Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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namespace core_reportbuilder\local\filters;

use core_course_category;
> use lang_string;
use MoodleQuickForm; use core_reportbuilder\local\helpers\database; /** * Course category report filter * * The following optional array property can be passed to the {@see \core_reportbuilder\local\report\filter::set_options} method * when defining this filter, to define the capabilities passed to {@see \core_course_category::make_categories_list} * * ['requiredcapabilities' => '...'] * * @package core_reportbuilder * @copyright 2022 Paul Holden <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class category extends base {
> /** @var int Category is equal to */ /** > public const EQUAL_TO = 0; * Setup form > * > /** @var int Category is not equal to */ * @param MoodleQuickForm $mform > public const NOT_EQUAL_TO = 1; */ > public function setup_form(MoodleQuickForm $mform): void { > /** $label = get_string('filterfieldvalue', 'core_reportbuilder', $this->get_header()); > * Returns an array of comparison operators > * // See MDL-74627: in order to set the default value to "No selection" we need to prepend an empty value. > * @return array $requiredcapabilities = $this->filter->get_options()['requiredcapabilities'] ?? ''; > */ $categories = [0 => ''] + core_course_category::make_categories_list($requiredcapabilities); > private function get_operators(): array { > $operators = [ $mform->addElement('autocomplete', "{$this->name}_value", $label, $categories)->setHiddenLabel(true); > self::EQUAL_TO => new lang_string('filterisequalto', 'core_reportbuilder'), $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', "{$this->name}_subcategories", get_string('viewallsubcategories')); > self::NOT_EQUAL_TO => new lang_string('filterisnotequalto', 'core_reportbuilder'), } > ]; > /** > return $this->filter->restrict_limited_operators($operators); * Return filter SQL > } * >
< $label = get_string('filterfieldvalue', 'core_reportbuilder', $this->get_header());
> $operatorlabel = get_string('filterfieldoperator', 'core_reportbuilder', $this->get_header()); > $mform->addElement('select', "{$this->name}_operator", $operatorlabel, $this->get_operators()) > ->setHiddenLabel(true);
< $mform->addElement('autocomplete', "{$this->name}_value", $label, $categories)->setHiddenLabel(true); < $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', "{$this->name}_subcategories", get_string('viewallsubcategories'));
> $valuelabel = get_string('filterfieldvalue', 'core_reportbuilder', $this->get_header()); > $mform->addElement('autocomplete', "{$this->name}_value", $valuelabel, $categories)->setHiddenLabel(true); > $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', "{$this->name}_subcategories", get_string('includesubcategories'));
public function get_sql_filter(array $values): array { global $DB; [$fieldsql, $params] = $this->filter->get_field_sql_and_params();
> $operator = (int) ($values["{$this->name}_operator"] ?? self::EQUAL_TO);
$category = (int) ($values["{$this->name}_value"] ?? 0); $subcategories = !empty($values["{$this->name}_subcategories"]); // Invalid or inactive filter. if (empty($category)) { return ['', []]; } // Initial matching on selected category. $paramcategory = database::generate_param_name(); $params[$paramcategory] = $category; $sql = "{$fieldsql} = :{$paramcategory}"; // Sub-category matching on path of selected category. if ($subcategories) { // We need to re-use the original filter SQL here, while ensuring parameter uniqueness is preserved. [$fieldsql, $params1] = $this->filter->get_field_sql_and_params(1); $params = array_merge($params, $params1); $paramcategorypath = database::generate_param_name(); $params[$paramcategorypath] = "%/{$category}/%"; $sql .= " OR {$fieldsql} IN ( SELECT id FROM {course_categories} WHERE " . $DB->sql_like('path', ":{$paramcategorypath}") . " )";
> } } > > // If specified "Not equal to", then negate the entire clause. return [$sql, $params]; > if ($operator === self::NOT_EQUAL_TO) { } > $sql = "NOT ({$sql})";
/** * Return sample filter values * * @return array */ public function get_sample_values(): array { return [ "{$this->name}_value" => 1, ]; } }