Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
 * MySQL improved driver (mysqli)
 * This is the preferred driver for MySQL connections. It  supports both
 * transactional and non-transactional table types. You can use this as a
 * drop-in replacement for both the mysql and mysqlt drivers.
 * As of ADOdb Version 5.20.0, all other native MySQL drivers are deprecated.
 * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
 * @package ADOdb
 * @link Project's web site and documentation
 * @link Source code and issue tracker
 * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
 * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
 * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
 * See the file distributed with this source code for details.
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
 * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
 * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community

// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) {

if (!defined("_ADODB_MYSQLI_LAYER")) {
	define("_ADODB_MYSQLI_LAYER", 1);

// PHP5 compat...
if (! defined("MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG"))  define("MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG", 128);

 * Class ADODB_mysqli
class ADODB_mysqli extends ADOConnection {
	var $databaseType = 'mysqli';
	var $dataProvider = 'mysql';
	var $hasInsertID = true;
	var $hasAffectedRows = true;
	var $metaTablesSQL = "SELECT
	var $metaColumnsSQL = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `%s`";
	var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
	var $hasLimit = true;
	var $hasMoveFirst = true;
	var $hasGenID = true;
	var $isoDates = true; // accepts dates in ISO format
	var $sysDate = 'CURDATE()';
	var $sysTimeStamp = 'NOW()';
	var $hasTransactions = true;
	var $forceNewConnect = false;
	var $poorAffectedRows = true;
	var $clientFlags = 0;
	var $substr = "substring";
	var $port = 3306; //Default to 3306 to fix HHVM bug
	var $socket = ''; //Default to empty string to fix HHVM bug
	var $_bindInputArray = false;
	var $nameQuote = '`';		/// string to use to quote identifiers and names
	var $optionFlags = array(array(MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP,0));
	var $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_mysqli';
	var $multiQuery = false;
	var $ssl_key = null;
	var $ssl_cert = null;
	var $ssl_ca = null;
	var $ssl_capath = null;
	var $ssl_cipher = null;

> /** @var mysqli Identifier for the native database connection */ /** > var $_connectionID = false; * Tells the insert_id method how to obtain the last value, depending on whether >
* we are using a stored procedure or not */ private $usePreparedStatement = false; private $useLastInsertStatement = false;
> private $usingBoundVariables = false; > private $statementAffectedRows = -1;
/** * @var bool True if the last executed statement is a SELECT {@see _query()} */ private $isSelectStatement = false; /** * ADODB_mysqli constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Forcing error reporting mode to OFF, which is no longer the default // starting with PHP 8.1 (see #755) mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF); } /** * Sets the isolation level of a transaction. * * @link * * @param string $transaction_mode The transaction mode to set. * * @return void */ function SetTransactionMode($transaction_mode) { $this->_transmode = $transaction_mode; if (empty($transaction_mode)) { $this->execute('SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ'); return; } if (!stristr($transaction_mode,'isolation')) $transaction_mode = 'ISOLATION LEVEL '.$transaction_mode; $this->execute("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ".$transaction_mode); } /** * Adds a parameter to the connection string. *
< * Parameter must be one of the the constants listed in mysqli_options().
> * Parameter must be one of the constants listed in mysqli_options().
* @see * * @param int $parameter The parameter to set * @param string $value The value of the parameter *
< * @example, for mssqlnative driver ('CharacterSet','UTF-8')
* @return bool */ public function setConnectionParameter($parameter, $value) { if(!is_numeric($parameter)) { $this->outp_throw("Invalid connection parameter '$parameter'", __METHOD__); return false; }
< $this->connectionParameters[$parameter] = $value; < return true;
> return parent::setConnectionParameter($parameter, $value);
} /** * Connect to a database. * * @todo add: parameter int $port, parameter string $socket * * @param string|null $argHostname (Optional) The host to connect to. * @param string|null $argUsername (Optional) The username to connect as. * @param string|null $argPassword (Optional) The password to connect with. * @param string|null $argDatabasename (Optional) The name of the database to start in when connected. * @param bool $persist (Optional) Whether or not to use a persistent connection. * * @return bool|null True if connected successfully, false if connection failed, or null if the mysqli extension * isn't currently loaded. */ function _connect($argHostname = null, $argUsername = null, $argPassword = null, $argDatabasename = null, $persist = false) { if(!extension_loaded("mysqli")) { return null; } $this->_connectionID = @mysqli_init(); if (is_null($this->_connectionID)) { // mysqli_init only fails if insufficient memory if ($this->debug) { ADOConnection::outp("mysqli_init() failed : " . $this->errorMsg()); } return false; } /* I suggest a simple fix which would enable adodb and mysqli driver to read connection options from the standard mysql configuration file /etc/my.cnf - "Bastien Duclaux" <> */ $this->optionFlags = array(); foreach($this->optionFlags as $arr) { mysqli_options($this->_connectionID,$arr[0],$arr[1]); } // Now merge in the standard connection parameters setting
< foreach ($this->connectionParameters as $parameter => $value) {
> foreach ($this->connectionParameters as $options) { > foreach ($options as $parameter => $value) {
// Make sure parameter is numeric before calling mysqli_options()
< // that to avoid Warning (or TypeError exception on PHP 8).
> // to avoid Warning (or TypeError exception on PHP 8).
if (!is_numeric($parameter) || !mysqli_options($this->_connectionID, $parameter, $value) ) { $this->outp_throw("Invalid connection parameter '$parameter'", __METHOD__); } }
> }
// if ($persist && strncmp($argHostname,'p:',2) != 0) { $argHostname = 'p:' . $argHostname; } // SSL Connections for MySQLI if ($this->ssl_key || $this->ssl_cert || $this->ssl_ca || $this->ssl_capath || $this->ssl_cipher) { mysqli_ssl_set($this->_connectionID, $this->ssl_key, $this->ssl_cert, $this->ssl_ca, $this->ssl_capath, $this->ssl_cipher);
> $this->socket = MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL; } > $this->clientFlags = MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT;
#if (!empty($this->port)) $argHostname .= ":".$this->port;
> /** @noinspection PhpCastIsUnnecessaryInspection */
$ok = @mysqli_real_connect($this->_connectionID, $argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename, # PHP7 compat: port must be int. Use default port if cast yields zero (int)$this->port != 0 ? (int)$this->port : 3306, $this->socket, $this->clientFlags); if ($ok) { if ($argDatabasename) return $this->selectDB($argDatabasename); return true; } else { if ($this->debug) { ADOConnection::outp("Could not connect : " . $this->errorMsg()); } $this->_connectionID = null; return false; } } /** * Connect to a database with a persistent connection. * * @param string|null $argHostname The host to connect to. * @param string|null $argUsername The username to connect as. * @param string|null $argPassword The password to connect with. * @param string|null $argDatabasename The name of the database to start in when connected. * * @return bool|null True if connected successfully, false if connection failed, or null if the mysqli extension * isn't currently loaded. */ function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename) { return $this->_connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename, true); } /** * Connect to a database, whilst setting $this->forceNewConnect to true. * * When is this used? Close old connection first? * In _connect(), check $this->forceNewConnect? * * @param string|null $argHostname The host to connect to. * @param string|null $argUsername The username to connect as. * @param string|null $argPassword The password to connect with.
< * @param string|null $argDatabasename The name of the database to start in when connected.
> * @param string|null $argDatabaseName The name of the database to start in when connected.
* * @return bool|null True if connected successfully, false if connection failed, or null if the mysqli extension * isn't currently loaded. */
< function _nconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
> function _nconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabaseName)
{ $this->forceNewConnect = true;
< return $this->_connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename);
> return $this->_connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabaseName);
} /** * Replaces a null value with a specified replacement. * * @link * * @param mixed $field The field in the table to check. * @param mixed $ifNull The value to replace the null value with if it is found. * * @return string */ function IfNull($field, $ifNull) { return " IFNULL($field, $ifNull) "; } /** * Retrieves the first column of the first matching row of an executed SQL statement. * * @link * * @param string $sql The SQL to execute. * @param bool|array $inputarr (Optional) An array containing any required SQL parameters, or false if none needed. * * @return bool|array|null */ function GetOne($sql, $inputarr = false) { global $ADODB_GETONE_EOF; $ret = false; $rs = $this->execute($sql,$inputarr); if ($rs) { if ($rs->EOF) $ret = $ADODB_GETONE_EOF; else $ret = reset($rs->fields); $rs->close(); } return $ret; } /** * Get information about the current MySQL server. * * @return array */ function ServerInfo() { $arr['description'] = $this->getOne("select version()"); $arr['version'] = ADOConnection::_findvers($arr['description']); return $arr; } /** * Begins a granular transaction. * * @link * * @return bool Always returns true. */ function BeginTrans() { if ($this->transOff) return true; $this->transCnt += 1; //$this->execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0'); mysqli_autocommit($this->_connectionID, false); $this->execute('BEGIN'); return true; } /** * Commits a granular transaction. * * @link * * @param bool $ok (Optional) If false, will rollback the transaction instead. * * @return bool Always returns true. */ function CommitTrans($ok = true) { if ($this->transOff) return true; if (!$ok) return $this->rollbackTrans(); if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1; $this->execute('COMMIT'); //$this->execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT=1'); mysqli_autocommit($this->_connectionID, true); return true; } /** * Rollback a smart transaction. * * @link * * @return bool Always returns true. */ function RollbackTrans() { if ($this->transOff) return true; if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1; $this->execute('ROLLBACK'); //$this->execute('SET AUTOCOMMIT=1'); mysqli_autocommit($this->_connectionID, true); return true; } /** * Lock a table row for a duration of a transaction. * * @link *
< * @param string $tables The table(s) to lock rows for.
> * @param string $table The table(s) to lock rows for.
* @param string $where (Optional) The WHERE clause to use to determine which rows to lock. * @param string $col (Optional) The columns to select. * * @return bool True if the locking SQL statement executed successfully, otherwise false. */
< function RowLock($tables, $where = '', $col = '1 as adodbignore')
> function RowLock($table, $where = '', $col = '1 as adodbignore')
{ if ($this->transCnt==0) $this->beginTrans(); if ($where) $where = ' where '.$where;
< $rs = $this->execute("select $col from $tables $where for update");
> $rs = $this->execute("select $col from $table $where for update");
return !empty($rs); } /** * Appropriately quotes strings with ' characters for insertion into the database. * * Relies on mysqli_real_escape_string() * @link * * @param string $s The string to quote * @param bool $magic_quotes This param is not used since 5.21.0. * It remains for backwards compatibility. * * @return string Quoted string */ function qStr($s, $magic_quotes=false) { if (is_null($s)) { return 'NULL'; } // mysqli_real_escape_string() throws a warning when the given // connection is invalid if ($this->_connectionID) { return "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->_connectionID, $s) . "'"; } if ($this->replaceQuote[0] == '\\') { $s = str_replace(array('\\', "\0"), array('\\\\', "\\\0") ,$s); } return "'" . str_replace("'", $this->replaceQuote, $s) . "'"; } /** * Return the AUTO_INCREMENT id of the last row that has been inserted or updated in a table. * * @inheritDoc */ protected function _insertID($table = '', $column = '') { // mysqli_insert_id does not return the last_insert_id if called after // execution of a stored procedure so we execute this instead. if ($this->useLastInsertStatement) $result = ADOConnection::getOne('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'); else $result = @mysqli_insert_id($this->_connectionID); if ($result == -1) { if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("mysqli_insert_id() failed : " . $this->errorMsg()); } // reset prepared statement flags $this->usePreparedStatement = false; $this->useLastInsertStatement = false; return $result; } /** * Returns how many rows were effected by the most recently executed SQL statement. * Only works for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries. * * @return int The number of rows affected. */ function _affectedrows() { if ($this->isSelectStatement) { // Affected rows works fine against selects, returning // the rowcount, but ADOdb does not do that. return false; }
> else if ($this->statementAffectedRows >= 0) > { > $result = $this->statementAffectedRows; > $this->statementAffectedRows = -1; > } > else > {
$result = @mysqli_affected_rows($this->_connectionID); if ($result == -1) { if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("mysqli_affected_rows() failed : " . $this->errorMsg()); }
> }
return $result; } // Reference on Last_Insert_ID on the recommended way to simulate sequences var $_genIDSQL = "update %s set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);"; var $_genSeqSQL = "create table if not exists %s (id int not null)"; var $_genSeqCountSQL = "select count(*) from %s"; var $_genSeq2SQL = "insert into %s values (%s)"; var $_dropSeqSQL = "drop table if exists %s"; /** * Creates a sequence in the database. * * @link * * @param string $seqname The sequence name. * @param int $startID The start id. * * @return ADORecordSet|bool A record set if executed successfully, otherwise false. */ function CreateSequence($seqname = 'adodbseq', $startID = 1) { if (empty($this->_genSeqSQL)) return false; $ok = $this->execute(sprintf($this->_genSeqSQL,$seqname)); if (!$ok) return false; return $this->execute(sprintf($this->_genSeq2SQL,$seqname,$startID-1)); } /** * A portable method of creating sequence numbers. * * @link * * @param string $seqname (Optional) The name of the sequence to use. * @param int $startID (Optional) The point to start at in the sequence. * * @return bool|int|string */ function GenID($seqname = 'adodbseq', $startID = 1) { // post-nuke sets hasGenID to false if (!$this->hasGenID) return false; $getnext = sprintf($this->_genIDSQL,$seqname); $holdtransOK = $this->_transOK; // save the current status $rs = @$this->execute($getnext); if (!$rs) { if ($holdtransOK) $this->_transOK = true; //if the status was ok before reset $this->execute(sprintf($this->_genSeqSQL,$seqname)); $cnt = $this->getOne(sprintf($this->_genSeqCountSQL,$seqname)); if (!$cnt) $this->execute(sprintf($this->_genSeq2SQL,$seqname,$startID-1)); $rs = $this->execute($getnext); } if ($rs) { $this->genID = mysqli_insert_id($this->_connectionID); if ($this->genID == 0) { $getnext = "select LAST_INSERT_ID() from " . $seqname; $rs = $this->execute($getnext); $this->genID = (int)$rs->fields[0]; } $rs->close(); } else $this->genID = 0; return $this->genID; } /** * Return a list of all visible databases except the 'mysql' database. * * @return array|false An array of database names, or false if the query failed. */ function MetaDatabases() { $query = "SHOW DATABASES"; $ret = $this->execute($query); if ($ret && is_object($ret)){ $arr = array(); while (!$ret->EOF){ $db = $ret->fields('Database'); if ($db != 'mysql') $arr[] = $db; $ret->moveNext(); } return $arr; } return $ret; } /** * Get a list of indexes on the specified table. * * @param string $table The name of the table to get indexes for. * @param bool $primary (Optional) Whether or not to include the primary key. * @param bool $owner (Optional) Unused. * * @return array|bool An array of the indexes, or false if the query to get the indexes failed. */ function MetaIndexes($table, $primary = false, $owner = false) { // save old fetch mode global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
< $false = false;
$save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->fetchMode !== FALSE) { $savem = $this->setFetchMode(FALSE); } // get index details
< $rs = $this->execute(sprintf('SHOW INDEXES FROM %s',$table));
> $rs = $this->Execute(sprintf('SHOW INDEXES FROM `%s`',$table));
// restore fetchmode if (isset($savem)) { $this->setFetchMode($savem); } $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; if (!is_object($rs)) {
< return $false;
> return false;
} $indexes = array (); // parse index data into array while ($row = $rs->fetchRow()) { if ($primary == FALSE AND $row[2] == 'PRIMARY') { continue; } if (!isset($indexes[$row[2]])) { $indexes[$row[2]] = array( 'unique' => ($row[1] == 0), 'columns' => array() ); } $indexes[$row[2]]['columns'][$row[3] - 1] = $row[4]; } // sort columns by order in the index foreach ( array_keys ($indexes) as $index ) { ksort ($indexes[$index]['columns']); } return $indexes; } /** * Returns a portably-formatted date string from a timestamp database column. * * @link * * @param string $fmt The date format to use. * @param string|bool $col (Optional) The table column to date format, or if false, use NOW(). *
< * @return bool|string The SQL DATE_FORMAT() string, or false if the provided date format was empty.
> * @return string The SQL DATE_FORMAT() string, or false if the provided date format was empty.
*/ function SQLDate($fmt, $col = false) { if (!$col) $col = $this->sysTimeStamp; $s = 'DATE_FORMAT('.$col.",'"; $concat = false; $len = strlen($fmt); for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) { $ch = $fmt[$i]; switch($ch) { case 'Y': case 'y': $s .= '%Y'; break; case 'Q': case 'q': $s .= "'),Quarter($col)"; if ($len > $i+1) $s .= ",DATE_FORMAT($col,'"; else $s .= ",('"; $concat = true; break; case 'M': $s .= '%b'; break; case 'm': $s .= '%m'; break; case 'D': case 'd': $s .= '%d'; break; case 'H': $s .= '%H'; break; case 'h': $s .= '%I'; break; case 'i': $s .= '%i'; break; case 's': $s .= '%s'; break; case 'a': case 'A': $s .= '%p'; break; case 'w': $s .= '%w'; break; case 'l': $s .= '%W'; break; default: if ($ch == '\\') { $i++; $ch = substr($fmt,$i,1); } $s .= $ch; break; } } $s.="')"; if ($concat) $s = "CONCAT($s)"; return $s; } /** * Returns a database-specific concatenation of strings. * * @link * * @return string */ function Concat() { $arr = func_get_args(); // suggestion by $s = implode(',',$arr); if (strlen($s) > 0) return "CONCAT($s)"; else return ''; } /** * Creates a portable date offset field, for use in SQL statements. * * @link * * @param float $dayFraction A day in floating point * @param string|bool $date (Optional) The date to offset. If false, uses CURDATE() * * @return string */ function OffsetDate($dayFraction, $date = false) { if (!$date) $date = $this->sysDate; $fraction = $dayFraction * 24 * 3600; return $date . ' + INTERVAL ' . $fraction.' SECOND'; // return "from_unixtime(unix_timestamp($date)+$fraction)"; } /** * Returns information about stored procedures and stored functions. *
< * @param string|bool $NamePattern (Optional) Only look for procedures/functions with a name matching this pattern.
> * @param string|bool $procedureNamePattern (Optional) Only look for procedures/functions with a name matching this pattern.
* @param null $catalog (Optional) Unused. * @param null $schemaPattern (Optional) Unused. * * @return array */
< function MetaProcedures($NamePattern = false, $catalog = null, $schemaPattern = null)
> function MetaProcedures($procedureNamePattern = false, $catalog = null, $schemaPattern = null)
{ // save old fetch mode global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->fetchMode !== FALSE) { $savem = $this->setFetchMode(FALSE); } $procedures = array (); // get index details $likepattern = '';
< if ($NamePattern) { < $likepattern = " LIKE '".$NamePattern."'";
> if ($procedureNamePattern) { > $likepattern = " LIKE '".$procedureNamePattern."'";
} $rs = $this->execute('SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS'.$likepattern); if (is_object($rs)) { // parse index data into array while ($row = $rs->fetchRow()) { $procedures[$row[1]] = array( 'type' => 'PROCEDURE', 'catalog' => '', 'schema' => '', 'remarks' => $row[7], ); } } $rs = $this->execute('SHOW FUNCTION STATUS'.$likepattern); if (is_object($rs)) { // parse index data into array while ($row = $rs->fetchRow()) { $procedures[$row[1]] = array( 'type' => 'FUNCTION', 'catalog' => '', 'schema' => '', 'remarks' => $row[7] ); } } // restore fetchmode if (isset($savem)) { $this->setFetchMode($savem); } $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; return $procedures; } /** * Retrieves a list of tables based on given criteria * * @param string|bool $ttype (Optional) Table type = 'TABLE', 'VIEW' or false=both (default) * @param string|bool $showSchema (Optional) schema name, false = current schema (default) * @param string|bool $mask (Optional) filters the table by name * * @return array list of tables */ function MetaTables($ttype = false, $showSchema = false, $mask = false) { $save = $this->metaTablesSQL; if ($showSchema && is_string($showSchema)) { $this->metaTablesSQL .= $this->qstr($showSchema); } else { $this->metaTablesSQL .= "schema()"; } if ($mask) { $mask = $this->qstr($mask); $this->metaTablesSQL .= " AND table_name LIKE $mask"; } $ret = ADOConnection::metaTables($ttype,$showSchema); $this->metaTablesSQL = $save; return $ret; } /** * Return information about a table's foreign keys. * * @param string $table The name of the table to get the foreign keys for. * @param string|bool $owner (Optional) The database the table belongs to, or false to assume the current db. * @param string|bool $upper (Optional) Force uppercase table name on returned array keys. * @param bool $associative (Optional) Whether to return an associate or numeric array. * * @return array|bool An array of foreign keys, or false no foreign keys could be found. */
< function MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner = false, $upper = false, $associative = false)
> public function metaForeignKeys($table, $owner = '', $upper = false, $associative = false)
global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; if ($ADODB_FETCH_MODE == ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC || $this->fetchMode == ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) $associative = true; $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $this->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); if ( !empty($owner) ) { $table = "$owner.$table"; }
< $a_create_table = $this->getRow(sprintf('SHOW CREATE TABLE %s', $table));
> $a_create_table = $this->getRow(sprintf('SHOW CREATE TABLE `%s`', $table));
$this->setFetchMode($savem); $create_sql = isset($a_create_table["Create Table"]) ? $a_create_table["Create Table"] : $a_create_table["Create View"]; $matches = array(); if (!preg_match_all("/FOREIGN KEY \(`(.*?)`\) REFERENCES `(.*?)` \(`(.*?)`\)/", $create_sql, $matches)) return false; $foreign_keys = array(); $num_keys = count($matches[0]); for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_keys; $i ++ ) { $my_field = explode('`, `', $matches[1][$i]); $ref_table = $matches[2][$i]; $ref_field = explode('`, `', $matches[3][$i]); if ( $upper ) { $ref_table = strtoupper($ref_table); } // see if (!isset($foreign_keys[$ref_table])) { $foreign_keys[$ref_table] = array(); } $num_fields = count($my_field); for ( $j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j ++ ) { if ( $associative ) { $foreign_keys[$ref_table][$ref_field[$j]] = $my_field[$j]; } else { $foreign_keys[$ref_table][] = "{$my_field[$j]}={$ref_field[$j]}"; } } } return $foreign_keys; } /** * Return an array of information about a table's columns. * * @param string $table The name of the table to get the column info for. * @param bool $normalize (Optional) Unused. * * @return ADOFieldObject[]|bool An array of info for each column, or false if it could not determine the info. */ function MetaColumns($table, $normalize = true) { $false = false; if (!$this->metaColumnsSQL) return $false; global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false); /* * Return assoc array where key is column name, value is column type * [1] => int unsigned */ $SQL = "SELECT column_name, column_type FROM information_schema.columns
< WHERE table_schema='{$this->databaseName}'
> WHERE table_schema='{$this->database}'
AND table_name='$table'"; $schemaArray = $this->getAssoc($SQL); $schemaArray = array_change_key_case($schemaArray,CASE_LOWER); $rs = $this->Execute(sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL,$table)); if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem); $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; if (!is_object($rs)) return $false; $retarr = array(); while (!$rs->EOF) { $fld = new ADOFieldObject(); $fld->name = $rs->fields[0];
< $type = $rs->fields[1];
/* * Type from information_schema returns * the same format in V8 mysql as V5 */ $type = $schemaArray[strtolower($fld->name)]; // split type into type(length): $fld->scale = null; if (preg_match("/^(.+)\((\d+),(\d+)/", $type, $query_array)) { $fld->type = $query_array[1]; $fld->max_length = is_numeric($query_array[2]) ? $query_array[2] : -1; $fld->scale = is_numeric($query_array[3]) ? $query_array[3] : -1; } elseif (preg_match("/^(.+)\((\d+)/", $type, $query_array)) { $fld->type = $query_array[1]; $fld->max_length = is_numeric($query_array[2]) ? $query_array[2] : -1; } elseif (preg_match("/^(enum)\((.*)\)$/i", $type, $query_array)) { $fld->type = $query_array[1]; $arr = explode(",",$query_array[2]); $fld->enums = $arr; $zlen = max(array_map("strlen",$arr)) - 2; // PHP >= 4.0.6 $fld->max_length = ($zlen > 0) ? $zlen : 1; } else { $fld->type = $type; $fld->max_length = -1; } $fld->not_null = ($rs->fields[2] != 'YES'); $fld->primary_key = ($rs->fields[3] == 'PRI'); $fld->auto_increment = (strpos($rs->fields[5], 'auto_increment') !== false); $fld->binary = (strpos($type,'blob') !== false); $fld->unsigned = (strpos($type,'unsigned') !== false); $fld->zerofill = (strpos($type,'zerofill') !== false); if (!$fld->binary) { $d = $rs->fields[4]; if ($d != '' && $d != 'NULL') { $fld->has_default = true; $fld->default_value = $d; } else { $fld->has_default = false; } } if ($save == ADODB_FETCH_NUM) { $retarr[] = $fld; } else { $retarr[strtoupper($fld->name)] = $fld; } $rs->moveNext(); } $rs->close(); return $retarr; } /** * Select which database to connect to. * * @link * * @param string $dbName The name of the database to select. * * @return bool True if the database was selected successfully, otherwise false. */ function SelectDB($dbName) { // $this->_connectionID = $this->mysqli_resolve_link($this->_connectionID); $this->database = $dbName;
< $this->databaseName = $dbName; # obsolete, retained for compat with older adodb versions
if ($this->_connectionID) { $result = @mysqli_select_db($this->_connectionID, $dbName); if (!$result) { ADOConnection::outp("Select of database " . $dbName . " failed. " . $this->errorMsg()); } return $result; } return false; } /** * Executes a provided SQL statement and returns a handle to the result, with the ability to supply a starting * offset and record count. * * @link * * @param string $sql The SQL to execute. * @param int $nrows (Optional) The limit for the number of records you want returned. By default, all results. * @param int $offset (Optional) The offset to use when selecting the results. By default, no offset. * @param array|bool $inputarr (Optional) Any parameter values required by the SQL statement, or false if none.
< * @param int $secs (Optional) If greater than 0, perform a cached execute. By default, normal execution.
> * @param int $secs2cache (Optional) If greater than 0, perform a cached execute. By default, normal execution.
* * @return ADORecordSet|false The query results, or false if the query failed to execute. */ function SelectLimit($sql, $nrows = -1, $offset = -1, $inputarr = false,
< $secs = 0)
> $secs2cache = 0)
{ $nrows = (int) $nrows; $offset = (int) $offset; $offsetStr = ($offset >= 0) ? "$offset," : ''; if ($nrows < 0) $nrows = '18446744073709551615';
< if ($secs) < $rs = $this->cacheExecute($secs, $sql . " LIMIT $offsetStr$nrows" , $inputarr );
> if ($secs2cache) > $rs = $this->cacheExecute($secs2cache, $sql . " LIMIT $offsetStr$nrows" , $inputarr );
else $rs = $this->execute($sql . " LIMIT $offsetStr$nrows" , $inputarr ); return $rs; } /** * Prepares an SQL statement and returns a handle to use.
> * This is not used by bound parameters anymore
* * @link * @todo update this function to handle prepared statements correctly * * @param string $sql The SQL to prepare. * * @return string The original SQL that was provided. */ function Prepare($sql) { /* * Flag the insert_id method to use the correct retrieval method */ $this->usePreparedStatement = true; /* * Prepared statements are not yet handled correctly */ return $sql; $stmt = $this->_connectionID->prepare($sql); if (!$stmt) { echo $this->errorMsg(); return $sql; } return array($sql,$stmt); } /**
> * Execute SQL * Return the query id. > * * > * @param string $sql SQL statement to execute, or possibly an array * @param string|array $sql > * holding prepared statement ($sql[0] will hold sql text) * @param array $inputarr > * @param array|bool $inputarr holds the input data to bind to. * > * Null elements will be set to null. * @return bool|mysqli_result > * */ > * @return ADORecordSet|bool function _query($sql, $inputarr) > */ { > public function execute($sql, $inputarr = false) global $ADODB_COUNTRECS; > { // Move to the next recordset, or return false if there is none. In a stored proc > if ($this->fnExecute) { // call, mysqli_next_result returns true for the last "recordset", but mysqli_store_result > $fn = $this->fnExecute; // returns false. I think this is because the last "recordset" is actually just the > $ret = $fn($this, $sql, $inputarr); // return value of the stored proc (ie the number of rows affected). > if (isset($ret)) { // Commented out for reasons of performance. You should retrieve every recordset yourself. > return $ret; // if (!mysqli_next_result($this->connection->_connectionID)) return false; > } > } if (is_array($sql)) { > > if ($inputarr === false || $inputarr === []) { // Prepare() not supported because mysqli_stmt_execute does not return a recordset, but > return $this->_execute($sql); // returns as bound variables. > } > $stmt = $sql[1]; > if (!is_array($inputarr)) { $a = ''; > $inputarr = array($inputarr); foreach($inputarr as $k => $v) { > } if (is_string($v)) $a .= 's'; > else { else if (is_integer($v)) $a .= 'i'; > //remove alphanumeric placeholders else $a .= 'd'; > $inputarr = array_values($inputarr); } > } > /* > if (!is_array($sql)) { * set prepared statement flags > // Check if we are bulkbinding. If so, $inputarr is a 2d array, */ > // and we make a gross assumption that all rows have the same number if ($this->usePreparedStatement) > // of columns of the same type, and use the elements of the first row $this->useLastInsertStatement = true; > // to determine the MySQL bind param types. > if (is_array($inputarr[0])) { $fnarr = array_merge( array($stmt,$a) , $inputarr); > if (!$this->bulkBind) { call_user_func_array('mysqli_stmt_bind_param',$fnarr); > $this->outp_throw( $ret = mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); > "2D Array of values sent to execute and 'ADOdb_mysqli::bulkBind' not set", return $ret; > 'Execute' } > ); else > return false; { > } /* > * reset prepared statement flags, in case we set them > $bulkTypeArray = []; * previously and didn't use them > foreach ($inputarr as $v) { */ > if (is_string($this->bulkBind)) { $this->usePreparedStatement = false; > $typeArray = array_merge((array)$this->bulkBind, $v); $this->useLastInsertStatement = false; > } else { } > $typeArray = $this->getBindParamWithType($v); > } /* > $bulkTypeArray[] = $typeArray; if (!$mysql_res = mysqli_query($this->_connectionID, $sql, ($ADODB_COUNTRECS) ? MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT : MYSQLI_USE_RESULT)) { > } if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("Query: " . $sql . " failed. " . $this->errorMsg()); > $this->bulkBind = false; return false; > $ret = $this->_execute($sql, $bulkTypeArray); } > } else { > $typeArray = $this->getBindParamWithType($inputarr); return $mysql_res; > $ret = $this->_execute($sql, $typeArray); */ > } > } else { if ($this->multiQuery) { > $ret = $this->_execute($sql, $inputarr); $rs = mysqli_multi_query($this->_connectionID, $sql.';'); > } if ($rs) { > return $ret; $rs = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS) ? @mysqli_store_result( $this->_connectionID ) : @mysqli_use_result( $this->_connectionID ); > } return $rs ? $rs : true; // mysqli_more_results( $this->_connectionID ) > } > /** } else { > * Inserts the bind param type string at the front of the parameter array. $rs = mysqli_query($this->_connectionID, $sql, $ADODB_COUNTRECS ? MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT : MYSQLI_USE_RESULT); > * if ($rs) { > * @see $this->isSelectStatement = is_object($rs); > * return $rs; > * @param array $inputArr } > * @return array } > */ > private function getBindParamWithType($inputArr): array if($this->debug) > { ADOConnection::outp("Query: " . $sql . " failed. " . $this->errorMsg()); > $typeString = ''; > foreach ($inputArr as $v) { return false; > if (is_integer($v) || is_bool($v)) { > $typeString .= 'i'; } > } elseif (is_float($v)) { > $typeString .= 'd'; /** > } elseif (is_object($v)) { * Returns a database specific error message. > // Assume a blob * > $typeString .= 'b'; * @link > } else { * > $typeString .= 's'; * @return string The last error message. > } */ > } function ErrorMsg() > { > // Place the field type list at the front of the parameter array. if (empty($this->_connectionID)) > // This is the mysql specific format $this->_errorMsg = @mysqli_connect_error(); > array_unshift($inputArr, $typeString); else > return $inputArr; $this->_errorMsg = @mysqli_error($this->_connectionID); > } return $this->_errorMsg; > } > /**
> // When SQL is empty, mysqli_query() throws exception on PHP 8 (#945) /** > if (!$sql) { * Returns the last error number from previous database operation. > if ($this->debug) { * > ADOConnection::outp("Empty query"); * @return int The last error number. > } */ > return false; function ErrorNo() > } { >
< foreach($inputarr as $k => $v) {
> foreach($inputarr as $v) {
return @mysqli_connect_errno();
> return mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); else > } return @mysqli_errno($this->_connectionID); > else if (is_string($sql) && is_array($inputarr)) } > { > /** > /* * Close the database connection. > * This is support for true prepared queries * > * with bound parameters * @return void > * */ > * set prepared statement flags function _close() > */ { > $this->usePreparedStatement = true; if($this->_connectionID) { > $this->usingBoundVariables = true; mysqli_close($this->_connectionID); > } > $bulkBindArray = array(); $this->_connectionID = false; > if (is_array($inputarr[0])) } > { > $bulkBindArray = $inputarr; /** > $inputArrayCount = count($inputarr[0]) - 1; * Returns the largest length of data that can be inserted into a character field. > } * > else * @link > { * > $bulkBindArray[] = $inputarr; * @return int > $inputArrayCount = count($inputarr) - 1; */ > } function CharMax() > { > return 255; > /* } > * Prepare the statement with the placeholders, > * prepare will fail if the statement is invalid /** > * so we trap and error if necessary. Note that we * Returns the largest length of data that can be inserted into a text field. > * are calling MySQL prepare here, not ADOdb * > */ * @link > $stmt = $this->_connectionID->prepare($sql); * > if ($stmt === false) * @return int > { */ > $this->outp_throw( function TextMax() > "SQL Statement failed on preparation: " . htmlspecialchars($sql) . "'", { > 'Execute' return 4294967295; > ); } > return false; > } function getCharSet() > /* { > * Make sure the number of parameters provided in the input if (!$this->_connectionID || !method_exists($this->_connectionID,'character_set_name')) { > * array matches what the query expects. We must discount return false; > * the first parameter which contains the data types in } > * our inbound parameters > */ $this->charSet = $this->_connectionID->character_set_name(); > $nparams = $stmt->param_count; return $this->charSet ?: false; > } > if ($nparams != $inputArrayCount) > { function setCharSet($charset) > { > $this->outp_throw( if (!$this->_connectionID || !method_exists($this->_connectionID,'set_charset')) { > "Input array has " . $inputArrayCount . return false; > " params, does not match query: '" . htmlspecialchars($sql) . "'", } > 'Execute' > ); if ($this->charSet !== $charset) { > return false; if (!$this->_connectionID->set_charset($charset)) { > } return false; > } > foreach ($bulkBindArray as $inputarr) $this->getCharSet(); > { } > /* return true; > * Must pass references into call_user_func_array } > */ > $paramsByReference = array(); } > foreach($inputarr as $key => $value) { > /** @noinspection PhpArrayAccessCanBeReplacedWithForeachValueInspection */ /** > $paramsByReference[$key] = &$inputarr[$key]; * Class ADORecordSet_mysqli > } */ > class ADORecordSet_mysqli extends ADORecordSet{ > /* > * Bind the params var $databaseType = "mysqli"; > */ var $canSeek = true; > call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $paramsByReference); > function __construct($queryID, $mode = false) > /* { > * Execute if ($mode === false) { > */ global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; >
< return $ret;
> > // Store error code and message > $this->_errorCode = $stmt->errno; > $this->_errorMsg = $stmt->error; > > /* > * Did we throw an error? > */ > if ($ret == false) > return false; > } > > // Tells affected_rows to be compliant > $this->isSelectStatement = $stmt->affected_rows == -1; > if (!$this->isSelectStatement) { > $this->statementAffectedRows = $stmt->affected_rows; > return true; > } > > // Turn the statement into a result set and return it > return $stmt->get_result();
> > // Reset error code and message switch ($mode) { > $this->_errorCode = 0; case ADODB_FETCH_NUM: > $this->_errorMsg = '';
< return $rs ? $rs : true; // mysqli_more_results( $this->_connectionID )
> return $rs ?: true; // mysqli_more_results( $this->_connectionID )
< if (empty($this->_connectionID)) < $this->_errorMsg = @mysqli_connect_error(); < else < $this->_errorMsg = @mysqli_error($this->_connectionID);
> if (!$this->_errorMsg) { > if (empty($this->_connectionID)) { > $this->_errorMsg = mysqli_connect_error(); > } else { > $this->_errorMsg = $this->_connectionID->error ?? $this->_connectionID->connect_error; > } > }
< if (empty($this->_connectionID)) < return @mysqli_connect_errno(); < else < return @mysqli_errno($this->_connectionID);
> if (!$this->_errorCode) { > if (empty($this->_connectionID)) { > $this->_errorCode = mysqli_connect_errno(); > } else { > $this->_errorCode = $this->_connectionID->errno ?? $this->_connectionID->connect_errno; > } > } > return $this->_errorCode;
> /** @var ADODB_mysqli The parent connection */ } > var $connection = false; $this->adodbFetchMode = $mode; > parent::__construct($queryID); > /** @var mysqli_result result link identifier */ } > var $_queryID; >
function _initrs() { global $ADODB_COUNTRECS; $this->_numOfRows = $ADODB_COUNTRECS ? @mysqli_num_rows($this->_queryID) : -1; $this->_numOfFields = @mysqli_num_fields($this->_queryID); } /* 1 = MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG 2 = MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG 4 = MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG 8 = MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG 16 = MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG 32 = MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG 64 = MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG 128 = MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG 256 = MYSQLI_ENUM_FLAG 512 = MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG 1024 = MYSQLI_TIMESTAMP_FLAG 2048 = MYSQLI_SET_FLAG 32768 = MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG 16384 = MYSQLI_PART_KEY_FLAG 32768 = MYSQLI_GROUP_FLAG 65536 = MYSQLI_UNIQUE_FLAG 131072 = MYSQLI_BINCMP_FLAG */ /** * Returns raw, database specific information about a field. * * @link * * @param int $fieldOffset (Optional) The field number to get information for. * * @return ADOFieldObject|bool */ function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1) { $fieldnr = $fieldOffset; if ($fieldOffset != -1) { $fieldOffset = @mysqli_field_seek($this->_queryID, $fieldnr); } $o = @mysqli_fetch_field($this->_queryID); if (!$o) return false; //Fix for HHVM if ( !isset($o->flags) ) { $o->flags = 0; } /* Properties of an ADOFieldObject as set by MetaColumns */ $o->primary_key = $o->flags & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG; $o->not_null = $o->flags & MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG; $o->auto_increment = $o->flags & MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG; $o->binary = $o->flags & MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG; // $o->blob = $o->flags & MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG; /* not returned by MetaColumns */ $o->unsigned = $o->flags & MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG; /* * Trivial method to cast class to ADOfieldObject */ $a = new ADOFieldObject; foreach (get_object_vars($o) as $key => $name) $a->$key = $name; return $a; } /** * Reads a row in associative mode if the recordset fetch mode is numeric. * Using this function when the fetch mode is set to ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC may produce unpredictable results. * * @link * * @param int $upper Indicates whether the keys of the recordset should be upper case or lower case. * * @return array|bool */ function GetRowAssoc($upper = ADODB_ASSOC_CASE) { if ($this->fetchMode == MYSQLI_ASSOC && $upper == ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER) { return $this->fields; }
< $row = ADORecordSet::getRowAssoc($upper); < return $row;
> return ADORecordSet::getRowAssoc($upper);
} /** * Returns a single field in a single row of the current recordset. * * @link * * @param string $colname The name of the field to retrieve. * * @return mixed */ function Fields($colname) { if ($this->fetchMode != MYSQLI_NUM) { return @$this->fields[$colname]; } if (!$this->bind) { $this->bind = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) { $o = $this->fetchField($i); $this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i; } } return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]]; } /** * Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result. * * @param int $row The row to seek to. * * @return bool False if the recordset contains no rows, otherwise true. */ function _seek($row) { if ($this->_numOfRows == 0 || $row < 0) { return false; } mysqli_data_seek($this->_queryID, $row); $this->EOF = false; return true; } /** * In databases that allow accessing of recordsets, retrieves the next set. * * @link * * @return bool */ function NextRecordSet() { global $ADODB_COUNTRECS; mysqli_free_result($this->_queryID); $this->_queryID = -1; // Move to the next recordset, or return false if there is none. In a stored proc // call, mysqli_next_result returns true for the last "recordset", but mysqli_store_result // returns false. I think this is because the last "recordset" is actually just the // return value of the stored proc (ie the number of rows affected). if (!mysqli_next_result($this->connection->_connectionID)) { return false; } // CD: There is no $this->_connectionID variable, at least in the ADO version I'm using $this->_queryID = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS) ? @mysqli_store_result($this->connection->_connectionID) : @mysqli_use_result($this->connection->_connectionID); if (!$this->_queryID) { return false; } $this->_inited = false; $this->bind = false; $this->_currentRow = -1; $this->init(); return true; } /** * Moves the cursor to the next record of the recordset from the current position. * * @link * * @return bool False if there are no more records to move on to, otherwise true. */ function MoveNext() { if ($this->EOF) return false; $this->_currentRow++; $this->fields = @mysqli_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->fetchMode); if (is_array($this->fields)) { $this->_updatefields(); return true; } $this->EOF = true; return false; } /** * Attempt to fetch a result row using the current fetch mode and return whether or not this was successful. * * @return bool True if row was fetched successfully, otherwise false. */ function _fetch() { $this->fields = mysqli_fetch_array($this->_queryID,$this->fetchMode); $this->_updatefields(); return is_array($this->fields); } /** * Frees the memory associated with a result. * * @return void */ function _close() { //if results are attached to this pointer from Stored Procedure calls, the next standard query will die 2014 //only a problem with persistent connections if (isset($this->connection->_connectionID) && $this->connection->_connectionID) { while (mysqli_more_results($this->connection->_connectionID)) { mysqli_next_result($this->connection->_connectionID); } } if ($this->_queryID instanceof mysqli_result) { mysqli_free_result($this->_queryID); } $this->_queryID = false; } /* 0 = MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL 1 = MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR 1 = MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY 2 = MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT 3 = MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG 4 = MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT 5 = MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE 6 = MYSQLI_TYPE_NULL 7 = MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP 8 = MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG 9 = MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24 10 = MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE 11 = MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME 12 = MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME 13 = MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR 14 = MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE
247 = MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM 248 = MYSQLI_TYPE_SET 249 = MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB 250 = MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB 251 = MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB 252 = MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB 253 = MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING 254 = MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING 255 = MYSQLI_TYPE_GEOMETRY */ /** * Get the MetaType character for a given field type. * * @param string|object $t The type to get the MetaType character for. * @param int $len (Optional) Redundant. Will always be set to -1. * @param bool|object $fieldobj (Optional) * * @return string The MetaType */
< function MetaType($t, $len = -1, $fieldobj = false)
> function metaType($t, $len = -1, $fieldobj = false)
{ if (is_object($t)) { $fieldobj = $t; $t = $fieldobj->type; $len = $fieldobj->max_length; }
> $t = strtoupper($t); $len = -1; // mysql max_length is not accurate > /* switch (strtoupper($t)) { > * Add support for custom actual types. We do this case 'STRING': > * first, that allows us to override existing types case 'CHAR': > */ case 'VARCHAR': > if (array_key_exists($t,$this->connection->customActualTypes)) case 'TINYBLOB': > return $this->connection->customActualTypes[$t]; case 'TINYTEXT': >
< switch (strtoupper($t)) {
> switch ($t) {
case 'SET': case MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB : // case MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR : case MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING : case MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM : case MYSQLI_TYPE_SET : case 253 : if ($len <= $this->blobSize) { return 'C'; } case 'TEXT': case 'LONGTEXT': case 'MEDIUMTEXT': return 'X'; // php_mysql extension always returns 'blob' even if 'text' // so we have to check whether binary... case 'IMAGE': case 'LONGBLOB': case 'BLOB': case 'MEDIUMBLOB': case MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB : case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB : case MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB : return !empty($fieldobj->binary) ? 'B' : 'X'; case 'YEAR': case 'DATE': case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE : case MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR : return 'D'; case 'TIME': case 'DATETIME': case 'TIMESTAMP': case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME : case MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE : case MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME : case MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP : return 'T'; case 'INT': case 'INTEGER': case 'BIGINT': case 'TINYINT': case 'MEDIUMINT': case 'SMALLINT': case MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24 : case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG : case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG : case MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT : case MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY : if (!empty($fieldobj->primary_key)) { return 'R'; } return 'I'; // Added floating-point types // Maybe not necessary. case 'FLOAT': case 'DOUBLE': // case 'DOUBLE PRECISION': case 'DECIMAL': case 'DEC': case 'FIXED': default:
> //if (!is_numeric($t)) echo "<p>--- Error in type matching $t -----</p>"; >
return 'N'; } } } // rs class /** * Class ADORecordSet_array_mysqli */ class ADORecordSet_array_mysqli extends ADORecordSet_array { /** * Get the MetaType character for a given field type. * * @param string|object $t The type to get the MetaType character for. * @param int $len (Optional) Redundant. Will always be set to -1. * @param bool|object $fieldobj (Optional) * * @return string The MetaType */ function MetaType($t, $len = -1, $fieldobj = false) { if (is_object($t)) { $fieldobj = $t; $t = $fieldobj->type; $len = $fieldobj->max_length; }
> $t = strtoupper($t); $len = -1; // mysql max_length is not accurate > switch (strtoupper($t)) { > if (array_key_exists($t,$this->connection->customActualTypes)) case 'STRING': > return $this->connection->customActualTypes[$t]; case 'CHAR': >
< switch (strtoupper($t)) {
> > switch ($t) {
case 'TINYBLOB': case 'TINYTEXT': case 'ENUM': case 'SET': case MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB : // case MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR : case MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING : case MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM : case MYSQLI_TYPE_SET : case 253 : if ($len <= $this->blobSize) { return 'C'; } case 'TEXT': case 'LONGTEXT': case 'MEDIUMTEXT': return 'X'; // php_mysql extension always returns 'blob' even if 'text' // so we have to check whether binary... case 'IMAGE': case 'LONGBLOB': case 'BLOB': case 'MEDIUMBLOB': case MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB : case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB : case MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB : return !empty($fieldobj->binary) ? 'B' : 'X'; case 'YEAR': case 'DATE': case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE : case MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR : return 'D'; case 'TIME': case 'DATETIME': case 'TIMESTAMP': case MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME : case MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE : case MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME : case MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP : return 'T'; case 'INT': case 'INTEGER': case 'BIGINT': case 'TINYINT': case 'MEDIUMINT': case 'SMALLINT': case MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24 : case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG : case MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG : case MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT : case MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY : if (!empty($fieldobj->primary_key)) { return 'R'; } return 'I'; // Added floating-point types // Maybe not necessary. case 'FLOAT': case 'DOUBLE': // case 'DOUBLE PRECISION': case 'DECIMAL': case 'DEC': case 'FIXED': default: //if (!is_numeric($t)) echo "<p>--- Error in type matching $t -----</p>"; return 'N'; } } } } // if defined _ADODB_MYSQLI_LAYER