Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 400 and 403] [Versions 401 and 403]

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Defines 1 class

get_state_test:: (6 methods):

Class: get_state_test  - X-Ref

Tests for the get_state class.

setupBeforeClass()   X-Ref
Setup to ensure that fixtures are loaded.

setUp()   X-Ref
Setup testcase.

tearDown()   X-Ref
Test tearDown.

test_get_state(string $role, string $format = 'topics', ?string $expectedexception = null)   X-Ref
Test the behaviour of get_state::execute().

param: string $role The role of the user that will execute the method.
param: string $format The course format of the course where the method will be executed.
param: string|null $expectedexception If this call will raise an exception, this is its name.

get_state_provider()   X-Ref
Data provider for test_get_state().

return: array

create_activity(int $courseid, string $type, int $section, bool $visible = true, bool $canedit = true)   X-Ref
Helper method to create an activity into a section and add it to the $sections and $activities arrays.
For non-admin users, only visible activities will be added to the activities and sections arrays.

param: int $courseid Course identifier where the activity will be added.
param: string $type Activity type ('forum', 'assign', ...).
param: int $section Section number where the activity will be added.
param: bool $visible Whether the activity will be visible or not.
param: bool $canedit Whether the activity will be accessed later by a user with editing capabilities