// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace core\navigation\output;
use renderable;
use renderer_base;
use templatable;
use custom_menu;
* Primary navigation renderable
* This file combines primary nav, custom menu, lang menu and
* usermenu into a standardized format for the frontend
* @package core
* @category navigation
* @copyright 2021 onwards Peter Dias
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class primary implements renderable, templatable {
< /** @var moodle_page $page the moodle page that the navigation belongs to */
> /** @var \moodle_page $page the moodle page that the navigation belongs to */
private $page = null;
* primary constructor.
* @param \moodle_page $page
public function __construct($page) {
$this->page = $page;
* Combine the various menus into a standardized output.
* @param renderer_base|null $output
* @return array
public function export_for_template(?renderer_base $output = null): array {
if (!$output) {
$output = $this->page->get_renderer('core');
< $menudata = (object) array_merge($this->get_primary_nav(), $this->get_custom_menu($output));
> $menudata = (object) $this->merge_primary_and_custom($this->get_primary_nav(), $this->get_custom_menu($output));
$moremenu = new \core\navigation\output\more_menu($menudata, 'navbar-nav', false);
< $mobileprimarynav = array_merge($this->get_primary_nav(), $this->get_custom_menu($output));
> $mobileprimarynav = $this->merge_primary_and_custom($this->get_primary_nav(), $this->get_custom_menu($output), true);
$languagemenu = new \core\output\language_menu($this->page);
return [
'mobileprimarynav' => $mobileprimarynav,
'moremenu' => $moremenu->export_for_template($output),
'lang' => !isloggedin() || isguestuser() ? $languagemenu->export_for_template($output) : [],
'user' => $this->get_user_menu($output),
* Get the primary nav object and standardize the output
> * @param \navigation_node|null $parent used for nested nodes, by default the primarynav node
* @return array
< protected function get_primary_nav(): array {
> protected function get_primary_nav($parent = null): array {
> if ($parent === null) {
> $parent = $this->page->primarynav;
> }
$nodes = [];
< foreach ($this->page->primarynav->children as $node) {
> foreach ($parent->children as $node) {
> $children = $this->get_primary_nav($node);
> $activechildren = array_filter($children, function($child) {
> return !empty($child['isactive']);
> });
> if ($node->preceedwithhr && count($nodes) && empty($nodes[count($nodes) - 1]['divider'])) {
> $nodes[] = ['divider' => true];
> }
$nodes[] = [
'title' => $node->get_title(),
'url' => $node->action(),
'text' => $node->text,
'icon' => $node->icon,
< 'isactive' => $node->isactive,
> 'isactive' => $node->isactive || !empty($activechildren),
'key' => $node->key,
> 'children' => $children,
> 'haschildren' => !empty($children) ? 1 : 0,
return $nodes;
* Custom menu items reside on the same level as the original nodes.
* Fetch and convert the nodes to a standardised array.
* @param renderer_base $output
* @return array
protected function get_custom_menu(renderer_base $output): array {
global $CFG;
// Early return if a custom menu does not exists.
if (empty($CFG->custommenuitems)) {
return [];
$custommenuitems = $CFG->custommenuitems;
$currentlang = current_language();
$custommenunodes = custom_menu::convert_text_to_menu_nodes($custommenuitems, $currentlang);
$nodes = [];
foreach ($custommenunodes as $node) {
$nodes[] = $node->export_for_template($output);
return $nodes;
> }
> /**
> * When defining custom menu items, the active flag is not obvserved correctly. Therefore, the merge of the primary
* Get/Generate the user menu.
> * and custom navigation must be handled a bit smarter. Change the "isactive" flag of the nodes (this may set by
> * default in the primary nav nodes but is entirely missing in the custom nav nodes).
* This is leveraging the data from user_get_user_navigation_info and the logic in $OUTPUT->user_menu()
> * Set the $expandedmenu argument to true when the menu for the mobile template is build.
> *
* @param renderer_base $output
> * @param array $primary
* @return array
> * @param array $custom
> * @param bool $expandedmenu
public function get_user_menu(renderer_base $output): array {
> * @return array
global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE;
> */
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php');
> protected function merge_primary_and_custom(array $primary, array $custom, bool $expandedmenu = false): array {
> if (empty($custom)) {
$usermenudata = [];
> return $primary; // No custom nav, nothing to merge.
$submenusdata = [];
> }
$info = user_get_user_navigation_info($USER, $PAGE);
> // Remember the amount of primary nodes and whether we changed the active flag in the custom menu nodes.
if (isset($info->unauthenticateduser)) {
> $primarylen = count($primary);
$info->unauthenticateduser['content'] = get_string($info->unauthenticateduser['content']);
> $changed = false;
$info->unauthenticateduser['url'] = get_login_url();
> foreach (array_keys($custom) as $i) {
return (array) $info;
> if (!$changed) {
> if ($this->flag_active_nodes($custom[$i], $expandedmenu)) {
// Gather all the avatar data to be displayed in the user menu.
> $changed = true;
$usermenudata['avatardata'][] = [
> }
'content' => $info->metadata['useravatar'],
> }
'classes' => 'current'
> $primary[] = $custom[$i];
> }
$usermenudata['userfullname'] = $info->metadata['realuserfullname'] ?? $info->metadata['userfullname'];
> // In case some custom node is active, mark all primary nav elements as inactive.
> if ($changed) {
// Logged in as someone else.
> for ($i = 0; $i < $primarylen; $i++) {
if ($info->metadata['asotheruser']) {
> $primary[$i]['isactive'] = false;
$usermenudata['avatardata'][] = [
> }
'content' => $info->metadata['realuseravatar'],
> }
'classes' => 'realuser'
> return $primary;
> }
$usermenudata['metadata'][] = [
'content' => get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', $info->metadata['userfullname']),
> /**
'classes' => 'viewingas'
> * Recursive checks if any of the children is active. If that's the case this node (the parent) is active as
> * well. If the node has no children, check if the node itself is active. Use pass by reference for the node
> * object because we actively change/set the "isactive" flag inside the method and this needs to be kept at the
> * callers side.
// Gather all the meta data to be displayed in the user menu.
> * Set $expandedmenu to true, if the mobile menu is done, in this case the active flag gets the node that is
$metadata = [
> * actually active, while the parent hierarchy of the active node gets the flag isopen.
'asotherrole' => [
> *
'value' => 'rolename',
> * @param object $node
'class' => 'role role-##GENERATEDCLASS##',
> * @param bool $expandedmenu
> * @return bool
'userloginfail' => [
> */
'value' => 'userloginfail',
> protected function flag_active_nodes(object $node, bool $expandedmenu = false): bool {
'class' => 'loginfailures',
> global $FULLME;
> $active = false;
'asmnetuser' => [
> foreach (array_keys($node->children ?? []) as $c) {
'value' => 'mnetidprovidername',
> if ($this->flag_active_nodes($node->children[$c], $expandedmenu)) {
'class' => 'mnet mnet-##GENERATEDCLASS##',
> $active = true;
> }
> }
foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) {
> // One of the children is active, so this node (the parent) is active as well.
if (!empty($info->metadata[$key])) {
> if ($active) {
$content = $info->metadata[$value['value']] ?? '';
> if ($expandedmenu) {
$generatedclass = strtolower(preg_replace('#[ ]+#', '-', trim($content)));
> $node->isopen = true;
$customclass = str_replace('##GENERATEDCLASS##', $generatedclass, ($value['class'] ?? ''));
> } else {
$usermenudata['metadata'][] = [
> $node->isactive = true;
'content' => $content,
> }
'classes' => $customclass
> return true;
> }
> // By default, the menu item node to check is not active.
> $node->isactive = false;
$modifiedarray = array_map(function($value) {
$value->divider = $value->itemtype == 'divider';
> // Check if the node url matches the called url. The node url may omit the trailing index.php, therefore check
$value->link = $value->itemtype == 'link';
> // this as well.
if (isset($value->pix) && !empty($value->pix)) {
> if (empty($node->url)) {
$value->pixicon = $value->pix;
> // Current menu node has no url set, so it can't be active.
> return false;
> }
return $value;
> $nodeurl = parse_url($node->url);
}, $info->navitems);
> $current = parse_url($FULLME ?? '');
// Include the language menu as a submenu within the user menu.
> $pathmatches = false;
$languagemenu = new \core\output\language_menu($this->page);
$langmenu = $languagemenu->export_for_template($output);
> // Exact match of the path of node and current url.
if (!empty($langmenu)) {
> $nodepath = $nodeurl['path'] ?? '/';
$languageitems = $langmenu['items'];
> $currentpath = $current['path'] ?? '/';
// If there are available languages, generate the data for the the language selector submenu.
> if ($nodepath === $currentpath) {
if (!empty($languageitems)) {
> $pathmatches = true;
$langsubmenuid = uniqid();
> }
// Generate the data for the link to language selector submenu.
> // The current url may be trailed by a index.php, otherwise it's the same as the node path.
$language = (object) [
> if (!$pathmatches && $nodepath . 'index.php' === $currentpath) {
'itemtype' => 'submenu-link',
> $pathmatches = true;
'submenuid' => $langsubmenuid,
> }
'title' => get_string('language'),
> // No path did match, so the node can't be active.
'divider' => false,
> if (!$pathmatches) {
'submenulink' => true,
> return false;
> }
> // We are here because the path matches, so now look at the query string.
// Place the link before the 'Log out' menu item which is either the last item in the menu or
> $nodequery = $nodeurl['query'] ?? '';
// second to last when 'Switch roles' is available.
> $currentquery = $current['query'] ?? '';
$menuposition = count($modifiedarray) - 1;
> // If the node has no query string defined, then the patch match is sufficient.
if (has_capability('moodle/role:switchroles', $PAGE->context)) {
> if (empty($nodeurl['query'])) {
$menuposition = count($modifiedarray) - 2;
> $node->isactive = true;
> return true;
array_splice($modifiedarray, $menuposition, 0, [$language]);
> }
> // If the node contains a query string then also the current url must match this query.
// Generate the data for the language selector submenu.
> if ($nodequery === $currentquery) {
$submenusdata[] = (object)[
> $node->isactive = true;
'id' => $langsubmenuid,
> }
'title' => get_string('languageselector'),
> return $node->isactive;
'items' => $languageitems,
// Add divider before the last item.
$modifiedarray[count($modifiedarray) - 2]->divider = true;
$usermenudata['items'] = $modifiedarray;
$usermenudata['submenus'] = array_values($submenusdata);
return $usermenudata;