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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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namespace core_reportbuilder\external;

use advanced_testcase;
use core_reportbuilder_generator;
use core_reportbuilder\manager;
use core_course\reportbuilder\datasource\courses;

 * Unit tests for custom report column cards exporter
 * @package     core_reportbuilder
 * @covers      \core_reportbuilder\external\custom_report_column_cards_exporter
 * @copyright   2022 Paul Holden <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class custom_report_column_cards_exporter_test extends advanced_testcase {

     * Test exported data structure
    public function test_export(): void {
        global $PAGE;


        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => courses::class]);

        $reportinstance = manager::get_report_from_persistent($report);

        $exporter = new custom_report_column_cards_exporter(null, ['report' => $reportinstance]);
        $export = $exporter->export($PAGE->get_renderer('core_reportbuilder'));

        // The root of the menu cards property should contain each entity.
< $this->assertCount(3, $export->menucards); < [$menucardcategory, $menucardcourse, $menucardtag] = $export->menucards;
> $this->assertCount(4, $export->menucards); > [$menucardcategory, $menucardcourse, $menucardtag, $menucardfile] = $export->menucards;
// Course category entity menu card. $this->assertEquals('Course category', $menucardcategory['name']); $this->assertEquals('course_category', $menucardcategory['key']); $this->assertNotEmpty($menucardcategory['items']); // Test the structure of the first menu card item. $menucarditem = reset($menucardcategory['items']); $this->assertEquals([ 'name' => 'Category name', 'identifier' => 'course_category:name', 'title' => 'Add column \'Category name\'', 'action' => 'report-add-column', ], $menucarditem); // Course entity menu card. $this->assertEquals('Course', $menucardcourse['name']); $this->assertEquals('course', $menucardcourse['key']); $this->assertNotEmpty($menucardcourse['items']); // Test the structure of the first menu card item. $menucarditem = reset($menucardcourse['items']); $this->assertEquals([ 'name' => 'Course full name with link', 'identifier' => 'course:coursefullnamewithlink', 'title' => 'Add column \'Course full name with link\'', 'action' => 'report-add-column', ], $menucarditem); // Tag entity menu card. $this->assertEquals('Tag', $menucardtag['name']); $this->assertEquals('tag', $menucardtag['key']); $this->assertNotEmpty($menucardtag['items']); // Test the structure of the first menu card item. $menucarditem = reset($menucardtag['items']); $this->assertEquals([ 'name' => 'Tag name', 'identifier' => 'tag:name', 'title' => 'Add column \'Tag name\'',
> 'action' => 'report-add-column', 'action' => 'report-add-column', > ], $menucarditem); ], $menucarditem); > } > // File entity menu card. } > $this->assertEquals('Course image', $menucardfile['name']); > $this->assertEquals('file', $menucardfile['key']); > $this->assertNotEmpty($menucardfile['items']); > > // Test the structure of the first menu card item. > $menucarditem = reset($menucardfile['items']); > $this->assertEquals([ > 'name' => 'Filename', > 'identifier' => 'file:name', > 'title' => 'Add column \'Filename\'',