Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
 * Data Dictionary for Firebird.
 * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
 * @package ADOdb
 * @link Project's web site and documentation
 * @link Source code and issue tracker
 * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
 * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
 * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
 * See the file distributed with this source code for details.
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
 * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
 * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community

// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();

< class ADODB2_firebird extends ADODB_DataDict { <
> class ADODB2_firebird extends ADODB_DataDict > {
var $databaseType = 'firebird'; var $seqField = false; var $seqPrefix = 's_'; var $blobSize = 40000; var $renameColumn = 'ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %s TO %s'; var $alterCol = ' ALTER'; var $dropCol = ' DROP';
< function ActualType($meta)
> function actualType($meta)
< switch($meta) { < case 'C': return 'VARCHAR'; < case 'XL': < case 'X': return 'BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT';
< case 'C2': return 'VARCHAR(32765)'; // up to 32K < case 'X2': return 'VARCHAR(4096)';
> $meta = strtoupper($meta);
< case 'V': return 'CHAR'; < case 'C1': return 'CHAR(1)';
> // Add support for custom meta types. > // We do this first, that allows us to override existing types > if (isset($this->connection->customMetaTypes[$meta])) { > return $this->connection->customMetaTypes[$meta]['actual']; > }
< case 'B': return 'BLOB';
> switch($meta) { > case 'C': > return 'VARCHAR'; > case 'XL': > return 'BLOB SUB_TYPE BINARY'; > case 'X': > return 'BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT'; > > case 'C2': > return 'VARCHAR(32765)'; // up to 32K > case 'X2': > return 'VARCHAR(4096)'; > > case 'V': > return 'CHAR'; > case 'C1': > return 'CHAR(1)';
< case 'D': return 'DATE'; < case 'TS': < case 'T': return 'TIMESTAMP';
> case 'B': > return 'BLOB';
< case 'L': return 'SMALLINT'; < case 'I': return 'INTEGER'; < case 'I1': return 'SMALLINT'; < case 'I2': return 'SMALLINT'; < case 'I4': return 'INTEGER'; < case 'I8': return 'BIGINT';
> case 'D': > return 'DATE'; > case 'TS': > case 'T': > return 'TIMESTAMP';
< case 'F': return 'DOUBLE PRECISION'; < case 'N': return 'DECIMAL';
> case 'L': > case 'I1': > case 'I2': > return 'SMALLINT'; > case 'I': > case 'I4': > return 'INTEGER'; > case 'I8': > return 'BIGINT'; > > case 'F': > return 'DOUBLE PRECISION'; > case 'N': > return 'DECIMAL';
default: return $meta; } }
< function NameQuote($name = NULL,$allowBrackets=false)
> function nameQuote($name = null, $allowBrackets = false)
{ if (!is_string($name)) {
< return FALSE;
> return false;
} $name = trim($name); if ( !is_object($this->connection) ) { return $name; } $quote = $this->connection->nameQuote; // if name is of the form `name`, quote it if ( preg_match('/^`(.+)`$/', $name, $matches) ) { return $quote . $matches[1] . $quote; } // if name contains special characters, quote it if ( !preg_match('/^[' . $this->nameRegex . ']+$/', $name) ) { return $quote . $name . $quote; } return $quote . $name . $quote; }
< function CreateDatabase($dbname, $options=false)
> function createDatabase($dbname, $options = false)
< $options = $this->_Options($options);
$sql = array(); $sql[] = "DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION LOWER CSTRING(80) RETURNS CSTRING(80) FREE_IT ENTRY_POINT 'IB_UDF_lower' MODULE_NAME 'ib_udf'"; return $sql; }
< function _DropAutoIncrement($t)
> function _dropAutoIncrement($tabname)
< if (strpos($t,'.') !== false) { < $tarr = explode('.',$t); < return 'DROP GENERATOR '.$tarr[0].'."s_'.$tarr[1].'"';
> if (strpos($tabname, '.') !== false) { > $tarr = explode('.', $tabname); > return 'DROP SEQUENCE ' . $tarr[0] . '."s_' . $tarr[1] . '"';
< return 'DROP GENERATOR s_'.$t;
> return 'DROP SEQUENCE s_' . $tabname;
< function _CreateSuffix($fname,&$ftype,$fnotnull,$fdefault,$fautoinc,$fconstraint,$funsigned)
> function _createSuffix($fname, &$ftype, $fnotnull, $fdefault, $fautoinc, $fconstraint, $funsigned)
{ $suffix = '';
< if (strlen($fdefault)) $suffix .= " DEFAULT $fdefault"; < if ($fnotnull) $suffix .= ' NOT NULL'; < if ($fautoinc) $this->seqField = $fname;
> if (strlen($fdefault)) { > $suffix .= " DEFAULT $fdefault"; > } > if ($fnotnull) { > $suffix .= ' NOT NULL'; > } > if ($fautoinc) { > $this->seqField = $fname; > }
$fconstraint = preg_replace("/``/", "\"", $fconstraint);
< if ($fconstraint) $suffix .= ' '.$fconstraint;
> if ($fconstraint) { > $suffix .= ' ' . $fconstraint; > }
return $suffix; } /**
< Generate the SQL to create table. Returns an array of sql strings.
> * Generate the SQL to create table. Returns an array of sql strings.
< function CreateTableSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableoptions=array())
> function createTableSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableoptions = array())
{ list($lines,$pkey,$idxs) = $this->_GenFields($flds, true); // genfields can return FALSE at times
< if ($lines == null) $lines = array();
> if ($lines == null) { > $lines = array(); > }
$taboptions = $this->_Options($tableoptions); $tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname); $sql = $this->_TableSQL($tabname,$lines,$pkey,$taboptions);
< if ($this->autoIncrement && !isset($taboptions['DROP'])) < { $tsql = $this->_Triggers($tabname,$taboptions); < foreach($tsql as $s) $sql[] = $s;
> if ($this->autoIncrement && !isset($taboptions['DROP'])) { > $tsql = $this->_Triggers($tabname, $taboptions); > foreach ($tsql as $s) { > $sql[] = $s; > }
} if (is_array($idxs)) { foreach($idxs as $idx => $idxdef) { $sql_idxs = $this->CreateIndexSql($idx, $tabname, $idxdef['cols'], $idxdef['opts']); $sql = array_merge($sql, $sql_idxs); } } return $sql; } /* CREATE or replace TRIGGER jaddress_insert before insert on jaddress for each row begin IF ( NEW."seqField" IS NULL OR NEW."seqField" = 0 ) THEN NEW."seqField" = GEN_ID("GEN_tabname", 1); end; */
< function _Triggers($tabname,$tableoptions)
> function _triggers($tabname, $taboptions)
< if (!$this->seqField) return array();
> if (!$this->seqField) { > return array(); > }
$tab1 = preg_replace( '/"/', '', $tabname ); if ($this->schema) { $t = strpos($tab1,'.');
< if ($t !== false) $tab = substr($tab1,$t+1); < else $tab = $tab1;
> if ($t !== false) { > $tab = substr($tab1, $t + 1); > } else { > $tab = $tab1; > }
$seqField = $this->seqField; $seqname = $this->schema.'.'.$this->seqPrefix.$tab; $trigname = $this->schema.'.t_'.$this->seqPrefix.$tab; } else { $seqField = $this->seqField; $seqname = $this->seqPrefix.$tab1; $trigname = 't_'.$seqname; }
< if (isset($tableoptions['DROP'])) < { $sql[] = "DROP GENERATOR $seqname"; < } < elseif (isset($tableoptions['REPLACE'])) < { $sql[] = "DROP GENERATOR \"$seqname\""; < $sql[] = "CREATE GENERATOR \"$seqname\"";
> if (isset($taboptions['DROP'])) { > $sql[] = "DROP SEQUENCE $seqname"; > } elseif (isset($taboptions['REPLACE'])) { > $sql[] = "DROP SEQUENCE \"$seqname\""; > $sql[] = "CREATE SEQUENCE \"$seqname\"";
$sql[] = "ALTER TRIGGER \"$trigname\" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE AS BEGIN IF ( NEW.$seqField IS NULL OR NEW.$seqField = 0 ) THEN NEW.$seqField = GEN_ID(\"$seqname\", 1); END";
< } < else < { $sql[] = "CREATE GENERATOR $seqname";
> } else { > $sql[] = "CREATE SEQUENCE $seqname";
$sql[] = "CREATE TRIGGER $trigname FOR $tabname BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE AS BEGIN IF ( NEW.$seqField IS NULL OR NEW.$seqField = 0 ) THEN NEW.$seqField = GEN_ID($seqname, 1); END"; } $this->seqField = false; return $sql; } /** * Change the definition of one column *
< * As some DBM's can't do that on there own, you need to supply the complete definition of the new table, < * to allow, recreating the table and copying the content over to the new table
* @param string $tabname table-name * @param string $flds column-name and type for the changed column
< * @param string $tableflds='' complete definition of the new table, eg. for postgres, default '' < * @param array/string $tableoptions='' options for the new table see CreateTableSQL, default ''
> * @param string $tableflds Unused > * @param array|string $tableoptions Unused > *
* @return array with SQL strings */
< function AlterColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds='',$tableoptions='')
> public function alterColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds = '', $tableoptions = '')
{ $tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname); $sql = array();
< list($lines,$pkey,$idxs) = $this->_GenFields($flds);
> list($lines, , $idxs) = $this->_GenFields($flds);
// genfields can return FALSE at times
< if ($lines == null) $lines = array();
> > if ($lines == null) { > $lines = array(); > } >
$alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tabname . $this->alterCol . ' ';
foreach($lines as $v) {
> /* $sql[] = $alter . $v; > * The type must be preceded by the keyword 'TYPE' } > */ if (is_array($idxs)) { > $vExplode = explode(' ', $v); foreach($idxs as $idx => $idxdef) { > $vExplode = array_filter($vExplode); $sql_idxs = $this->CreateIndexSql($idx, $tabname, $idxdef['cols'], $idxdef['opts']); > array_splice($vExplode, 1, 0, array('TYPE')); $sql = array_merge($sql, $sql_idxs); > $v = implode(' ', $vExplode);
} return $sql; } }