Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.2.x will end 22 April 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.2.x will end 7 October 2024 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.1.x is supported too.
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// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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namespace core_webservice;

> use core_external\external_api;
use externallib_advanced_testcase; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/webservice/externallib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/webservice/tests/helpers.php'); /** * External course functions unit tests * * @package core_webservice * @category external * @copyright 2012 Paul Charsley * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class externallib_test extends externallib_advanced_testcase { public function setUp(): void { // Calling parent is good, always parent::setUp(); // We always need enabled WS for this testcase set_config('enablewebservices', '1'); } public function test_get_site_info() { global $DB, $USER, $CFG, $PAGE; $this->resetAfterTest(true); $maxbytes = 10485760; $userquota = 5242880; set_config('maxbytes', $maxbytes); set_config('userquota', $userquota); // Set current user set_config('allowuserthemes', 1); $user = array(); $user['username'] = 'johnd'; $user['firstname'] = 'John'; $user['lastname'] = 'Doe'; $user['theme'] = 'boost'; self::setUser(self::getDataGenerator()->create_user($user)); // Add a web service and token. $webservice = new \stdClass(); $webservice->name = 'Test web service'; $webservice->enabled = true; $webservice->restrictedusers = false; $webservice->component = 'moodle'; $webservice->timecreated = time(); $webservice->downloadfiles = true; $webservice->uploadfiles = true; $externalserviceid = $DB->insert_record('external_services', $webservice); // Add a function to the service $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', array('externalserviceid' => $externalserviceid, 'functionname' => 'core_course_get_contents')); $_POST['wstoken'] = 'testtoken'; $externaltoken = new \stdClass(); $externaltoken->token = 'testtoken'; $externaltoken->tokentype = 0; $externaltoken->userid = $USER->id; $externaltoken->externalserviceid = $externalserviceid; $externaltoken->contextid = 1; $externaltoken->creatorid = $USER->id; $externaltoken->timecreated = time(); $DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $externaltoken); $siteinfo = \core_webservice_external::get_site_info(); // We need to execute the return values cleaning process to simulate the web service server.
< $siteinfo = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $siteinfo);
> $siteinfo = external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $siteinfo);
$this->assertEquals('johnd', $siteinfo['username']); $this->assertEquals('John', $siteinfo['firstname']); $this->assertEquals('Doe', $siteinfo['lastname']); $this->assertEquals(current_language(), $siteinfo['lang']); $this->assertEquals($USER->id, $siteinfo['userid']); $this->assertEquals(SITEID, $siteinfo['siteid']); $this->assertEquals(true, $siteinfo['downloadfiles']); $this->assertEquals($CFG->release, $siteinfo['release']); $this->assertEquals($CFG->version, $siteinfo['version']); $this->assertEquals('', $siteinfo['mobilecssurl']); $this->assertEquals(count($siteinfo['functions']), 1); $function = array_pop($siteinfo['functions']); $this->assertEquals($function['name'], 'core_course_get_contents'); $this->assertEquals($function['version'], $siteinfo['version']); $this->assertEquals(1, $siteinfo['downloadfiles']); $this->assertEquals(1, $siteinfo['uploadfiles']); foreach ($siteinfo['advancedfeatures'] as $feature) { if ($feature['name'] == 'mnet_dispatcher_mode') { if ($CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode == 'off') { $this->assertEquals(0, $feature['value']); } else { $this->assertEquals(1, $feature['value']); } } else { $this->assertEquals($CFG->{$feature['name']}, $feature['value']); } } $this->assertEquals($userquota, $siteinfo['userquota']); // We can use the function for the expectation because USER_CAN_IGNORE_FILE_SIZE_LIMITS is // covered below for admin user. This test is for user not allowed to ignore limits. $this->assertEquals(get_max_upload_file_size($maxbytes), $siteinfo['usermaxuploadfilesize']); $this->assertEquals(true, $siteinfo['usercanmanageownfiles']); $userkey = get_user_key('core_files', $USER->id); $this->assertEquals($userkey, $siteinfo['userprivateaccesskey']); $this->assertEquals(HOMEPAGE_MY, $siteinfo['userhomepage']); $this->assertEquals($CFG->calendartype, $siteinfo['sitecalendartype']); if (!empty($USER->calendartype)) { $this->assertEquals($USER->calendartype, $siteinfo['usercalendartype']); } else { $this->assertEquals($CFG->calendartype, $siteinfo['usercalendartype']); } $this->assertFalse($siteinfo['userissiteadmin']); $this->assertEquals($CFG->calendartype, $siteinfo['sitecalendartype']); $this->assertEquals($user['theme'], $siteinfo['theme']); // Now as admin. $this->setAdminUser(); // Set a fake token for the user admin. $_POST['wstoken'] = 'testtoken'; $externaltoken = new \stdClass(); $externaltoken->token = 'testtoken'; $externaltoken->tokentype = 0; $externaltoken->userid = $USER->id; $externaltoken->externalserviceid = $externalserviceid; $externaltoken->contextid = 1; $externaltoken->creatorid = $USER->id; $externaltoken->timecreated = time(); $DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $externaltoken); // Set a home page by user preferences. $CFG->defaulthomepage = HOMEPAGE_USER; set_user_preference('user_home_page_preference', HOMEPAGE_SITE); $siteinfo = \core_webservice_external::get_site_info(); // We need to execute the return values cleaning process to simulate the web service server.
< $siteinfo = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $siteinfo);
> $siteinfo = external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $siteinfo);
$this->assertEquals(0, $siteinfo['userquota']); $this->assertEquals(USER_CAN_IGNORE_FILE_SIZE_LIMITS, $siteinfo['usermaxuploadfilesize']); $this->assertEquals(true, $siteinfo['usercanmanageownfiles']); $this->assertTrue($siteinfo['userissiteadmin']); $this->assertEmpty($USER->theme); $this->assertEquals($PAGE->theme->name, $siteinfo['theme']);
> $this->assertEquals($CFG->limitconcurrentlogins, $siteinfo['limitconcurrentlogins']); } > $this->assertFalse(isset($siteinfo['usersessionscount'])); > /** > $CFG->limitconcurrentlogins = 1; * Test get_site_info with values > PHP_INT_MAX. We check only userquota since maxbytes require PHP ini changes. > $record = new \stdClass(); */ > $record->state = 0; public function test_get_site_info_max_int() { > $record->sessdata = null; $this->resetAfterTest(true); > $record->userid = $USER->id; > $record->timemodified = time(); self::setUser(self::getDataGenerator()->create_user()); > $record->firstip = $record->lastip = ''; > $record->sid = md5('hokus1'); // Check values higher than PHP_INT_MAX. This value may come from settings (as string). > $record->timecreated = time(); $userquota = PHP_INT_MAX . '000'; > $DB->insert_record('sessions', $record); set_config('userquota', $userquota); > > $siteinfo = \core_webservice_external::get_site_info(); $result = \core_webservice_external::get_site_info(); > $siteinfo = external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $siteinfo); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $result); > $this->assertEquals($CFG->limitconcurrentlogins, $siteinfo['limitconcurrentlogins']); $this->assertEquals(PHP_INT_MAX, $result['userquota']); > $this->assertEquals(1, $siteinfo['usersessionscount']);
< $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $result);
> $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $result);
> } } > > /** > * Test get_site_info with missing components. > */ > public function test_get_site_missing_components() { > global $USER, $DB; > > $this->resetAfterTest(true); > $this->setAdminUser(); > > // Add a web service and token. > $webservice = new \stdClass(); > $webservice->name = 'Test web service'; > $webservice->enabled = true; > $webservice->restrictedusers = false; > $webservice->component = 'moodle'; > $webservice->timecreated = time(); > $webservice->downloadfiles = true; > $webservice->uploadfiles = true; > $externalserviceid = $DB->insert_record('external_services', $webservice); > > // Add a function to the service (missing plugin). > $DB->insert_record('external_functions', > [ > 'component' => 'mod_random', > 'name' => 'mod_random_get_info' > ] > ); > > // Insert one from missing component. > $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', > [ > 'externalserviceid' => $externalserviceid, > 'functionname' => 'mod_random_get_info' > ] > ); > // Insert a core one. > $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', > [ > 'externalserviceid' => $externalserviceid, > 'functionname' => 'core_user_get_users' > ] > ); > > $_POST['wstoken'] = 'testtoken'; > $externaltoken = new \stdClass(); > $externaltoken->token = 'testtoken'; > $externaltoken->tokentype = 0; > $externaltoken->userid = $USER->id; > $externaltoken->externalserviceid = $externalserviceid; > $externaltoken->contextid = 1; > $externaltoken->creatorid = $USER->id; > $externaltoken->timecreated = time(); > $DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $externaltoken); > > // Execution should complete. > $result = \core_webservice_external::get_site_info(); > $result = external_api::clean_returnvalue(\core_webservice_external::get_site_info_returns(), $result); > // Check we ignore the missing component function. > $this->assertCount(1, $result['functions']); > $this->assertEquals('core_user_get_users', $result['functions'][0]['name']);