Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
/lang/en/ -> editor.php (source)
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Strings for component 'editor', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
 * @package   core_editor
 * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas  {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

$string['about'] = 'About this editor';
$string['absbottom'] = 'Absbottom';
$string['acteditorshhdr'] = 'Available text editors';
$string['address'] = 'Address';
$string['alertnoselectedtext'] = 'You must select text first!';
$string['alignment'] = 'Alignment';
$string['alternatetext'] = 'Alternate text';
$string['anchorhelp'] = 'This only creates an anchor.  You still need to create a link manually.';
$string['anchorname'] = 'Anchorname';
$string['anchors'] = 'Anchors';
$string['baseline'] = 'Baseline';
$string['bold'] = 'Bold';
$string['borderthickness'] = 'Border thickness';
$string['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$string['browse'] = 'Browse';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['cellpadding'] = 'Cellpadding';
$string['cellspacing'] = 'Cellspacing';
$string['close'] = 'Close';
$string['closeafterreplace'] = 'Close after replace';
$string['cols'] = 'Cols';
$string['configeditorplugins'] = 'Please choose the editor plugins you wish to use and arrange them in recommended order.';
$string['copy'] = 'Copy selection';
$string['createanchor'] = 'Create anchor';
$string['createfolder'] = 'Create folder';
$string['createlink'] = 'Insert Web Link';
$string['cut'] = 'Cut selection';
$string['cutpastemozilla'] = 'Unfortunately, you cannot currently use normal keyboard shortcuts (or even the Paste button) for pasting text into this online editor.  This is because of a security feature that is built into some versions of Mozilla and Firefox browsers.<br /><br />There are three known workarounds you can try: <br /> (1) Instead of CTRL-v, use SHIFT-Insert <br /> (2) Use the Edit->Paste menu in your browser <br /> (3) Change the preferences in your browser by editing the user.js file. <br /><br />Click the OK button below for more help, or Cancel to return to the editor';
$string['delete'] = 'Delete';
$string['editors'] = 'Text editors';
$string['editorsettings'] = 'Manage editors';
> $string['editorxformat'] = '{$a} format';
$string['enterurlfirst'] = 'You have to enter an URL first'; $string['filebrowser'] = 'File Browser'; $string['findwhat'] = 'Find'; $string['fontname'] = 'Fontname'; $string['fontsize'] = 'Font-size'; $string['forecolor'] = 'Font Color'; $string['formatblock'] = 'Format'; $string['fullscreen'] = 'Fullscreen editor'; $string['heading'] = 'Heading'; $string['height'] = 'Height'; $string['hilitecolor'] = 'Background Color'; $string['horizontal'] = 'Horizontal'; $string['horizontalrule'] = 'Horizontal Rule'; $string['htmlmode'] = 'Toggle HTML Source'; $string['choosechar'] = 'Choose Character'; $string['chooseicon'] = 'Choose an icon to insert'; $string['imageurl'] = 'Image URL'; $string['indent'] = 'Increase Indent'; $string['insertchar'] = 'Insert Special Character'; $string['insertimage'] = 'Insert Image'; $string['insertlink'] = 'Insert Link'; $string['insertsmile'] = 'Insert Smiley'; $string['inserttable'] = 'Insert Table'; $string['italic'] = 'Italic'; $string['itemsreplaced'] = 'items replaced!'; $string['justifycenter'] = 'Justify Center'; $string['justifyfull'] = 'Justify Full'; $string['justifyleft'] = 'Justify Left'; $string['justifyright'] = 'Justify Right'; $string['lang'] = 'Lang'; $string['layout'] = 'Layout'; $string['left'] = 'Left'; $string['lefttoright'] = 'Direction from left to right'; $string['linkproperties'] = 'Link properties'; $string['linktarget'] = 'Target'; $string['linktargetblank'] = 'New window'; $string['linktargetnone'] = 'None'; $string['linktargetother'] = 'Other (out of order)'; $string['linktargetself'] = 'Same frame'; $string['linktargettop'] = 'Same window'; $string['linktitle'] = 'Title'; $string['linkurl'] = 'URL'; $string['matchcase'] = 'Match case'; $string['middle'] = 'Middle'; $string['minimize'] = 'Minimize editor'; $string['move'] = 'Move'; $string['multi'] = 'Multi'; $string['mustenterurl'] = 'You must enter the URL'; $string['nolink'] = 'Prevent automatic linking'; $string['normal'] = 'Normal'; $string['notimage'] = 'Selected file is not an image. Please select an image!'; $string['notset'] = 'Not Set'; $string['ok'] = 'OK'; $string['options'] = 'Options'; $string['orderedlist'] = 'Ordered List'; $string['outdent'] = 'Decrease Indent'; $string['paste'] = 'Paste from clipboard'; $string['path'] = 'Path'; $string['percent'] = 'Percent'; $string['pixels'] = 'Pixels'; $string['pleaseenteralt'] = 'Please enter the alternate text'; $string['popupeditor'] = 'Enlarge Editor'; $string['preformatted'] = 'Preformatted'; $string['preview'] = 'Preview'; $string['privacy:metadata:preference:htmleditor'] = 'Text editor preference.'; $string['privacy:preference:htmleditor'] = 'Your preferred editor to use for writing HTML text is {$a}'; $string['properties'] = 'Properties'; $string['redo'] = 'Redo your last action'; $string['regularexpressions'] = 'Use regular expressions'; $string['removelink'] = 'Remove link'; $string['rename'] = 'Rename'; $string['replaceall'] = 'Replace all'; $string['replacewith'] = 'Replace'; $string['right'] = 'Right'; $string['righttoleft'] = 'Direction from right to left'; $string['rows'] = 'Rows'; $string['searchandreplace'] = 'Search and replace'; $string['searchnotfound'] = 'Search string Not Found!'; $string['selectcolor'] = 'Select color'; $string['selection'] = 'Selection'; $string['showhelp'] = 'Help using editor'; $string['size'] = 'Size'; $string['spacing'] = 'Spacing'; $string['strikethrough'] = 'Strikethrough'; $string['subscript'] = 'Subscript'; $string['superscript'] = 'Superscript'; $string['textindicator'] = 'Current style'; $string['textmode'] = 'You are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to go back to WYSIWYG MODE.'; $string['texttop'] = 'Texttop'; $string['top'] = 'Top'; $string['type'] = 'Type'; $string['underline'] = 'Underline'; $string['undo'] = 'Undo your last action'; $string['unorderedlist'] = 'Bulleted List'; $string['upload'] = 'Upload'; $string['vertical'] = 'Vertical'; $string['width'] = 'Width'; $string['wordclean'] = 'Clean Word HTML'; $string['zip'] = 'Zip';