Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Atto text editor charmap plugin lib.
  19   *
  20   * @package    atto_charmap
  21   * @copyright  2014 Frédéric Massart
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  27  /**
  28   * Initialise the strings required for JS.
  29   *
  30   * @return void
  31   */
  32  function atto_charmap_strings_for_js() {
  33      global $PAGE;
  35      // In order to prevent extra strings to be imported, comment/uncomment the characters
  36      // which are enabled in the JavaScript part of this plugin.
  37      $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(
  38          array(
  39              'amacron',
  40              'emacron',
  41              'imacron',
  42              'omacron',
  43              'umacron',
  44              'amacron_caps',
  45              'emacron_caps',
  46              'imacron_caps',
  47              'omacron_caps',
  48              'umacron_caps',
  49              'interrobang',
  50              'insertcharacter',
  51              'nobreakspace',
  52              'ampersand',
  53              'quotationmark',
  54              'centsign',
  55              'eurosign',
  56              'poundsign',
  57              'yensign',
  58              'copyrightsign',
  59              'registeredsign',
  60              'trademarksign',
  61              'permillesign',
  62              'microsign',
  63              'middledot',
  64              'bullet',
  65              'threedotleader',
  66              'minutesfeet',
  67              'secondsinches',
  68              'sectionsign',
  69              'paragraphsign',
  70              'sharpsesszed',
  71              'singleleftpointinganglequotationmark',
  72              'singlerightpointinganglequotationmark',
  73              'leftpointingguillemet',
  74              'rightpointingguillemet',
  75              'leftsinglequotationmark',
  76              'rightsinglequotationmark',
  77              'leftdoublequotationmark',
  78              'rightdoublequotationmark',
  79              'singlelow9quotationmark',
  80              'doublelow9quotationmark',
  81              'lessthansign',
  82              'greaterthansign',
  83              'lessthanorequalto',
  84              'greaterthanorequalto',
  85              'endash',
  86              'emdash',
  87              'macron',
  88              'overline',
  89              'currencysign',
  90              'brokenbar',
  91              'diaeresis',
  92              'invertedexclamationmark',
  93              'turnedquestionmark',
  94              'circumflexaccent',
  95              'smalltilde',
  96              'degreesign',
  97              'minussign',
  98              'plusminussign',
  99              'divisionsign',
 100              'fractionslash',
 101              'multiplicationsign',
 102              'superscriptone',
 103              'superscripttwo',
 104              'superscriptthree',
 105              'fractiononequarter',
 106              'fractiononehalf',
 107              'fractionthreequarters',
 108              'functionflorin',
 109              'integral',
 110              'narysumation',
 111              'infinity',
 112              'squareroot',
 113              // 'similarto',
 114              // 'approximatelyequalto',
 115              'almostequalto',
 116              'notequalto',
 117              'identicalto',
 118              // 'elementof',
 119              // 'notanelementof',
 120              // 'containsasmember',
 121              'naryproduct',
 122              // 'logicaland',
 123              // 'logicalor',
 124              'notsign',
 125              'intersection',
 126              // 'union',
 127              'partialdifferential',
 128              // 'forall',
 129              // 'thereexists',
 130              // 'diameter',
 131              // 'backwarddifference',
 132              // 'asteriskoperator',
 133              // 'proportionalto',
 134              // 'angle',
 135              'acuteaccent',
 136              'cedilla',
 137              'feminineordinalindicator',
 138              'masculineordinalindicator',
 139              'dagger',
 140              'doubledagger',
 141              'agrave_caps',
 142              'aacute_caps',
 143              'acircumflex_caps',
 144              'atilde_caps',
 145              'adiaeresis_caps',
 146              'aringabove_caps',
 147              'ligatureae_caps',
 148              'ccedilla_caps',
 149              'egrave_caps',
 150              'eacute_caps',
 151              'ecircumflex_caps',
 152              'ediaeresis_caps',
 153              'igrave_caps',
 154              'iacute_caps',
 155              'icircumflex_caps',
 156              'idiaeresis_caps',
 157              'eth_caps',
 158              'ntilde_caps',
 159              'ograve_caps',
 160              'oacute_caps',
 161              'ocircumflex_caps',
 162              'otilde_caps',
 163              'odiaeresis_caps',
 164              'oslash_caps',
 165              'ligatureoe_caps',
 166              'scaron_caps',
 167              'ugrave_caps',
 168              'uacute_caps',
 169              'ucircumflex_caps',
 170              'udiaeresis_caps',
 171              'yacute_caps',
 172              'ydiaeresis_caps',
 173              'thorn_caps',
 174              'agrave',
 175              'aacute',
 176              'acircumflex',
 177              'atilde',
 178              'adiaeresis',
 179              'aringabove',
 180              'ligatureae',
 181              'ccedilla',
 182              'egrave',
 183              'eacute',
 184              'ecircumflex',
 185              'ediaeresis',
 186              'igrave',
 187              'iacute',
 188              'icircumflex',
 189              'idiaeresis',
 190              'eth',
 191              'ntilde',
 192              'ograve',
 193              'oacute',
 194              'ocircumflex',
 195              'otilde',
 196              'odiaeresis',
 197              'oslash',
 198              'ligatureoe',
 199              'scaron',
 200              'ugrave',
 201              'uacute',
 202              'ucircumflex',
 203              'udiaeresis',
 204              'yacute',
 205              'thorn',
 206              'ydiaeresis',
 207              'alpha_caps',
 208              'beta_caps',
 209              'gamma_caps',
 210              'delta_caps',
 211              'epsilon_caps',
 212              'zeta_caps',
 213              'eta_caps',
 214              'theta_caps',
 215              'iota_caps',
 216              'kappa_caps',
 217              'lambda_caps',
 218              'mu_caps',
 219              'nu_caps',
 220              'xi_caps',
 221              'omicron_caps',
 222              'pi_caps',
 223              'rho_caps',
 224              'sigma_caps',
 225              'tau_caps',
 226              'upsilon_caps',
 227              'phi_caps',
 228              'chi_caps',
 229              'psi_caps',
 230              'omega_caps',
 231              'alpha',
 232              'beta',
 233              'gamma',
 234              'delta',
 235              'epsilon',
 236              'zeta',
 237              'eta',
 238              'theta',
 239              'iota',
 240              'kappa',
 241              'lambda',
 242              'mu',
 243              'nu',
 244              'xi',
 245              'omicron',
 246              'pi',
 247              'rho',
 248              'finalsigma',
 249              'sigma',
 250              'tau',
 251              'upsilon',
 252              'phi',
 253              'chi',
 254              'psi',
 255              'omega',
 256              // 'alefsymbol',
 257              // 'pisymbol',
 258              // 'realpartsymbol',
 259              // 'thetasymbol',
 260              // 'upsilonhooksymbol',
 261              // 'weierstrassp',
 262              // 'imaginarypart',
 263              'leftwardsarrow',
 264              'upwardsarrow',
 265              'rightwardsarrow',
 266              'downwardsarrow',
 267              'leftrightarrow',
 268              // 'carriagereturn',
 269              // 'leftwardsdoublearrow',
 270              // 'upwardsdoublearrow',
 271              // 'rightwardsdoublearrow',
 272              // 'downwardsdoublearrow',
 273              // 'leftrightdoublearrow',
 274              // 'therefore',
 275              // 'subsetof',
 276              // 'supersetof',
 277              // 'notasubsetof',
 278              // 'subsetoforequalto',
 279              // 'supersetoforequalto',
 280              // 'circledplus',
 281              // 'circledtimes',
 282              // 'perpendicular',
 283              // 'dotoperator',
 284              // 'leftceiling',
 285              // 'rightceiling',
 286              // 'leftfloor',
 287              // 'rightfloor',
 288              // 'leftpointinganglebracket',
 289              // 'rightpointinganglebracket',
 290              'lozenge',
 291              'blackspadesuit',
 292              'blackclubsuit',
 293              'blackheartsuit',
 294              'blackdiamondsuit',
 295              // 'enspace',
 296              // 'emspace',
 297              // 'thinspace',
 298              // 'zerowidthnonjoiner',
 299              // 'zerowidthjoiner',
 300              // 'lefttorightmark',
 301              // 'righttoleftmark',
 302              // 'softhyphen',
 303          ),
 304          'atto_charmap'
 305      );
 306  }