Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 403] [Versions 400 and 403] [Versions 401 and 403]
Drop down form element to select the grade Contains HTML class for a drop down element to select the grade for an activity, used in mod update form
Copyright: | 2006 Jamie Pratt <me@jamiep.org> |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 551 lines (28 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
MoodleQuickForm_modgrade:: (2 methods):
name:: (7 methods):
Class: MoodleQuickForm_modgrade - X-Ref
Drop down form element to select the grade__construct($elementname = null, $elementlabel = null, $options = array() X-Ref |
Constructor param: string $elementname Element's name param: mixed $elementlabel Label(s) for an element param: array $options Options to control the element's display. Required - must contain the following options: param: mixed $attributes Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array |
MoodleQuickForm_modgrade($elementname = null, $elementlabel = null, $options = array() X-Ref |
Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7. |
_createElements() X-Ref |
Create elements for this group. |
exportValue(&$submitvalues, $notused = false) X-Ref |
Calculate the output value for the element as a whole. param: array $submitvalues The incoming values from the form. param: bool $notused Not used. return: array Return value for the element, formatted like field name => value. |
process_value($type='none', $scale=null, $point=null, $rescalegrades=null) X-Ref |
Process the value for the group based on the selected grade type, and the input for the scale and point elements. param: string $type The value of the grade type select box. Can be 'none', 'scale', or 'point' param: string|int $scale The value of the scale select box. param: string|int $point The value of the point grade textbox. param: string $rescalegrades The value of the rescalegrades select. return: int The resulting value |
validate_scale($val) X-Ref |
Determines whether a given value is a valid scale selection. param: string|int $val The value to test. return: bool Valid or invalid |
validate_point($val) X-Ref |
Determines whether a given value is a valid point selection. param: string|int $val The value to test. return: bool Valid or invalid |
onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, &$caller) X-Ref |
Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element. param: string $event Name of event param: mixed $arg event arguments param: MoodleQuickForm $caller calling object return: mixed |
generate_modgrade_subelement_id($subname) X-Ref |
Generates the id attribute for the subelement of the modgrade group. Uses algorithm similar to what {@link HTML_QuickForm_element::_generateId()} does but takes the name of the wrapping modgrade group into account. param: string $subname the name of the HTML_QuickForm_element in this modgrade group return: string |