Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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 * Defines the editing form for the multiple choice question type.
 * @package    qtype
 * @subpackage multichoice
 * @copyright  2007 Jamie Pratt
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Multiple choice editing form definition.
 * @copyright  2007 Jamie Pratt
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_multichoice_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
     * Add question-type specific form fields.
     * @param object $mform the form being built.
    protected function definition_inner($mform) {
        $menu = array(
            get_string('answersingleno', 'qtype_multichoice'),
            get_string('answersingleyes', 'qtype_multichoice'),
        $mform->addElement('select', 'single',
                get_string('answerhowmany', 'qtype_multichoice'), $menu);
        $mform->setDefault('single', $this->get_default_value('single',
            get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'answerhowmany')));

        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'shuffleanswers',
                get_string('shuffleanswers', 'qtype_multichoice'), null, null, array(0, 1));
        $mform->addHelpButton('shuffleanswers', 'shuffleanswers', 'qtype_multichoice');
        $mform->setDefault('shuffleanswers', $this->get_default_value('shuffleanswers',
            get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'shuffleanswers')));

        $mform->addElement('select', 'answernumbering',
                get_string('answernumbering', 'qtype_multichoice'),
        $mform->setDefault('answernumbering', $this->get_default_value('answernumbering',
            get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'answernumbering')));

        $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'showstandardinstruction',
            get_string('showstandardinstruction', 'qtype_multichoice'), null, null, [0, 1]);
        $mform->addHelpButton('showstandardinstruction', 'showstandardinstruction', 'qtype_multichoice');
< $mform->setDefault('showstandardinstruction', $this->get_default_value('showstandardinstruction', 0));
> $mform->setDefault('showstandardinstruction', $this->get_default_value('showstandardinstruction', > get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'showstandardinstruction')));
$this->add_per_answer_fields($mform, get_string('choiceno', 'qtype_multichoice', '{no}'), question_bank::fraction_options_full(), max(5, QUESTION_NUMANS_START)); $this->add_combined_feedback_fields(true); $mform->disabledIf('shownumcorrect', 'single', 'eq', 1); $this->add_interactive_settings(true, true); } protected function get_per_answer_fields($mform, $label, $gradeoptions, &$repeatedoptions, &$answersoption) { $repeated = array(); $repeated[] = $mform->createElement('editor', 'answer',
< $label, array('rows' => 1), $this->editoroptions);
> $label, ['rows' => 2], $this->editoroptions);
$repeated[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'fraction', get_string('gradenoun'), $gradeoptions); $repeated[] = $mform->createElement('editor', 'feedback',
< get_string('feedback', 'question'), array('rows' => 1), $this->editoroptions);
> get_string('feedback', 'question'), ['rows' => 2], $this->editoroptions);
$repeatedoptions['answer']['type'] = PARAM_RAW; $repeatedoptions['fraction']['default'] = 0; $answersoption = 'answers'; return $repeated; } protected function get_hint_fields($withclearwrong = false, $withshownumpartscorrect = false) { list($repeated, $repeatedoptions) = parent::get_hint_fields($withclearwrong, $withshownumpartscorrect); $repeatedoptions['hintclearwrong']['disabledif'] = array('single', 'eq', 1); $repeatedoptions['hintshownumcorrect']['disabledif'] = array('single', 'eq', 1); return array($repeated, $repeatedoptions); } protected function data_preprocessing($question) { $question = parent::data_preprocessing($question); $question = $this->data_preprocessing_answers($question, true); $question = $this->data_preprocessing_combined_feedback($question, true); $question = $this->data_preprocessing_hints($question, true, true); if (!empty($question->options)) { $question->single = $question->options->single; $question->shuffleanswers = $question->options->shuffleanswers; $question->answernumbering = $question->options->answernumbering; $question->showstandardinstruction = $question->options->showstandardinstruction; } return $question; } public function validation($data, $files) { $errors = parent::validation($data, $files); $answers = $data['answer']; $answercount = 0; $totalfraction = 0; $maxfraction = -1; foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { // Check no of choices. $trimmedanswer = trim($answer['text']); $fraction = (float) $data['fraction'][$key]; if ($trimmedanswer === '' && empty($fraction)) { continue; } if ($trimmedanswer === '') { $errors['fraction['.$key.']'] = get_string('errgradesetanswerblank', 'qtype_multichoice'); } $answercount++; // Check grades. if ($data['fraction'][$key] > 0) { $totalfraction += $data['fraction'][$key]; } if ($data['fraction'][$key] > $maxfraction) { $maxfraction = $data['fraction'][$key]; } } if ($answercount == 0) { $errors['answer[0]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'qtype_multichoice', 2); $errors['answer[1]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'qtype_multichoice', 2); } else if ($answercount == 1) { $errors['answer[1]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'qtype_multichoice', 2); } // Perform sanity checks on fractional grades. if ($data['single']) { if ($maxfraction != 1) { $errors['fraction[0]'] = get_string('errfractionsnomax', 'qtype_multichoice', $maxfraction * 100); } } else { $totalfraction = round($totalfraction, 2); if ($totalfraction != 1) { $errors['fraction[0]'] = get_string('errfractionsaddwrong', 'qtype_multichoice', $totalfraction * 100); } } return $errors; } public function qtype() { return 'multichoice'; } }