// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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< /**
< * Test for content bank contenttype class.
< *
< * @package core_contentbank
< * @category test
< * @copyright 2020 Amaia Anabitarte <amaia@moodle.com>
< * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
< */
namespace core_contentbank;
use stdClass;
use context_system;
use context_user;
use Exception;
use contenttype_testable\contenttype as contenttype;
* Test for content bank contenttype class.
* @package core_contentbank
* @category test
* @copyright 2020 Amaia Anabitarte <amaia@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @coversDefaultClass \core_contentbank\contenttype
class contenttype_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var int Identifier for the manager role. */
protected $managerroleid;
/** @var stdClass Manager user. */
protected $manager1;
/** @var stdClass Manager user. */
protected $manager2;
/** @var stdClass User. */
protected $user;
/** @var array List of contents created (every user has a key with contents created by her). */
protected $contents = [];
/** @var contenttype The contenttype instance. */
protected $contenttype;
* Setup to ensure that fixtures are loaded.
public static function setupBeforeClass(): void {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/contentbank/tests/fixtures/testable_contenttype.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/contentbank/tests/fixtures/testable_content.php');
* Tests get_contenttype_name result.
* @covers ::get_contenttype_name
public function test_get_contenttype_name() {
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$testable = new contenttype($systemcontext);
$this->assertEquals('contenttype_testable', $testable->get_contenttype_name());
* Tests get_plugin_name result.
* @covers ::get_plugin_name
public function test_get_plugin_name() {
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$testable = new contenttype($systemcontext);
$this->assertEquals('testable', $testable->get_plugin_name());
* Tests get_icon result.
* @covers ::get_icon
public function test_get_icon() {
> global $CFG;
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$testable = new contenttype($systemcontext);
$record = new stdClass();
$record->name = 'New content';
$content = $testable->create_content($record);
< $icon = $testable->get_icon($content);
< $this->assertStringContainsString('archive', $icon);
> $this->assertEquals(
> "{$CFG->wwwroot}/theme/image.php/boost/core/1/f/unknown",
> $testable->get_icon($content),
> );
* Tests is_feature_supported behavior .
* @covers ::is_feature_supported
public function test_is_feature_supported() {
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$testable = new contenttype($systemcontext);
* Tests can_upload behavior with no implemented upload feature.
* @covers ::can_upload
public function test_no_upload_feature_supported() {
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$testable = new contenttype($systemcontext);
* Test create_content() with empty data.
* @covers ::create_content
public function test_create_empty_content() {
// Create empty content.
$record = new stdClass();
$contenttype = new contenttype(context_system::instance());
$content = $contenttype->create_content($record);
$this->assertEquals('contenttype_testable', $content->get_content_type());
$this->assertInstanceOf('\\contenttype_testable\\content', $content);
* Tests for behaviour of create_content() with data.
* @covers ::create_content
public function test_create_content() {
// Create content.
$record = new stdClass();
$record->name = 'Test content';
$record->configdata = '';
$record->contenttype = '';
$contenttype = new contenttype(context_system::instance());
$content = $contenttype->create_content($record);
$this->assertEquals('contenttype_testable', $content->get_content_type());
$this->assertInstanceOf('\\contenttype_testable\\content', $content);
* Tests for behaviour of upload_content() with a file and a record.
* @dataProvider upload_content_provider
* @param bool $userecord if a predefined record has to be used.
* @covers ::upload_content
public function test_upload_content(bool $userecord): void {
global $USER;
$dummy = [
'contextid' => context_user::instance($USER->id)->id,
'component' => 'user',
'filearea' => 'draft',
'itemid' => 1,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => 'file.h5p',
'userid' => $USER->id,
$fs = get_file_storage();
$dummyfile = $fs->create_file_from_string($dummy, 'Dummy content');
// Create content.
if ($userecord) {
$record = new stdClass();
$record->name = 'Test content';
$record->configdata = '';
$record->contenttype = '';
$checkname = $record->name;
} else {
$record = null;
$checkname = $dummyfile->get_filename();
$contenttype = new contenttype(context_system::instance());
$content = $contenttype->upload_content($dummyfile, $record);
$this->assertEquals('contenttype_testable', $content->get_content_type());
$this->assertEquals($checkname, $content->get_name());
$this->assertInstanceOf('\\contenttype_testable\\content', $content);
$file = $content->get_file();
$this->assertEquals($dummyfile->get_filename(), $file->get_filename());
$this->assertEquals($dummyfile->get_userid(), $file->get_userid());
$this->assertEquals($dummyfile->get_mimetype(), $file->get_mimetype());
$this->assertEquals($dummyfile->get_contenthash(), $file->get_contenthash());
$this->assertEquals('contentbank', $file->get_component());
$this->assertEquals('public', $file->get_filearea());
$this->assertEquals('/', $file->get_filepath());
* Data provider for test_rename_content.
* @return array
public function upload_content_provider() {
return [
'With record' => [true],
'Without record' => [false],
* Tests for behaviour of upload_content() with a file wrong file.
* @covers ::upload_content
public function test_upload_content_exception(): void {
global $USER, $DB;
// The testing contenttype thows exception if filename is "error.*".
$dummy = [
'contextid' => context_user::instance($USER->id)->id,
'component' => 'user',
'filearea' => 'draft',
'itemid' => 1,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => 'error.txt',
'userid' => $USER->id,
$fs = get_file_storage();
$dummyfile = $fs->create_file_from_string($dummy, 'Dummy content');
$contenttype = new contenttype(context_system::instance());
$cbcontents = $DB->count_records('contentbank_content');
// We need to capture the exception to check no content is created.
try {
$content = $contenttype->upload_content($dummyfile);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->assertEquals($cbcontents, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('files', ['contenthash' => $dummyfile->get_contenthash()]));
* Tests for behaviour of replace_content() using a dummy file.
* @covers ::replace_content
public function test_replace_content(): void {
global $USER;
$context = context_system::instance();
// Add some content to the content bank.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$contents = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 3, 0, $context);
$content = reset($contents);
$dummy = [
'contextid' => context_user::instance($USER->id)->id,
'component' => 'user',
'filearea' => 'draft',
'itemid' => 1,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => 'file.h5p',
'userid' => $USER->id,
$fs = get_file_storage();
$dummyfile = $fs->create_file_from_string($dummy, 'Dummy content');
$contenttype = new contenttype(context_system::instance());
$content = $contenttype->replace_content($dummyfile, $content);
$this->assertEquals('contenttype_testable', $content->get_content_type());
$this->assertInstanceOf('\\contenttype_testable\\content', $content);
$file = $content->get_file();
$this->assertEquals($dummyfile->get_userid(), $file->get_userid());
$this->assertEquals($dummyfile->get_contenthash(), $file->get_contenthash());
$this->assertEquals('contentbank', $file->get_component());
$this->assertEquals('public', $file->get_filearea());
$this->assertEquals('/', $file->get_filepath());
* Tests for behaviour of replace_content() using an error file.
* @covers ::replace_content
public function test_replace_content_exception(): void {
global $USER;
$context = context_system::instance();
// Add some content to the content bank.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$contents = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 3, 0, $context);
$content = reset($contents);
$dummy = [
'contextid' => context_user::instance($USER->id)->id,
'component' => 'user',
'filearea' => 'draft',
'itemid' => 1,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => 'error.txt',
'userid' => $USER->id,
$fs = get_file_storage();
$dummyfile = $fs->create_file_from_string($dummy, 'Dummy content');
$contenttype = new contenttype(context_system::instance());
$content = $contenttype->replace_content($dummyfile, $content);
* Test the behaviour of can_delete().
public function test_can_delete() {
global $DB;
$managercontent = array_shift($this->contents[$this->manager1->id]);
$usercontent = array_shift($this->contents[$this->user->id]);
// Check the content has been created as expected.
$records = $DB->count_records('contentbank_content');
$this->assertEquals(4, $records);
// Check user can only delete records created by her.
// Check manager can delete records all the records created.
// Unassign capability to manager role and check not can only delete their own records.
unassign_capability('moodle/contentbank:deleteanycontent', $this->managerroleid);
* Test the behaviour of delete_content().
public function test_delete_content() {
global $DB;
// Check the content has been created as expected.
$this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
// Check the content is deleted as expected.
$content = array_shift($this->contents[$this->manager1->id]);
$deleted = $this->contenttype->delete_content($content);
$this->assertEquals(3, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
* Helper function to setup 3 users (manager1, manager2 and user) and 4 contents (3 created by manager1 and 1 by user).
protected function contenttype_setup_scenario_data(string $contenttype = 'contenttype_testable'): void {
global $DB;
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// Create users.
$this->manager1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->manager2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->managerroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => 'manager'));
$this->getDataGenerator()->role_assign($this->managerroleid, $this->manager1->id);
$this->getDataGenerator()->role_assign($this->managerroleid, $this->manager2->id);
$editingteacherrolerid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', ['shortname' => 'editingteacher']);
$this->user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->getDataGenerator()->role_assign($editingteacherrolerid, $this->user->id);
// Add some content to the content bank.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$this->contents[$this->manager1->id] = $generator->generate_contentbank_data($contenttype, 3, $this->manager1->id);
$this->contents[$this->user->id] = $generator->generate_contentbank_data($contenttype, 1, $this->user->id);
$contenttypeclass = "\\$contenttype\\contenttype";
$this->contenttype = new $contenttypeclass($systemcontext);
* Data provider for test_rename_content.
* @return array
public function rename_content_provider() {
return [
'Standard name' => ['New name', 'New name', true],
'Name with digits' => ['Today is 17/04/2017', 'Today is 17/04/2017', true],
'Name with symbols' => ['Follow us: @moodle', 'Follow us: @moodle', true],
'Name with tags' => ['This is <b>bold</b>', 'This is bold', true],
'Long name' => [str_repeat('a', 100), str_repeat('a', 100), true],
'Too long name' => [str_repeat('a', 300), str_repeat('a', 255), true],
'Empty name' => ['', 'Test content ', false],
'Blanks only' => [' ', 'Test content ', false],
'Zero name' => ['0', '0', true],
* Test the behaviour of rename_content().
* @dataProvider rename_content_provider
* @param string $newname The name to set
* @param string $expected The name result
* @param bool $result The bolean result expected when renaming
* @covers ::rename_content
public function test_rename_content(string $newname, string $expected, bool $result) {
global $DB;
// Create course and teacher user.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'editingteacher');
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
$contenttype = new contenttype($coursecontext);
// Add some content to the content bank as teacher.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$contents = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 1, $teacher->id);
$content = array_shift($contents);
$oldname = $content->get_name();
// Check the content is renamed as expected by a user with permission.
$renamed = $contenttype->rename_content($content, $newname);
$this->assertEquals($result, $renamed);
$record = $DB->get_record('contentbank_content', ['id' => $content->get_id()]);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $record->name);
* Test the behaviour of move_content().
public function test_move_content() {
global $DB;
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
// Add some content to the content bank.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$systemcontents = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 3, 0, $systemcontext);
$generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 3, 0, $coursecontext);
$systemcontent = reset($systemcontents);
// Check the content has been created as expected.
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $systemcontext->id]));
$this->assertEquals(3, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $coursecontext->id]));
// Check the content files has been created as expected.
$this->assertEquals(12, $DB->count_records('files', ['component' => 'contentbank']));
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('files', ['component' => 'contentbank', 'contextid' => $systemcontext->id]));
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('files', ['component' => 'contentbank', 'contextid' => $coursecontext->id]));
// Check the content is moved as expected.
$contenttype = new contenttype($systemcontext);
$this->assertTrue($contenttype->move_content($systemcontent, $coursecontext));
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $systemcontext->id]));
$this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $coursecontext->id]));
// Check the content files were moved as expected.
$this->assertEquals(12, $DB->count_records('files', ['component' => 'contentbank']));
$this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('files', ['component' => 'contentbank', 'contextid' => $systemcontext->id]));
$this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('files', ['component' => 'contentbank', 'contextid' => $coursecontext->id]));
* Test the behaviour of can_manage().
* @covers ::can_manage
public function test_can_manage() {
global $DB, $USER;
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
// Create course and teacher user.
$teacherroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', ['shortname' => 'editingteacher']);
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'editingteacher');
$manager = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'manager');
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
$contenttype = new contenttype($coursecontext);
// Add some content to the content bank as admin.
$contentsbyadmin = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 1, $USER->id, $coursecontext);
$contentbyadmin = array_shift($contentsbyadmin);
// Add some content to the content bank as teacher.
$contentsbyteacher = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 1, $teacher->id, $coursecontext);
$contentbyteacher = array_shift($contentsbyteacher);
// Check the content has been created as expected.
$records = $DB->count_records('contentbank_content');
$this->assertEquals(2, $records);
// Check manager can manage by default all the contents created.
// Check teacher can only edit their own content.
// Unassign capability to teacher role and check they not can not edit any content.
unassign_capability('moodle/contentbank:manageowncontent', $teacherroleid);
* Test the behaviour of can_download().
* @covers ::can_download
public function test_can_download() {
global $DB;
$managercontent = array_shift($this->contents[$this->manager1->id]);
$usercontent = array_shift($this->contents[$this->user->id]);
// Check the content has been created as expected.
$records = $DB->count_records('contentbank_content');
$this->assertEquals(4, $records);
// Check user can download content created by anybody.
// Check manager can download all the content too.
// Unassign capability to manager role and check she cannot download content anymore.
unassign_capability('moodle/contentbank:downloadcontent', $this->managerroleid);
* Tests get_download_url result.
* @covers ::get_download_url
public function test_get_download_url() {
global $CFG;
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// Add some content to the content bank.
$filename = 'filltheblanks.h5p';
$filepath = $CFG->dirroot . '/h5p/tests/fixtures/' . $filename;
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$contents = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_testable', 1, 0, $systemcontext, true, $filepath);
$content = array_shift($contents);
// Check the URL is returned OK for a content with file.
$contenttype = new contenttype($systemcontext);
$url = $contenttype->get_download_url($content);
$this->assertStringContainsString($filename, $url);
// Check the URL is empty when the content hasn't any file.
$record = new stdClass();
$content = $contenttype->create_content($record);
$url = $contenttype->get_download_url($content);
> }
> /**
> * Tests pluginfile result.
> *
> * @covers ::pluginfile
> */
> public function test_pluginfile() {
> $this->resetAfterTest();
> $this->setAdminUser();
> $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
> $contenttype = new contenttype($systemcontext);
> $this->assertIsCallable([$contenttype, 'pluginfile']);