Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * This script creates config.php file and prepares database.
 * This script is not intended for beginners!
 * Potential problems:
 * - su to apache account or sudo before execution
 * - not compatible with Windows platform
 * @package    core
 * @subpackage cli
 * @copyright  2009 Petr Skoda (
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

define('CLI_SCRIPT', true);

// extra execution prevention - we can not just require config.php here
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {

// Force OPcache reset if used, we do not want any stale caches
// when preparing test environment.
if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) {

$help =
"Command line Moodle installer, creates config.php and initializes database.
Please note you must execute this script with the same uid as apache
or use chmod/chown after installation.

Site defaults may be changed via local/defaults.php.

--chmod=OCTAL-MODE    Permissions of new directories created within dataroot.
                      Default is 2777. You may want to change it to 2770
                      or 2750 or 750. See chmod man page for details.
--lang=CODE           Installation and default site language.
--wwwroot=URL         Web address for the Moodle site,
                      required in non-interactive mode.
--dataroot=DIR        Location of the moodle data folder,
                      must not be web accessible. Default is moodledata
                      in the parent directory.
--dbtype=TYPE         Database type. Default is mysqli
--dbhost=HOST         Database host. Default is localhost
--dbname=NAME         Database name. Default is moodle
--dbuser=USERNAME     Database user. Default is root
--dbpass=PASSWORD     Database password. Default is blank
--dbport=NUMBER       Use database port.
--dbsocket=PATH       Use database socket, 1 means default. Available for some databases only.
--prefix=STRING       Table prefix for above database tables. Default is mdl_
--fullname=STRING     The fullname of the site
--shortname=STRING    The shortname of the site
--summary=STRING      The summary to be displayed on the front page
--adminuser=USERNAME  Username for the moodle admin account. Default is admin
--adminpass=PASSWORD  Password for the moodle admin account,
                      required in non-interactive mode.
--adminemail=STRING   Email address for the moodle admin account.
> --sitepreset=STRING Admin site preset to be applied during the installation process. --upgradekey=STRING The upgrade key to be set in the config.php, leave empty to not set it. > --supportemail=STRING Email address for support and help.
--non-interactive No interactive questions, installation fails if any problem encountered. --agree-license Indicates agreement with software license, required in non-interactive mode. --allow-unstable Install even if the version is not marked as stable yet, required in non-interactive mode. --skip-database Stop the installation before installing the database. -h, --help Print out this help Example: \$sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php admin/cli/install.php --lang=cs "; //TODO: localize, mark as needed in install - to be translated later when everything is finished // distro specific customisation $distrolibfile = __DIR__.'/../../install/distrolib.php'; $distro = null; if (file_exists($distrolibfile)) { require_once($distrolibfile); if (function_exists('distro_get_config')) { $distro = distro_get_config(); } } // Nothing to do if config.php exists $configfile = __DIR__.'/../../config.php'; if (file_exists($configfile)) { require($configfile); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/clilib.php'); list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params(array('help'=>false), array('h'=>'help')); if ($options['help']) { echo $help; echo "\n\n"; } if ($DB->get_manager()->table_exists('config')) { cli_error(get_string('clialreadyinstalled', 'install')); } else { cli_error(get_string('clialreadyconfigured', 'install')); } } $olddir = getcwd(); // change directory so that includes below work properly chdir(dirname($_SERVER['argv'][0])); // Servers should define a default timezone in php.ini, but if they don't then make sure something is defined. if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') or !function_exists('date_default_timezone_get')) { fwrite(STDERR, "Timezone functions are not available.\n"); exit(1); } date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); // make sure PHP errors are displayed - helps with diagnosing of problems @error_reporting(E_ALL); @ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // we need a lot of memory @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); /** Used by library scripts to check they are being called by Moodle */ define('MOODLE_INTERNAL', true); // Disables all caching. define('CACHE_DISABLE_ALL', true); define('PHPUNIT_TEST', false); define('IGNORE_COMPONENT_CACHE', true); // Check that PHP is of a sufficient version as soon as possible. require_once(__DIR__.'/../../lib/phpminimumversionlib.php'); moodle_require_minimum_php_version(); // set up configuration global $CFG; $CFG = new stdClass(); $CFG->lang = 'en'; $CFG->dirroot = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)); $CFG->libdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib"; $CFG->wwwroot = "http://localhost"; $CFG->httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot; $CFG->docroot = ''; $CFG->running_installer = true; $CFG->early_install_lang = true; $CFG->ostype = (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'darwin')) ? 'WINDOWS' : 'UNIX'; $CFG->dboptions = array(); $CFG->debug = (E_ALL | E_STRICT); $CFG->debugdisplay = true; $CFG->debugdeveloper = true; $parts = explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__DIR__))); $CFG->admin = array_pop($parts); //point pear include path to moodles lib/pear so that includes and requires will search there for files before anywhere else //the problem is that we need specific version of quickforms and hacked excel files :-( ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/classes/component.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/classes/text.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/classes/string_manager.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/classes/string_manager_install.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/classes/string_manager_standard.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/installlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/clilib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/setuplib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/weblib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/dmllib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/moodlelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/deprecatedlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/componentlib.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cache/lib.php'); // Register our classloader, in theory somebody might want to replace it to load other hacked core classes. // Required because the database checks below lead to session interaction which is going to lead us to requiring autoloaded classes. if (defined('COMPONENT_CLASSLOADER')) { spl_autoload_register(COMPONENT_CLASSLOADER); } else { spl_autoload_register('core_component::classloader'); } require($CFG->dirroot.'/version.php'); $CFG->target_release = $release; \core\session\manager::init_empty_session(); global $SESSION; global $USER; global $COURSE; $COURSE = new stdClass(); $COURSE->id = 1; global $SITE; $SITE = $COURSE; define('SITEID', 1); //Database types $databases = array('mysqli' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mysqli', 'native'), 'auroramysql' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('auroramysql', 'native'), 'mariadb'=> moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mariadb', 'native'), 'pgsql' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('pgsql', 'native'), 'oci' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('oci', 'native'), 'sqlsrv' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('sqlsrv', 'native'), // MS SQL*Server PHP driver ); foreach ($databases as $type=>$database) { if ($database->driver_installed() !== true) { unset($databases[$type]); } } if (empty($databases)) { $defaultdb = ''; } else { reset($databases); $defaultdb = key($databases); } // now get cli options list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params( array( 'chmod' => isset($distro->directorypermissions) ? sprintf('%04o',$distro->directorypermissions) : '2777', // let distros set dir permissions 'lang' => $CFG->lang, 'wwwroot' => '', 'dataroot' => empty($distro->dataroot) ? str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))).'/moodledata'): $distro->dataroot, // initialised later after including libs or by distro 'dbtype' => empty($distro->dbtype) ? $defaultdb : $distro->dbtype, // let distro skip dbtype selection 'dbhost' => empty($distro->dbhost) ? 'localhost' : $distro->dbhost, // let distros set dbhost 'dbname' => 'moodle', 'dbuser' => empty($distro->dbuser) ? 'root' : $distro->dbuser, // let distros set dbuser 'dbpass' => '', 'dbport' => '', 'dbsocket' => '', 'prefix' => 'mdl_', 'fullname' => '', 'shortname' => '', 'summary' => '', 'adminuser' => 'admin', 'adminpass' => '', 'adminemail' => '',
> 'sitepreset' => '', 'upgradekey' => '', > 'supportemail' => '',
'non-interactive' => false, 'agree-license' => false, 'allow-unstable' => false, 'skip-database' => false, 'help' => false ), array( 'h' => 'help' ) ); $interactive = empty($options['non-interactive']); $skipdatabase = $options['skip-database']; // set up language $lang = clean_param($options['lang'], PARAM_SAFEDIR); $languages = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(); if (array_key_exists($lang, $languages)) { $CFG->lang = $lang; }
> // Set up site admin preset. if ($unrecognized) { > $sitepreset = clean_param($options['sitepreset'], PARAM_RAW); $unrecognized = implode("\n ", $unrecognized); > if (!empty($sitepreset)) { cli_error(get_string('cliunknowoption', 'admin', $unrecognized)); > $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall = $sitepreset; } > } >
if ($options['help']) { echo $help; die; } //Print header cli_logo(); echo PHP_EOL; echo get_string('cliinstallheader', 'install', $CFG->target_release)."\n"; //Fist select language if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); // Do not put the langs into columns because it is not compatible with RTL. $default = $CFG->lang; cli_heading(get_string('chooselanguagehead', 'install')); if (array_key_exists($default, $languages)) { echo $default.' - '.$languages[$default]."\n"; } if ($default !== 'en') { echo 'en - English (en)'."\n"; } echo '? - '.get_string('availablelangs', 'install')."\n"; $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $CFG->lang); $error = ''; do { echo $error; $input = cli_input($prompt, $default); if ($input === '?') { echo implode("\n", $languages)."\n"; $error = "\n"; } else { $input = clean_param($input, PARAM_SAFEDIR); if (!array_key_exists($input, $languages)) { $error = get_string('cliincorrectvalueretry', 'admin')."\n"; } else { $error = ''; } } } while ($error !== ''); $CFG->lang = $input; } else { // already selected and verified } // Set directorypermissions first $chmod = octdec(clean_param($options['chmod'], PARAM_INT)); if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('datarootpermission', 'install')); $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', decoct($chmod)); $error = ''; do { echo $error; $input = cli_input($prompt, decoct($chmod)); $input = octdec(clean_param($input, PARAM_INT)); if (empty($input)) { $error = get_string('cliincorrectvalueretry', 'admin')."\n"; } else { $error = ''; } } while ($error !== ''); $chmod = $input; } else { if (empty($chmod)) { $a = (object)array('option' => 'chmod', 'value' => decoct($chmod)); cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); } } $CFG->directorypermissions = $chmod; $CFG->filepermissions = ($CFG->directorypermissions & 0666); $CFG->umaskpermissions = (($CFG->directorypermissions & 0777) ^ 0777); //We need wwwroot before we test dataroot $wwwroot = clean_param($options['wwwroot'], PARAM_URL); $wwwroot = trim($wwwroot, '/'); if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('wwwroot', 'install')); if (strpos($wwwroot, 'http') === 0) { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $wwwroot); } else { $wwwroot = null; $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } $error = ''; do { echo $error; $input = cli_input($prompt, $wwwroot); $input = clean_param($input, PARAM_URL); $input = trim($input, '/'); if (strpos($input, 'http') !== 0) { $error = get_string('cliincorrectvalueretry', 'admin')."\n"; } else { $error = ''; } } while ($error !== ''); $wwwroot = $input; } else { if (strpos($wwwroot, 'http') !== 0) { $a = (object)array('option'=>'wwwroot', 'value'=>$wwwroot); cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); } } $CFG->wwwroot = $wwwroot; $CFG->httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot; //We need dataroot before lang download $CFG->dataroot = $options['dataroot']; if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); $i=0; while(is_dataroot_insecure()) { $parrent = dirname($CFG->dataroot); $i++; if ($parrent == '/' or $parrent == '.' or preg_match('/^[a-z]:\\\?$/i', $parrent) or ($i > 100)) { $CFG->dataroot = ''; //can not find secure location for dataroot break; } $CFG->dataroot = dirname($parrent).'/moodledata'; } cli_heading(get_string('dataroot', 'install')); $error = ''; do { if ($CFG->dataroot !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $CFG->dataroot); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } echo $error; $CFG->dataroot = cli_input($prompt, $CFG->dataroot); if ($CFG->dataroot === '') { $error = get_string('cliincorrectvalueretry', 'admin')."\n"; } else if (is_dataroot_insecure()) { $CFG->dataroot = ''; $error = get_string('pathsunsecuredataroot', 'install')."\n"; } else { if (install_init_dataroot($CFG->dataroot, $CFG->directorypermissions)) { $error = ''; } else { $a = (object)array('dataroot' => $CFG->dataroot); $error = get_string('pathserrcreatedataroot', 'install', $a)."\n"; } } } while ($error !== ''); } else { if (is_dataroot_insecure()) { cli_error(get_string('pathsunsecuredataroot', 'install')); } if (!install_init_dataroot($CFG->dataroot, $CFG->directorypermissions)) { $a = (object)array('dataroot' => $CFG->dataroot); cli_error(get_string('pathserrcreatedataroot', 'install', $a)); } } $CFG->tempdir = $CFG->dataroot.'/temp'; $CFG->backuptempdir = $CFG->tempdir.'/backup'; $CFG->cachedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/cache'; $CFG->localcachedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/localcache'; // download required lang packs if ($CFG->lang !== 'en') { $installer = new lang_installer($CFG->lang); $results = $installer->run(); foreach ($results as $langcode => $langstatus) { if ($langstatus === lang_installer::RESULT_DOWNLOADERROR) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->url = $installer->lang_pack_url($langcode); $a->dest = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; cli_problem(get_string('remotedownloaderror', 'error', $a)); } } } // switch the string_manager instance to stop using install/lang/ $CFG->early_install_lang = false; $CFG->langotherroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; $CFG->langlocalroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; get_string_manager(true); // make sure we are installing stable release or require a confirmation if (isset($maturity)) { if (($maturity < MATURITY_STABLE) and !$options['allow-unstable']) { $maturitylevel = get_string('maturity'.$maturity, 'admin'); if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('notice')); echo get_string('maturitycorewarning', 'admin', $maturitylevel) . PHP_EOL; echo get_string('morehelp') . ': ' . get_docs_url('admin/versions') . PHP_EOL; echo get_string('continue') . PHP_EOL; $prompt = get_string('cliyesnoprompt', 'admin'); $input = cli_input($prompt, '', array(get_string('clianswerno', 'admin'), get_string('cliansweryes', 'admin'))); if ($input == get_string('clianswerno', 'admin')) { exit(1); } } else { cli_problem(get_string('maturitycorewarning', 'admin', $maturitylevel)); cli_error(get_string('maturityallowunstable', 'admin')); } } } // ask for db type - show only drivers available if ($interactive) { $options['dbtype'] = strtolower($options['dbtype']); cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('databasetypehead', 'install')); foreach ($databases as $type=>$database) { echo " $type \n"; } if (!empty($databases[$options['dbtype']])) { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['dbtype']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } $CFG->dbtype = cli_input($prompt, $options['dbtype'], array_keys($databases)); } else { if (empty($databases[$options['dbtype']])) { $a = (object)array('option'=>'dbtype', 'value'=>$options['dbtype']); cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); } $CFG->dbtype = $options['dbtype']; } $database = $databases[$CFG->dbtype]; // We cannot do any validation until all DB connection data is provided. $hintdatabase = ''; do { echo $hintdatabase; // Ask for db host. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('databasehost', 'install')); if ($options['dbhost'] !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['dbhost']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } $CFG->dbhost = cli_input($prompt, $options['dbhost']); } else { $CFG->dbhost = $options['dbhost']; } // Ask for db name. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('databasename', 'install')); if ($options['dbname'] !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['dbname']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } $CFG->dbname = cli_input($prompt, $options['dbname']); } else { $CFG->dbname = $options['dbname']; } // Ask for db prefix. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('dbprefix', 'install')); //TODO: solve somehow the prefix trouble for oci. if ($options['prefix'] !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['prefix']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } $CFG->prefix = cli_input($prompt, $options['prefix']); } else { $CFG->prefix = $options['prefix']; } // Ask for db port. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('databaseport', 'install')); $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['dbport']); $CFG->dboptions['dbport'] = (int) cli_input($prompt, $options['dbport']); } else { $CFG->dboptions['dbport'] = (int) $options['dbport']; } if ($CFG->dboptions['dbport'] <= 0) { $CFG->dboptions['dbport'] = ''; } // Ask for db socket. if ($CFG->ostype === 'WINDOWS') { $CFG->dboptions['dbsocket'] = ''; } else if ($interactive and empty($CFG->dboptions['dbport'])) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('databasesocket', 'install')); $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['dbsocket']); $CFG->dboptions['dbsocket'] = cli_input($prompt, $options['dbsocket']); } else { $CFG->dboptions['dbsocket'] = $options['dbsocket']; } // Ask for db user. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('databaseuser', 'install')); if ($options['dbuser'] !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['dbuser']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } $CFG->dbuser = cli_input($prompt, $options['dbuser']); } else { $CFG->dbuser = $options['dbuser']; } // Ask for db password. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('databasepass', 'install')); if ($options['dbpass'] !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['dbpass']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } $CFG->dbpass = cli_input($prompt, $options['dbpass']); if (function_exists('distro_pre_create_db')) { // Hook for distros needing to do something before DB creation. $distro = distro_pre_create_db($database, $CFG->dbhost, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass, $CFG->dbname, $CFG->prefix, array('dbpersist' => 0, 'dbport' => $CFG->dboptions['dbport'], 'dbsocket' => $CFG->dboptions['dbsocket']), $distro); } $hintdatabase = install_db_validate($database, $CFG->dbhost, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass, $CFG->dbname, $CFG->prefix, array('dbpersist' => 0, 'dbport' => $CFG->dboptions['dbport'], 'dbsocket' => $CFG->dboptions['dbsocket'])); } else { $CFG->dbpass = $options['dbpass']; $hintdatabase = install_db_validate($database, $CFG->dbhost, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass, $CFG->dbname, $CFG->prefix, array('dbpersist' => 0, 'dbport' => $CFG->dboptions['dbport'], 'dbsocket' => $CFG->dboptions['dbsocket'])); if ($hintdatabase !== '') { cli_error(get_string('dbconnectionerror', 'install')); } } } while ($hintdatabase !== ''); // If --skip-database option is provided, we do not need to ask for site fullname, shortname, adminuser, adminpass, adminemail. // These fields will be requested during the database install part. if (!$skipdatabase) { // Ask for fullname. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('fullsitename', 'moodle')); if ($options['fullname'] !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['fullname']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } do { $options['fullname'] = cli_input($prompt, $options['fullname']); } while (empty($options['fullname'])); } else { if (empty($options['fullname'])) { $a = (object)['option' => 'fullname', 'value' => $options['fullname']]; cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); } } // Ask for shortname. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('shortsitename', 'moodle')); if ($options['shortname'] !== '') { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['shortname']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } do { $options['shortname'] = cli_input($prompt, $options['shortname']); } while (empty($options['shortname'])); } else { if (empty($options['shortname'])) { $a = (object)['option' => 'shortname', 'value' => $options['shortname']]; cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); } } // Ask for admin user name. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('cliadminusername', 'install')); if (!empty($options['adminuser'])) { $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['adminuser']); } else { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); } do { $options['adminuser'] = cli_input($prompt, $options['adminuser']); } while (empty($options['adminuser']) or $options['adminuser'] === 'guest'); } else { if ((empty($options['adminuser']) || $options['adminuser'] === 'guest')) { $a = (object)['option' => 'adminuser', 'value' => $options['adminuser']]; cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); } } // Ask for admin user password. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('cliadminpassword', 'install')); $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); do { $options['adminpass'] = cli_input($prompt); } while (empty($options['adminpass']) or $options['adminpass'] === 'admin'); } else { if ((empty($options['adminpass']) or $options['adminpass'] === 'admin')) { $a = (object)['option' => 'adminpass', 'value' => $options['adminpass']]; cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); } } // Ask for the admin email address. if ($interactive) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('cliadminemail', 'install')); $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['adminemail']); $options['adminemail'] = cli_input($prompt, $options['adminemail']); } // Validate that the address provided was an e-mail address. if (!empty($options['adminemail']) && !validate_email($options['adminemail'])) { $a = (object)['option' => 'adminemail', 'value' => $options['adminemail']];
> cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); cli_error(get_string('cliincorrectvalueerror', 'admin', $a)); > } } > } > // Ask for the support email address. > if ($interactive) { // Ask for the upgrade key. > cli_separator(); if ($interactive) { > cli_heading(get_string('clisupportemail', 'install')); cli_separator(); > $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['supportemail']); cli_heading(get_string('upgradekeyset', 'admin')); > $options['supportemail'] = cli_input($prompt, $options['supportemail']); if ($options['upgradekey'] !== '') { > } $prompt = get_string('clitypevaluedefault', 'admin', $options['upgradekey']); > $options['upgradekey'] = cli_input($prompt, $options['upgradekey']); > // Validate that the support email address provided is valid. } else { > if (!empty($options['supportemail']) && !validate_email($options['supportemail'])) { $prompt = get_string('clitypevalue', 'admin'); > $a = (object)['option' => 'supportemail', 'value' => $options['supportemail']];
$options['upgradekey'] = cli_input($prompt); } } // Set the upgrade key if it was provided. if ($options['upgradekey'] !== '') { $CFG->upgradekey = $options['upgradekey']; } // The user does not also need to pass agree-license when --skip-database is provided as the user will need to accept // the license again in the database install part. if (!$skipdatabase) { if ($interactive) { if (!$options['agree-license']) { cli_separator(); cli_heading(get_string('copyrightnotice')); echo "Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment\n"; echo get_string('gpl3')."\n\n"; echo get_string('doyouagree')."\n"; $prompt = get_string('cliyesnoprompt', 'admin'); $input = cli_input($prompt, '', array(get_string('clianswerno', 'admin'), get_string('cliansweryes', 'admin'))); if ($input == get_string('clianswerno', 'admin')) { exit(1); } } } else { if (!$options['agree-license'] && !$skipdatabase) { cli_error(get_string('climustagreelicense', 'install')); } } } // Finally we have all info needed for config.php $configphp = install_generate_configphp($database, $CFG); umask(0137); if (($fh = fopen($configfile, 'w')) !== false) { fwrite($fh, $configphp); fclose($fh); } if (!file_exists($configfile)) { cli_error('Can not create config file.'); } // remember selected language $installlang = $CFG->lang; // return back to original dir before executing setup.php which changes the dir again chdir($olddir); // We have config.php, it is a real php script from now on :-) require($configfile); // use selected language $CFG->lang = $installlang; $SESSION->lang = $CFG->lang; require("$CFG->dirroot/version.php"); // Test environment first. require_once($CFG->libdir . '/environmentlib.php'); list($envstatus, $environment_results) = check_moodle_environment(normalize_version($release), ENV_SELECT_RELEASE); if (!$envstatus) { $errors = environment_get_errors($environment_results); cli_heading(get_string('environment', 'admin')); foreach ($errors as $error) { list($info, $report) = $error; echo "!! $info !!\n$report\n\n"; } exit(1); } // Test plugin dependencies. $failed = array(); if (!core_plugin_manager::instance()->all_plugins_ok($version, $failed)) { cli_problem(get_string('pluginscheckfailed', 'admin', array('pluginslist' => implode(', ', array_unique($failed))))); cli_error(get_string('pluginschecktodo', 'admin')); } if (!$skipdatabase) { install_cli_database($options, $interactive); // This needs to happen at the end to ensure it occurs after all caches // have been purged for the last time. // This will build a cached version of the current theme for the user // to immediately start browsing the site. require_once($CFG->libdir.'/upgradelib.php'); upgrade_themes(); } else { echo get_string('cliskipdatabase', 'install')."\n"; } echo get_string('cliinstallfinished', 'install')."\n"; exit(0); // 0 means success