Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.


namespace Phpml\Clustering\KMeans;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use LogicException;
use Phpml\Clustering\KMeans;
use SplObjectStorage;

class Space extends SplObjectStorage
     * @var int
    protected $dimension;

    public function __construct(int $dimension)
        if ($dimension < 1) {
            throw new LogicException('a space dimension cannot be null or negative');

        $this->dimension = $dimension;

    public function toArray(): array
        $points = [];

        /** @var Point $point */
        foreach ($this as $point) {
            $points[] = $point->toArray();

        return ['points' => $points];

     * @param mixed $label
    public function newPoint(array $coordinates, $label = null): Point
        if (count($coordinates) !== $this->dimension) {
            throw new LogicException('('.implode(',', $coordinates).') is not a point of this space');

        return new Point($coordinates, $label);

     * @param mixed $label
     * @param mixed $data
    public function addPoint(array $coordinates, $label = null, $data = null): void
        $this->attach($this->newPoint($coordinates, $label), $data);

     * @param object $point
     * @param mixed  $data
    public function attach($point, $data = null): void
        if (!$point instanceof Point) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('can only attach points to spaces');

        parent::attach($point, $data);

    public function getDimension(): int
        return $this->dimension;

     * @return array|bool
    public function getBoundaries()
        if (count($this) === 0) {
            return false;

        $min = $this->newPoint(array_fill(0, $this->dimension, null));
        $max = $this->newPoint(array_fill(0, $this->dimension, null));

< /** @var self $point */
> /** @var Point $point */
foreach ($this as $point) { for ($n = 0; $n < $this->dimension; ++$n) { if ($min[$n] === null || $min[$n] > $point[$n]) { $min[$n] = $point[$n]; } if ($max[$n] === null || $max[$n] < $point[$n]) { $max[$n] = $point[$n]; } } } return [$min, $max]; } public function getRandomPoint(Point $min, Point $max): Point { $point = $this->newPoint(array_fill(0, $this->dimension, null)); for ($n = 0; $n < $this->dimension; ++$n) { $point[$n] = random_int($min[$n], $max[$n]); } return $point; } /** * @return Cluster[] */ public function cluster(int $clustersNumber, int $initMethod = KMeans::INIT_RANDOM): array { $clusters = $this->initializeClusters($clustersNumber, $initMethod); do { } while (!$this->iterate($clusters)); return $clusters; } /** * @return Cluster[] */ protected function initializeClusters(int $clustersNumber, int $initMethod): array { switch ($initMethod) { case KMeans::INIT_RANDOM: $clusters = $this->initializeRandomClusters($clustersNumber); break; case KMeans::INIT_KMEANS_PLUS_PLUS: $clusters = $this->initializeKMPPClusters($clustersNumber); break; default: return []; } $clusters[0]->attachAll($this); return $clusters; } /** * @param Cluster[] $clusters */ protected function iterate(array $clusters): bool { $convergence = true; $attach = new SplObjectStorage(); $detach = new SplObjectStorage(); foreach ($clusters as $cluster) { foreach ($cluster as $point) { $closest = $point->getClosest($clusters);
> > if ($closest === null) { if ($closest !== $cluster) { > continue; $attach[$closest] ?? $attach[$closest] = new SplObjectStorage(); > }
$detach[$cluster] ?? $detach[$cluster] = new SplObjectStorage(); $attach[$closest]->attach($point); $detach[$cluster]->attach($point); $convergence = false; } } } /** @var Cluster $cluster */ foreach ($attach as $cluster) { $cluster->attachAll($attach[$cluster]); } /** @var Cluster $cluster */ foreach ($detach as $cluster) { $cluster->detachAll($detach[$cluster]); } foreach ($clusters as $cluster) { $cluster->updateCentroid(); } return $convergence; } /** * @return Cluster[] */ protected function initializeKMPPClusters(int $clustersNumber): array { $clusters = []; $this->rewind(); /** @var Point $current */ $current = $this->current(); $clusters[] = new Cluster($this, $current->getCoordinates()); $distances = new SplObjectStorage(); for ($i = 1; $i < $clustersNumber; ++$i) { $sum = 0; /** @var Point $point */ foreach ($this as $point) { $closest = $point->getClosest($clusters); if ($closest === null) { continue; } $distance = $point->getDistanceWith($closest); $sum += $distances[$point] = $distance; } $sum = random_int(0, (int) $sum); /** @var Point $point */ foreach ($this as $point) { $sum -= $distances[$point]; if ($sum > 0) { continue; } $clusters[] = new Cluster($this, $point->getCoordinates()); break; } } return $clusters; } /** * @return Cluster[] */ private function initializeRandomClusters(int $clustersNumber): array { $clusters = []; [$min, $max] = $this->getBoundaries(); for ($n = 0; $n < $clustersNumber; ++$n) { $clusters[] = new Cluster($this, $this->getRandomPoint($min, $max)->getCoordinates()); } return $clusters; } }