Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * Native mysqli class representing moodle database interface.
 * @package    core_dml
 * @copyright  2008 Petr Skoda (
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();


 * Native mysqli class representing moodle database interface.
 * @package    core_dml
 * @copyright  2008 Petr Skoda (
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class mysqli_native_moodle_database extends moodle_database {
    use moodle_read_slave_trait {
        can_use_readonly as read_slave_can_use_readonly;

> /** @var array $sslmodes */ /** @var mysqli $mysqli */ > private static $sslmodes = [ protected $mysqli = null; > 'require', /** @var bool is compressed row format supported cache */ > 'verify-full' protected $compressedrowformatsupported = null; > ]; >
private $transactions_supported = null;
> /** @var string DB server actual version */ > protected $serverversion = null;
/** * Attempt to create the database * @param string $dbhost * @param string $dbuser * @param string $dbpass * @param string $dbname * @return bool success * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function create_database($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, array $dboptions=null) { $driverstatus = $this->driver_installed(); if ($driverstatus !== true) { throw new dml_exception('dbdriverproblem', $driverstatus); } if (!empty($dboptions['dbsocket']) and (strpos($dboptions['dbsocket'], '/') !== false or strpos($dboptions['dbsocket'], '\\') !== false)) { $dbsocket = $dboptions['dbsocket']; } else { $dbsocket = ini_get('mysqli.default_socket'); } if (empty($dboptions['dbport'])) { $dbport = (int)ini_get('mysqli.default_port'); } else { $dbport = (int)$dboptions['dbport']; } // verify ini.get does not return nonsense if (empty($dbport)) { $dbport = 3306; } ob_start(); $conn = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, '', $dbport, $dbsocket); // Connect without db $dberr = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $errorno = @$conn->connect_errno; if ($errorno !== 0) { throw new dml_connection_exception($dberr); } // Normally a check would be done before setting utf8mb4, but the database can be created // before the enviroment checks are done. We'll proceed with creating the database and then do checks next. $charset = 'utf8mb4'; if (isset($dboptions['dbcollation']) and (strpos($dboptions['dbcollation'], 'utf8_') === 0 || strpos($dboptions['dbcollation'], 'utf8mb4_') === 0)) { $collation = $dboptions['dbcollation']; $collationinfo = explode('_', $dboptions['dbcollation']); $charset = reset($collationinfo); } else { $collation = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'; } $result = $conn->query("CREATE DATABASE $dbname DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $charset DEFAULT COLLATE ".$collation); $conn->close(); if (!$result) { throw new dml_exception('cannotcreatedb'); } return true; } /** * Detects if all needed PHP stuff installed. * Note: can be used before connect() * @return mixed true if ok, string if something */ public function driver_installed() { if (!extension_loaded('mysqli')) { return get_string('mysqliextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } return true; } /** * Returns database family type - describes SQL dialect * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string db family name (mysql, postgres, mssql, oracle, etc.) */ public function get_dbfamily() { return 'mysql'; } /** * Returns more specific database driver type * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string db type mysqli, pgsql, oci, mssql, sqlsrv */ protected function get_dbtype() { return 'mysqli'; } /** * Returns general database library name * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string db type pdo, native */ protected function get_dblibrary() { return 'native'; } /** * Returns the current MySQL db engine. * * This is an ugly workaround for MySQL default engine problems, * Moodle is designed to work best on ACID compliant databases * with full transaction support. Do not use MyISAM. * * @return string or null MySQL engine name */ public function get_dbengine() { if (isset($this->dboptions['dbengine'])) { return $this->dboptions['dbengine']; } if ($this->external) { return null; } $engine = null; // Look for current engine of our config table (the first table that gets created), // so that we create all tables with the same engine. $sql = "SELECT engine FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = '{$this->prefix}config'"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($rec = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // MySQL 8 BC: information_schema.* returns the fields in upper case. $rec = array_change_key_case($rec, CASE_LOWER); $engine = $rec['engine']; } $result->close(); if ($engine) { // Cache the result to improve performance. $this->dboptions['dbengine'] = $engine; return $engine; } // Get the default database engine. $sql = "SELECT @@default_storage_engine engine"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($rec = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $engine = $rec['engine']; } $result->close(); if ($engine === 'MyISAM') { // we really do not want MyISAM for Moodle, InnoDB or XtraDB is a reasonable defaults if supported $sql = "SHOW STORAGE ENGINES"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); $engines = array(); while ($res = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if ($res['Support'] === 'YES' or $res['Support'] === 'DEFAULT') { $engines[$res['Engine']] = true; } } $result->close(); if (isset($engines['InnoDB'])) { $engine = 'InnoDB'; } if (isset($engines['XtraDB'])) { $engine = 'XtraDB'; } } // Cache the result to improve performance. $this->dboptions['dbengine'] = $engine; return $engine; } /** * Returns the current MySQL db collation. * * This is an ugly workaround for MySQL default collation problems. * * @return string or null MySQL collation name */ public function get_dbcollation() { if (isset($this->dboptions['dbcollation'])) { return $this->dboptions['dbcollation']; } } /** * Set 'dbcollation' option * * @return string|null $dbcollation */ private function detect_collation(): ?string { if ($this->external) { return null; } $collation = null; // Look for current collation of our config table (the first table that gets created), // so that we create all tables with the same collation. $sql = "SELECT collation_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = '{$this->prefix}config' AND column_name = 'value'"; $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); if ($rec = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // MySQL 8 BC: information_schema.* returns the fields in upper case. $rec = array_change_key_case($rec, CASE_LOWER); $collation = $rec['collation_name']; } $result->close(); if (!$collation) { // Get the default database collation, but only if using UTF-8. $sql = "SELECT @@collation_database"; $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); if ($rec = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if (strpos($rec['@@collation_database'], 'utf8_') === 0 || strpos($rec['@@collation_database'], 'utf8mb4_') === 0) { $collation = $rec['@@collation_database']; } } $result->close(); } if (!$collation) { // We want only utf8 compatible collations. $collation = null; $sql = "SHOW COLLATION WHERE Collation LIKE 'utf8mb4\_%' AND Charset = 'utf8mb4'"; $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); while ($res = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $collation = $res['Collation']; if (strtoupper($res['Default']) === 'YES') { $collation = $res['Collation']; break; } } $result->close(); } // Cache the result to improve performance. $this->dboptions['dbcollation'] = $collation; return $collation; } /** * Tests if the Antelope file format is still supported or it has been removed. * When removed, only Barracuda file format is supported, given the XtraDB/InnoDB engine. * * @return bool True if the Antelope file format has been removed; otherwise, false. */ protected function is_antelope_file_format_no_more_supported() { // Breaking change: Antelope file format support has been removed from both MySQL and MariaDB. // The following InnoDB file format configuration parameters were deprecated and then removed: // - innodb_file_format // - innodb_file_format_check // - innodb_file_format_max // - innodb_large_prefix // 1. MySQL: deprecated in 5.7.7 and removed 8.0.0+. $ismysqlge8d0d0 = ($this->get_dbtype() == 'mysqli' || $this->get_dbtype() == 'auroramysql') && version_compare($this->get_server_info()['version'], '8.0.0', '>='); // 2. MariaDB: deprecated in 10.2.0 and removed 10.3.1+. $ismariadbge10d3d1 = ($this->get_dbtype() == 'mariadb') && version_compare($this->get_server_info()['version'], '10.3.1', '>='); return $ismysqlge8d0d0 || $ismariadbge10d3d1; } /** * Get the row format from the database schema. * * @param string $table * @return string row_format name or null if not known or table does not exist. */ public function get_row_format($table = null) { $rowformat = null; if (isset($table)) { $table = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($table); $sql = "SELECT row_format FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = '{$this->prefix}$table'"; } else { if ($this->is_antelope_file_format_no_more_supported()) { // Breaking change: Antelope file format support has been removed, only Barracuda. $dbengine = $this->get_dbengine(); $supporteddbengines = array('InnoDB', 'XtraDB'); if (in_array($dbengine, $supporteddbengines)) { $rowformat = 'Barracuda'; } return $rowformat; } $sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_file_format'"; } $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($rec = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // MySQL 8 BC: information_schema.* returns the fields in upper case. $rec = array_change_key_case($rec, CASE_LOWER); if (isset($table)) { $rowformat = $rec['row_format']; } else { $rowformat = $rec['value']; } } $result->close(); return $rowformat; } /** * Is this database compatible with compressed row format? * This feature is necessary for support of large number of text * columns in InnoDB/XtraDB database. * * @param bool $cached use cached result * @return bool true if table can be created or changed to compressed row format. */ public function is_compressed_row_format_supported($cached = true) { if ($cached and isset($this->compressedrowformatsupported)) { return($this->compressedrowformatsupported); } $engine = strtolower($this->get_dbengine()); $info = $this->get_server_info(); if (version_compare($info['version'], '5.5.0') < 0) { // MySQL 5.1 is not supported here because we cannot read the file format. $this->compressedrowformatsupported = false; } else if ($engine !== 'innodb' and $engine !== 'xtradb') { // Other engines are not supported, most probably not compatible. $this->compressedrowformatsupported = false; } else if (!$this->is_file_per_table_enabled()) { $this->compressedrowformatsupported = false; } else if ($this->get_row_format() !== 'Barracuda') { $this->compressedrowformatsupported = false; } else if ($this->get_dbtype() === 'auroramysql') { // Aurora MySQL doesn't support COMPRESSED and falls back to COMPACT if you try to use it. $this->compressedrowformatsupported = false; } else { // All the tests passed, we can safely use ROW_FORMAT=Compressed in sql statements. $this->compressedrowformatsupported = true; } return $this->compressedrowformatsupported; } /** * Check the database to see if innodb_file_per_table is on. * * @return bool True if on otherwise false. */ public function is_file_per_table_enabled() { if ($filepertable = $this->get_record_sql("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_file_per_table'")) { if ($filepertable->value == 'ON') { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check the database to see if innodb_large_prefix is on. * * @return bool True if on otherwise false. */ public function is_large_prefix_enabled() { if ($this->is_antelope_file_format_no_more_supported()) { // Breaking change: Antelope file format support has been removed, only Barracuda. return true; } if ($largeprefix = $this->get_record_sql("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_large_prefix'")) { if ($largeprefix->value == 'ON') { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determine if the row format should be set to compressed, dynamic, or default. * * Terrible kludge. If we're using utf8mb4 AND we're using InnoDB, we need to specify row format to * be either dynamic or compressed (default is compact) in order to allow for bigger indexes (MySQL * errors #1709 and #1071). * * @param string $engine The database engine being used. Will be looked up if not supplied. * @param string $collation The database collation to use. Will look up the current collation if not supplied. * @return string An sql fragment to add to sql statements. */ public function get_row_format_sql($engine = null, $collation = null) { if (!isset($engine)) { $engine = $this->get_dbengine(); } $engine = strtolower($engine); if (!isset($collation)) { $collation = $this->get_dbcollation(); } $rowformat = ''; if (($engine === 'innodb' || $engine === 'xtradb') && strpos($collation, 'utf8mb4_') === 0) { if ($this->is_compressed_row_format_supported()) { $rowformat = "ROW_FORMAT=Compressed"; } else { $rowformat = "ROW_FORMAT=Dynamic"; } } return $rowformat; } /** * Returns localised database type name * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string */ public function get_name() { return get_string('nativemysqli', 'install'); } /** * Returns localised database configuration help. * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string */ public function get_configuration_help() { return get_string('nativemysqlihelp', 'install'); } /** * Diagnose database and tables, this function is used * to verify database and driver settings, db engine types, etc. * * @return string null means everything ok, string means problem found. */ public function diagnose() { $sloppymyisamfound = false; $prefix = str_replace('_', '\\_', $this->prefix); $sql = "SELECT COUNT('x') FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name LIKE BINARY '$prefix%' AND Engine = 'MyISAM'"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result) { if ($arr = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $count = reset($arr); if ($count) { $sloppymyisamfound = true; } } $result->close(); } if ($sloppymyisamfound) { return get_string('myisamproblem', 'error'); } else { return null; } } /** * Connect to db * @param string $dbhost The database host. * @param string $dbuser The database username. * @param string $dbpass The database username's password. * @param string $dbname The name of the database being connected to.e * @param mixed $prefix string means moodle db prefix, false used for external databases where prefix not used * @param array $dboptions driver specific options * @return bool success
> * @throws moodle_exception */ > * @throws dml_connection_exception if error
public function raw_connect(string $dbhost, string $dbuser, string $dbpass, string $dbname, $prefix, array $dboptions=null): bool { $driverstatus = $this->driver_installed(); if ($driverstatus !== true) { throw new dml_exception('dbdriverproblem', $driverstatus); } $this->store_settings($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $prefix, $dboptions); // The dbsocket option is used ONLY if host is null or 'localhost'. // You can not disable it because it is always tried if dbhost is 'localhost'. if (!empty($this->dboptions['dbsocket']) and (strpos($this->dboptions['dbsocket'], '/') !== false or strpos($this->dboptions['dbsocket'], '\\') !== false)) { $dbsocket = $this->dboptions['dbsocket']; } else { $dbsocket = ini_get('mysqli.default_socket'); } if (empty($this->dboptions['dbport'])) { $dbport = (int)ini_get('mysqli.default_port'); } else { $dbport = (int)$this->dboptions['dbport']; } // verify ini.get does not return nonsense if (empty($dbport)) { $dbport = 3306; } if ($dbhost and !empty($this->dboptions['dbpersist'])) { $dbhost = "p:$dbhost"; } // We want to keep exceptions out from the native driver. // TODO: See MDL-75761 for future improvements. mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF); // Disable reporting (default before PHP 8.1). $this->mysqli = mysqli_init(); if (!empty($this->dboptions['connecttimeout'])) { $this->mysqli->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, $this->dboptions['connecttimeout']); }
> $flags = 0; $conn = null; > if ($this->dboptions['clientcompress'] ?? false) { $dberr = null; > $flags |= MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS; try { > } // real_connect() is doing things we don't expext. > if (isset($this->dboptions['ssl'])) { $conn = @$this->mysqli->real_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbport, $dbsocket); > $sslmode = $this->dboptions['ssl']; } catch (\Exception $e) { > if (!in_array($sslmode, self::$sslmodes, true)) { $dberr = "$e"; > throw new moodle_exception("Invalid 'dboptions''ssl' value '$sslmode'"); } > } if (!$conn) { > $flags |= MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL; $dberr = $dberr ?: $this->mysqli->connect_error; > if ($sslmode === 'verify-full') { $this->mysqli = null; > $flags |= MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT; throw new dml_connection_exception($dberr); > } } > } >
< $conn = @$this->mysqli->real_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbport, $dbsocket);
> $conn = @$this->mysqli->real_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbport, $dbsocket, $flags);
< $dberr = $dberr ?: $this->mysqli->connect_error;
> $dberr = $dberr ?: "{$this->mysqli->connect_error} ({$this->mysqli->connect_errno})";
if (isset($dboptions['dbcollation'])) { $collation = $this->dboptions['dbcollation'] = $dboptions['dbcollation']; } else { $collation = $this->detect_collation(); } $collationinfo = explode('_', $collation); $charset = reset($collationinfo); $this->mysqli->set_charset($charset); // If available, enforce strict mode for the session. That guaranties // standard behaviour under some situations, avoiding some MySQL nasty // habits like truncating data or performing some transparent cast losses. // With strict mode enforced, Moodle DB layer will be consistently throwing // the corresponding exceptions as expected. $si = $this->get_server_info(); if (version_compare($si['version'], '5.0.2', '>=')) { $sql = "SET SESSION sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'"; $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); } // We can enable logging now. $this->query_log_allow(); // Connection stabilised and configured, going to instantiate the temptables controller $this->temptables = new mysqli_native_moodle_temptables($this); return true; } /** * Close database connection and release all resources * and memory (especially circular memory references). * Do NOT use connect() again, create a new instance if needed. */ public function dispose() { parent::dispose(); // Call parent dispose to write/close session and other common stuff before closing connection if ($this->mysqli) { $this->mysqli->close(); $this->mysqli = null; } } /** * Gets db handle currently used with queries * @return resource */ protected function get_db_handle() { return $this->mysqli; } /** * Sets db handle to be used with subsequent queries * @param resource $dbh * @return void */ protected function set_db_handle($dbh): void { $this->mysqli = $dbh; } /** * Check if The query qualifies for readonly connection execution * Logging queries are exempt, those are write operations that circumvent * standard query_start/query_end paths. * @param int $type type of query * @param string $sql * @return bool */ protected function can_use_readonly(int $type, string $sql): bool { // ... *_LOCK queries always go to master. if (preg_match('/\b(GET|RELEASE)_LOCK/i', $sql)) { return false; } return $this->read_slave_can_use_readonly($type, $sql); } /**
< * Returns database server info array < * @return array Array containing 'description' and 'version' info
> * Returns the version of the MySQL server, as reported by the PHP client connection. > * > * Wrap $this->mysqli->server_info to improve testing strategy. > * > * @return string A string representing the version of the MySQL server that the MySQLi extension is connected to. > */ > protected function get_mysqli_server_info(): string { > return $this->mysqli->server_info; > } > > /** > * Returns the version of the MySQL server, as reported by 'SELECT VERSION()' query. > * > * @return string A string that indicates the MySQL server version. > * @throws dml_read_exception If the execution of 'SELECT VERSION()' query will fail. > */ > protected function get_version_from_db(): string { > $version = null; > // Query the DB server for the server version. > $sql = "SELECT VERSION() version;"; > try { > $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); > if ($result) { > if ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { > $version = $row['version']; > } > $result->close(); > unset($row); > } > } catch (\Throwable $e) { // Exceptions in case of MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT. > // It looks like we've an issue out of the expected boolean 'false' result above. > throw new dml_read_exception($e->getMessage(), $sql); > } > if (empty($version)) { > // Exception dml_read_exception usually reports raw mysqli errors i.e. not localised by Moodle. > throw new dml_read_exception("Unable to read the DB server version.", $sql); > } > > return $version; > } > > /** > * Returns whether $CFG->dboptions['versionfromdb'] has been set to boolean `true`. > * > * @return bool True if $CFG->dboptions['versionfromdb'] has been set to boolean `true`. Otherwise, `false`. > */ > protected function should_db_version_be_read_from_db(): bool { > if (!empty($this->dboptions['versionfromdb'])) { > return true; > } > > return false; > } > > /** > * Returns database server info array. > * @return array Array containing 'description' and 'version' info. > * @throws dml_read_exception If the execution of 'SELECT VERSION()' query will fail.
*/ public function get_server_info() {
< return array('description'=>$this->mysqli->server_info, 'version'=>$this->mysqli->server_info);
> $version = $this->serverversion; > if (empty($version)) { > $version = $this->get_mysqli_server_info(); > // The version returned by the PHP client could not be the actual DB server version. > // For example in MariaDB, it was prefixed by the RPL_VERSION_HACK, "5.5.5-" (MDEV-4088), starting from 10.x, > // when not using an authentication plug-in. > // Strip the RPL_VERSION_HACK prefix off - it will be "always" there in MariaDB until MDEV-28910 will be implemented. > $version = str_replace('5.5.5-', '', $version); > > // Should we use the VERSION function to get the actual DB version instead of the PHP client version above? > if ($this->should_db_version_be_read_from_db()) { > // Try to query the actual version of the target database server: indeed some cloud providers, e.g. Azure, > // put a gateway in front of the actual instance which reports its own version to the PHP client > // and it doesn't represent the actual version of the DB server the PHP client is connected to. > // Refs: > // - > // - . > // Reset the version returned by the PHP client with the actual DB version reported by 'VERSION' function. > $version = $this->get_version_from_db(); > } > > // The version here starts with the following naming scheme: 'X.Y.Z[-<suffix>]'. > // Example: in MariaDB at least one suffix is "always" there, hardcoded in '': > // #define MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION "@VERSION@-MariaDB" > // MariaDB and MySQL server version could have extra suffixes too, set by the compilation environment, > // e.g. '-debug', '-embedded', '-log' or any other vendor specific suffix (e.g. build information). > // Strip out any suffix. > $parts = explode('-', $version, 2); > // Finally, keep just major, minor and patch versions (X.Y.Z) from the reported DB server version. > $this->serverversion = $parts[0]; > } > > return [ > 'description' => $this->get_mysqli_server_info(), > 'version' => $this->serverversion > ];
} /** * Returns supported query parameter types * @return int bitmask of accepted SQL_PARAMS_* */ protected function allowed_param_types() { return SQL_PARAMS_QM; } /** * Returns last error reported by database engine. * @return string error message */ public function get_last_error() { return $this->mysqli->error; } /** * Return tables in database WITHOUT current prefix * @param bool $usecache if true, returns list of cached tables. * @return array of table names in lowercase and without prefix */ public function get_tables($usecache=true) { if ($usecache and $this->tables !== null) { return $this->tables; } $this->tables = array(); $prefix = str_replace('_', '\\_', $this->prefix); $sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$prefix%'"; $this->query_start($sql, null, $usecache ? SQL_QUERY_AUX_READONLY : SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); $len = strlen($this->prefix); if ($result) { while ($arr = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $tablename = reset($arr); $tablename = substr($tablename, $len); $this->tables[$tablename] = $tablename; } $result->close(); } // Add the currently available temptables $this->tables = array_merge($this->tables, $this->temptables->get_temptables()); return $this->tables; } /** * Return table indexes - everything lowercased. * @param string $table The table we want to get indexes from. * @return array An associative array of indexes containing 'unique' flag and 'columns' being indexed */ public function get_indexes($table) { $indexes = array(); $fixedtable = $this->fix_table_name($table); $sql = "SHOW INDEXES FROM $fixedtable"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX_READONLY); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); try { $this->query_end($result); } catch (dml_read_exception $e) { return $indexes; // table does not exist - no indexes... } if ($result) { while ($res = $result->fetch_object()) { if ($res->Key_name === 'PRIMARY') { continue; } if (!isset($indexes[$res->Key_name])) { $indexes[$res->Key_name] = array('unique'=>empty($res->Non_unique), 'columns'=>array()); } $indexes[$res->Key_name]['columns'][$res->Seq_in_index-1] = $res->Column_name; } $result->close(); } return $indexes; } /** * Fetches detailed information about columns in table. * * @param string $table name * @return database_column_info[] array of database_column_info objects indexed with column names */ protected function fetch_columns(string $table): array { $structure = array(); $sql = "SELECT column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, numeric_scale, is_nullable, column_type, column_default, column_key, extra FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '" . $this->prefix.$table . "' AND table_schema = '" . $this->dbname . "' ORDER BY ordinal_position"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX_READONLY); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end(true); // Don't want to throw anything here ever. MDL-30147 if ($result === false) { return array(); } if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // standard table exists while ($rawcolumn = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // MySQL 8 BC: information_schema.* returns the fields in upper case. $rawcolumn = array_change_key_case($rawcolumn, CASE_LOWER); $info = (object)$this->get_column_info((object)$rawcolumn); $structure[$info->name] = new database_column_info($info); } $result->close(); } else { // temporary tables are not in information schema, let's try it the old way $result->close(); $fixedtable = $this->fix_table_name($table); $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $fixedtable"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX_READONLY); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end(true); if ($result === false) { return array(); } while ($rawcolumn = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $rawcolumn = (object)array_change_key_case($rawcolumn, CASE_LOWER); $rawcolumn->column_name = $rawcolumn->field; unset($rawcolumn->field); $rawcolumn->column_type = $rawcolumn->type; unset($rawcolumn->type); $rawcolumn->character_maximum_length = null; $rawcolumn->numeric_precision = null; $rawcolumn->numeric_scale = null; $rawcolumn->is_nullable = $rawcolumn->null; unset($rawcolumn->null); $rawcolumn->column_default = $rawcolumn->default; unset($rawcolumn->default); $rawcolumn->column_key = $rawcolumn->key; unset($rawcolumn->key); if (preg_match('/(enum|varchar)\((\d+)\)/i', $rawcolumn->column_type, $matches)) { $rawcolumn->data_type = $matches[1]; $rawcolumn->character_maximum_length = $matches[2]; } else if (preg_match('/([a-z]*int[a-z]*)\((\d+)\)/i', $rawcolumn->column_type, $matches)) { $rawcolumn->data_type = $matches[1]; $rawcolumn->numeric_precision = $matches[2]; $rawcolumn->max_length = $rawcolumn->numeric_precision; $type = strtoupper($matches[1]); if ($type === 'BIGINT') { $maxlength = 18; } else if ($type === 'INT' or $type === 'INTEGER') { $maxlength = 9; } else if ($type === 'MEDIUMINT') { $maxlength = 6; } else if ($type === 'SMALLINT') { $maxlength = 4; } else if ($type === 'TINYINT') { $maxlength = 2; } else { // This should not happen. $maxlength = 0; } if ($maxlength < $rawcolumn->max_length) { $rawcolumn->max_length = $maxlength; } } else if (preg_match('/(decimal)\((\d+),(\d+)\)/i', $rawcolumn->column_type, $matches)) { $rawcolumn->data_type = $matches[1]; $rawcolumn->numeric_precision = $matches[2]; $rawcolumn->numeric_scale = $matches[3]; } else if (preg_match('/(double|float)(\((\d+),(\d+)\))?/i', $rawcolumn->column_type, $matches)) { $rawcolumn->data_type = $matches[1]; $rawcolumn->numeric_precision = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null; $rawcolumn->numeric_scale = isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : null; } else if (preg_match('/([a-z]*text)/i', $rawcolumn->column_type, $matches)) { $rawcolumn->data_type = $matches[1]; $rawcolumn->character_maximum_length = -1; // unknown } else if (preg_match('/([a-z]*blob)/i', $rawcolumn->column_type, $matches)) { $rawcolumn->data_type = $matches[1]; } else { $rawcolumn->data_type = $rawcolumn->column_type; } $info = $this->get_column_info($rawcolumn); $structure[$info->name] = new database_column_info($info); } $result->close(); } return $structure; } /** * Indicates whether column information retrieved from `information_schema.columns` has default values quoted or not. * @return boolean True when default values are quoted (breaking change); otherwise, false. */ protected function has_breaking_change_quoted_defaults() { return false; } /** * Indicates whether SQL_MODE default value has changed in a not backward compatible way. * @return boolean True when SQL_MODE breaks BC; otherwise, false. */ public function has_breaking_change_sqlmode() { return false; } /** * Returns moodle column info for raw column from information schema. * @param stdClass $rawcolumn * @return stdClass standardised colum info */ private function get_column_info(stdClass $rawcolumn) { $rawcolumn = (object)$rawcolumn; $info = new stdClass(); $info->name = $rawcolumn->column_name; $info->type = $rawcolumn->data_type; $info->meta_type = $this->mysqltype2moodletype($rawcolumn->data_type); if ($this->has_breaking_change_quoted_defaults()) { $info->default_value = is_null($rawcolumn->column_default) ? null : trim($rawcolumn->column_default, "'"); if ($info->default_value === 'NULL') { $info->default_value = null; } } else { $info->default_value = $rawcolumn->column_default; } $info->has_default = !is_null($info->default_value); $info->not_null = ($rawcolumn->is_nullable === 'NO'); $info->primary_key = ($rawcolumn->column_key === 'PRI'); $info->binary = false; $info->unsigned = null; $info->auto_increment = false; $info->unique = null; $info->scale = null; if ($info->meta_type === 'C') { $info->max_length = $rawcolumn->character_maximum_length; } else if ($info->meta_type === 'I') { if ($info->primary_key) { $info->meta_type = 'R'; $info->unique = true; } // Return number of decimals, not bytes here. $info->max_length = $rawcolumn->numeric_precision; if (preg_match('/([a-z]*int[a-z]*)\((\d+)\)/i', $rawcolumn->column_type, $matches)) { $type = strtoupper($matches[1]); if ($type === 'BIGINT') { $maxlength = 18; } else if ($type === 'INT' or $type === 'INTEGER') { $maxlength = 9; } else if ($type === 'MEDIUMINT') { $maxlength = 6; } else if ($type === 'SMALLINT') { $maxlength = 4; } else if ($type === 'TINYINT') { $maxlength = 2; } else { // This should not happen. $maxlength = 0; } // It is possible that display precision is different from storage type length, // always use the smaller value to make sure our data fits. if ($maxlength < $info->max_length) { $info->max_length = $maxlength; } } $info->unsigned = (stripos($rawcolumn->column_type, 'unsigned') !== false); $info->auto_increment= (strpos($rawcolumn->extra, 'auto_increment') !== false); } else if ($info->meta_type === 'N') { $info->max_length = $rawcolumn->numeric_precision; $info->scale = $rawcolumn->numeric_scale; $info->unsigned = (stripos($rawcolumn->column_type, 'unsigned') !== false); } else if ($info->meta_type === 'X') { if ("$rawcolumn->character_maximum_length" === '4294967295') { // watch out for PHP max int limits! // means maximum moodle size for text column, in other drivers it may also mean unknown size $info->max_length = -1; } else { $info->max_length = $rawcolumn->character_maximum_length; } $info->primary_key = false; } else if ($info->meta_type === 'B') { $info->max_length = -1; $info->primary_key = false; $info->binary = true; } return $info; } /** * Normalise column type. * @param string $mysql_type * @return string one character * @throws dml_exception */ private function mysqltype2moodletype($mysql_type) { $type = null; switch(strtoupper($mysql_type)) { case 'BIT': $type = 'L'; break; case 'TINYINT': case 'SMALLINT': case 'MEDIUMINT': case 'INT': case 'INTEGER': case 'BIGINT': $type = 'I'; break; case 'FLOAT': case 'DOUBLE': case 'DECIMAL': $type = 'N'; break; case 'CHAR': case 'ENUM': case 'SET': case 'VARCHAR': $type = 'C'; break; case 'TINYTEXT': case 'TEXT': case 'MEDIUMTEXT': case 'LONGTEXT': $type = 'X'; break; case 'BINARY': case 'VARBINARY': case 'BLOB': case 'TINYBLOB': case 'MEDIUMBLOB': case 'LONGBLOB': $type = 'B'; break; case 'DATE': case 'TIME': case 'DATETIME': case 'TIMESTAMP': case 'YEAR': $type = 'D'; break; } if (!$type) { throw new dml_exception('invalidmysqlnativetype', $mysql_type); } return $type; } /** * Normalise values based in RDBMS dependencies (booleans, LOBs...) * * @param database_column_info $column column metadata corresponding with the value we are going to normalise * @param mixed $value value we are going to normalise * @return mixed the normalised value */ protected function normalise_value($column, $value) { $this->detect_objects($value); if (is_bool($value)) { // Always, convert boolean to int $value = (int)$value; } else if ($value === '') { if ($column->meta_type == 'I' or $column->meta_type == 'F' or $column->meta_type == 'N') { $value = 0; // prevent '' problems in numeric fields } // Any float value being stored in varchar or text field is converted to string to avoid // any implicit conversion by MySQL } else if (is_float($value) and ($column->meta_type == 'C' or $column->meta_type == 'X')) { $value = "$value"; } return $value; } /** * Is this database compatible with utf8? * @return bool */ public function setup_is_unicodedb() { // All new tables are created with this collation, we just have to make sure it is utf8 compatible, // if config table already exists it has this collation too. $collation = $this->get_dbcollation(); $collationinfo = explode('_', $collation); $charset = reset($collationinfo); $sql = "SHOW COLLATION WHERE Collation ='$collation' AND Charset = '$charset'"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX_READONLY); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result->fetch_assoc()) { $return = true; } else { $return = false; } $result->close(); return $return; } /** * Do NOT use in code, to be used by database_manager only! * @param string|array $sql query * @param array|null $tablenames an array of xmldb table names affected by this request. * @return bool true * @throws ddl_change_structure_exception A DDL specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function change_database_structure($sql, $tablenames = null) { $this->get_manager(); // Includes DDL exceptions classes ;-) if (is_array($sql)) { $sql = implode("\n;\n", $sql); } try { $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_STRUCTURE); $result = $this->mysqli->multi_query($sql); if ($result === false) { $this->query_end(false); } while ($this->mysqli->more_results()) { $result = $this->mysqli->next_result(); if ($result === false) { $this->query_end(false); } } $this->query_end(true); } catch (ddl_change_structure_exception $e) { while (@$this->mysqli->more_results()) { @$this->mysqli->next_result(); } $this->reset_caches($tablenames); throw $e; } $this->reset_caches($tablenames); return true; } /** * Very ugly hack which emulates bound parameters in queries * because prepared statements do not use query cache. */ protected function emulate_bound_params($sql, array $params=null) { if (empty($params)) { return $sql; } // ok, we have verified sql statement with ? and correct number of params $parts = array_reverse(explode('?', $sql)); $return = array_pop($parts); foreach ($params as $param) { if (is_bool($param)) { $return .= (int)$param; } else if (is_null($param)) { $return .= 'NULL'; } else if (is_number($param)) { $return .= "'".$param."'"; // we have to always use strings because mysql is using weird automatic int casting } else if (is_float($param)) { $return .= $param; } else { $param = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($param); $return .= "'$param'"; } $return .= array_pop($parts); } return $return; } /** * Execute general sql query. Should be used only when no other method suitable. * Do NOT use this to make changes in db structure, use database_manager methods instead! * @param string $sql query * @param array $params query parameters * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function execute($sql, array $params=null) { list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); if (strpos($sql, ';') !== false) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::execute() Multiple sql statements found or bound parameters not used properly in query!'); } $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result === true) { return true; } else { $result->close(); return true; } } /** * Get a number of records as a moodle_recordset using a SQL statement. * * Since this method is a little less readable, use of it should be restricted to * code where it's possible there might be large datasets being returned. For known * small datasets use get_records_sql - it leads to simpler code. * * The return type is like: * @see function get_recordset. * * @param string $sql the SQL select query to execute. * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set). * @param int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set). * @return moodle_recordset instance * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function get_recordset_sql($sql, array $params=null, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0) { list($limitfrom, $limitnum) = $this->normalise_limit_from_num($limitfrom, $limitnum); if ($limitfrom or $limitnum) { if ($limitnum < 1) { $limitnum = "18446744073709551615"; } $sql .= " LIMIT $limitfrom, $limitnum"; } list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_SELECT); // no MYSQLI_USE_RESULT here, it would block write ops on affected tables $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); $this->query_end($result); return $this->create_recordset($result); } /** * Get all records from a table. * * This method works around potential memory problems and may improve performance, * this method may block access to table until the recordset is closed. * * @param string $table Name of database table. * @return moodle_recordset A moodle_recordset instance {@link function get_recordset}. * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function export_table_recordset($table) { $sql = $this->fix_table_names("SELECT * FROM {{$table}}"); $this->query_start($sql, array(), SQL_QUERY_SELECT); // MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT may eat all memory for large tables, unfortunately MYSQLI_USE_RESULT blocks other queries. $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT); $this->query_end($result); return $this->create_recordset($result); } protected function create_recordset($result) { return new mysqli_native_moodle_recordset($result); } /** * Get a number of records as an array of objects using a SQL statement. * * Return value is like: * @see function get_records. * * @param string $sql the SQL select query to execute. The first column of this SELECT statement * must be a unique value (usually the 'id' field), as it will be used as the key of the * returned array. * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set). * @param int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set). * @return array of objects, or empty array if no records were found * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function get_records_sql($sql, array $params=null, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0) { list($limitfrom, $limitnum) = $this->normalise_limit_from_num($limitfrom, $limitnum); if ($limitfrom or $limitnum) { if ($limitnum < 1) { $limitnum = "18446744073709551615"; } $sql .= " LIMIT $limitfrom, $limitnum"; } list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_SELECT); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); $this->query_end($result); $return = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); $id = reset($row); if (isset($return[$id])) { $colname = key($row); debugging("Did you remember to make the first column something unique in your call to get_records? Duplicate value '$id' found in column '$colname'.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $return[$id] = (object)$row; } $result->close(); return $return; } /** * Selects records and return values (first field) as an array using a SQL statement. * * @param string $sql The SQL query * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @return array of values * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function get_fieldset_sql($sql, array $params=null) { list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_SELECT); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); $this->query_end($result); $return = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $return[] = reset($row); } $result->close(); return $return; } /** * Insert new record into database, as fast as possible, no safety checks, lobs not supported. * @param string $table name * @param mixed $params data record as object or array * @param bool $returnit return it of inserted record * @param bool $bulk true means repeated inserts expected * @param bool $customsequence true if 'id' included in $params, disables $returnid * @return bool|int true or new id * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function insert_record_raw($table, $params, $returnid=true, $bulk=false, $customsequence=false) { if (!is_array($params)) { $params = (array)$params; } if ($customsequence) { if (!isset($params['id'])) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::insert_record_raw() id field must be specified if custom sequences used.'); } $returnid = false; } else { unset($params['id']); } if (empty($params)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::insert_record_raw() no fields found.'); } $fields = implode(',', array_keys($params)); $qms = array_fill(0, count($params), '?'); $qms = implode(',', $qms); $fixedtable = $this->fix_table_name($table); $sql = "INSERT INTO $fixedtable ($fields) VALUES($qms)"; list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_INSERT); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql); $id = @$this->mysqli->insert_id; // must be called before query_end() which may insert log into db $this->query_end($result); if (!$customsequence and !$id) { throw new dml_write_exception('unknown error fetching inserted id'); } if (!$returnid) { return true; } else { return (int)$id; } } /** * Insert a record into a table and return the "id" field if required. * * Some conversions and safety checks are carried out. Lobs are supported. * If the return ID isn't required, then this just reports success as true/false. * $data is an object containing needed data * @param string $table The database table to be inserted into * @param object|array $dataobject A data object with values for one or more fields in the record * @param bool $returnid Should the id of the newly created record entry be returned? If this option is not requested then true/false is returned. * @return bool|int true or new id * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $bulk=false) { $dataobject = (array)$dataobject; $columns = $this->get_columns($table); if (empty($columns)) { throw new dml_exception('ddltablenotexist', $table); } $cleaned = array(); foreach ($dataobject as $field=>$value) { if ($field === 'id') { continue; } if (!isset($columns[$field])) { continue; } $column = $columns[$field]; $cleaned[$field] = $this->normalise_value($column, $value); } return $this->insert_record_raw($table, $cleaned, $returnid, $bulk); } /** * Get chunk size for multiple records insert * @return int */ private function insert_chunk_size(): int { // MySQL has a relatively small query length limit by default, // make sure 'max_allowed_packet' in my.cnf is high enough // if you change the following default... static $chunksize = null; if ($chunksize === null) { if (!empty($this->dboptions['bulkinsertsize'])) { $chunksize = (int)$this->dboptions['bulkinsertsize']; } else { if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) { // Bad luck for Windows, we cannot do any maths with large numbers. $chunksize = 5; } else { $sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet'"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); $size = 0; if ($rec = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $size = $rec['Value']; } $result->close(); // Hopefully 200kb per object are enough. $chunksize = (int)($size / 200000); if ($chunksize > 50) { $chunksize = 50; } } } } return $chunksize; } /** * Insert multiple records into database as fast as possible. * * Order of inserts is maintained, but the operation is not atomic, * use transactions if necessary. * * This method is intended for inserting of large number of small objects, * do not use for huge objects with text or binary fields. * * @since Moodle 2.7 * * @param string $table The database table to be inserted into * @param array|Traversable $dataobjects list of objects to be inserted, must be compatible with foreach * @return void does not return new record ids * * @throws coding_exception if data objects have different structure * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function insert_records($table, $dataobjects) { if (!is_array($dataobjects) && !$dataobjects instanceof Traversable) { throw new coding_exception('insert_records() passed non-traversable object'); } $chunksize = $this->insert_chunk_size(); $columns = $this->get_columns($table, true); $fields = null; $count = 0; $chunk = array(); foreach ($dataobjects as $dataobject) { if (!is_array($dataobject) and !is_object($dataobject)) { throw new coding_exception('insert_records() passed invalid record object'); } $dataobject = (array)$dataobject; if ($fields === null) { $fields = array_keys($dataobject); $columns = array_intersect_key($columns, $dataobject); unset($columns['id']); } else if ($fields !== array_keys($dataobject)) { throw new coding_exception('All dataobjects in insert_records() must have the same structure!'); } $count++; $chunk[] = $dataobject; if ($count === $chunksize) { $this->insert_chunk($table, $chunk, $columns); $chunk = array(); $count = 0; } } if ($count) { $this->insert_chunk($table, $chunk, $columns); } } /** * Insert records in chunks. * * Note: can be used only from insert_records(). * * @param string $table * @param array $chunk * @param database_column_info[] $columns */ protected function insert_chunk($table, array $chunk, array $columns) { $fieldssql = '('.implode(',', array_keys($columns)).')'; $valuessql = '('.implode(',', array_fill(0, count($columns), '?')).')'; $valuessql = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($chunk), $valuessql)); $params = array(); foreach ($chunk as $dataobject) { foreach ($columns as $field => $column) { $params[] = $this->normalise_value($column, $dataobject[$field]); } } $fixedtable = $this->fix_table_name($table); $sql = "INSERT INTO $fixedtable $fieldssql VALUES $valuessql"; list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_INSERT); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql); $this->query_end($result); } /** * Import a record into a table, id field is required. * Safety checks are NOT carried out. Lobs are supported. * * @param string $table name of database table to be inserted into * @param object $dataobject A data object with values for one or more fields in the record * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function import_record($table, $dataobject) { $dataobject = (array)$dataobject; $columns = $this->get_columns($table); $cleaned = array(); foreach ($dataobject as $field=>$value) { if (!isset($columns[$field])) { continue; } $cleaned[$field] = $value; } return $this->insert_record_raw($table, $cleaned, false, true, true); } /** * Update record in database, as fast as possible, no safety checks, lobs not supported. * @param string $table name
< * @param mixed $params data record as object or array
> * @param stdClass|array $params data record as object or array
* @param bool true means repeated updates expected * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function update_record_raw($table, $params, $bulk=false) { $params = (array)$params; if (!isset($params['id'])) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::update_record_raw() id field must be specified.'); } $id = $params['id']; unset($params['id']); if (empty($params)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::update_record_raw() no fields found.'); } $sets = array(); foreach ($params as $field=>$value) { $sets[] = "$field = ?"; } $params[] = $id; // last ? in WHERE condition $sets = implode(',', $sets); $fixedtable = $this->fix_table_name($table); $sql = "UPDATE $fixedtable SET $sets WHERE id=?"; list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql); $this->query_end($result); return true; } /** * Update a record in a table * * $dataobject is an object containing needed data * Relies on $dataobject having a variable "id" to * specify the record to update * * @param string $table The database table to be checked against.
< * @param object $dataobject An object with contents equal to fieldname=>fieldvalue. Must have an entry for 'id' to map to the table specified.
> * @param stdClass|array $dataobject An object with contents equal to fieldname=>fieldvalue. > * Must have an entry for 'id' to map to the table specified.
* @param bool true means repeated updates expected * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function update_record($table, $dataobject, $bulk=false) { $dataobject = (array)$dataobject; $columns = $this->get_columns($table); $cleaned = array(); foreach ($dataobject as $field=>$value) { if (!isset($columns[$field])) { continue; } $column = $columns[$field]; $cleaned[$field] = $this->normalise_value($column, $value); } return $this->update_record_raw($table, $cleaned, $bulk); } /** * Set a single field in every table record which match a particular WHERE clause. * * @param string $table The database table to be checked against. * @param string $newfield the field to set. * @param string $newvalue the value to set the field to. * @param string $select A fragment of SQL to be used in a where clause in the SQL call. * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function set_field_select($table, $newfield, $newvalue, $select, array $params=null) { if ($select) { $select = "WHERE $select"; } if (is_null($params)) { $params = array(); } list($select, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($select, $params); // Get column metadata $columns = $this->get_columns($table); $column = $columns[$newfield]; $normalised_value = $this->normalise_value($column, $newvalue); if (is_null($normalised_value)) { $newfield = "$newfield = NULL"; } else { $newfield = "$newfield = ?"; array_unshift($params, $normalised_value); } $fixedtable = $this->fix_table_name($table); $sql = "UPDATE $fixedtable SET $newfield $select"; $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql); $this->query_end($result); return true; } /** * Delete one or more records from a table which match a particular WHERE clause. * * @param string $table The database table to be checked against. * @param string $select A fragment of SQL to be used in a where clause in the SQL call (used to define the selection criteria). * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown for any errors. */ public function delete_records_select($table, $select, array $params=null) { if ($select) { $select = "WHERE $select"; } $fixedtable = $this->fix_table_name($table); $sql = "DELETE FROM $fixedtable $select"; list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $rawsql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); $result = $this->mysqli->query($rawsql); $this->query_end($result); return true; } /** * Deletes records using a subquery, which is done with a strange DELETE...JOIN syntax in MySQL * because it performs very badly with normal subqueries. * * @param string $table Table to delete from * @param string $field Field in table to match * @param string $alias Name of single column in subquery e.g. 'id' * @param string $subquery Query that will return values of the field to delete * @param array $params Parameters for query * @throws dml_exception If there is any error */ public function delete_records_subquery(string $table, string $field, string $alias, string $subquery, array $params = []): void { // Aliases mysql_deltable and mysql_subquery are chosen to be unlikely to conflict. $this->execute("DELETE mysql_deltable FROM {" . $table . "} mysql_deltable JOIN " . "($subquery) mysql_subquery ON mysql_subquery.$alias = mysql_deltable.$field", $params); } public function sql_cast_char2int($fieldname, $text=false) { return ' CAST(' . $fieldname . ' AS SIGNED) '; } public function sql_cast_char2real($fieldname, $text=false) { // Set to 65 (max mysql 5.5 precision) with 7 as scale // because we must ensure at least 6 decimal positions // per casting given that postgres is casting to that scale (::real::). // Can be raised easily but that must be done in all DBs and tests. return ' CAST(' . $fieldname . ' AS DECIMAL(65,7)) '; } public function sql_equal($fieldname, $param, $casesensitive = true, $accentsensitive = true, $notequal = false) { $equalop = $notequal ? '<>' : '='; $collationinfo = explode('_', $this->get_dbcollation()); $bincollate = reset($collationinfo) . '_bin'; if ($casesensitive) { // Current MySQL versions do not support case sensitive and accent insensitive. return "$fieldname COLLATE $bincollate $equalop $param"; } else if ($accentsensitive) { // Case insensitive and accent sensitive, we can force a binary comparison once all texts are using the same case. return "LOWER($fieldname) COLLATE $bincollate $equalop LOWER($param)"; } else { // Case insensitive and accent insensitive. All collations are that way, but utf8_bin. $collation = ''; if ($this->get_dbcollation() == 'utf8_bin') { $collation = 'COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci'; } else if ($this->get_dbcollation() == 'utf8mb4_bin') { $collation = 'COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci'; } return "$fieldname $collation $equalop $param"; } } /** * Returns 'LIKE' part of a query. * * Note that mysql does not support $casesensitive = true and $accentsensitive = false. * More information in * * @param string $fieldname usually name of the table column * @param string $param usually bound query parameter (?, :named) * @param bool $casesensitive use case sensitive search * @param bool $accensensitive use accent sensitive search (ignored if $casesensitive is true) * @param bool $notlike true means "NOT LIKE" * @param string $escapechar escape char for '%' and '_' * @return string SQL code fragment */ public function sql_like($fieldname, $param, $casesensitive = true, $accentsensitive = true, $notlike = false, $escapechar = '\\') { if (strpos($param, '%') !== false) { debugging('Potential SQL injection detected, sql_like() expects bound parameters (? or :named)'); } $escapechar = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($escapechar); // prevents problems with C-style escapes of enclosing '\' $collationinfo = explode('_', $this->get_dbcollation()); $bincollate = reset($collationinfo) . '_bin'; $LIKE = $notlike ? 'NOT LIKE' : 'LIKE'; if ($casesensitive) { // Current MySQL versions do not support case sensitive and accent insensitive. return "$fieldname $LIKE $param COLLATE $bincollate ESCAPE '$escapechar'"; } else if ($accentsensitive) { // Case insensitive and accent sensitive, we can force a binary comparison once all texts are using the same case. return "LOWER($fieldname) $LIKE LOWER($param) COLLATE $bincollate ESCAPE '$escapechar'"; } else { // Case insensitive and accent insensitive. $collation = ''; if ($this->get_dbcollation() == 'utf8_bin') { // Force a case insensitive comparison if using utf8_bin. $collation = 'COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci'; } else if ($this->get_dbcollation() == 'utf8mb4_bin') { // Force a case insensitive comparison if using utf8mb4_bin. $collation = 'COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci'; } return "$fieldname $LIKE $param $collation ESCAPE '$escapechar'"; } } /** * Returns the proper SQL to do CONCAT between the elements passed * Can take many parameters * * @param string $str,... 1 or more fields/strings to concat * * @return string The concat sql */ public function sql_concat() { $arr = func_get_args(); $s = implode(', ', $arr); if ($s === '') { return "''"; } return "CONCAT($s)"; } /** * Returns the proper SQL to do CONCAT between the elements passed * with a given separator * * @param string $separator The string to use as the separator * @param array $elements An array of items to concatenate * @return string The concat SQL */ public function sql_concat_join($separator="' '", $elements=array()) { $s = implode(', ', $elements); if ($s === '') { return "''"; } return "CONCAT_WS($separator, $s)"; } /** * Return SQL for performing group concatenation on given field/expression * * @param string $field * @param string $separator * @param string $sort * @return string */ public function sql_group_concat(string $field, string $separator = ', ', string $sort = ''): string { $fieldsort = $sort ? "ORDER BY {$sort}" : ''; return "GROUP_CONCAT({$field} {$fieldsort} SEPARATOR '{$separator}')"; } /** * Returns the SQL text to be used to calculate the length in characters of one expression. * @param string fieldname or expression to calculate its length in characters. * @return string the piece of SQL code to be used in the statement. */ public function sql_length($fieldname) { return ' CHAR_LENGTH(' . $fieldname . ')'; } /** * Does this driver support regex syntax when searching */ public function sql_regex_supported() { return true; } /** * Return regex positive or negative match sql * @param bool $positivematch * @param bool $casesensitive * @return string or empty if not supported */ public function sql_regex($positivematch = true, $casesensitive = false) { $collation = ''; if ($casesensitive) { if (substr($this->get_dbcollation(), -4) !== '_bin') { $collationinfo = explode('_', $this->get_dbcollation()); $collation = 'COLLATE ' . $collationinfo[0] . '_bin '; } } else { if ($this->get_dbcollation() == 'utf8_bin') { $collation = 'COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci '; } else if ($this->get_dbcollation() == 'utf8mb4_bin') { $collation = 'COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci '; } } return $collation . ($positivematch ? 'REGEXP' : 'NOT REGEXP'); } /** * Returns the word-beginning boundary marker based on MySQL version. * @return string The word-beginning boundary marker. */ public function sql_regex_get_word_beginning_boundary_marker() { $ismysql = ($this->get_dbtype() == 'mysqli' || $this->get_dbtype() == 'auroramysql'); $ismysqlge8d0d4 = ($ismysql && version_compare($this->get_server_info()['version'], '8.0.4', '>=')); if ($ismysqlge8d0d4) { return '\\b'; } // Prior to MySQL 8.0.4, MySQL used the Henry Spencer regular expression library to support regular expression operations, // rather than International Components for Unicode (ICU). // MariaDB still supports the "old marker" (MDEV-5357). return '[[:<:]]'; } /** * Returns the word-end boundary marker based on MySQL version. * @return string The word-end boundary marker. */ public function sql_regex_get_word_end_boundary_marker() { $ismysql = ($this->get_dbtype() == 'mysqli' || $this->get_dbtype() == 'auroramysql'); $ismysqlge8d0d4 = ($ismysql && version_compare($this->get_server_info()['version'], '8.0.4', '>=')); if ($ismysqlge8d0d4) { return '\\b'; } // Prior to MySQL 8.0.4, MySQL used the Henry Spencer regular expression library to support regular expression operations, // rather than International Components for Unicode (ICU). // MariaDB still supports the "old marker" (MDEV-5357). return '[[:>:]]'; } /** * Returns the SQL to be used in order to an UNSIGNED INTEGER column to SIGNED. * * @deprecated since 2.3 * @param string $fieldname The name of the field to be cast * @return string The piece of SQL code to be used in your statement. */ public function sql_cast_2signed($fieldname) { return ' CAST(' . $fieldname . ' AS SIGNED) '; } /** * Returns the SQL that allows to find intersection of two or more queries * * @since Moodle 2.8 * * @param array $selects array of SQL select queries, each of them only returns fields with the names from $fields * @param string $fields comma-separated list of fields * @return string SQL query that will return only values that are present in each of selects */ public function sql_intersect($selects, $fields) { if (count($selects) <= 1) { return parent::sql_intersect($selects, $fields); } $fields = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $fields); static $aliascnt = 0; $falias = 'intsctal'.($aliascnt++); $rv = "SELECT $falias.". preg_replace('/,/', ','.$falias.'.', $fields). " FROM ($selects[0]) $falias"; for ($i = 1; $i < count($selects); $i++) { $alias = 'intsctal'.($aliascnt++); $rv .= " JOIN (".$selects[$i].") $alias ON ". join(' AND ', array_map( function($a) use ($alias, $falias) { return $falias . '.' . $a .' = ' . $alias . '.' . $a; }, preg_split('/,/', $fields)) ); } return $rv; } /** * Does this driver support tool_replace? * * @since Moodle 2.6.1 * @return bool */ public function replace_all_text_supported() { return true; } public function session_lock_supported() { return true; } /** * Obtain session lock * @param int $rowid id of the row with session record * @param int $timeout max allowed time to wait for the lock in seconds * @return void */ public function get_session_lock($rowid, $timeout) { parent::get_session_lock($rowid, $timeout); $fullname = $this->dbname.'-'.$this->prefix.'-session-'.$rowid; $sql = "SELECT GET_LOCK('$fullname', $timeout)"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result) { $arr = $result->fetch_assoc(); $result->close(); if (reset($arr) == 1) { return; } else { throw new dml_sessionwait_exception(); } } } public function release_session_lock($rowid) { if (!$this->used_for_db_sessions) { return; } parent::release_session_lock($rowid); $fullname = $this->dbname.'-'.$this->prefix.'-session-'.$rowid; $sql = "SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('$fullname')"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result) { $result->close(); } } /** * Are transactions supported? * It is not responsible to run productions servers * on databases without transaction support ;-) * * MyISAM does not support support transactions. * * You can override this via the dbtransactions option. * * @return bool */ protected function transactions_supported() { if (!is_null($this->transactions_supported)) { return $this->transactions_supported; } // this is all just guessing, might be better to just specify it in config.php if (isset($this->dboptions['dbtransactions'])) { $this->transactions_supported = $this->dboptions['dbtransactions']; return $this->transactions_supported; } $this->transactions_supported = false; $engine = $this->get_dbengine(); // Only will accept transactions if using compatible storage engine (more engines can be added easily BDB, Falcon...) if (in_array($engine, array('InnoDB', 'INNOBASE', 'BDB', 'XtraDB', 'Aria', 'Falcon'))) { $this->transactions_supported = true; } return $this->transactions_supported; } /** * Driver specific start of real database transaction, * this can not be used directly in code. * @return void */ protected function begin_transaction() { if (!$this->transactions_supported()) { return; } $sql = "SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); $sql = "START TRANSACTION"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); } /** * Driver specific commit of real database transaction, * this can not be used directly in code. * @return void */ protected function commit_transaction() { if (!$this->transactions_supported()) { return; } $sql = "COMMIT"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); } /** * Driver specific abort of real database transaction, * this can not be used directly in code. * @return void */ protected function rollback_transaction() { if (!$this->transactions_supported()) { return; } $sql = "ROLLBACK"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql); $this->query_end($result); return true; } /** * Converts a table to either 'Compressed' or 'Dynamic' row format. * * @param string $tablename Name of the table to convert to the new row format. */ public function convert_table_row_format($tablename) { $currentrowformat = $this->get_row_format($tablename); if ($currentrowformat == 'Compact' || $currentrowformat == 'Redundant') { $rowformat = ($this->is_compressed_row_format_supported(false)) ? "ROW_FORMAT=Compressed" : "ROW_FORMAT=Dynamic"; $prefix = $this->get_prefix(); $this->change_database_structure("ALTER TABLE {$prefix}$tablename $rowformat"); } } /** * Does this mysql instance support fulltext indexes? * * @return bool */ public function is_fulltext_search_supported() { $info = $this->get_server_info(); if (version_compare($info['version'], '5.6.4', '>=')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Fixes any table names that clash with reserved words. * * @param string $tablename The table name * @return string The fixed table name */ protected function fix_table_name($tablename) { $prefixedtablename = parent::fix_table_name($tablename); // This function quotes the table name if it matches one of the MySQL reserved // words, e.g. groups. return $this->get_manager()->generator->getEncQuoted($prefixedtablename); } }