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  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
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 * This file contains main class for the course format Weeks
 * @since     Moodle 2.0
 * @package   format_weeks
 * @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot. '/course/format/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot. '/course/lib.php');

 * Main class for the Weeks course format
 * @package    format_weeks
 * @copyright  2012 Marina Glancy
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
< class format_weeks extends format_base {
> class format_weeks extends core_courseformat\base {
/** * Returns true if this course format uses sections * * @return bool */ public function uses_sections() { return true; }
> public function uses_course_index() { /** > return true; * Returns the display name of the given section that the course prefers. > } * > * @param int|stdClass $section Section object from database or just field section.section > public function uses_indentation(): bool { * @return string Display name that the course format prefers, e.g. "Topic 2" > return (get_config('format_weeks', 'indentation')) ? true : false; */ > } public function get_section_name($section) { > $section = $this->get_section($section); > /** if ((string)$section->name !== '') { > * Generate the title for this section page // Return the name the user set. > * @return string the page title return format_string($section->name, true, array('context' => context_course::instance($this->courseid))); > */ } else { > public function page_title(): string { return $this->get_default_section_name($section); > return get_string('weeklyoutline'); } > } } >
/** * Returns the default section name for the weekly course format. * * If the section number is 0, it will use the string with key = section0name from the course format's lang file. * Otherwise, the default format of "[start date] - [end date]" will be returned. * * @param stdClass $section Section object from database or just field course_sections section * @return string The default value for the section name. */ public function get_default_section_name($section) { if ($section->section == 0) { // Return the general section. return get_string('section0name', 'format_weeks'); } else { $dates = $this->get_section_dates($section); // We subtract 24 hours for display purposes. $dates->end = ($dates->end - 86400); $dateformat = get_string('strftimedateshort'); $weekday = userdate($dates->start, $dateformat); $endweekday = userdate($dates->end, $dateformat); return $weekday.' - '.$endweekday; } } /**
> * Returns the name for the highlighted section. * The URL to use for the specified course (with section) > * * > * @return string The name for the highlighted section based on the given course format. * @param int|stdClass $section Section object from database or just field course_sections.section > */ * if omitted the course view page is returned > public function get_section_highlighted_name(): string { * @param array $options options for view URL. At the moment core uses: > return get_string('currentsection', 'format_weeks'); * 'navigation' (bool) if true and section has no separate page, the function returns null > } * 'sr' (int) used by multipage formats to specify to which section to return > * @return null|moodle_url > /**
*/ public function get_view_url($section, $options = array()) { global $CFG; $course = $this->get_course(); $url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id)); $sr = null; if (array_key_exists('sr', $options)) { $sr = $options['sr']; } if (is_object($section)) { $sectionno = $section->section; } else { $sectionno = $section; } if ($sectionno !== null) { if ($sr !== null) { if ($sr) { $usercoursedisplay = COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE; $sectionno = $sr; } else { $usercoursedisplay = COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE; } } else {
< $usercoursedisplay = $course->coursedisplay;
> $usercoursedisplay = $course->coursedisplay ?? COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE;
} if ($sectionno != 0 && $usercoursedisplay == COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE) { $url->param('section', $sectionno); } else { if (empty($CFG->linkcoursesections) && !empty($options['navigation'])) { return null; } $url->set_anchor('section-'.$sectionno); } } return $url; } /** * Returns the information about the ajax support in the given source format * * The returned object's property (boolean)capable indicates that * the course format supports Moodle course ajax features. * * @return stdClass */ public function supports_ajax() { $ajaxsupport = new stdClass(); $ajaxsupport->capable = true; return $ajaxsupport; }
> public function supports_components() { /** > return true; * Loads all of the course sections into the navigation > } * >
* @param global_navigation $navigation * @param navigation_node $node The course node within the navigation */ public function extend_course_navigation($navigation, navigation_node $node) { global $PAGE; // if section is specified in course/view.php, make sure it is expanded in navigation if ($navigation->includesectionnum === false) { $selectedsection = optional_param('section', null, PARAM_INT); if ($selectedsection !== null && (!defined('AJAX_SCRIPT') || AJAX_SCRIPT == '0') && $PAGE->url->compare(new moodle_url('/course/view.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)) { $navigation->includesectionnum = $selectedsection; } } parent::extend_course_navigation($navigation, $node); // We want to remove the general section if it is empty. $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->get_course()); $sections = $modinfo->get_sections(); if (!isset($sections[0])) { // The general section is empty to find the navigation node for it we need to get its ID. $section = $modinfo->get_section_info(0); $generalsection = $node->get($section->id, navigation_node::TYPE_SECTION); if ($generalsection) { // We found the node - now remove it. $generalsection->remove(); } } } /** * Custom action after section has been moved in AJAX mode * * Used in course/rest.php * * @return array This will be passed in ajax respose */ function ajax_section_move() { global $PAGE; $titles = array(); $current = -1; $course = $this->get_course(); $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course); $renderer = $this->get_renderer($PAGE); if ($renderer && ($sections = $modinfo->get_section_info_all())) { foreach ($sections as $number => $section) { $titles[$number] = $renderer->section_title($section, $course); if ($this->is_section_current($section)) { $current = $number; } } } return array('sectiontitles' => $titles, 'current' => $current, 'action' => 'move'); } /** * Returns the list of blocks to be automatically added for the newly created course * * @return array of default blocks, must contain two keys BLOCK_POS_LEFT and BLOCK_POS_RIGHT * each of values is an array of block names (for left and right side columns) */ public function get_default_blocks() { return array( BLOCK_POS_LEFT => array(), BLOCK_POS_RIGHT => array() ); } /** * Definitions of the additional options that this course format uses for course * * Weeks format uses the following options: * - coursedisplay * - hiddensections * - automaticenddate * * @param bool $foreditform * @return array of options */ public function course_format_options($foreditform = false) { static $courseformatoptions = false; if ($courseformatoptions === false) { $courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse'); $courseformatoptions = array( 'hiddensections' => array( 'default' => $courseconfig->hiddensections, 'type' => PARAM_INT, ), 'coursedisplay' => array(
< 'default' => $courseconfig->coursedisplay,
> 'default' => $courseconfig->coursedisplay ?? COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE,
'type' => PARAM_INT, ), 'automaticenddate' => array( 'default' => 1, 'type' => PARAM_BOOL, ), ); } if ($foreditform && !isset($courseformatoptions['coursedisplay']['label'])) { $courseformatoptionsedit = array( 'hiddensections' => array( 'label' => new lang_string('hiddensections'), 'help' => 'hiddensections', 'help_component' => 'moodle', 'element_type' => 'select', 'element_attributes' => array( array( 0 => new lang_string('hiddensectionscollapsed'), 1 => new lang_string('hiddensectionsinvisible') ) ), ), 'coursedisplay' => array( 'label' => new lang_string('coursedisplay'), 'element_type' => 'select', 'element_attributes' => array( array( COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE => new lang_string('coursedisplay_single'), COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE => new lang_string('coursedisplay_multi') ) ), 'help' => 'coursedisplay', 'help_component' => 'moodle', ), 'automaticenddate' => array( 'label' => new lang_string('automaticenddate', 'format_weeks'), 'help' => 'automaticenddate', 'help_component' => 'format_weeks', 'element_type' => 'advcheckbox', ) ); $courseformatoptions = array_merge_recursive($courseformatoptions, $courseformatoptionsedit); } return $courseformatoptions; } /** * Adds format options elements to the course/section edit form. * * This function is called from {@link course_edit_form::definition_after_data()}. * * @param MoodleQuickForm $mform form the elements are added to. * @param bool $forsection 'true' if this is a section edit form, 'false' if this is course edit form. * @return array array of references to the added form elements. */ public function create_edit_form_elements(&$mform, $forsection = false) { global $COURSE; $elements = parent::create_edit_form_elements($mform, $forsection); if (!$forsection && (empty($COURSE->id) || $COURSE->id == SITEID)) { // Add "numsections" element to the create course form - it will force new course to be prepopulated // with empty sections. // The "Number of sections" option is no longer available when editing course, instead teachers should // delete and add sections when needed. $courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse'); $max = (int)$courseconfig->maxsections; $element = $mform->addElement('select', 'numsections', get_string('numberweeks'), range(0, $max ?: 52)); $mform->setType('numsections', PARAM_INT); if (is_null($mform->getElementValue('numsections'))) { $mform->setDefault('numsections', $courseconfig->numsections); } array_unshift($elements, $element); } // Re-order things. $mform->insertElementBefore($mform->removeElement('automaticenddate', false), 'idnumber'); $mform->disabledIf('enddate', 'automaticenddate', 'checked'); foreach ($elements as $key => $element) { if ($element->getName() == 'automaticenddate') { unset($elements[$key]); } } return $elements; } /** * Updates format options for a course * * In case if course format was changed to 'weeks', we try to copy options * 'coursedisplay', 'numsections' and 'hiddensections' from the previous format. * If previous course format did not have 'numsections' option, we populate it with the * current number of sections * * @param stdClass|array $data return value from {@link moodleform::get_data()} or array with data * @param stdClass $oldcourse if this function is called from {@link update_course()} * this object contains information about the course before update * @return bool whether there were any changes to the options values */ public function update_course_format_options($data, $oldcourse = null) { global $DB; $data = (array)$data; if ($oldcourse !== null) { $oldcourse = (array)$oldcourse; $options = $this->course_format_options(); foreach ($options as $key => $unused) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $data)) { if (array_key_exists($key, $oldcourse)) { $data[$key] = $oldcourse[$key]; } } } } return $this->update_format_options($data); } /** * Return the start and end date of the passed section * * @param int|stdClass|section_info $section section to get the dates for * @param int $startdate Force course start date, useful when the course is not yet created * @return stdClass property start for startdate, property end for enddate */ public function get_section_dates($section, $startdate = false) { global $USER; if ($startdate === false) { $course = $this->get_course(); $userdates = course_get_course_dates_for_user_id($course, $USER->id); $startdate = $userdates['start']; } if (is_object($section)) { $sectionnum = $section->section; } else { $sectionnum = $section; }
< $oneweekseconds = 604800; < // Hack alert. We add 2 hours to avoid possible DST problems. (e.g. we go into daylight < // savings and the date changes. < $startdate = $startdate + 7200;
> > // Create a DateTime object for the start date. > $startdateobj = new DateTime("@$startdate"); > $startdateobj->setTimezone(core_date::get_user_timezone_object()); > > // Calculate the interval for one week. > $oneweekinterval = new DateInterval('P7D'); > > // Calculate the interval for the specified number of sections. > for ($i = 1; $i < $sectionnum; $i++) { > $startdateobj->add($oneweekinterval); > } > > // Calculate the end date. > $enddateobj = clone $startdateobj; > $enddateobj->add($oneweekinterval);
$dates = new stdClass();
< $dates->start = $startdate + ($oneweekseconds * ($sectionnum - 1)); < $dates->end = $dates->start + $oneweekseconds;
> $dates->start = $startdateobj->getTimestamp(); > $dates->end = $enddateobj->getTimestamp();
return $dates; } /** * Returns true if the specified week is current * * @param int|stdClass|section_info $section * @return bool */ public function is_section_current($section) { if (is_object($section)) { $sectionnum = $section->section; } else { $sectionnum = $section; } if ($sectionnum < 1) { return false; } $timenow = time(); $dates = $this->get_section_dates($section); return (($timenow >= $dates->start) && ($timenow < $dates->end)); } /** * Whether this format allows to delete sections * * Do not call this function directly, instead use {@link course_can_delete_section()} * * @param int|stdClass|section_info $section * @return bool */ public function can_delete_section($section) { return true; } /** * Prepares the templateable object to display section name * * @param \section_info|\stdClass $section * @param bool $linkifneeded * @param bool $editable * @param null|lang_string|string $edithint * @param null|lang_string|string $editlabel * @return \core\output\inplace_editable */ public function inplace_editable_render_section_name($section, $linkifneeded = true, $editable = null, $edithint = null, $editlabel = null) { if (empty($edithint)) { $edithint = new lang_string('editsectionname', 'format_weeks'); } if (empty($editlabel)) { $title = get_section_name($section->course, $section); $editlabel = new lang_string('newsectionname', 'format_weeks', $title); } return parent::inplace_editable_render_section_name($section, $linkifneeded, $editable, $edithint, $editlabel); } /** * Returns the default end date for weeks course format. * * @param moodleform $mform * @param array $fieldnames The form - field names mapping. * @return int */ public function get_default_course_enddate($mform, $fieldnames = array()) { if (empty($fieldnames['startdate'])) { $fieldnames['startdate'] = 'startdate'; } if (empty($fieldnames['numsections'])) { $fieldnames['numsections'] = 'numsections'; } $startdate = $this->get_form_start_date($mform, $fieldnames); if ($mform->elementExists($fieldnames['numsections'])) { $numsections = $mform->getElementValue($fieldnames['numsections']); $numsections = $mform->getElement($fieldnames['numsections'])->exportValue($numsections); } else if ($this->get_courseid()) { // For existing courses get the number of sections. $numsections = $this->get_last_section_number(); } else { // Fallback to the default value for new courses. $numsections = get_config('moodlecourse', $fieldnames['numsections']); } // Final week's last day. $dates = $this->get_section_dates(intval($numsections), $startdate); return $dates->end; } /** * Indicates whether the course format supports the creation of a news forum. * * @return bool */ public function supports_news() { return true; } /** * Returns whether this course format allows the activity to * have "triple visibility state" - visible always, hidden on course page but available, hidden. * * @param stdClass|cm_info $cm course module (may be null if we are displaying a form for adding a module) * @param stdClass|section_info $section section where this module is located or will be added to * @return bool */ public function allow_stealth_module_visibility($cm, $section) { // Allow the third visibility state inside visible sections or in section 0. return !$section->section || $section->visible; } public function section_action($section, $action, $sr) { global $PAGE; // Call the parent method and return the new content for .section_availability element. $rv = parent::section_action($section, $action, $sr); $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('format_weeks');
< $rv['section_availability'] = $renderer->section_availability($this->get_section($section));
> > if (!($section instanceof section_info)) { > $modinfo = course_modinfo::instance($this->courseid); > $section = $modinfo->get_section_info($section->section); > } > $elementclass = $this->get_output_classname('content\\section\\availability'); > $availability = new $elementclass($this, $section); > > $rv['section_availability'] = $renderer->render($availability); >
return $rv; } /** * Updates the end date for a course in weeks format if option automaticenddate is set. * * This method is called from event observers and it can not use any modinfo or format caches because * events are triggered before the caches are reset. * * @param int $courseid */ public static function update_end_date($courseid) { global $DB, $COURSE; // Use one DB query to retrieve necessary fields in course, value for automaticenddate and number of the last // section. This query will also validate that the course is indeed in 'weeks' format. $insql = "SELECT, c.format, c.startdate, c.enddate, MAX(s.section) AS lastsection FROM {course} c JOIN {course_sections} s ON s.course = WHERE c.format = :format AND = :courseid GROUP BY, c.format, c.startdate, c.enddate"; $sql = "SELECT, co.format, co.startdate, co.enddate, co.lastsection, fo.value AS automaticenddate FROM ($insql) co LEFT JOIN {course_format_options} fo ON fo.courseid = AND fo.format = co.format AND = :optionname AND fo.sectionid = 0"; $course = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, ['optionname' => 'automaticenddate', 'format' => 'weeks', 'courseid' => $courseid]); if (!$course) { // Looks like it is a course in a different format, nothing to do here. return; } // Create an instance of this class and mock the course object. $format = new format_weeks('weeks', $courseid); $format->course = $course; // If automaticenddate is not specified take the default value. if (!isset($course->automaticenddate)) { $defaults = $format->course_format_options(); $course->automaticenddate = $defaults['automaticenddate']['default']; } // Check that the course format for setting an automatic date is set. if (!empty($course->automaticenddate)) { // Get the final week's last day. $dates = $format->get_section_dates((int)$course->lastsection); // Set the course end date. if ($course->enddate != $dates->end) { $DB->set_field('course', 'enddate', $dates->end, array('id' => $course->id)); if (isset($COURSE->id) && $COURSE->id == $courseid) { $COURSE->enddate = $dates->end; } } } } /** * Return the plugin configs for external functions. * * @return array the list of configuration settings * @since Moodle 3.5 */ public function get_config_for_external() { // Return everything (nothing to hide).
< return $this->get_format_options();
> $formatoptions = $this->get_format_options(); > $formatoptions['indentation'] = get_config('format_weeks', 'indentation'); > return $formatoptions;
} } /** * Implements callback inplace_editable() allowing to edit values in-place * * @param string $itemtype * @param int $itemid * @param mixed $newvalue * @return \core\output\inplace_editable */ function format_weeks_inplace_editable($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue) { global $DB, $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php'); if ($itemtype === 'sectionname' || $itemtype === 'sectionnamenl') { $section = $DB->get_record_sql( 'SELECT s.* FROM {course_sections} s JOIN {course} c ON s.course = WHERE = ? AND c.format = ?', array($itemid, 'weeks'), MUST_EXIST); return course_get_format($section->course)->inplace_editable_update_section_name($section, $itemtype, $newvalue); } }