Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 403] [Versions 400 and 403] [Versions 401 and 403] [Versions 402 and 403]
Library of functions for database manipulation. Other main libraries: - weblib.php - functions that produce web output - moodlelib.php - general-purpose Moodle functions
Copyright: | 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 2279 lines (88 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 1 time |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
get_admin() X-Ref |
Returns $user object of the main admin user return: stdClass {@link $USER} record from DB, false if not found |
get_admins() X-Ref |
Returns list of all admins, using 1 DB query return: array |
search_users($courseid, $groupid, $searchtext, $sort='', array $exceptions=null) X-Ref |
Search through course users If $coursid specifies the site course then this function searches through all undeleted and confirmed users param: int $courseid The course in question. param: int $groupid The group in question. param: string $searchtext The string to search for param: string $sort A field to sort by param: array $exceptions A list of IDs to ignore, eg 2,4,5,8,9,10 return: array |
users_search_sql(string $search, string $u = 'u', int $searchtype = USER_SEARCH_STARTS_WITH, array $extrafields = [],array $exclude = null, array $includeonly = null) X-Ref |
Returns SQL used to search through user table to find users (in a query which may also join and apply other conditions). You can combine this SQL with an existing query by adding 'AND $sql' to the WHERE clause of your query (where $sql is the first element in the array returned by this function), and merging in the $params array to the parameters of your query (where $params is the second element). Your query should use named parameters such as :param, rather than the question mark style. There are examples of basic usage in the unit test for this function. param: string $search the text to search for (empty string = find all) param: string $u the table alias for the user table in the query being param: int $searchtype If 0(default): searches at start, 1: searches in the middle of names param: array $extrafields Array of extra user fields to include in search, must be prefixed with table alias if they are not in param: array $exclude Array of user ids to exclude (empty = don't exclude) param: array $includeonly If specified, only returns users that have ids return: array an array with two elements, a fragment of SQL to go in the |
users_order_by_sql(string $usertablealias = '', string $search = null, context $context = null,array $customfieldmappings = []) X-Ref |
This function generates the standard ORDER BY clause for use when generating lists of users. If you don't have a reason to use a different order, then you should use this method to generate the order when displaying lists of users. If the optional $search parameter is passed, then exact matches to the search will be sorted first. For example, suppose you have two users 'Al Zebra' and 'Alan Aardvark'. The default sort is Alan, then Al. If, however, you search for 'Al', then Al will be listed first. (With two users, this is not a big deal, but with thousands of users, it is essential.) The list of fields scanned for exact matches are: - firstname - lastname - $DB->sql_fullname - those returned by \core_user\fields::get_identity_fields or those included in $customfieldmappings If named parameters are used (which is the default, and highly recommended), then the parameter names are like :usersortexactN, where N is an int. The simplest possible example use is: list($sort, $params) = users_order_by_sql(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {users} ORDER BY ' . $sort; A more complex example, showing that this sort can be combined with other sorts: list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u'); $sql = "SELECT g.id AS groupid, gg.groupingid, u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.idnumber, u.username FROM {groups} g LEFT JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON g.id = gg.groupid LEFT JOIN {groups_members} gm ON g.id = gm.groupid LEFT JOIN {user} u ON gm.userid = u.id WHERE g.courseid = :courseid $groupwhere $groupingwhere ORDER BY g.name, $sort"; $params += $sortparams; An example showing the use of $search: list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u', $search, $this->get_context()); $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort; $params += $sortparams; $availableusers = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, $params, $page*$perpage, $perpage); param: string $usertablealias (optional) any table prefix for the {users} table. E.g. 'u'. param: string $search (optional) a current search string. If given, param: context|null $context the context we are in. Used by \core_user\fields::get_identity_fields. param: array $customfieldmappings associative array of mappings for custom fields returned by \core_user\fields::get_sql. return: array with two elements: |
get_users($get=true, $search='', $confirmed=false, array $exceptions=null, $sort='firstname ASC',$firstinitial='', $lastinitial='', $page='', $recordsperpage='', $fields='*', $extraselect='', array $extraparams=null) X-Ref |
Returns a subset of users param: bool $get If false then only a count of the records is returned param: string $search A simple string to search for param: bool $confirmed A switch to allow/disallow unconfirmed users param: array $exceptions A list of IDs to ignore, eg 2,4,5,8,9,10 param: string $sort A SQL snippet for the sorting criteria to use param: string $firstinitial Users whose first name starts with $firstinitial param: string $lastinitial Users whose last name starts with $lastinitial param: string $page The page or records to return param: string $recordsperpage The number of records to return per page param: string $fields A comma separated list of fields to be returned from the chosen table. return: array|int|bool {@link $USER} records unless get is false in which case the integer count of the records found is returned. |
get_users_listing($sort='lastaccess', $dir='ASC', $page=0, $recordsperpage=0,$search='', $firstinitial='', $lastinitial='', $extraselect='',array $extraparams=null, $extracontext = null) X-Ref |
Return filtered (if provided) list of users in site, except guest and deleted users. param: string $sort An SQL field to sort by param: string $dir The sort direction ASC|DESC param: int $page The page or records to return param: int $recordsperpage The number of records to return per page param: string $search A simple string to search for param: string $firstinitial Users whose first name starts with $firstinitial param: string $lastinitial Users whose last name starts with $lastinitial param: string $extraselect An additional SQL select statement to append to the query param: array $extraparams Additional parameters to use for the above $extraselect param: stdClass $extracontext If specified, will include user 'extra fields' return: array Array of {@link $USER} records |
get_users_confirmed() X-Ref |
Full list of users that have confirmed their accounts. return: array of unconfirmed users |
get_site() X-Ref |
Returns $course object of the top-level site. return: object A {@link $COURSE} object for the site, exception if not found |
get_course($courseid, $clone = true) X-Ref |
Gets a course object from database. If the course id corresponds to an already-loaded $COURSE or $SITE object, then the loaded object will be used, saving a database query. If it reuses an existing object, by default the object will be cloned. This means you can modify the object safely without affecting other code. param: int $courseid Course id param: bool $clone If true (default), makes a clone of the record return: stdClass A course object |
get_courses($categoryid="all", $sort="c.sortorder ASC", $fields="c.*") X-Ref |
Returns list of courses, for whole site, or category Returns list of courses, for whole site, or category Important: Using c.* for fields is extremely expensive because we are using distinct. You almost _NEVER_ need all the fields in such a large SELECT Consider using core_course_category::get_courses() or core_course_category::search_courses() instead since they use caching. param: string|int $categoryid Either a category id or 'all' for everything param: string $sort A field and direction to sort by param: string $fields The additional fields to return (note that "id, category, visible" are always present) return: array Array of courses |
get_courses_search($searchterms, $sort, $page, $recordsperpage, &$totalcount,$requiredcapabilities = array() X-Ref |
A list of courses that match a search param: array $searchterms An array of search criteria param: string $sort A field and direction to sort by param: int $page The page number to get param: int $recordsperpage The number of records per page param: int $totalcount Passed in by reference. param: array $requiredcapabilities Extra list of capabilities used to filter courses param: array $searchcond additional search conditions, for example ['c.enablecompletion = :p1'] param: array $params named parameters for additional search conditions, for example ['p1' => 1] return: stdClass[] {@link $COURSE} records |
fix_course_sortorder() X-Ref |
Fixes course category and course sortorder, also verifies category and course parents and paths. (circular references are not fixed) return: void |
_fix_course_cats($children, &$sortorder, $parent, $depth, $path, &$fixcontexts) X-Ref |
Internal recursive category verification function, do not use directly! param: array $children param: int $sortorder param: string $parent param: int $depth param: string $path param: array $fixcontexts return: bool if changes were made |
get_my_remotecourses($userid=0) X-Ref |
List of remote courses that a user has access to via MNET. Works only on the IDP param: int @userid The user id to get remote courses for return: array Array of {@link $COURSE} of course objects |
get_my_remotehosts() X-Ref |
List of remote hosts that a user has access to via MNET. Works on the SP return: array|bool Array of host objects or false |
get_scales_menu($courseid=0) X-Ref |
Returns a menu of all available scales from the site as well as the given course param: int $courseid The id of the course as found in the 'course' table. return: array |
increment_revision_number($table, $field, $select, array $params = null) X-Ref |
Increment standard revision field. The revision are based on current time and are incrementing. There is a protection for runaway revisions, it may not go further than one hour into future. The field has to be XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER with size 10. param: string $table param: string $field name of the field containing revision param: string $select use empty string when updating all records param: array $params optional select parameters |
get_course_mods($courseid) X-Ref |
Just gets a raw list of all modules in a course param: int $courseid The id of the course as found in the 'course' table. return: array |
get_coursemodule_from_id($modulename, $cmid, $courseid=0, $sectionnum=false, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) X-Ref |
Given an id of a course module, finds the coursemodule description Please note that this function performs 1-2 DB queries. When possible use cached course modinfo. For example get_fast_modinfo($courseorid)->get_cm($cmid) See also {@link cm_info::get_course_module_record()} param: string $modulename name of module type, eg. resource, assignment,... (optional, slower and less safe if not specified) param: int $cmid course module id (id in course_modules table) param: int $courseid optional course id for extra validation param: bool $sectionnum include relative section number (0,1,2 ...) param: int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if record not found, debug message if more found; return: stdClass |
get_coursemodule_from_instance($modulename, $instance, $courseid=0, $sectionnum=false, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) X-Ref |
Given an instance number of a module, finds the coursemodule description Please note that this function performs DB query. When possible use cached course modinfo. For example get_fast_modinfo($courseorid)->instances[$modulename][$instance] See also {@link cm_info::get_course_module_record()} param: string $modulename name of module type, eg. resource, assignment,... param: int $instance module instance number (id in resource, assignment etc. table) param: int $courseid optional course id for extra validation param: bool $sectionnum include relative section number (0,1,2 ...) param: int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if record not found, debug message if more found; return: stdClass |
get_coursemodules_in_course($modulename, $courseid, $extrafields='') X-Ref |
Returns all course modules of given activity in course param: string $modulename The module name (forum, quiz, etc.) param: int $courseid The course id to get modules for param: string $extrafields extra fields starting with m. return: array Array of results |
get_all_instances_in_courses($modulename, $courses, $userid=NULL, $includeinvisible=false) X-Ref |
Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in given courses, sorted in the order they are defined Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in given courses, sorted in the order they are defined in the course. Returns an empty array on any errors. The returned objects includle the columns cw.section, cm.visible, cm.groupmode, cm.groupingid and cm.lang and are indexed by cm.id. param: string $modulename The name of the module to get instances for param: array $courses an array of course objects. param: int $userid param: int $includeinvisible return: array of module instance objects, including some extra fields from the course_modules |
get_all_instances_in_course($modulename, $course, $userid=NULL, $includeinvisible=false) X-Ref |
Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in a given course, sorted in the order they are defined. Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in a given course, sorted in the order they are defined in the course. Returns an empty array on any errors. The returned objects includle the columns cw.section, cm.visible, cm.groupmode, and cm.groupingid, and are indexed by cm.id. Simply calls {@link all_instances_in_courses()} with a single provided course param: string $modulename The name of the module to get instances for param: object $course The course obect. param: int $userid param: int $includeinvisible return: array of module instance objects, including some extra fields from the course_modules |
instance_is_visible($moduletype, $module) X-Ref |
Determine whether a module instance is visible within a course Given a valid module object with info about the id and course, and the module's type (eg "forum") returns whether the object is visible or not according to the 'eye' icon only. NOTE: This does NOT take into account visibility to a particular user. To get visibility access for a specific user, use get_fast_modinfo, get a cm_info object from this, and check the ->uservisible property; or use the \core_availability\info_module::is_user_visible() static function. param: $moduletype Name of the module eg 'forum' param: $module Object which is the instance of the module return: bool Success |
get_log_manager($forcereload = false) X-Ref |
Get instance of log manager. param: bool $forcereload return: \core\log\manager |
add_to_config_log($name, $oldvalue, $value, $plugin) X-Ref |
Add an entry to the config log table. These are "action" focussed rather than web server hits, and provide a way to easily reconstruct changes to Moodle configuration. param: string $name The name of the configuration change action param: string $oldvalue The config setting's previous value param: string $value The config setting's new value param: string $plugin Plugin name, for example a filter name when changing filter configuration return: void |
user_accesstime_log($courseid=0) X-Ref |
Store user last access times - called when use enters a course or site param: int $courseid empty courseid means site return: void |
print_object($item, array $expandclasses = ['/./'], bool $textonly = false, bool $return = false,int $depth = 0, array $done = []) X-Ref |
Dumps a given object's information for debugging purposes. (You can actually use this function to print any type of value such as arrays or simple strings, not just objects.) When used in a web script, the object is dumped in a fancy-formatted div. When used in a CLI script, the object's information is written to the standard error output stream. When used in an AJAX script, the object's information is dumped to the server error log. In text mode, private fields are shown with * and protected with +. In web view, formatting is done with Bootstrap classes. You can hover over some items to see more information, such as value types or access controls, or full field names if the names get cut off. By default, this will recurse to child objects, except where that would result in infinite recursion. To change that, set $expandclasses to an empty array (= do not recurse) or to a list of the class names that you would like to expand. You can also set values in this array to a regular expression beginning with / if you want to match a range of classes. param: mixed $item Object, array, or other item to display param: string[] $expandclasses Optional list of class patterns to recurse to param: bool $textonly If true, outputs text-only (automatically set for CLI and AJAX) param: bool $return For internal use - if true, returns value instead of echoing it param: int $depth For internal use - depth of recursion within print_object call param: \stdClass[] $done For internal use - array listing already-printed objects return: string HTML code (or text if CLI) to display, if $return is true, otherwise empty string |
xmldb_debug($message, $object) X-Ref |
This function is the official hook inside XMLDB stuff to delegate its debug to one external function. Any script can avoid calls to this function by defining XMLDB_SKIP_DEBUG_HOOK before using XMLDB classes. Obviously, also, if this function doesn't exist, it isn't invoked ;-) param: string $message string contains the error message param: object $object object XMLDB object that fired the debug |
user_can_create_courses() X-Ref |
return: boolean Whether the user can create courses in any category in the system. |
update_field_with_unique_index($table, $field, array $newvalues,array $otherconditions, $unusedvalue = -1) X-Ref |
This method can update the values in mulitple database rows for a colum with a unique index, without violating that constraint. Suppose we have a table with a unique index on (otherid, sortorder), and for a particular value of otherid, we want to change all the sort orders. You have to do this carefully or you will violate the unique index at some time. This method takes care of the details for you. Note that, it is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that the requested rename is legal. For example, if you ask for [1 => 2, 2 => 2] then you will get a unique key violation error from the database. param: string $table The database table to modify. param: string $field the field that contains the values we are going to change. param: array $newvalues oldvalue => newvalue how to change the values. param: array $otherconditions array fieldname => requestedvalue extra WHERE clause param: int $unusedvalue (defaults to -1) a value that is never used in $ordercol. |
decompose_update_into_safe_changes(array $newvalues, $unusedvalue) X-Ref |
Helper used by {@link update_field_with_unique_index()}. Given a desired set of changes, break them down into single udpates that can be done one at a time without breaking any unique index constraints. Suppose the input is array(1 => 2, 2 => 1) and -1. Then the output will be array (array(1, -1), array(2, 1), array(-1, 2)). This function solves this problem in the general case, not just for simple swaps. The unit tests give more examples. Note that, it is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that the requested rename is legal. For example, if you ask for something impossible like array(1 => 2, 2 => 2) then the results are undefined. (You will probably get a unique key violation error from the database later.) param: array $newvalues The desired re-ordering. param: int $unusedvalue A value that is not currently used. return: array A safe way to perform the re-order. An array of two-element |
get_max_courses_in_category() X-Ref |
Return maximum number of courses in a category return: int number of courses |
get_safe_orderby(array $orderbymap, string $orderbykey, string $direction = '', bool $useprefix = true) X-Ref |
Prepare a safe ORDER BY statement from user interactable requests. This allows safe user specified sorting (ORDER BY), by abstracting the SQL from the value being requested by the user. A standard string (and optional direction) can be specified, which will be mapped to a predefined allow list of SQL ordering. The mapping can optionally include a 'default', which will be used if the key provided is invalid. Example usage: -If $orderbymap = [ 'courseid' => 'c.id', 'somecustomvalue'=> 'c.startdate, c.shortname', 'default' => 'c.fullname', ] -A value from the map array's keys can be passed in by a user interaction (eg web service) along with an optional direction. -get_safe_orderby($orderbymap, 'courseid', 'DESC') would return: ORDER BY c.id DESC -get_safe_orderby($orderbymap, 'somecustomvalue') would return: ORDER BY c.startdate, c.shortname -get_safe_orderby($orderbymap, 'invalidblah', 'DESC') would return: ORDER BY c.fullname DESC -If no default key was specified in $orderbymap, the invalidblah example above would return empty string. param: array $orderbymap An array in the format [keystring => sqlstring]. A default fallback can be set with the key 'default'. param: string $orderbykey A string to be mapped to a key in $orderbymap. param: string $direction Optional ORDER BY direction (ASC/DESC, case insensitive). param: bool $useprefix Whether ORDER BY is prefixed to the output (true by default). This should not be modified in most cases. return: string The ORDER BY statement, or empty string if $orderbykey is invalid and no default is mapped. |
get_safe_orderby_multiple(array $orderbymap, array $orderbykeys, array $directions = []) X-Ref |
Prepare a safe ORDER BY statement from user interactable requests using multiple values. This allows safe user specified sorting (ORDER BY) similar to get_safe_orderby(), but supports multiple keys and directions. This is useful in cases where combinations of columns are needed and/or each item requires a specified direction (ASC/DESC). The mapping can optionally include a 'default', which will be used if the key provided is invalid. Example usage: -If $orderbymap = [ 'courseid' => 'c.id', 'fullname'=> 'c.fullname', 'default' => 'c.startdate', ] -An array of values from the map's keys can be passed in by a user interaction (eg web service), with optional directions. -get_safe_orderby($orderbymap, ['courseid', 'fullname'], ['DESC', 'ASC']) would return: ORDER BY c.id DESC, c.fullname ASC -get_safe_orderby($orderbymap, ['courseid', 'invalidblah'], ['aaa', 'DESC']) would return: ORDER BY c.id, c.startdate DESC -If no default key was specified in $orderbymap, the invalidblah example above would return: ORDER BY c.id param: array $orderbymap An array in the format [keystring => sqlstring]. A default fallback can be set with the key 'default'. param: array $orderbykeys An array of strings to be mapped to keys in $orderbymap. param: array $directions Optional array of ORDER BY direction (ASC/DESC, case insensitive). return: string The ORDER BY statement, or empty string if $orderbykeys contains no valid items and no default is mapped. |