Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
FolderUp one level  
Filecalendar_day_exporter.php             [source] [282 lines]   Contains event class for displaying the day view.
Filecalendar_event_exporter.php           [source] [405 lines]   Contains event class for displaying a calendar event.
Filecalendar_upcoming_exporter.php        [source] [188 lines]   Contains event class for displaying the upcoming view.
Filedate_exporter.php                     [source] [90 lines]    Class for normalising the date data.
Fileday_exporter.php                      [source] [280 lines]   Contains event class for displaying the day view.
Fileday_name_exporter.php                 [source] [87 lines]    Contains event class for displaying the day name.
Fileevent_action_exporter.php             [source] [129 lines]   Contains event class for displaying a calendar event's action.
Fileevent_exporter.php                    [source] [93 lines]    Contains event class for displaying a calendar event.
Fileevent_exporter_base.php               [source] [408 lines]   Contains event class for displaying a calendar event.
Fileevent_icon_exporter.php               [source] [157 lines]   Contains event class for displaying a calendar event's icon.
Fileevent_subscription_exporter.php       [source] [85 lines]    Contains event class for displaying a calendar event's subscription.
Fileevents_exporter.php                   [source] [121 lines]   Contains event class for displaying a list of calendar events.
Fileevents_grouped_by_course_exporter.php [source] [106 lines]   Contains event class for displaying a list of calendar events grouped by course id.
Fileevents_related_objects_cache.php      [source] [288 lines]   Contains event class for providing the related objects when exporting a list of calendar events.
Fileevents_same_course_exporter.php       [source] [83 lines]    Contains event class for displaying a list of calendar events for a single course.
Filefooter_options_exporter.php           [source] [155 lines]   Class for exporting calendar footer view options data.
Filemonth_exporter.php                    [source] [471 lines]   Contains event class for displaying the month view.
Fileweek_day_exporter.php                 [source] [168 lines]   Contains event class for displaying the day on month view.
Fileweek_exporter.php                     [source] [182 lines]   Contains event class for displaying the week view.