Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.

Class: file_system  - X-Ref

File system class used for low level access to real files in filedir.

readfile(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Output the content of the specified stored file.

Note, this is different to get_content() as it uses the built-in php
readfile function which is more efficient.

param: stored_file $file The file to serve.
return: void

get_local_path_from_storedfile(stored_file $file, $fetchifnotfound = false)   X-Ref
Get the full path on disk for the specified stored file.

Note: This must return a consistent path for the file's contenthash
and the path _will_ be in a standard local format.
Streamable paths will not work.
A local copy of the file _will_ be fetched if $fetchifnotfound is tree.

The $fetchifnotfound allows you to determine the expected path of the file.

param: stored_file $file The file to serve.
param: bool $fetchifnotfound Whether to attempt to fetch from the remote path if not found.
return: string full path to pool file with file content

get_remote_path_from_storedfile(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Get a remote filepath for the specified stored file.

This is typically either the same as the local filepath, or it is a streamable resource.

See for further information on valid wrappers.

param: stored_file $file The file to serve.
return: string full path to pool file with file content

is_file_readable_locally_by_storedfile(stored_file $file, $fetchifnotfound = false)   X-Ref
Determine whether the file is present on the file system somewhere.
A local copy of the file _will_ be fetched if $fetchifnotfound is tree.

The $fetchifnotfound allows you to determine the expected path of the file.

param: stored_file $file The file to ensure is available.
param: bool $fetchifnotfound Whether to attempt to fetch from the remote path if not found.
return: bool

is_file_readable_remotely_by_storedfile(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Determine whether the file is present on the local file system somewhere.

param: stored_file $file The file to ensure is available.
return: bool

is_file_readable_locally_by_hash($contenthash, $fetchifnotfound = false)   X-Ref
Determine whether the file is present on the file system somewhere given
the contenthash.

param: string $contenthash The contenthash of the file to check.
param: bool $fetchifnotfound Whether to attempt to fetch from the remote path if not found.
return: bool

is_file_readable_remotely_by_hash($contenthash)   X-Ref
Determine whether the file is present locally on the file system somewhere given
the contenthash.

param: string $contenthash The contenthash of the file to check.
return: bool

is_file_removable($contenthash)   X-Ref
Check whether a file is removable.

This must be called prior to file removal.

param: string $contenthash
return: bool

get_content(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Get the content of the specified stored file.

Generally you will probably want to use readfile() to serve content,
and where possible you should see if you can use
get_content_file_handle and work with the file stream instead.

param: stored_file $file The file to retrieve
return: string The full file content

list_files($file, file_packer $packer)   X-Ref
List contents of archive.

param: stored_file $file The archive to inspect
param: file_packer $packer file packer instance
return: array of file infos

extract_to_pathname(stored_file $file, file_packer $packer, $pathname, file_progress $progress = null)   X-Ref
Extract file to given file path (real OS filesystem), existing files are overwritten.

param: stored_file $file The archive to inspect
param: file_packer $packer File packer instance
param: string $pathname Target directory
param: file_progress $progress progress indicator callback or null if not required
return: array|bool List of processed files; false if error

extract_to_storage(stored_file $file, file_packer $packer, $contextid,$component, $filearea, $itemid, $pathbase, $userid = null, file_progress $progress = null)   X-Ref
Extract file to given file path (real OS filesystem), existing files are overwritten.

param: stored_file $file The archive to inspect
param: file_packer $packer file packer instance
param: int $contextid context ID
param: string $component component
param: string $filearea file area
param: int $itemid item ID
param: string $pathbase path base
param: int $userid user ID
param: file_progress $progress Progress indicator callback or null if not required
return: array|bool list of processed files; false if error

add_storedfile_to_archive(stored_file $file, file_archive $filearch, $archivepath)   X-Ref
Add file/directory into archive.

param: stored_file $file The file to archive
param: file_archive $filearch file archive instance
param: string $archivepath pathname in archive
return: bool success

add_to_curl_request(stored_file $file, &$curlrequest, $key)   X-Ref
Adds this file path to a curl request (POST only).

param: stored_file $file The file to add to the curl request
param: curl $curlrequest The curl request object
param: string $key What key to use in the POST request
return: void

get_imageinfo(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Returns information about image.
Information is determined from the file content

param: stored_file $file The file to inspect
return: mixed array with width, height and mimetype; false if not an image

is_image_from_storedfile(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Attempt to determine whether the specified file is likely to be an
Since this relies upon the mimetype stored in the files table, there
may be times when this information is not 100% accurate.

param: stored_file $file The file to check
return: bool

get_imageinfo_from_path($path)   X-Ref
Returns image information relating to the specified path or URL.

param: string $path The full path of the image file.
return: array|bool array that containing width, height, and mimetype or false if cannot get the image info.

xsendfile_file(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Serve file content using X-Sendfile header.
Please make sure that all headers are already sent and the all
access control checks passed.

This alternate method to xsendfile() allows an alternate file system
to use the full file metadata and avoid extra lookups.

param: stored_file $file The file to send
return: bool success

xsendfile($contenthash)   X-Ref
Serve file content using X-Sendfile header.
Please make sure that all headers are already sent and the all
access control checks passed.

param: string $contenthash The content hash of the file to be served
return: bool success

supports_xsendfile()   X-Ref
Returns true if filesystem is configured to support xsendfile.

return: bool

validate_hash_and_file_size($contenthash, $pathname)   X-Ref
Validate that the content hash matches the content hash of the file on disk.

param: string $contenthash The current content hash to validate
param: string $pathname The path to the file on disk
return: array The content hash (it might change) and file size

get_content_file_handle(stored_file $file, $type = stored_file::FILE_HANDLE_FOPEN)   X-Ref
Returns file handle - read only mode, no writing allowed into pool files!

When you want to modify a file, create a new file and delete the old one.

param: stored_file $file The file to retrieve a handle for
param: int $type Type of file handle (FILE_HANDLE_xx constant)
return: resource file handle

get_file_handle_for_path($path, $type = stored_file::FILE_HANDLE_FOPEN)   X-Ref
Return a file handle for the specified path.

This abstraction should be used when overriding get_content_file_handle in a new file system.

param: string $path The path to the file. This shoudl be any type of path that fopen and gzopen accept.
param: int $type Type of file handle (FILE_HANDLE_xx constant)
return: resource

get_psr_stream(stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Get a PSR7 Stream for the specified file which implements the PSR Message StreamInterface.

param: stored_file $file
return: StreamInterface

mimetype_from_hash($contenthash, $filename)   X-Ref
Retrieve the mime information for the specified stored file.

param: string $contenthash
param: string $filename
return: string The MIME type.

mimetype_from_storedfile($file)   X-Ref
Retrieve the mime information for the specified stored file.

param: stored_file $file The stored file to retrieve mime information for
return: string The MIME type.

cron()   X-Ref
Run any periodic tasks which must be performed.