Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.

Class: external  - X-Ref

This is the external API for this component.

set_notuseful_prediction_parameters()   X-Ref
set_notuseful_prediction parameters.

return: external_function_parameters

set_notuseful_prediction($predictionid)   X-Ref
Flags a prediction as fixed so no need to display it any more.

param: int $predictionid
return: array an array of warnings and a boolean

set_notuseful_prediction_returns()   X-Ref
set_notuseful_prediction return

return: \core_external\external_description

set_notuseful_prediction_is_deprecated()   X-Ref
Deprecated in favour of action_executed.

set_fixed_prediction_parameters()   X-Ref
set_fixed_prediction parameters.

return: external_function_parameters

set_fixed_prediction($predictionid)   X-Ref
Flags a prediction as fixed so no need to display it any more.

param: int $predictionid
return: array an array of warnings and a boolean

set_fixed_prediction_returns()   X-Ref
set_fixed_prediction return

return: \core_external\external_description

set_fixed_prediction_is_deprecated()   X-Ref
Deprecated in favour of action_executed.

action_executed_parameters()   X-Ref
action_executed parameters.

return: external_function_parameters

action_executed(string $actionname, array $predictionids)   X-Ref
Stores an action executed over a group of predictions.

param: string   $actionname
param: array    $predictionids
return: array an array of warnings and a boolean

action_executed_returns()   X-Ref
action_executed return

return: \core_external\external_description

validate_prediction($predictionid)   X-Ref
Validates access to the prediction and returns it.

param: int $predictionid
return: array array($model, $prediction, $context)