Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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// (at your option) any later version.
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * H5P content type manager class
 * @package    contenttype_h5p
 * @copyright  2020 Amaia Anabitarte <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace contenttype_h5p;

use core\event\contentbank_content_viewed;
use stdClass;
use core_h5p\editor_ajax;
use core_h5p\file_storage;
use core_h5p\local\library\autoloader;
use Moodle\H5PCore;

 * H5P content bank manager class
 * @package    contenttype_h5p
 * @copyright  2020 Amaia Anabitarte <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class contenttype extends \core_contentbank\contenttype {

     * Delete this content from the content_bank and remove all the H5P related information.
     * @param  content $content The content to delete.
     * @return boolean true if the content has been deleted; false otherwise.
    public function delete_content(\core_contentbank\content $content): bool {
        // Delete the H5P content.
        $factory = new \core_h5p\factory();
        if (!empty($content->get_file_url())) {
            \core_h5p\api::delete_content_from_pluginfile_url($content->get_file_url(), $factory);

        // Delete the content from the content_bank.
        return parent::delete_content($content);

     * Returns the HTML content to add to view.php visualizer.
     * @param  content $content The content to be displayed.
     * @return string            HTML code to include in view.php.
    public function get_view_content(\core_contentbank\content $content): string {
        // Trigger an event for viewing this content.
        $event = contentbank_content_viewed::create_from_record($content->get_content());

        $fileurl = $content->get_file_url();
        $html = \core_h5p\player::display($fileurl, new \stdClass(), true);
        return $html;

     * Returns the HTML code to render the icon for H5P content types.
     * @param  content $content The content to be displayed.
     * @return string            HTML code to render the icon
    public function get_icon(\core_contentbank\content $content): string {
        global $OUTPUT, $DB;

< $iconurl = $OUTPUT->image_url('f/h5p-64', 'moodle')->out(false);
> $iconurl = $OUTPUT->image_url('f/h5p')->out(false);
$file = $content->get_file(); if (!empty($file)) { $h5p = \core_h5p\api::get_content_from_pathnamehash($file->get_pathnamehash()); if (!empty($h5p)) { \core_h5p\local\library\autoloader::register(); if ($h5plib = $DB->get_record('h5p_libraries', ['id' => $h5p->mainlibraryid])) { $h5pfilestorage = new \core_h5p\file_storage(); $h5picon = $h5pfilestorage->get_icon_url( $h5plib->id, $h5plib->machinename, $h5plib->majorversion, $h5plib->minorversion); if (!empty($h5picon)) { $iconurl = $h5picon; } } } } return $iconurl; } /** * Return an array of implemented features by this plugin. * * @return array */ protected function get_implemented_features(): array {
< return [self::CAN_UPLOAD, self::CAN_EDIT, self::CAN_DOWNLOAD];
> return [self::CAN_UPLOAD, self::CAN_EDIT, self::CAN_DOWNLOAD, self::CAN_COPY];
} /** * Return an array of extensions this contenttype could manage. * * @return array */ public function get_manageable_extensions(): array { return ['.h5p']; } /** * Returns user has access capability for the content itself. * * @return bool True if content could be accessed. False otherwise. */ protected function is_access_allowed(): bool { return true; } /** * Returns the list of different H5P content types the user can create. * * @return array An object for each H5P content type: * - string typename: descriptive name of the H5P content type. * - string typeeditorparams: params required by the H5P editor. * - url typeicon: H5P content type icon. */ public function get_contenttype_types(): array { // Get the H5P content types available. autoloader::register(); $editorajax = new editor_ajax(); $h5pcontenttypes = $editorajax->getLatestLibraryVersions(); $types = []; $h5pfilestorage = new file_storage(); foreach ($h5pcontenttypes as $h5pcontenttype) { if ($h5pcontenttype->enabled) { // Only enabled content-types will be displayed. $library = [ 'name' => $h5pcontenttype->machine_name, 'majorVersion' => $h5pcontenttype->major_version, 'minorVersion' => $h5pcontenttype->minor_version, ]; $key = H5PCore::libraryToString($library); $type = new stdClass(); $type->key = $key; $type->typename = $h5pcontenttype->title; $type->typeeditorparams = 'library=' . $key; $type->typeicon = $h5pfilestorage->get_icon_url( $h5pcontenttype->id, $h5pcontenttype->machine_name, $h5pcontenttype->major_version, $h5pcontenttype->minor_version); $types[] = $type; } } return $types; } }