1</group> </selectoption> <selectoption> <text>Beta</text> <group>1</group> </selectoption> <selectoption> <text>Gamma</text> <group>1</group> </selectoption> <hint format="moodle_auto_format"> <text>Try again.</text> <shownumcorrect /> </hint> <hint format="moodle_auto_format"> <text>These are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.</text> <shownumcorrect /> <clearwrong /> </hint> </question>'; $xmldata = xmlize($xml); $importer = new \qformat_xml(); $q = $importer->try_importing_using_qtypes( $xmldata['question'], null, null, 'gapselect'); $expectedq = new \stdClass(); $expectedq->qtype = 'gapselect'; $expectedq->name = 'A select missing words question'; $expectedq->questiontext = 'Put these in order: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]].'; $expectedq->questiontextformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; $expectedq->generalfeedback = 'The answer is Alpha, Beta, Gamma.'; $expectedq->defaultmark = 3; $expectedq->length = 1; $expectedq->penalty = 0.3333333; $expectedq->shuffleanswers = 1; $expectedq->correctfeedback = array('text' => '<p>Your answer is correct.</p>', 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE); $expectedq->partiallycorrectfeedback = array( 'text' => '<p>Your answer is partially correct.</p>', 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE); $expectedq->shownumcorrect = true; $expectedq->incorrectfeedback = array('text' => '<p>Your answer is incorrect.</p>', 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE); $expectedq->choices = array( array('answer' => 'Alpha', 'choicegroup' => 1), array('answer' => 'Beta', 'choicegroup' => 1), array('answer' => 'Gamma', 'choicegroup' => 1), ); $expectedq->hint = array( array('text' => 'Try again.', 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE), array('text' => 'These are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.', 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE)); $expectedq->hintshownumcorrect = array(true, true); $expectedq->hintclearwrong = array(false, true); $this->assert(new \question_check_specified_fields_expectation($expectedq), $q); $this->assertEquals($expectedq->hint, $q->hint); } public function test_xml_export() { $qdata = new \stdClass(); $qdata->id = 123; $qdata->contextid = \context_system::instance()->id; $qdata->idnumber = null; $qdata->qtype = 'gapselect'; $qdata->name = 'A select missing words question'; $qdata->questiontext = 'Put these in order: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]].'; $qdata->questiontextformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; $qdata->generalfeedback = 'The answer is Alpha, Beta, Gamma.'; $qdata->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; $qdata->defaultmark = 3; $qdata->length = 1; $qdata->penalty = 0.3333333;
< $qdata->hidden = 0;
> $qdata->status = \core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY;
$qdata->options = new \stdClass(); $qdata->options->shuffleanswers = 1; $qdata->options->correctfeedback = '<p>Your answer is correct.</p>'; $qdata->options->correctfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; $qdata->options->partiallycorrectfeedback = '<p>Your answer is partially correct.</p>'; $qdata->options->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; $qdata->options->shownumcorrect = true; $qdata->options->incorrectfeedback = '<p>Your answer is incorrect.</p>'; $qdata->options->incorrectfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; $qdata->options->answers = array( 13 => new question_answer(13, 'Alpha', 0, '1', FORMAT_MOODLE), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'Beta', 0, '1', FORMAT_MOODLE), 15 => new question_answer(15, 'Gamma', 0, '1', FORMAT_MOODLE), ); $qdata->hints = array( 1 => new question_hint_with_parts(1, 'Try again.', FORMAT_MOODLE, true, false), 2 => new question_hint_with_parts(2, 'These are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.', FORMAT_MOODLE, true, true), ); $exporter = new \qformat_xml(); $xml = $exporter->writequestion($qdata); $expectedxml = '<!-- question: 123 --> <question type="gapselect"> <name> <text>A select missing words question</text> </name> <questiontext format="moodle_auto_format"> <text>Put these in order: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]].</text> </questiontext> <generalfeedback format="moodle_auto_format"> <text>The answer is Alpha, Beta, Gamma.</text> </generalfeedback> <defaultgrade>3</defaultgrade> <penalty>0.3333333</penalty> <hidden>0</hidden> <idnumber></idnumber> <shuffleanswers>1</shuffleanswers> <correctfeedback format="moodle_auto_format"> <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is correct.</p>]]></text> </correctfeedback> <partiallycorrectfeedback format="moodle_auto_format"> <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is partially correct.</p>]]></text> </partiallycorrectfeedback> <incorrectfeedback format="moodle_auto_format"> <text><![CDATA[<p>Your answer is incorrect.</p>]]></text> </incorrectfeedback> <shownumcorrect/> <selectoption> <text>Alpha</text> <group>1</group> </selectoption> <selectoption> <text>Beta</text> <group>1</group> </selectoption> <selectoption> <text>Gamma</text> <group>1</group> </selectoption> <hint format="moodle_auto_format"> <text>Try again.</text> <shownumcorrect/> </hint> <hint format="moodle_auto_format"> <text>These are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.</text> <shownumcorrect/> <clearwrong/> </hint> </question> '; $this->assert_same_xml($expectedxml, $xml); } }