Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace gradeimport_csv;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/grade/import/csv/tests/fixtures/phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/csvlib.class.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_item.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/tests/fixtures/lib.php');

 * Unit tests for lib.php
 * @package    gradeimport_csv
 * @copyright  2014 Adrian Greeve
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class load_data_test extends \grade_base_testcase {

    /** @var string $oktext Text to be imported. This data should have no issues being imported. */
    protected $oktext = '"First name","Last name","ID number",Institution,Department,"Email address","Assignment: Assignment for grape group", "Feedback: Assignment for grape group","Assignment: Second new grade item","Course total"
Anne,Able,,"Moodle HQ","Rock on!",,56.00,"We welcome feedback",,56.00
Bobby,Bunce,,"Moodle HQ","Rock on!",,75.00,,45.0,75.00';

    /** @var string $badtext Text to be imported. This data has an extra column and should not succeed in being imported. */
    protected $badtext = '"First name","Last name","ID number",Institution,Department,"Email address","Assignment: Assignment for grape group","Course total"
Anne,Able,,"Moodle HQ","Rock on!",,56.00,56.00,78.00
Bobby,Bunce,,"Moodle HQ","Rock on!",,75.00,75.00';

    /** @var string $csvtext CSV data to be imported with Last download from this course column. */
    protected $csvtext = '"First name","Last name","ID number",Institution,Department,"Email address","Assignment: Assignment for grape group", "Feedback: Assignment for grape group","Course total","Last downloaded from this course"
Anne,Able,,"Moodle HQ","Rock on!",,56.00,"We welcome feedback",56.00,{exportdate}
Bobby,Bunce,,"Moodle HQ","Rock on!",,75.00,,75.00,{exportdate}';

    /** @var int $iid Import ID. */
    protected $iid;

    /** @var object $csvimport a csv_import_reader object that handles the csv import. */
    protected $csvimport;

    /** @var array $columns The first row of the csv file. These are the columns of the import file.*/
    protected $columns;

    public function tearDown(): void {
        $this->csvimport = null;

     * Load up the above text through the csv import.
     * @param string $content Text to be imported into the gradebook.
     * @return array All text separated by commas now in an array.
    protected function csv_load($content) {
        // Import the csv strings.
        $this->iid = \csv_import_reader::get_new_iid('grade');
        $this->csvimport = new \csv_import_reader($this->iid, 'grade');

        $this->csvimport->load_csv_content($content, 'utf8', 'comma');
        $this->columns = $this->csvimport->get_columns();

        while ($line = $this->csvimport->next()) {
            $testarray[] = $line;

        return $testarray;

     * Test loading data and returning preview content.
    public function test_load_csv_content() {
        $encoding = 'utf8';
        $separator = 'comma';
        $previewrows = 5;
        $csvpreview = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data();
        $csvpreview->load_csv_content($this->oktext, $encoding, $separator, $previewrows);

        $expecteddata = array(array(
                'Moodle HQ',
                'Rock on!',
                'We welcome feedback',
                'Moodle HQ',
                'Rock on!',

        $expectedheaders = array(
            'First name',
            'Last name',
            'ID number',
            'Email address',
            'Assignment: Assignment for grape group',
            'Feedback: Assignment for grape group',
            'Assignment: Second new grade item',
            'Course total'
        // Check that general data is returned as expected.
        $this->assertEquals($csvpreview->get_previewdata(), $expecteddata);
        // Check that headers are returned as expected.
        $this->assertEquals($csvpreview->get_headers(), $expectedheaders);

        // Check that errors are being recorded.
        $csvpreview = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data();
        $csvpreview->load_csv_content($this->badtext, $encoding, $separator, $previewrows);
        // Columns shouldn't match.
        $this->assertEquals($csvpreview->get_error(), get_string('csvweirdcolumns', 'error'));

     * Test fetching grade items for the course.
    public function test_fetch_grade_items() {

        $gradeitemsarray = \grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid' => $this->courseid));
        $gradeitems = \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data::fetch_grade_items($this->courseid);

        // Make sure that each grade item is located in the gradeitemsarray.
        foreach ($gradeitems as $key => $gradeitem) {
            $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $gradeitemsarray);

        // Get the key for a specific grade item.
        $quizkey = null;
        foreach ($gradeitemsarray as $key => $value) {
            if ($value->itemname == "Quiz grade item") {
                $quizkey = $key;

        // Expected modified item name.
        $testitemname = get_string('modulename', $gradeitemsarray[$quizkey]->itemmodule) . ': ' .
        // Check that an item that is a module, is concatenated properly.
        $this->assertEquals($testitemname, $gradeitems[$quizkey]);

     * Test the inserting of grade record data.
    public function test_insert_grade_record() {
        global $DB, $USER;

        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();

        $record = new \stdClass();
        $record->itemid = 4;
        $record->newgradeitem = 25;
        $record->finalgrade = 62.00;
        $record->feedback = 'Some test feedback';

        $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data();
< $testobject->test_insert_grade_record($record, $user->id);
> > $testobject->test_insert_grade_record($record, $user->id, new \grade_item());
$gradeimportvalues = $DB->get_records('grade_import_values'); // Get the insert id. $key = key($gradeimportvalues); $testarray = array(); $testarray[$key] = new \stdClass(); $testarray[$key]->id = $key; $testarray[$key]->itemid = $record->itemid; $testarray[$key]->newgradeitem = $record->newgradeitem; $testarray[$key]->userid = $user->id; $testarray[$key]->finalgrade = $record->finalgrade; $testarray[$key]->feedback = $record->feedback; $testarray[$key]->importcode = $testobject->get_importcode(); $testarray[$key]->importer = $USER->id; $testarray[$key]->importonlyfeedback = 0; // Check that the record was inserted into the database. $this->assertEquals($gradeimportvalues, $testarray); } /** * Test preparing a new grade item for import into the gradebook. */ public function test_import_new_grade_item() { global $DB; $this->setAdminUser(); $this->csv_load($this->oktext); $columns = $this->columns; // The assignment is item 6. $key = 6; $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); // Key for this assessment. $this->csvimport->init(); $testarray = array(); while ($line = $this->csvimport->next()) { $testarray[] = $testobject->test_import_new_grade_item($columns, $key, $line[$key]); } // Query the database and check how many results were inserted. $newgradeimportitems = $DB->get_records('grade_import_newitem'); $this->assertEquals(count($testarray), count($newgradeimportitems)); } /** * Data provider for \gradeimport_csv_load_data_testcase::test_check_user_exists(). * * @return array */ public function check_user_exists_provider() { return [ 'Fetch by email' => [ 'email', '', true ], 'Fetch by email, different case' => [ 'email', 'S1@EXAMPLE.COM', true ], 'Fetch data using a non-existent email' => [ 'email', '', false ], 'Multiple accounts with the same email' => [ 'email', '', false, 1 ], 'Fetch data using a valid user ID' => [ 'id', true, true ], 'Fetch data using a non-existent user ID' => [ 'id', false, false ], 'Fetch data using a valid username' => [ 'username', 's1', true ], 'Fetch data using a valid username, different case' => [ 'username', 'S1', true ], 'Fetch data using an invalid username' => [ 'username', 's2', false ], 'Fetch data using a valid ID Number' => [ 'idnumber', 's1', true ], 'Fetch data using an invalid ID Number' => [ 'idnumber', 's2', false ], ]; } /** * Check that the user matches a user in the system. * * @dataProvider check_user_exists_provider * @param string $field The field to use for the query. * @param string|boolean $value The field value. When fetching by ID, set true to fetch valid user ID, false otherwise. * @param boolean $successexpected Whether we expect for a user to be found or not. * @param int $allowaccountssameemail Value for $CFG->allowaccountssameemail */ public function test_check_user_exists($field, $value, $successexpected, $allowaccountssameemail = 0) { $this->resetAfterTest(); $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); // Need to add one of the users into the system. $user = $generator->create_user([ 'firstname' => 'Anne', 'lastname' => 'Able', 'email' => '', 'idnumber' => 's1', 'username' => 's1', ]); if ($allowaccountssameemail) { // Create another user with the same email address. $generator->create_user(['email' => '']); } // Since the data provider can't know what user ID to use, do a special handling for ID field tests. if ($field === 'id') { if ($value) { // Test for fetching data using a valid user ID. Use the generated user's ID. $value = $user->id; } else { // Test for fetching data using a non-existent user ID. $value = $user->id + 1; } } $userfields = [ 'field' => $field, 'label' => 'Field label: ' . $field ]; $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); // Check whether the user exists. If so, then the user id is returned. Otherwise, it returns null. $userid = $testobject->test_check_user_exists($value, $userfields); if ($successexpected) { // Check that the user id returned matches with the user that we created. $this->assertEquals($user->id, $userid); // Check that there are no errors. $this->assertEmpty($testobject->get_gradebookerrors()); } else { // Check that the userid is null. $this->assertNull($userid); // Check that expected error message and actual message match. $gradebookerrors = $testobject->get_gradebookerrors(); $mappingobject = (object)[ 'field' => $userfields['label'], 'value' => $value, ]; if ($allowaccountssameemail) { $expectederrormessage = get_string('usermappingerrormultipleusersfound', 'grades', $mappingobject); } else { $expectederrormessage = get_string('usermappingerror', 'grades', $mappingobject); } $this->assertEquals($expectederrormessage, $gradebookerrors[0]); } } /** * Test preparing feedback for inserting / updating into the gradebook. */ public function test_create_feedback() { $testarray = $this->csv_load($this->oktext); $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); // Try to insert some feedback for an assessment. $feedback = $testobject->test_create_feedback($this->courseid, 1, $testarray[0][7]); // Expected result. $expectedfeedback = array('itemid' => 1, 'feedback' => $testarray[0][7]); $this->assertEquals((array)$feedback, $expectedfeedback); } /** * Test preparing grade_items for upgrading into the gradebook. */ public function test_update_grade_item() { $testarray = $this->csv_load($this->oktext); $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); // We're not using scales so no to this option. $verbosescales = 0; // Map and key are to retrieve the grade_item that we are updating. $map = array(1); $key = 0; // We return the new grade array for saving. $newgrades = $testobject->test_update_grade_item($this->courseid, $map, $key, $verbosescales, $testarray[0][6]); $expectedresult = array(); $expectedresult[0] = new \stdClass(); $expectedresult[0]->itemid = 1; $expectedresult[0]->finalgrade = $testarray[0][6]; $this->assertEquals($newgrades, $expectedresult); // Try sending a bad grade value (A letter instead of a float / int). $newgrades = $testobject->test_update_grade_item($this->courseid, $map, $key, $verbosescales, 'A'); // The $newgrades variable should be null. $this->assertNull($newgrades); $expectederrormessage = get_string('badgrade', 'grades'); // Check that the error message is what we expect. $gradebookerrors = $testobject->get_gradebookerrors(); $this->assertEquals($expectederrormessage, $gradebookerrors[0]); } /** * Test importing data and mapping it with items in the course. */ public function test_map_user_data_with_value() { // Need to add one of the users into the system. $user = new \stdClass(); $user->firstname = 'Anne'; $user->lastname = 'Able'; $user->email = ''; $userdetail = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($user); $testarray = $this->csv_load($this->oktext); $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); // We're not using scales so no to this option. $verbosescales = 0; // Map and key are to retrieve the grade_item that we are updating. $map = array(1); $key = 0; // Test new user mapping. This should return the user id if there were no problems. $userid = $testobject->test_map_user_data_with_value('useremail', $testarray[0][5], $this->columns, $map, $key, $this->courseid, $map[$key], $verbosescales); $this->assertEquals($userid, $userdetail->id); $newgrades = $testobject->test_map_user_data_with_value('new', $testarray[0][6], $this->columns, $map, $key, $this->courseid, $map[$key], $verbosescales); // Check that the final grade is the same as the one inserted. $this->assertEquals($testarray[0][6], $newgrades[0]->finalgrade); $newgrades = $testobject->test_map_user_data_with_value('new', $testarray[0][8], $this->columns, $map, $key, $this->courseid, $map[$key], $verbosescales); // Check that the final grade is the same as the one inserted. // The testobject should now contain 2 new grade items. $this->assertEquals(2, count($newgrades)); // Because this grade item is empty, the value for final grade should be null. $this->assertNull($newgrades[1]->finalgrade); $feedback = $testobject->test_map_user_data_with_value('feedback', $testarray[0][7], $this->columns, $map, $key, $this->courseid, $map[$key], $verbosescales); // Expected result. $resultarray = array(); $resultarray[0] = new \stdClass(); $resultarray[0]->itemid = 1; $resultarray[0]->feedback = $testarray[0][7]; $this->assertEquals($feedback, $resultarray); // Default behaviour (update a grade item). $newgrades = $testobject->test_map_user_data_with_value('default', $testarray[0][6], $this->columns, $map, $key, $this->courseid, $map[$key], $verbosescales); $this->assertEquals($testarray[0][6], $newgrades[0]->finalgrade); } /** * Test importing data into the gradebook. */ public function test_prepare_import_grade_data() { global $DB; // Need to add one of the users into the system. $user = new \stdClass(); $user->firstname = 'Anne'; $user->lastname = 'Able'; $user->email = ''; // Insert user 1. $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($user); $user = new \stdClass(); $user->firstname = 'Bobby'; $user->lastname = 'Bunce'; $user->email = ''; // Insert user 2. $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($user); $this->csv_load($this->oktext); $importcode = 007; $verbosescales = 0; // Form data object. $formdata = new \stdClass(); $formdata->mapfrom = 5; $formdata->mapto = 'useremail'; $formdata->mapping_0 = 0; $formdata->mapping_1 = 0; $formdata->mapping_2 = 0; $formdata->mapping_3 = 0; $formdata->mapping_4 = 0; $formdata->mapping_5 = 0; $formdata->mapping_6 = 'new'; $formdata->mapping_7 = 'feedback_2'; $formdata->mapping_8 = 0; $formdata->mapping_9 = 0; $formdata->map = 1; $formdata->id = 2; $formdata->iid = $this->iid; $formdata->importcode = $importcode; $formdata->forceimport = false; // Blam go time. $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); $dataloaded = $testobject->prepare_import_grade_data($this->columns, $formdata, $this->csvimport, $this->courseid, '', '', $verbosescales); // If everything inserted properly then this should be true. $this->assertTrue($dataloaded); } /* * Test importing csv data into the gradebook using "Last downloaded from this course" column and force import option. */ public function test_force_import_option () { // Need to add users into the system. $user = new \stdClass(); $user->firstname = 'Anne'; $user->lastname = 'Able'; $user->email = ''; $user->id_number = 1; $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($user); $user = new \stdClass(); $user->firstname = 'Bobby'; $user->lastname = 'Bunce'; $user->email = ''; $user->id_number = 2; $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($user); // Create a new grade item. $params = array( 'itemtype' => 'manual', 'itemname' => 'Grade item 1', 'gradetype' => GRADE_TYPE_VALUE, 'courseid' => $this->courseid ); $gradeitem = new \grade_item($params, false); $gradeitemid = $gradeitem->insert(); $importcode = 001; $verbosescales = 0; // Form data object. $formdata = new \stdClass(); $formdata->mapfrom = 5; $formdata->mapto = 'useremail'; $formdata->mapping_0 = 0; $formdata->mapping_1 = 0; $formdata->mapping_2 = 0; $formdata->mapping_3 = 0; $formdata->mapping_4 = 0; $formdata->mapping_5 = 0; $formdata->mapping_6 = $gradeitemid; $formdata->mapping_7 = 'feedback_2'; $formdata->mapping_8 = 0; $formdata->mapping_9 = 0; $formdata->map = 1; $formdata->id = 2; $formdata->iid = $this->iid; $formdata->importcode = $importcode; $formdata->forceimport = false; // Add last download from this course column to csv content. $exportdate = time(); $newcsvdata = str_replace('{exportdate}', $exportdate, $this->csvtext); $this->csv_load($newcsvdata); $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); $dataloaded = $testobject->prepare_import_grade_data($this->columns, $formdata, $this->csvimport, $this->courseid, '', '', $verbosescales); $this->assertTrue($dataloaded); // We must update the last modified date. grade_import_commit($this->courseid, $importcode, false, false); // Test using force import disabled and a date in the past. $pastdate = strtotime('-1 day', time()); $newcsvdata = str_replace('{exportdate}', $pastdate, $this->csvtext); $this->csv_load($newcsvdata); $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); $dataloaded = $testobject->prepare_import_grade_data($this->columns, $formdata, $this->csvimport, $this->courseid, '', '', $verbosescales); $this->assertFalse($dataloaded); $errors = $testobject->get_gradebookerrors(); $this->assertEquals($errors[0], get_string('gradealreadyupdated', 'grades', fullname($user1))); // Test using force import enabled and a date in the past. $formdata->forceimport = true; $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); $dataloaded = $testobject->prepare_import_grade_data($this->columns, $formdata, $this->csvimport, $this->courseid, '', '', $verbosescales); $this->assertTrue($dataloaded); // Test importing using an old exported file (2 years ago). $formdata->forceimport = false; $twoyearsago = strtotime('-2 year', time()); $newcsvdata = str_replace('{exportdate}', $twoyearsago, $this->csvtext); $this->csv_load($newcsvdata); $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); $dataloaded = $testobject->prepare_import_grade_data($this->columns, $formdata, $this->csvimport, $this->courseid, '', '', $verbosescales); $this->assertFalse($dataloaded); $errors = $testobject->get_gradebookerrors(); $this->assertEquals($errors[0], get_string('invalidgradeexporteddate', 'grades')); // Test importing using invalid exported date. $baddate = '0123A56B89'; $newcsvdata = str_replace('{exportdate}', $baddate, $this->csvtext); $this->csv_load($newcsvdata); $formdata->mapping_6 = $gradeitemid; $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); $dataloaded = $testobject->prepare_import_grade_data($this->columns, $formdata, $this->csvimport, $this->courseid, '', '', $verbosescales); $this->assertFalse($dataloaded); $errors = $testobject->get_gradebookerrors(); $this->assertEquals($errors[0], get_string('invalidgradeexporteddate', 'grades')); // Test importing using date in the future. $oneyearahead = strtotime('+1 year', time()); $oldcsv = str_replace('{exportdate}', $oneyearahead, $this->csvtext); $this->csv_load($oldcsv); $formdata->mapping_6 = $gradeitemid; $testobject = new \phpunit_gradeimport_csv_load_data(); $dataloaded = $testobject->prepare_import_grade_data($this->columns, $formdata, $this->csvimport, $this->courseid, '', '', $verbosescales); $this->assertFalse($dataloaded); $errors = $testobject->get_gradebookerrors(); $this->assertEquals($errors[0], get_string('invalidgradeexporteddate', 'grades')); } }