Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
 * Microsoft ADO driver.
 * Requires ADO. Works only on MS Windows.
 * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
 * @package ADOdb
 * @link Project's web site and documentation
 * @link Source code and issue tracker
 * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
 * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
 * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
 * See the file distributed with this source code for details.
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
 * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
 * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community

// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();

define("_ADODB_ADO_LAYER", 1 );

class ADODB_ado extends ADOConnection {
	var $databaseType = "ado";
	var $_bindInputArray = false;
	var $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'";
	var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d, h:i:sA'";
	var $replaceQuote = "''"; // string to use to replace quotes
	var $dataProvider = "ado";
	var $hasAffectedRows = true;
	var $adoParameterType = 201; // 201 = long varchar, 203=long wide varchar, 205 = long varbinary
	var $_affectedRows = false;
	var $_thisTransactions;
	var $_cursor_type = 3; // 3=adOpenStatic,0=adOpenForwardOnly,1=adOpenKeyset,2=adOpenDynamic
	var $_cursor_location = 3; // 2=adUseServer, 3 = adUseClient;
	var $_lock_type = -1;
	var $_execute_option = -1;
	var $poorAffectedRows = true;
	var $charPage;

	function __construct()
		$this->_affectedRows = new VARIANT;

	function ServerInfo()
		if (!empty($this->_connectionID)) $desc = $this->_connectionID->provider;
		return array('description' => $desc, 'version' => '');

	function _affectedrows()
		return $this->_affectedRows;

	// you can also pass a connection string like this:
	// $DB->Connect('USER ID=sa;PASSWORD=pwd;SERVER=mangrove;DATABASE=ai',false,false,'SQLOLEDB');
	function _connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argProvider= 'MSDASQL')
		$u = 'UID';
		$p = 'PWD';

		if (!empty($this->charPage))
			$dbc = new COM('ADODB.Connection',null,$this->charPage);
			$dbc = new COM('ADODB.Connection');

		if (! $dbc) return false;

		/* special support if provider is mssql or access */
		if ($argProvider=='mssql') {
			$u = 'User Id';  //User parameter name for OLEDB
			$p = 'Password';
			$argProvider = "SQLOLEDB"; // SQL Server Provider

			// not yet
			//if ($argDatabasename) $argHostname .= ";Initial Catalog=$argDatabasename";

			//use trusted connection for SQL if username not specified
			if (!$argUsername) $argHostname .= ";Trusted_Connection=Yes";
		} else if ($argProvider=='access')
			$argProvider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; // Microsoft Jet Provider

		if ($argProvider) $dbc->Provider = $argProvider;

		if ($argUsername) $argHostname .= ";$u=$argUsername";
		if ($argPassword)$argHostname .= ";$p=$argPassword";

		if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( "Host=".$argHostname."<BR>\n version=$dbc->version");
		// @ added below for php 4.0.1 and earlier
		@$dbc->Open((string) $argHostname);

		$this->_connectionID = $dbc;

		$dbc->CursorLocation = $this->_cursor_location;
		return  $dbc->State > 0;

	// returns true or false
	function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argProvider='MSDASQL')
		return $this->_connect($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword,$argProvider);

	adSchemaCatalogs	= 1,
	adSchemaCharacterSets	= 2,
	adSchemaCollations	= 3,
	adSchemaColumns	= 4,
	adSchemaCheckConstraints	= 5,
	adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage	= 6,
	adSchemaConstraintTableUsage	= 7,
	adSchemaKeyColumnUsage	= 8,
	adSchemaReferentialContraints	= 9,
	adSchemaTableConstraints	= 10,
	adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage	= 11,
	adSchemaIndexes	= 12,
	adSchemaColumnPrivileges	= 13,
	adSchemaTablePrivileges	= 14,
	adSchemaUsagePrivileges	= 15,
	adSchemaProcedures	= 16,
	adSchemaSchemata	= 17,
	adSchemaSQLLanguages	= 18,
	adSchemaStatistics	= 19,
	adSchemaTables	= 20,
	adSchemaTranslations	= 21,
	adSchemaProviderTypes	= 22,
	adSchemaViews	= 23,
	adSchemaViewColumnUsage	= 24,
	adSchemaViewTableUsage	= 25,
	adSchemaProcedureParameters	= 26,
	adSchemaForeignKeys	= 27,
	adSchemaPrimaryKeys	= 28,
	adSchemaProcedureColumns	= 29,
	adSchemaDBInfoKeywords	= 30,
	adSchemaDBInfoLiterals	= 31,
	adSchemaCubes	= 32,
	adSchemaDimensions	= 33,
	adSchemaHierarchies	= 34,
	adSchemaLevels	= 35,
	adSchemaMeasures	= 36,
	adSchemaProperties	= 37,
	adSchemaMembers	= 38


	function MetaTables($ttype = false, $showSchema = false, $mask = false)
		$arr= array();
		$dbc = $this->_connectionID;

		if ($adors){
			$f = $adors->Fields(2);//table/view name
			$t = $adors->Fields(3);//table type
			while (!$adors->EOF){
				if ($tt!='SYSTEM' && $tt !='ACCESS')
				//print $f->value . ' ' . $t->value.'<br>';

		return $arr;

	function MetaColumns($table, $normalize=true)
		$table = strtoupper($table);
		$arr = array();
		$dbc = $this->_connectionID;


		if ($adors){
			$t = $adors->Fields(2);//table/view name
			while (!$adors->EOF){

				if (strtoupper($t->Value) == $table) {

					$fld = new ADOFieldObject();
					$c = $adors->Fields(3);
					$fld->name = $c->Value;
					$fld->type = 'CHAR'; // cannot discover type in ADO!
					$fld->max_length = -1;

		$false = false;
		return empty($arr) ? $false : $arr;

	/* returns queryID or false */
	function _query($sql,$inputarr=false)

		$dbc = $this->_connectionID;
		$false = false;

	//	return rs
		if ($inputarr) {

			if (!empty($this->charPage))
				$oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command',null,$this->charPage);
				$oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command');
			$oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc;
			$oCmd->CommandText = $sql;
			$oCmd->CommandType = 1;

      // Map by
      // Check issue !!!
			foreach ($inputarr as $val) {
				$type = gettype($val);
				if ($type == 'boolean')
					$this->adoParameterType = 11;
				else if ($type == 'integer')
					$this->adoParameterType = 3;
				else if ($type == 'double')
					$this->adoParameterType = 5;
				elseif ($type == 'string')
					$this->adoParameterType = 202;
				else if (($val === null) || (!defined($val)))
					$this->adoParameterType = 130;

				// name, type, direction 1 = input, len,
        		$p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name',$this->adoParameterType,1,$len,$val);

			$p = false;
			$rs = $oCmd->Execute();
			$e = $dbc->Errors;
			if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false;
			return $rs;

		$rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql,$this->_affectedRows, $this->_execute_option);

		if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false;
		if (! $rs) return $false;

		if ($rs->State == 0) {
			$true = true;
			return $true; // 0 = adStateClosed means no records returned
		return $rs;

	function BeginTrans()
		if ($this->transOff) return true;

		if (isset($this->_thisTransactions))
			if (!$this->_thisTransactions) return false;
		else {
			$o = $this->_connectionID->Properties("Transaction DDL");
			$this->_thisTransactions = $o ? true : false;
			if (!$o) return false;
		$this->transCnt += 1;
		return true;

	function CommitTrans($ok=true)
		if (!$ok) return $this->RollbackTrans();
		if ($this->transOff) return true;

		if ($this->transCnt) @$this->transCnt -= 1;
		return true;
	function RollbackTrans() {
		if ($this->transOff) return true;
		if ($this->transCnt) @$this->transCnt -= 1;
		return true;

	/*	Returns: the last error message from previous database operation	*/

	function ErrorMsg()
		if (!$this->_connectionID) return "No connection established";
		$errc = $this->_connectionID->Errors;
		if (!$errc) return "No Errors object found";
		if ($errc->Count == 0) return '';
		$err = $errc->Item($errc->Count-1);
		return $err->Description;

	function ErrorNo()
		$errc = $this->_connectionID->Errors;
		if ($errc->Count == 0) return 0;
		$err = $errc->Item($errc->Count-1);
		return $err->NativeError;

	// returns true or false
	function _close()
		if ($this->_connectionID) $this->_connectionID->Close();
		$this->_connectionID = false;
		return true;


	 Class Name: Recordset

class ADORecordSet_ado extends ADORecordSet {

	var $bind = false;
	var $databaseType = "ado";
	var $dataProvider = "ado";
	var $_tarr = false; // caches the types
	var $_flds; // and field objects
	var $canSeek = true;
  	var $hideErrors = true;

	function __construct($id,$mode=false)
		if ($mode === false) {
			global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
			$mode = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
		$this->fetchMode = $mode;

	// returns the field object
	function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1) {
		$off=$fieldOffset+1; // offsets begin at 1

		$o= new ADOFieldObject();
		$rs = $this->_queryID;
		$f = $rs->Fields($fieldOffset);
		$o->name = $f->Name;
		$t = $f->Type;
		$o->type = $this->MetaType($t);
		$o->max_length = $f->DefinedSize;
		$o->ado_type = $t;

		//print "off=$off name=$o->name type=$o->type len=$o->max_length<br>";
		return $o;

	/* Use associative array to get fields array */
	function Fields($colname)
		if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) return $this->fields[$colname];
		if (!$this->bind) {
			$this->bind = array();
			for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
				$o = $this->FetchField($i);
				$this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i;

		 return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]];

	function _initrs()
		$rs = $this->_queryID;
		$this->_numOfRows = $rs->RecordCount;

		$f = $rs->Fields;
		$this->_numOfFields = $f->Count;

	 // should only be used to move forward as we normally use forward-only cursors
	function _seek($row)
	   $rs = $this->_queryID;
		// absoluteposition doesn't work -- my maths is wrong ?
		//	$rs->AbsolutePosition->$row-2;
		//	return true;
		if ($this->_currentRow > $row) return false;
		@$rs->Move((integer)$row - $this->_currentRow-1); //adBookmarkFirst
		return true;

	OLEDB types

	DBTYPE_I2	= 2,
	DBTYPE_I4	= 3,
	DBTYPE_R4	= 4,
	DBTYPE_R8	= 5,
	DBTYPE_UI1	= 17,
	DBTYPE_ARRAY	= 0x2000,
	DBTYPE_BYREF	= 0x4000,
	DBTYPE_I1	= 16,
	DBTYPE_UI2	= 18,
	DBTYPE_UI4	= 19,
	DBTYPE_I8	= 20,
	DBTYPE_UI8	= 21,
	DBTYPE_VECTOR	= 0x1000,
	DBTYPE_STR	= 129,
	DBTYPE_UDT	= 132,

	ADO Types

   	adEmpty	= 0,
	adTinyInt	= 16,
	adSmallInt	= 2,
	adInteger	= 3,
	adBigInt	= 20,
	adUnsignedTinyInt	= 17,
	adUnsignedSmallInt	= 18,
	adUnsignedInt	= 19,
	adUnsignedBigInt	= 21,
	adSingle	= 4,
	adDouble	= 5,
	adCurrency	= 6,
	adDecimal	= 14,
	adNumeric	= 131,
	adBoolean	= 11,
	adError	= 10,
	adUserDefined	= 132,
	adVariant	= 12,
	adIDispatch	= 9,
	adIUnknown	= 13,
	adGUID	= 72,
	adDate	= 7,
	adDBDate	= 133,
	adDBTime	= 134,
	adDBTimeStamp	= 135,
	adBSTR	= 8,
	adChar	= 129,
	adVarChar	= 200,
	adLongVarChar	= 201,
	adWChar	= 130,
	adVarWChar	= 202,
	adLongVarWChar	= 203,
	adBinary	= 128,
	adVarBinary	= 204,
	adLongVarBinary	= 205,
	adChapter	= 136,
	adFileTime	= 64,
	adDBFileTime	= 137,
	adPropVariant	= 138,
	adVarNumeric	= 139
	function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false)
		if (is_object($t)) {
			$fieldobj = $t;
			$t = $fieldobj->type;
			$len = $fieldobj->max_length;
> > if (array_key_exists($t,$this->connection->customActualTypes)) if (!is_numeric($t)) return $t; > return $this->connection->customActualTypes[$t];
switch ($t) { case 0: case 12: // variant case 8: // bstr case 129: //char case 130: //wc case 200: // varc case 202:// varWC case 128: // bin case 204: // varBin case 72: // guid if ($len <= $this->blobSize) return 'C'; case 201: case 203: return 'X'; case 128: case 204: case 205: return 'B'; case 7: case 133: return 'D'; case 134: case 135: return 'T'; case 11: return 'L'; case 16:// adTinyInt = 16, case 2://adSmallInt = 2, case 3://adInteger = 3, case 4://adBigInt = 20, case 17://adUnsignedTinyInt = 17, case 18://adUnsignedSmallInt = 18, case 19://adUnsignedInt = 19, case 20://adUnsignedBigInt = 21, return 'I'; default: return ADODB_DEFAULT_METATYPE; } } // time stamp not supported yet function _fetch() { $rs = $this->_queryID; if (!$rs or $rs->EOF) { $this->fields = false; return false; } $this->fields = array(); if (!$this->_tarr) { $tarr = array(); $flds = array(); for ($i=0,$max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) { $f = $rs->Fields($i); $flds[] = $f; $tarr[] = $f->Type; } // bind types and flds only once $this->_tarr = $tarr; $this->_flds = $flds; } $t = reset($this->_tarr); $f = reset($this->_flds); if ($this->hideErrors) $olde = error_reporting(E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR);// sometimes $f->value be null for ($i=0,$max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) { //echo "<p>",$t,' ';var_dump($f->value); echo '</p>'; switch($t) { case 135: // timestamp if (!strlen((string)$f->value)) $this->fields[] = false; else { if (!is_numeric($f->value)) # $val = variant_date_to_timestamp($f->value); // VT_DATE stores dates as (float) fractional days since 1899/12/30 00:00:00 $val=(float) variant_cast($f->value,VT_R8)*3600*24-2209161600; else $val = $f->value; $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$val); } break; case 133:// A date value (yyyymmdd) if ($val = $f->value) { $this->fields[] = substr($val,0,4).'-'.substr($val,4,2).'-'.substr($val,6,2); } else $this->fields[] = false; break; case 7: // adDate if (!strlen((string)$f->value)) $this->fields[] = false; else { if (!is_numeric($f->value)) $val = variant_date_to_timestamp($f->value); else $val = $f->value; if (($val % 86400) == 0) $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d',$val); else $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$val); } break; case 1: // null $this->fields[] = false; break; case 6: // currency is not supported properly; ADOConnection::outp( '<b>'.$f->Name.': currency type not supported by PHP</b>'); $this->fields[] = (float) $f->value; break; case 11: //BIT; $val = ""; if(is_bool($f->value)) { if($f->value==true) $val = 1; else $val = 0; } if(is_null($f->value)) $val = null; $this->fields[] = $val; break; default: $this->fields[] = $f->value; break; } //print " $f->value $t, "; $f = next($this->_flds); $t = next($this->_tarr); } // for if ($this->hideErrors) error_reporting($olde); @$rs->MoveNext(); // @ needed for some versions of PHP! if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) { $this->fields = $this->GetRowAssoc(); } return true; } function NextRecordSet() { $rs = $this->_queryID; $this->_queryID = $rs->NextRecordSet(); //$this->_queryID = $this->_QueryId->NextRecordSet(); if ($this->_queryID == null) return false; $this->_currentRow = -1; $this->_currentPage = -1; $this->bind = false; $this->fields = false; $this->_flds = false; $this->_tarr = false; $this->_inited = false; $this->Init(); return true; } function _close() { $this->_flds = false; @$this->_queryID->Close();// by Pete Dishman ( $this->_queryID = false; } }