Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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 * Represent the url for each method and the encoding of the parameters and response.
 * @package    core_badges
 * @copyright  2012 onwards Totara Learning Solutions Ltd {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @author     Yuliya Bozhko <>

namespace core_badges;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');

use context_system;
use core_badges\external\assertion_exporter;
use core_badges\external\collection_exporter;
use core_badges\external\issuer_exporter;
use core_badges\external\badgeclass_exporter;
use curl;

 * Represent a single method for the remote api.
 * @package    core_badges
 * @copyright  2012 onwards Totara Learning Solutions Ltd {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class backpack_api_mapping {

    /** @var string The action of this method. */
    public $action;

    /** @var string The base url of this backpack. */
    private $url;

    /** @var array List of parameters for this method. */
    public $params;

    /** @var string Name of a class to export parameters for this method. */
    public $requestexporter;

    /** @var string Name of a class to export response for this method. */
    public $responseexporter;

    /** @var boolean This method returns an array of responses. */
    public $multiple;

    /** @var string get or post methods. */
    public $method;

    /** @var boolean json decode the response. */
    public $json;

    /** @var boolean Authentication is required for this request. */
    public $authrequired;

    /** @var boolean Differentiate the function that can be called on a user backpack or a site backpack. */
    private $isuserbackpack;

    /** @var string Error string from authentication request. */
    private static $authenticationerror = '';

> /** @var mixed List of parameters for this method. */ /** > protected $postparams; * Create a mapping. > * > /** @var int OpenBadges version 1 or 2. */ * @param string $action The action of this method. > protected $backpackapiversion; * @param string $url The base url of this backpack. >
* @param mixed $postparams List of parameters for this method. * @param string $requestexporter Name of a class to export parameters for this method. * @param string $responseexporter Name of a class to export response for this method. * @param boolean $multiple This method returns an array of responses. * @param string $method get or post methods. * @param boolean $json json decode the response. * @param boolean $authrequired Authentication is required for this request. * @param boolean $isuserbackpack user backpack or a site backpack. * @param integer $backpackapiversion OpenBadges version 1 or 2. */ public function __construct($action, $url, $postparams, $requestexporter, $responseexporter, $multiple, $method, $json, $authrequired, $isuserbackpack, $backpackapiversion) { $this->action = $action; $this->url = $url; $this->postparams = $postparams; $this->requestexporter = $requestexporter; $this->responseexporter = $responseexporter; $this->multiple = $multiple; $this->method = $method; $this->json = $json; $this->authrequired = $authrequired; $this->isuserbackpack = $isuserbackpack; $this->backpackapiversion = $backpackapiversion; } /** * Get the unique key for the token. * * @param string $type The type of token. * @return string */ private function get_token_key($type) { $prefix = 'badges_'; if ($this->isuserbackpack) { $prefix .= 'user_backpack_'; } else { $prefix .= 'site_backpack_'; } $prefix .= $type . '_token'; return $prefix; } /** * Remember the error message in a static variable. * * @param string $msg The message. */ public static function set_authentication_error($msg) { self::$authenticationerror = $msg; } /** * Get the last authentication error in this request. * * @return string */ public static function get_authentication_error() { return self::$authenticationerror; } /** * Does the action match this mapping? * * @param string $action The action. * @return boolean */ public function is_match($action) { return $this->action == $action; } /** * Parse the method url and insert parameters. * * @param string $apiurl The raw apiurl. * @param string $param1 The first parameter. * @param string $param2 The second parameter. * @return string */ private function get_url($apiurl, $param1, $param2) { $urlscheme = parse_url($apiurl, PHP_URL_SCHEME); $urlhost = parse_url($apiurl, PHP_URL_HOST); $url = $this->url; $url = str_replace('[SCHEME]', $urlscheme, $url); $url = str_replace('[HOST]', $urlhost, $url); $url = str_replace('[URL]', $apiurl, $url); $url = str_replace('[PARAM1]', $param1 ?? '', $url); $url = str_replace('[PARAM2]', $param2 ?? '', $url); return $url; } /** * Parse the post parameters and insert replacements. * * @param string $email The api username. * @param string $password The api password. * @param string $param The parameter. * @return mixed */ private function get_post_params($email, $password, $param) { global $PAGE; if ($this->method == 'get') { return ''; } $request = $this->postparams; if ($request === '[PARAM]') { $value = $param; foreach ($value as $key => $keyvalue) { if (gettype($value[$key]) == 'array') { $newkey = 'related_' . $key; $value[$newkey] = $value[$key]; unset($value[$key]); } } } else if (is_array($request)) { foreach ($request as $key => $value) { if ($value == '[EMAIL]') { $value = $email; $request[$key] = $value; } else if ($value == '[PASSWORD]') { $value = $password; $request[$key] = $value; } else if ($value == '[PARAM]') { $request[$key] = is_array($param) ? $param[0] : $param; } } } $context = context_system::instance(); $exporter = $this->requestexporter; $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'badges'); if (!empty($exporter)) { $exporterinstance = new $exporter($value, ['context' => $context]); $request = $exporterinstance->export($output); } if ($this->json) { return json_encode($request); } return $request; } /** * Read the response from a V1 user request and save the userID. * * @param string $response The request response. * @param integer $backpackid The backpack id. * @return mixed */ private function convert_email_response($response, $backpackid) { global $SESSION; if (isset($response->status) && $response->status == 'okay') { // Remember the tokens. $useridkey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_USER_ID_TOKEN); $backpackidkey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_BACKPACK_ID_TOKEN); $SESSION->$useridkey = $response->userId; $SESSION->$backpackidkey = $backpackid; return $response->userId; } if (!empty($response->error)) { self::set_authentication_error($response->error); } return false; } /** * Get the user id from a previous user request. * * @return integer */ private function get_auth_user_id() { global $USER; if ($this->isuserbackpack) { return $USER->id; } else { // The access tokens for the system backpack are shared. return -1; } } /** * Parse the response from an openbadges 2 login. * * @param string $response The request response data. * @param integer $backpackid The id of the backpack. * @return mixed */ private function oauth_token_response($response, $backpackid) { global $SESSION; if (isset($response->access_token) && isset($response->refresh_token)) { // Remember the tokens. $accesskey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_ACCESS_TOKEN); $refreshkey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_REFRESH_TOKEN); $expireskey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_EXPIRES_TOKEN); $useridkey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_USER_ID_TOKEN); $backpackidkey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_BACKPACK_ID_TOKEN); if (isset($response->expires_in)) { $timeout = $response->expires_in; } else { $timeout = 15 * 60; // 15 minute timeout if none set. } $expires = $timeout + time(); $SESSION->$expireskey = $expires; $SESSION->$useridkey = $this->get_auth_user_id(); $SESSION->$accesskey = $response->access_token; $SESSION->$refreshkey = $response->refresh_token; $SESSION->$backpackidkey = $backpackid; return -1; } else if (isset($response->error_description)) { self::set_authentication_error($response->error_description); } return $response; } /** * Standard options used for all curl requests. * * @return array */ private function get_curl_options() { return array( 'FRESH_CONNECT' => true, 'RETURNTRANSFER' => true, 'FOLLOWLOCATION' => true, 'FORBID_REUSE' => true, 'HEADER' => 0, 'CONNECTTIMEOUT' => 3, 'CONNECTTIMEOUT' => 3, // Follow redirects with the same type of request when sent 301, or 302 redirects. 'CURLOPT_POSTREDIR' => 3, ); } /** * Make an api request and parse the response. * * @param string $apiurl Raw request url. * @param string $urlparam1 Parameter for the request. * @param string $urlparam2 Parameter for the request. * @param string $email User email for authentication. * @param string $password for authentication. * @param mixed $postparam Raw data for the post body. * @param string $backpackid the id of the backpack to use. * @return mixed */ public function request($apiurl, $urlparam1, $urlparam2, $email, $password, $postparam, $backpackid) { global $SESSION, $PAGE; $curl = new curl(); $url = $this->get_url($apiurl, $urlparam1, $urlparam2); if ($this->authrequired) { $accesskey = $this->get_token_key(BADGE_ACCESS_TOKEN); if (isset($SESSION->$accesskey)) { $token = $SESSION->$accesskey; $curl->setHeader('Authorization: Bearer ' . $token); } } if ($this->json) { $curl->setHeader(array('Content-type: application/json')); } $curl->setHeader(array('Accept: application/json', 'Expect:')); $options = $this->get_curl_options(); $post = $this->get_post_params($email, $password, $postparam); if ($this->method == 'get') { $response = $curl->get($url, $post, $options); } else if ($this->method == 'post') { $response = $curl->post($url, $post, $options); } else if ($this->method == 'put') { $response = $curl->put($url, $post, $options); } $response = json_decode($response); if (isset($response->result)) { $response = $response->result; } $context = context_system::instance(); $exporter = $this->responseexporter; if (class_exists($exporter)) { $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'badges'); if (!$this->multiple) { if (count($response)) { $response = $response[0]; } if (empty($response)) { return null; } $apidata = $exporter::map_external_data($response, $this->backpackapiversion); $exporterinstance = new $exporter($apidata, ['context' => $context]); $data = $exporterinstance->export($output); return $data; } else { $multiple = []; if (empty($response)) { return $multiple; } foreach ($response as $data) { $apidata = $exporter::map_external_data($data, $this->backpackapiversion); $exporterinstance = new $exporter($apidata, ['context' => $context]); $multiple[] = $exporterinstance->export($output); } return $multiple; } } else if (method_exists($this, $exporter)) { return $this->$exporter($response, $backpackid); } return $response; } }