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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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 * Privacy tests for gradingform_guide.
 * @package    gradingform_guide
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2018 Sara Arjona <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace gradingform_guide\privacy;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;

use core_privacy\tests\provider_testcase;
use core_privacy\local\request\writer;
use gradingform_guide\privacy\provider;

 * Privacy tests for gradingform_guide.
 * @package    gradingform_guide
 * @copyright  2018 Sara Arjona <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class provider_test extends provider_testcase {

     * Ensure that export_user_preferences returns no data if the user has no data.
    public function test_export_user_preferences_not_defined() {
        $user = \core_user::get_user_by_username('admin');

        $writer = writer::with_context(\context_system::instance());

     * Ensure that export_user_preferences returns single preferences.
    public function test_export_user_preferences() {

        // Define a user preference.
        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        set_user_preference('gradingform_guide-showmarkerdesc', 0, $user);
        set_user_preference('gradingform_guide-showstudentdesc', 1, $user);

        // Validate exported data.
        $context = \context_user::instance($user->id);
> /** @var \core_privacy\tests\request\content_writer $writer */
$writer = writer::with_context($context); $this->assertTrue($writer->has_any_data()); $prefs = $writer->get_user_preferences('gradingform_guide'); $this->assertCount(2, (array) $prefs); $this->assertEquals( get_string('privacy:metadata:preference:showstudentdesc', 'gradingform_guide'), $prefs->{'gradingform_guide-showstudentdesc'}->description ); $this->assertEquals(get_string('no'), $prefs->{'gradingform_guide-showmarkerdesc'}->value); $this->assertEquals(get_string('yes'), $prefs->{'gradingform_guide-showstudentdesc'}->value); } /** * Test the export of guide data. */ public function test_get_gradingform_export_data() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $module = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('assign', ['course' => $course]); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->setUser($user); $modulecontext = \context_module::instance($module->cmid); $controller = $this->get_test_guide($modulecontext); // In the situation of mod_assign this would be the id from assign_grades. $itemid = 1; $instance = $controller->create_instance($user->id, $itemid); $data = $this->get_test_form_data( $controller, $itemid, 5, 'This user made several mistakes.', 10, 'This user has two pictures.' ); $instance->update($data); $instanceid = $instance->get_data('id'); // Let's try the method we are testing. provider::export_gradingform_instance_data($modulecontext, $instance->get_id(), ['Test']); $data = (array) writer::with_context($modulecontext)->get_data(['Test', 'Marking guide', $instanceid]); $this->assertCount(2, $data); $this->assertEquals('Spelling mistakes', $data['Spelling mistakes']->shortname); $this->assertEquals('This user made several mistakes.', $data['Spelling mistakes']->remark); $this->assertEquals('Pictures', $data['Pictures']->shortname); $this->assertEquals('This user has two pictures.', $data['Pictures']->remark); } /** * Test the deletion of guide user information via the instance ID. */ public function test_delete_gradingform_for_instances() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $module = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('assign', ['course' => $course]); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->setUser($user); $modulecontext = \context_module::instance($module->cmid); $controller = $this->get_test_guide($modulecontext); // In the situation of mod_assign this would be the id from assign_grades. $itemid = 1; $instance = $controller->create_instance($user->id, $itemid); $data = $this->get_test_form_data( $controller, $itemid, 5, 'This user made several mistakes.', 10, 'This user has two pictures.' ); $instance->update($data); $instanceid = $instance->get_data('id'); $itemid = 2; $instance = $controller->create_instance($user->id, $itemid); $data = $this->get_test_form_data( $controller, $itemid, 25, 'This user made no mistakes.', 5, 'This user has one pictures.' ); $instance->update($data); $instanceid = $instance->get_data('id'); // Check how many records we have in the fillings table. $records = $DB->get_records('gradingform_guide_fillings'); $this->assertCount(4, $records); // Let's delete one of the instances (the last one would be the easiest). provider::delete_gradingform_for_instances([$instance->get_id()]); $records = $DB->get_records('gradingform_guide_fillings'); $this->assertCount(2, $records); foreach ($records as $record) { $this->assertNotEquals($instance->get_id(), $record->instanceid); } } /** * Generate a guide controller with sample data required for testing of this class. *
< * @param context_module $context < * @return gradingform_guide_controller
> * @param \context_module $context > * @return \gradingform_guide_controller
*/ protected function get_test_guide(\context_module $context): \gradingform_guide_controller { $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator(); $guidegenerator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('gradingform_guide'); return $guidegenerator->get_test_guide($context); } /** * Fetch a set of sample data. *
< * @param gradingform_guide_controller $controller
> * @param \gradingform_guide_controller $controller
* @param int $itemid * @param float $spellingscore * @param string $spellingremark * @param float $picturescore * @param string $pictureremark * @return array */ protected function get_test_form_data( \gradingform_guide_controller $controller, int $itemid, float $spellingscore, string $spellingremark, float $picturescore, string $pictureremark ): array { $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator(); $guidegenerator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('gradingform_guide'); return $guidegenerator->get_test_form_data( $controller, $itemid, $spellingscore, $spellingremark, $picturescore, $pictureremark ); } }