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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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namespace core_files;

 * PHPUnit tests for conversion persistent.
 * @package    core_files
 * @copyright  2017 Andrew nicols <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class conversion_test extends \advanced_testcase {

     * Helper to create a stored file object with the given supplied content.
     * @param   string $filecontent The content of the mocked file
     * @param   string $filename The file name to use in the stored_file
     * @param   string $filerecord Any overrides to the filerecord
< * @return stored_file
> * @return \stored_file
*/ protected function create_stored_file($filecontent = 'content', $filename = 'testfile.txt', $filerecord = []) { $filerecord = array_merge([ 'contextid' => \context_system::instance()->id, 'component' => 'core', 'filearea' => 'unittest', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename, ], $filerecord); $fs = get_file_storage(); $file = $fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $filecontent); return $file; } /** * Ensure that get_conversions_for_file returns an existing conversion * record with matching sourcefileid and targetformat. */ public function test_get_conversions_for_file_existing_conversion_incomplete() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $existing = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $existing->create(); $conversions = conversion::get_conversions_for_file($sourcefile, 'pdf'); $this->assertCount(1, $conversions); $conversion = array_shift($conversions); $conversionfile = $conversion->get_sourcefile(); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversionfile->get_id()); $this->assertFalse($conversion->get_destfile()); } /** * Ensure that get_conversions_for_file returns an existing conversion * record with matching sourcefileid and targetformat when a file with the same * contenthash is uploaded several times. * * @covers \core_files\conversion::get_conversions_for_file */ public function test_get_conversions_for_multiple_files_existing_conversion_incomplete() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Create a bunch of files with the same content. for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $sourcefiles[] = $this->create_stored_file('test content', 'testfile' . $i . '.txt'); } // Use only one file for the conversion. // Pick some file in the middle. $sourcefile = $sourcefiles[count($sourcefiles) - 2]; $existing = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $existing->create(); $conversions = conversion::get_conversions_for_file($sourcefile, 'pdf'); $this->assertCount(1, $conversions); $conversion = array_shift($conversions); $conversionfile = $conversion->get_sourcefile(); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversionfile->get_id()); $this->assertFalse($conversion->get_destfile()); // Check that getting the conversion for a different file record with the same contenthash // returns the same conversion as above. $conversions = conversion::get_conversions_for_file($sourcefiles[count($sourcefiles) - 1], 'pdf'); $this->assertCount(1, $conversions); $conversion = array_shift($conversions); $conversionfile = $conversion->get_sourcefile(); $this->assertEquals($existing->get('id'), $conversion->get('id')); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversionfile->get_id()); $this->assertFalse($conversion->get_destfile()); } /** * Ensure that get_conversions_for_file returns an existing conversion * record with matching sourcefileid and targetformat when a second * conversion to a different format exists. */ public function test_get_conversions_for_file_existing_conversion_multiple_formats_incomplete() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $existing = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $existing->create(); $second = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'doc', ]); $second->create(); $conversions = conversion::get_conversions_for_file($sourcefile, 'pdf'); $this->assertCount(1, $conversions); $conversion = array_shift($conversions); $conversionfile = $conversion->get_sourcefile(); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversionfile->get_id()); $this->assertFalse($conversion->get_destfile()); } /** * Ensure that get_conversions_for_file returns an existing conversion * record with matching sourcefileid and targetformat. */ public function test_get_conversions_for_file_existing_conversion_complete() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $destfile = $this->create_stored_file( 'example content', $sourcefile->get_contenthash(), [ 'component' => 'core', 'filearea' => 'documentconversion', 'filepath' => '/pdf/', ]); $existing = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', 'destfileid' => $destfile->get_id(), ]); $existing->create(); $conversions = conversion::get_conversions_for_file($sourcefile, 'pdf'); // Only one file should be returned. $this->assertCount(1, $conversions); $conversion = array_shift($conversions); $this->assertEquals($existing->get('id'), $conversion->get('id')); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversion->get_sourcefile()->get_id()); $this->assertEquals($destfile->get_id(), $conversion->get_destfile()->get_id()); } /** * Ensure that get_conversions_for_file returns an existing conversion * record with matching sourcefileid and targetformat. */ public function test_get_conversions_for_file_existing_conversion_multiple_formats_complete() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $destfile = $this->create_stored_file( 'example content', $sourcefile->get_contenthash(), [ 'component' => 'core', 'filearea' => 'documentconversion', 'filepath' => '/pdf/', ]); $existing = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', 'destfileid' => $destfile->get_id(), ]); $existing->create(); $second = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'doc', ]); $second->create(); $conversions = conversion::get_conversions_for_file($sourcefile, 'pdf'); // Only one file should be returned. $this->assertCount(1, $conversions); $conversion = array_shift($conversions); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversion->get_sourcefile()->get_id()); $this->assertEquals($destfile->get_id(), $conversion->get_destfile()->get_id()); } /** * Ensure that get_conversions_for_file returns an existing conversion * record does not exist, but the file has previously been converted. */ public function test_get_conversions_for_file_existing_target() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $destfile = $this->create_stored_file( 'example content', $sourcefile->get_contenthash(), [ 'component' => 'core', 'filearea' => 'documentconversion', 'filepath' => '/pdf/', ]); $conversions = conversion::get_conversions_for_file($sourcefile, 'pdf'); $this->assertCount(1, $conversions); $conversion = array_shift($conversions); $conversionsource = $conversion->get_sourcefile(); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversionsource->get_id()); $conversiondest = $conversion->get_destfile(); $this->assertEquals($destfile->get_id(), $conversiondest->get_id()); } /** * Ensure that set_sourcefile sets the correct fileid. */ public function test_set_sourcefile() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) []); $conversion->set_sourcefile($sourcefile); $this->assertEquals($sourcefile->get_id(), $conversion->get('sourcefileid')); $this->assertNull($conversion->get('destfileid')); } /** * Ensure that store_destfile_from_path stores the file as expected. */ public function test_store_destfile_from_path() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $fixture = __FILE__; $conversion->store_destfile_from_path($fixture); $destfile = $conversion->get_destfile(); $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($fixture), $destfile->get_content()); } /** * Ensure that store_destfile_from_path stores the file as expected. */ public function test_store_destfile_from_path_delete_existing() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $record = [ 'contextid' => \context_system::instance()->id, 'component' => 'core', 'filearea' => 'documentconversion', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/pdf/', ]; $existingfile = $this->create_stored_file('foo', $sourcefile->get_contenthash(), $record); $fixture = __FILE__; $conversion->store_destfile_from_path($fixture); $destfile = $conversion->get_destfile(); $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($fixture), $destfile->get_content()); } /** * Ensure that store_destfile_from_path stores the file as expected. */ public function test_store_destfile_from_string() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $fixture = 'Example content'; $conversion->store_destfile_from_string($fixture); $destfile = $conversion->get_destfile(); $this->assertEquals($fixture, $destfile->get_content()); } /** * Ensure that store_destfile_from_string stores the file as expected when * an existing destfile is found. */ public function test_store_destfile_from_string_delete_existing() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $record = [ 'contextid' => \context_system::instance()->id, 'component' => 'core', 'filearea' => 'documentconversion', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/pdf/', ]; $existingfile = $this->create_stored_file('foo', $sourcefile->get_contenthash(), $record); $fixture = 'Example content'; $conversion->store_destfile_from_string($fixture); $destfile = $conversion->get_destfile(); $this->assertEquals($fixture, $destfile->get_content()); } /** * Ensure that the get_status functions cast the status to integer correctly. */ public function test_get_status() { $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'status' => (string) 1, ]); $this->assertIsInt($conversion->get('status')); } /** * Ensure that get_converter_instance returns false when no converter is set. */ public function test_get_converter_instance_none_set() { $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) []); $this->assertFalse($conversion->get_converter_instance()); } /** * Ensure that get_converter_instance returns false when no valid converter is set. */ public function test_get_converter_instance_invalid_set() { $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'converter' => '\\fileconverter_not_a_valid_converter\\converter', ]); $this->assertFalse($conversion->get_converter_instance()); } /** * Ensure that get_converter_instance returns an instance when a valid converter is set. */ public function test_get_converter_instance_valid_set() { $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'converter' => \fileconverter_unoconv\converter::class, ]); $this->assertInstanceOf(\fileconverter_unoconv\converter::class, $conversion->get_converter_instance()); } /** * Test that all old conversion records are removed periodically. */ public function test_remove_old_conversion_records_old() { $this->resetAfterTest(); global $DB; $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $conversion->create(); $DB->set_field(conversion::TABLE, 'timemodified', time() - YEARSECS); conversion::remove_old_conversion_records(); $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records(conversion::TABLE)); } /** * Test that all old conversion records are removed periodically. */ public function test_remove_old_conversion_records_young() { $this->resetAfterTest(); global $DB; $sourcefile = $this->create_stored_file(); $conversion = new conversion(0, (object) [ 'sourcefileid' => $sourcefile->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf', ]); $conversion->create(); $DB->set_field(conversion::TABLE, 'timemodified', time() - DAYSECS); conversion::remove_old_conversion_records(); $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records(conversion::TABLE)); } /** * Test orphan records are removed. */ public function test_remove_orphan_records() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $sf1 = $this->create_stored_file('1', '1'); $sf2 = $this->create_stored_file('2', '2'); $sf3 = $this->create_stored_file('3', '3'); $c1 = new conversion(0, (object) ['sourcefileid' => $sf1->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf']); $c1->create(); $c2 = new conversion(0, (object) ['sourcefileid' => $sf2->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf']); $c2->create(); $c3 = new conversion(0, (object) ['sourcefileid' => $sf3->get_id(), 'targetformat' => 'pdf']); $c3->create(); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c1->get('id'))); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c2->get('id'))); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c3->get('id'))); // Nothing should happen here. conversion::remove_orphan_records(); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c1->get('id'))); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c2->get('id'))); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c3->get('id'))); // Delete file #2. $sf2->delete(); conversion::remove_orphan_records(); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c1->get('id'))); $this->assertFalse(conversion::record_exists($c2->get('id'))); $this->assertTrue(conversion::record_exists($c3->get('id'))); // Delete file #1, #3. $sf1->delete(); $sf3->delete(); conversion::remove_orphan_records(); $this->assertFalse(conversion::record_exists($c1->get('id'))); $this->assertFalse(conversion::record_exists($c2->get('id'))); $this->assertFalse(conversion::record_exists($c3->get('id'))); } }