Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.


namespace core_reportbuilder;

> use action_menu_filler;
use coding_exception;
> use html_writer;
use stdClass;
> use core\output\checkbox_toggleall;
use core_reportbuilder\local\models\report; use core_reportbuilder\local\report\action; use core_reportbuilder\local\report\base; use core_reportbuilder\local\report\column; /** * Base class for system reports * * @package core_reportbuilder * @copyright 2020 Paul Holden <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class system_report extends base { /** @var array $parameters */ private $parameters; /** @var string[] $basefields List of base fields */ private $basefields = [];
< /** @var action[] $actions */
> /** @var callable $checkboxcallback */ > private $checkboxcallback = null; > > /** @var bool $filterformdefault Whether to use the default filters form */ > private $filterformdefault = true; > > /** @var action|action_menu_filler[] $actions */
private $actions = []; /** @var column $initialsortcolumn */ private $initialsortcolumn; /** @var int $initialsortdirection */ private $initialsortdirection; /** * System report constructor. * * @param report $report * @param array $parameters */ final public function __construct(report $report, array $parameters) { $this->parameters = $parameters; parent::__construct($report); } /** * Validates access to view this report * * This is necessary to implement independently of the page that would typically embed the report because * subsequent pages are requested via AJAX requests, and access should be validated each time * * @return bool */ abstract protected function can_view(): bool; /** * Validate access to the report * * @throws report_access_exception */ final public function require_can_view(): void { if (!$this->can_view()) { throw new report_access_exception(); } } /** * Report validation * * @throws report_access_exception If user cannot access the report * @throws coding_exception If no default column are specified */ protected function validate(): void { parent::validate(); $this->require_can_view(); // Ensure the report has some default columns specified. if (empty($this->get_columns())) { throw new coding_exception('No columns added'); } } /** * Add list of fields that have to be always included in SQL query for actions and row classes * * Base fields are only available in system reports because they are not compatible with aggregation * * @param string $sql SQL clause for the list of fields that only uses main table or base joins */ final protected function add_base_fields(string $sql): void { $this->basefields[] = $sql; } /** * Return report base fields * * @return array */ final public function get_base_fields(): array { return $this->basefields; } /**
> * Define toggle all checkbox for the report, required row data should be defined by calling {@see add_base_fields} * Adds an action to the report > * * > * @param callable $callback Callback to return value/label for each checkbox, implementing the following signature: * @param action $action > * function(stdClass $row): array containing value/label pair */ > */ final public function add_action(action $action): void { > final protected function set_checkbox_toggleall(callable $callback): void { $this->actions[] = $action; > $this->checkboxcallback = $callback; } > } > /** > /** * Whether report has any actions > * Return instance of toggle all checkbox, if previously defined by {@see set_checkbox_toggleall} * > * * @return bool > * @param bool $ismaster */ > * @param stdClass|null $row final public function has_actions(): bool { > * @return checkbox_toggleall|null return !empty($this->actions); > */ } > final public function get_checkbox_toggleall(bool $ismaster, ?stdClass $row = null): ?checkbox_toggleall { > if (!is_callable($this->checkboxcallback)) { /** > return null; * Return report actions > } * > * @return action[] > // Generic content for the master checkbox, execute callback for those belonging to each row. */ > if ($ismaster) { final public function get_actions(): array { > $value = ''; return $this->actions; > $label = get_string('selectall'); } > } else { > [$value, $label] = ($this->checkboxcallback)($row); /** > } * Set all report parameters > * > return new checkbox_toggleall('report-select-all', $ismaster, [ * @param array $parameters > 'id' => html_writer::random_id(), */ > 'name' => 'report-select-row[]', final public function set_parameters(array $parameters): void { > 'value' => $value, $this->parameters = $parameters; > 'label' => $label, } > 'labelclasses' => 'accesshide', > ]); /** > } * Return all report parameters > * > /** * @return array > * Override whether to use the default system report filters form, for instance this can be disabled if the UI requires */ > * it's own custom filter management form for a specific report final public function get_parameters(): array { > * return $this->parameters; > * @param bool $filterformdefault } > */ > final public function set_filter_form_default(bool $filterformdefault = true): void { /** > $this->filterformdefault = $filterformdefault; * Return specific report parameter > } * > * @param string $param > /** * @param mixed $default > * Whether to use the default filters form * @param string $type > * * @return mixed > * @return bool */ > */ final public function get_parameter(string $param, $default, string $type) { > final public function get_filter_form_default(): bool { if (!array_key_exists($param, $this->parameters)) { > return $this->filterformdefault; return $default; > } } > > /**
return clean_param($this->parameters[$param], $type);
> * Adds action divider to the report } > * > */ /** > final public function add_action_divider(): void { * Output the report > $divider = new action_menu_filler(); * > // We need to set as not primary action because we just need add an action divider, not a new action item. * @uses \core_reportbuilder\output\renderer::render_system_report() > $divider->primary = false; * > $this->actions[] = $divider; * @return string > } */ > final public function output(): string { > /**
< * @return action[]
> * @return action|action_menu_filler[]
/** @var \core_reportbuilder\output\renderer $renderer */ $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_reportbuilder'); $report = new \core_reportbuilder\output\system_report($this->get_report_persistent(), $this, $this->parameters); return $renderer->render($report); } /** * CSS classes to add to the row. Can be overridden by system reports do define class to be added to output according to * content of each row * * @param stdClass $row * @return string */ public function get_row_class(stdClass $row): string { return '';
< } < < /** < * Default 'per page' size. Can be overridden by system reports to define a different paging value < * < * @return int < */ < public function get_default_per_page(): int { < return self::DEFAULT_PAGESIZE;
} /** * Called before rendering each row. Can be overridden to pre-fetch/create objects and store them in the class, which can * later be used in column and action callbacks * * @param stdClass $row */ public function row_callback(stdClass $row): void { return; } /** * Validates access to download this report. * * @return bool */ final public function can_be_downloaded(): bool { return $this->can_view() && $this->is_downloadable(); } /** * Return list of column names that will be excluded when table is downloaded. Extending classes should override this method * as appropriate * * @return string[] Array of column unique identifiers */ public function get_exclude_columns_for_download(): array { return []; } /** * Set initial sort column and sort direction for the report * * @param string $uniqueidentifier * @param int $sortdirection One of SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC * @throws coding_exception */ public function set_initial_sort_column(string $uniqueidentifier, int $sortdirection): void { if (!$sortcolumn = $this->get_column($uniqueidentifier)) { throw new coding_exception('Unknown column identifier', $uniqueidentifier); } $this->initialsortcolumn = $sortcolumn; $this->initialsortdirection = $sortdirection; } /** * Get initial sort column * * @return column|null */ public function get_initial_sort_column(): ?column { return $this->initialsortcolumn; } /** * Get initial sort column direction * * @return int */ public function get_initial_sort_direction(): int { return $this->initialsortdirection; } }