Class containing the data necessary for rendering the status field in the course participants page.
Copyright: | 2017 Jun Pataleta |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 171 lines (6 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
status_field:: (3 methods):
Class: status_field - X-Ref
Class containing the data for the status field.__construct($enrolinstancename, $coursename, $fullname, $status, $timestart = null, $timeend = null,$enrolactions = [], $timeenrolled = null) X-Ref |
status_field constructor. param: string $enrolinstancename The enrolment instance name. param: string $coursename The course's full name. param: string $fullname The user's full name. param: string $status The user enrolment status. param: int|null $timestart The timestamp when the user's enrolment starts. param: int|null $timeend The timestamp when the user's enrolment ends. param: user_enrolment_action[] $enrolactions Array of enrol action objects for the given enrolment method. param: int|null $timeenrolled The timestamp when the user was enrolled. |
export_for_template(renderer_base $output) X-Ref |
Function to export the renderer data in a format that is suitable for a mustache template. This means: 1. No complex types - only stdClass, array, int, string, float, bool 2. Any additional info that is required for the template is pre-calculated (e.g. capability checks). param: renderer_base $output Used to do a final render of any components that need to be rendered for export. return: stdClass|array |
set_status($status = self::STATUS_ACTIVE) X-Ref |
Status setter. param: int $status The user enrolment status representing one of this class' STATUS_* constants. return: status_field This class' instance. Useful for chaining. |